New User RedRabbit Hops Into Battle!


New Member
...ok, smash bros reference aside-

Hello everyone within this spherical device, my name's RedRabbit! (nicknames are appreciated!) I may be fresh as...heck to this forum, but i got a bit of RPing under my belt! How long? Uhhh....carry the 2, multiply the 5...stupid calculator what do you mean error minus-ahem...lemme get back to you on that because I don't remember - but i'm assuming a few years; took a break from it to focus on graduating from high school (!) and now...i have no idea WHAT i want to do (but I know i'm doing something with computers/creative stuff.) And since the current events...well, why not come back to something i've enjoyed for a while - writing!

As for my roleplaying preferences, i not have a preference at all! I'm willing to try everything and anything - life is a really odd buffet and why not try everything we have in stock?

As for things about myself, i tend to ramble a heck ton when it comes to story/plot ideas, OC's, roleplay concepts ( not stop) and I tend to enjoy media that tends to lean towards the creative/fun side (such as The War With No Name by Robert Repino, Warrior Cats, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, the Persona/Shin Megami Tensei franchise, Journey/Sky: Children Of The Light, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...a lot of other media i can't list here because long), I got two fluffy nerd cats and...there would be a lot more but I know i'm taking up a LOT of your time, so I'm gonna end it off with a quote.

"If this is your first time reading Hitch Hiker's: congratulations, i envy you. If it's not: we have something in common, you and I. Enjoy irresponsibly."
- Nick Harkaway

Hope to see you all around the campfire!
Welcome RedRabbit! :) I hope you find a lot of enjoyment diving back into the RP hobby. I've taken several long hiatuses over the years and it's always exciting to dive back into it!

As for computers... I went to school for comp sci and have been a software developer for over a decade now. Not sure if that is a path you're considering, but feel free to reach out if you want whatever limited wisdom I can offer. (Which I recommend for any field you're considering! Go talk to somebody several people in that field! )
Welcome to STC!! I hope you have a good time here. I'd love to brainstorm with you on plots or maybe show you a few open things I have posted and see if they peak your interest :) Please consider pming me once you get approved!