Brandan had lost it, he moved his hand away from her arm and trying to make the ring on his finger from heating up more. shouting into the crowd with his head held high "and who do you think will pay for this, who among you will find the Valorian's battle plans and formations and know exactly how to counteract them, answer that to me...I am bringing a message directly from the resistance, fight back and never give up Long Live The House Of Ambre!" at the sound of his last word he turned and reached for the noble's arm again, a flash of bright light exiting from his body, and rushes to exit the crowd.
The people gathered around all began to mumble, some agreeing with the need for action while others were chiding the man under their breath. The whispers continued though, restlessness among the people growing with each passing moment. The man's words were gunpowder on the street....Brandan's comment was the trigger to making it explode. People swiveled round, trying to locate where the voice came from, the chattering enhancing to shouts of confusion, agreement and discouragement. That wasn't what really set the people off though. At the bright flash of Brandan's body, soldiers revealed themselves after hiding in the crowd just as Daniel had done.

The men removed their cloaks, withdrawing swords and shoving people aside. At the sight of the weapons women screamed and children cried, the crowd scattering like sheep as the men began to try and pull suspected members of the resistance from the crowd. Tunka (@Ailis ) was grabbed by her upper arms and Myka (@Korelle )corned between her and the crate she had jumped off of. The Valorian soldiers had no idea who was actually a culprit in the sudden rush of bodies heading every direction, so most grabbed whoever they could to question on the illegal and questionable gathering.

In the crazy throng of bodies running and shoving her aside, Valerie offered barely any resistance as the man suddenly dragged her along. She was confused and dazed by the blur of people all around her, only feeling the grip on her when the man's grasp tightened so much it hurt. "Ouch, what are you doing? Let go of me!" She shouted, begin to twist her arm and instead let out a gasp of pain at the sensation that shot up her arm. A guard stepped in front of Brandan (@Day )while one stepped behind Valerie, blocking the way forward and back.

The soldier who had woken up Daniel ( @TheGreenerGrey ) that morning stepped up beside him, patting him on the shoulder as he said,
"Good job riling up the crowd. The chit-chat among them was useful in finding a few suspected traitors. The men are still confused as to her involvement-"he pointed at Valerie where she squirmed in Brandan's grip, "...but I'm sure some questioning will make for loose tongues."
The eruption of noise that followed the knight's outburst had Tunka falling to her knees, her brain pounding against her skull. Hands curled around her upper arms and yanked her back onto her feet, and she was in no condition to fight back. The picture in her mind was fuzzy and over-saturated, like an explosion of brightness, but she could make out all of the soldiers grabbing onto people in the crowd. That damn knight, he should've kept his stupid mouth shut. Of course a Valorian would out the entire resistance. Idiot.

"Let go of me." She was finally able to snap at the man that had her in his grip. The only response was a grunt as she was jostled through the panicking crowd toward the area that the soldiers had started rounding up their prisoners in. She kept her eyes screwed shut, hiding the only proof of her weakness to the soldiers.
Daniel grunted, shrugging off the arm. "And I could have gotten us all further if that moron hadn't spoken up." He mutters, low enough that only the guard captain could hear over the din, voice clear now as he watched people scatter and run. "Next time, actually bother to see keep track of your discharged men. Who knows how much he just ruined. Now if you'll excuse me, my work isn't done. You'll find me with the prisoners. Make sure they won't be able to see my face."

With that, he activates his power and the familiar unsaturated, muffled world returns. Picking up a discarded hat from the stampede of fleeing people, he exhanges his current one for it, before swiping a pair of cuffs and snapping them closed, but not locked, over his wrists. With that done, he sat his ass down on the ground in the midst of the confusion.

He wasn't entirely sure what his game plan here was. A half formed idea of spurring a prison break was forming, but it would rely on someone actually caught to know where to get to the rebels. He would need to think on this more.
As soon as her feet touched the ground, a knight with a sword was in front of her. *Shit* Myka thought, balling her right hand into a fist. She was cornered between a knight and the crate. Glancing around her, Myka saw people in similar situations as herself. The knights didn't seem to care who they were taking in. It seems just being in the crowd made you guilty. Myka curses her bad luck.

Thoughts of how to get out of this and make it back to the inn where Tobin is probably waiting, run through her mind at a fast pace. None of them end well for her and would most likely end with pain on her end. *I'm a cornered mouse.* Myka thought to herself, slumping her shoulders in defeat. The knight seeing this steps forward and grabs her by the upper arm, a little too rough in her opinion.

As he begins to lead her to where other caught were being placed, Myka caught sight of the blonde woman. She was caught too, with a guard behind and in front of her. The man that had yelled out as she was jumping off the crate was still holding her by the arm. Even from this distance, the grip looked painful. Myka glared at the man, disliking him even more than she did before. If he had kept his mouth shut none of this would be happening. Of course, she was heading over to interfere with whatever was happening with him and the blonde woman. Maybe if she had acted sooner this could have all been avoided. *Can't dwell on maybe's now.* Myka thinks as is lead through the still chaotic crowd.

Myka is happy that she chose to keep her daggers on the cart instead of keeping them with her like she normally does. Without them, she looks less guilty of being a resistance member and more like a young woman at the wrong place. *One small miracle.*
SHIT Brandan immediately felt the sinking feeling of guilt and regret while the people in the crowd were rounded up, he considered using a quick spurt of flame but knew it would only hurt him and the many innocents in the crowd. he loosened his grip on the noble and swung his fist at the guard, landing a square punch to his jaw and let his grip on the girl slip, making a run for it before anyone else decided to clap a pair of restraints on him.
He only took one look behind him while he ran from the settling chaos, a quick head toss that caught a sight of a group of men and women all of which didn't deserve this fate. he paused and turned completely around and against his greater judgment, he drew his sword and started jogging back to retrieve them "i'm going to get myself killed, i'm such an idiot"
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At the same time, in a simple wooden building tucked into a most unremarkable alleyway:

"I'm surprised to see you lot here, candlelight meetings seemed more your thing."

"They are."

"I see," Otto said, casting a cautious eye at the three masked strangers that now stood inside of his humble place of business. "Then to what do I owe this pleasure, surely you haven't come just to break bread with old Otto?

"We hear that you have some information, Otto," one of the three offered, a young man, his voice was silky smooth, almost musical, but an air of threat lay hidden beneath pleasantry of his manners.

"Depends. What sort of information."

"A bird told us that you have information about Councilor Waters, information that would be very useful to people of our particular talents."

Otto smiled, exposing a mouth of missing and battered teeth, courtesy of the city guard. "For the right price, I may indeed have such information."

The masked woman that had stood quiet in a corner of the dark room, approached the table, tossing a small bag that clinked in a distinctly metallic fashion as it bounced across the uneven tabletop. Opening the bag, Otto took a close look at a beautiful gold ring and several coins of gold. House Rall, the old thief thought, remembering the recent and very tragic death of one of its younger sons.

"Now, how is that you've managed to get your hands on a signet ring belonging to House Rall? They're a minor house for sure, but no house is fond of losing a son, least of all an officer in the city gaurd."

The woman in white shrugged, taking a seat across from him."Dead men have little interest in trinkets and rings of gold. They should have trained him better if they wanted him to live."

Otto laughed and turned to look at the masked woman in white. "You know...I heard you took some more of the Captain's men, they say he's none too happy about, heard he raised the bounty on the head of the so-called Winter Sword. Don't worry, it's still not enough to risk a blade between the ribs."

The bard sighed, clearly losing interest.

Taking a long drink from the tankard of ale that he held in his hand, Otto continued with an amused grin,"Of course, the smallfolk keep on blabbering about some Ice Demon, say that it's been murdering people left and right, freezing them into solid blocks and leaving notes, warnings of grim deeds to come. They say it's the revenge of some ancient Karsetheen lich."

The woman replied, the pleasure clear in her cold voice, "Perhaps, the Valorians should heed the warnings, it would be such a shame if more of them had to perish before they learned their lesson."

Otto shuddered, he was a scoundrel, a rogue, an occasional killer, when neccesary, but coldblooded murder had never been his thing. Before Otto had a chance to reply with some witty quip, a young girl burst into the room. Breathing heavily, it was clear she'd come at a full sprint, and she leaned in to whisper excitedly into the ear of the old man.

Patting here on the head affectionately, he turned to address the three masked strangers, "My sparrow here, has informed me that there's some sort of commotion occurring at the docks. Wouldn't be your doing now would it?"

"No, there'd be more than a few dead Valorians if we'd been involved," The woman answered, a hand idly moving to the sharp blade on her hip.

"What do you want to do? We could send help, it might be a chance to-"

"No. You may do as you wish, but we don't work with amateurs," a third, hitherto silent figure offered, the irritation clear in his voice."

"We could use this disturbance to our advantage though," the masked woman replied with a small chuckle, rising to her feet. "After all, the city guard can't be everywhere at once."

The third speaker nodded and the woman in white strode out from the room.

"Good hunting, Winter."