ISMA Races/Species


Squiddily diddily
There are many species who are under the sway of ISMA, and ISMA regards nearly all of them equally. And while ISMA holds all races in high esteem there are those within their ranks who do not. ISMA does not allow for discrimination for the placement of workers, however in the interest of allowing freedoms, it does not prevent acts of discrimination outside of worker placement. With that said, here are the species within ISMA
Humans-they are the most common amongst the ranks of ISMA and are perhaps the simplest race to sum up, if you are reading this you are likely a human. If you are not, you have met a human, they are a robust people whose primary trait is endurance. They tend to live 100 years at most with a few special making it up to 120 without magical assistance. However they are the quickest to wither and die of the races. They are most commonly elemental mages, and healers.
Dwarves- Dwarves are the second most common race within ISMA, they live only a little longer than humans and they are very gifted craftsmen. They are quite short and stocky, about half the height of humans. Sturdy folk, they tend towards being enchanters, preferring to work with their hands on material than on flesh.
Elves- Elves are the third most common race among the ranks of ISMA, they live over three times the length of the average human, but their oldest don't live much longer. Humans are notable for their disparate lifespans. Elves are easy to mistake for humans, they are simply more effeminate, a bit shorter and have pointed ears. Other than that they are very similar to humans. Their distribution of mages is generally the same as humans, but they have more thaumaturgists than other races as their longer lifespans allow for a greater breadth of study.
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Vampires- Vampires necessarily have a cap for how many there can be among their ranks. They cannot feed upon elves or dwarves as both of them have blood that is incompatible with the thaumaturgical ritual that gives them their power. They are disliked by other immortals and the average man alike, thought of as distasteful by society. However there are some misconceptions to be broken of them, they do not kill when they feed, they simply take years from their prey; how many years is dependent upon the vampire's choice. Second, they do not turn their prey into blood sucking thralls, one who is bitten may feel a craving for blood for a short time after but it will recede shortly, but giving into it will cause the craving to increase and continue; and you will become a vampire, so do not feed unless you wish to join their ranks. Third they are not reliant on blood and they need not even feed often, being able to go for years without feeding nor aging. Fourth, they do eat food like humans. And finally they will not turn into ash upon going into the sun, their true age is however revealed.
Djinn- Djinn are the children of humans and elementals. These spawn of the two are ageless and very difficult to kill, in fact none have been killed as of yet. There are four types as there are four elements and among them they each have their own unique traits. Earth Djinn are large and bulky individuals, their bones are dense and their skin is hard, their skin colors range from hues of grey, black and brown. Fire Djinn are lithe and muscular, they burn hot and their skin reflects this being the colors of fire. Red, orange, yellow, white and blue. Air Djinn are thin and pale, they are extremely light and tend to be literally blown away by the wind. Finally Water Djinn simply take on the appearance of their non-elemental parent, as an almost perfect clone. With their agelessness and compatibility with humans, Water Djinn tend to take on vampires as pets, giving over some of their infinite years to keep their "pets" out of trouble.
Demons- While there are technically no true demons that are a part of ISMA, there are plenty of those who were once demons and now in humanoid form. Demons are masters of thaumaturgy due to their eternity in the abyss, and they have used their talent to make it childs play to summon them. As they cannot leave the abyss on their own, and without help they cannot stay out, they look for loopholes. Therefore the most common thing a demon will ask for in a deal is the next born child of the summoner. Originally humans were unenlightened as to the meaning, but these days it is common knowledge that the demons collect before the birth. They stay with the humans and are raised as one of their own, but this is a double edged sword as the demon often forgets their past life. The cold and dark of the abyss is enough to keep demons coming regardless, and with the knowledge of the demon taking their next born, some less savory and more ambitious folk have begun to willfully sell their future children for an improved lineage.
Angels- While it may be tempting to call angels the opposite of demons, this is not at all the truth. Angels are simply humanoids that are smaller than humans, not by much, 1.2-1.5 meters instead of 1.5-2 meters. They have large wings so that they may fly over the orange ocean of their world, and clawed feet to hold onto the branches of the tall trees in their world. The Elohim Empire is the largest faction of the angels and they have gratiously aligned themselves with ISMA.
In addition to these, there are various other member races who are too few, and too numerous in variety to list individually. These creatures are most often summoned by conjurors and either choose to stay, or the conjuror is unable to send them home. As regretable as these incidents are, ISMA wishes to help them make a happy life here, so we wish for all to accept them.
Orcs- Orcs are a member race of ISMA that are great enough in number to stand on their own in census matters, but they are the lowest population of a race other than Djinn and vampires. They are a physically powerful race, originating from a large population of Self enhancers wanting to increase their base performance without magic, even at the expense of their lifespan. They are more muscular and hardy than humans, but only live to about 60 years on average.