OZ Races

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An Odd
This will be edited many times over as the world expands but for now the below are the playable races.
Humans-Commonly rare. There are many human NPCs that surround the world of OZ but it is rare to see players as such as many are drawn to the variety of choices.

Munchkins-Small people, also known as dwarves or gnomes, they are known to live in Munchkin Country and along the Yellow Brick Road. They are rather cheerful in nature. This race is very close to the Witch of the North.

Bunnies of BunnyburyJust like the Lion of Adjectives, this is a race that can be seen among the forests of the Quadling Country. They keep to themselves mostly and are a people of solitude among others not like them.

EquinotsHalf man, half horse. These are creatures of Earth's myths that somehow found its' way into OZ. Not many of them around, though there are rumours of a very powerful centuar wizard.

Magical MimicsThe darker forms of Phanfasms. While not necessarily evil individually, they are known for evil nature. Like the Phanfasms, they can shapeshift but in the form of mimicry. This gives them a special ability to take on a form of a person or beast through the mimicry as it has to be something they saw before.

PhanfasmsShapeshifting spirits, who can take the form of beasts either from the real world or the world of OZ(i.e.Flying monkeys or wolves). They have a man human form and will have a main beast form though they can shift into other beast forms. After they shift into their beast forms, they will get one trait from that form be it tails, ears, furs, eyes, etc;

ScaresA race of grotesque beings that reside in Scare City within Quadling Country. They are usually avoided by others due to their forms but some of the Scares can be very gentle in person.
TottenhotsA race of small mischievous people who live on the borders of Quadling Country and Winkie Country, they are considered the dark versions of the Munchkins as they are not as happy go lucky as the Munchkins and are known for going insane at the age of maturity.

Scarecrows- A race of straw-filled people that mainly live on farms across OZ. They are under rule by the Scarecrow, who went to see the Wizard of OZ for a brain, though many are free to live out a different life if they so please. Not the smartest group of people.

Beast Humanoids- A race of people who take the characteristics and attributes of real world animals but have a structure similar to the human anatomy. Similar to the Bunnies of Bunnybury and the Lions of Adjectives, but do not get much recognition as the two instead being grouped up under this name.
China or Ball-Jointed Dolls- A race of people that look like life sized porcelain or ball-jointed dolls. They usually have a pale complexion and despite the name, their porcelain bodies are not easily breakable.

Fire Heads- These are people who look just like humans except for the fact that they have fire for hair, the fire varies in color. They gain Fire Magic as a bonus to their skill set because of them being so in tune with that element. The fire can vary from colour to colour.

Lion of Adjectives-if you know of the Cowardly Lion, this is what they are. Humanoid Lion People that describe themselves with adjectives with the respective Lion at the end. Though some do use actual names.

Note: Vampires, faeries, daemons, etc; are also playable races. These are common fantasy races and as such I felt doesn't need much of an explantion.
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