Ame Damnee Residential District

Mina - Residential District
Mina gave a half smile when he gave her the pocket knife. She already had a knife of her own, of course, always tied around her ankle in case she needed it. She might be rash and prone to getting in over her head, but she wasn't foolish enough to go around Abbadon unarmed. She didn't actually have a death wish, even if she came off that way. Still, she slipped Errol's knife into her pocket all the same. It'd be rude to say no. Besides, when someone gives you something for free, you don't argue with them.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said. "I was already going."
Maric Vakarian - Residential District

The couple, Maric and Xena, had made it from the Sanctuary back to Xena's Estate, a place that Maric absolutely wouldn't mind calling home. They barely said a word to each other as they changed into sleepwear and crawled into bed together, Maric holding the woman he loved more than anything in his arms. But it was as he gazed down at her, and her lovely amber eyes, that he remembered the secret he was going to entrust her with.

"Xena, I know things have been absolutely crazy recently with everything that's been going on. But there's one thing I need to tell you before Legion is released, something that I don't want any of the other Harbingers to know. I...I cant remember what my life was before I became a Harbinger. My memory starts at the point when I killed the last Lust, but before then, nothing. Because of that, my powers have no root personality to revert to whenever I use them. I've managed to stay me so far because I've been using your ideal version of me, which is the closest version I'll get. But my power acts like a drug, addicting me to the aura of the person who's personality I've shifted to appeal too. If I stay hooked to them for too long and they leave my area, I go through withdrawal symptoms, and since I've promised myself to you, that's what I go through whenever you go somewhere without me. I don't want to add that pressure to your life, so I was hoping that once we deal with Legion, you would help me find my memories."

Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

Her eyes widened at his revelation, placing a hand on his cheek. She loved the way he said 'once we deal with Legion', showing that he wasn't planning to die on the task he has at hand. She smiled softly as she kissed him lightly on the lips. "Of course I would. But there's also... something you ought to know about me. I haven't... told you much about where I came from, didn't I? Before I became a harbinger." she laughed softly. "I suppose you probably just assumed I've been Alma's adoptive daughter since I was little, although that's not exactly the case."

She bit her lip, looking nostalgic. "Thinking about it now, it's so strange how I became one of Lucifer's pawns. You see... as a child, my mother always told me I was Aditi's gift to the world. My parents are loyal to the Goddess, they offered me to her when I was born. As a result, I was blessed, giving me the remarkable healing abilities I still have today." she met his eyes. "I do solemnly think I can do something to summon back the Goddess. No, I know it's only me who can do it. But... I don't know how. I don't know where this feeling is coming from. There's a part of me that thinks maybe... maybe I was just desperate to cling on to the idea that I'm something special." she looked away, sighing.
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

Maric turned her face back towards him, making her look him in the eyes. "You are something special. You were and still are the Sin of Pride for the Harbingers, while we did terrible things, it is an exclusive position that can only be filled by the best of the best. When you lost your memories, you devoted yourself to helping the weak and injured and cleaning Abaddon of the criminals that plagued it. If you weren't truly something special, Aditi never would've given you these gifts." He said, his eyes showing his belief in every word.

Then he blushed slightly. "And, for what it's worth, you're the most special person in my life. The only woman I've ever fallen in love with, the person who makes me feel like I have something permanent to hold on too. You are the most important thing in my life, and I'll remind you of that fact every day for the rest of our lives until you believe me if that's what it takes." He said before giving her a gentle and loving kiss.
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

She kissed him back, closing her eyes for a moment and reveling in the taste of his lips, before pulling back and giving him a warm smile. "I love you too, Maric. That's why wherever you go, whatever you need to do, I'll always support you." She put her hands on his cheek, caressing it lightly, lovingly. "Your memories... You remember nothing of them? Nothing at all? Without any leads, trying to find them will be... difficult." Her expression was concerned. She was not a stranger to losing memories. Before she lost her soul with the sealing of Legion, Alma had also tried to seal away her painful experiences before, an act that had been the reason of a big argument between them before the harbingers broke apart. She knows how strange it could be... how disorienting.

Now that she remembers everything, she could remember the first time she had met Maric as if it was yesterday. The cool, uninhibited charisma... it was hard to believe that he had already lost his memories at that point. He seemed like he had a lot of experience. He seemed so confident, as if nothing bothered him. It was that aura around him that made the last Pride fall... something that she was determined not to do aback then, but did anyway. The thought made her smile.
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

He nodded in response to her question. "It's odd, I can remember that the day I lost them was when we sealed Legion away, but I don't know why it happened to me. Furthermore, it feels like my version of the memory loss was different from the others. Mine was unlocked through shifting my personality to another Harbinger's, so it stands to logic that if I shift while in contact with a person from my past before the Harbingers, the earlier memories will be unlocked.

He scratched his head, getting a headache at his own explanation. "Does that even make sense?"
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

Xena smiled as she caressed his cheek some more. "Yes. Then, I suppose after Legion has been taken care of, we'll be off to an adventure. It's been years since I left Abaddon. I'm sure we can find someone from your past..." she trailed off. It was only then that she realized a sense of dread was settling upon her, but she pushed it away. Dreading for ... what? Stupid. Maric promised he'd stay by her side.

"Your powers seem to be... strange. It makes me wonder if it's an inherent ability or something you acquired." She stared into his eyes for a moment, and then made a small smile as she kissed the side of his lips.
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

Her comments about his powers seemed to trouble him even more. He knew what they were, he just couldn't remember who told him that. "They're inherent, at least that's what my horrible memories are telling me. All the knowledge is there, I just forgot who told me about it. It's odd."

He removed his gaze from her eyes and stared at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts. "Every now and again, I have dreams. Four boys and one girl visit me in those dreams, each one different, but all connected by one constant, my black hair. They feel familiar, like I've known them for a long time, almost like they're family. I'm not sure if they're my brothers and sister, or something else, but when I see them, a feel a familial warmth come over me. Have you heard of anyone else with the last name, Vakarian in Abaddon, Xena?" He asked, desperate to find pieces for this elaborate puzzle.
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

Xena's heart dropped. No. Maric promised he'd stay by her side. There may be people waiting for him, somewhere, but he promised he'd stay by her side. "I..." she hesitated. She didn't like the sense of selfishness that's surfacing on her being. Maric wanted to find his past self. She ought to support him, as he supported her. Right... right.

I don't think I have." she replied, honestly. "Although I have to admit, Abaddon is a big city. It's possible there could be someone somewhere."
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

He could feel nervous energy beginning to pulse off of Xena, it was clear that all this talk about his past was starting to make her uncomfortable. He brushed a stray hair from her face and kissed her nose. "If I do have a family out there, I want to meet them, get to know them again, and introduce them to the girl I plan to marry someday." Giving a wide smile as he let that last part out for Xena to hear. They hadn't talked much about their future together, but Maric knew one thing for sure, he wanted Xena Mythriel Al'vyon to be his wife.
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

But what if you've already vowed your heart to someone else? She wanted to ask, but she didn't. She didn't want to discourage him from finding his past. She didn't want to be selfish. This new information made the future unclear. After all, as powerful love is, pride and honor is hammered into the core of her being. She will not be someone's mistress. As much as she loved Maric... if he really happens to be a father in a family of his own somewhere out there...

She gave him a small smile. Don't think too much about it. she told herself. Instead, she leaned in and put light, feathery kisses on his jaw and down his neck, inhaling his scent. She licked the mark she had left there, nibbling on it softly as she pulled him more towards her. Mine.
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

He frowned, having expected a much more excited reaction from her. He'd never given a thought to marrying someone else before, and given how much the two loved each other, he thought for sure that she'd be ecstatic, but she wasn't. It was then that the thought clicked in his head. What if he was married before he became a harbinger? That was probably what Xena was thinking.

"I was hoping for a better reaction, so to dispel any doubt, lets use some logic, ok? I remember my time in the Harbingers as if it happened yesterday, and in every memory I have of us, I only remember being in love with you. There were no guilty thoughts in my conscience about betraying someone from my previous life, all I was thinking about was how much I adored you. With that in mind, I think it's safe to say that I don't have a wife from a previous life that will come back to haunt us. I feel the truth of it in my very core, Xena. You are the first and only woman I will ever ask to become my wife. That is the truth." He said, holding her close and never wanting to let her go.
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

She buried her face in his chest. "You can't know that." she whispered. "Guilty thoughts aren't conclusive. It's not that I don't trust you, Maric. I'm just..." she trailed off, fisting her hands on his shirt. "... scared."
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

His grip on her tightened as she expressed her fear. Even though she said that she trusted him, to know that she was still uncertain broke his heart. He wanted her to know how serious he was about this. He ran his fingers through her hair and soothed her. "You have nothing to be afraid of. I am yours, forever, I swear it to Aditi herself. Now let's get some sleep, ok? We need to be well rested for when we finally put Legion to rest."
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
Al'vyon Estate, Residential District

She nodded slowly, as she snuggled closer to him, enjoying his warmth. She closed her eyes, letting the sense of tiredness drift her off to sleep. "Goodnight, Maric. I love you." she murmured.
Al'vyon Estate

The two Deva's had made their way from the Tavern to the home of Pride and possibly soon to be Lust. Despite how lustrous the place looked, Wroth couldn't help but say, "This place seems to get smaller and smaller everytime I come by."Despite his visits being new to this quaint little home. Looking up at his lovers now voided eyes, he smiled a warm smile. "Let's make ourselves at home. After all, Xena and Maric seem to be asleep so they shouldn't mind." The two love birds breathing gave that away. Opening the door with a small thud, surprisingly not breaking it, Wroth led Brynhild inside.

Brynhild Nyman- Xena's Home, Residential District
"I think they'll wake after they hear the commotion we're making." she smiled, though it was an empty smile that adorned her face."We aren't being the quietest...guests?...after all." Choosing to sit on the floor of the house, she folded her legs under herself and waited for the two they needed to speak with to wake.
Maric Vakarian - Al'vyon Estate

The all too familiar voices of Gluttony and Sloth woke Maric from his slumber. Xena seemed to still be fast asleep though, he envied that ability. Slowly and softly removing himself from under her, he gave her forehead a kiss before changing into a fresh set of clothes and moving to see the guests. "Come to invade the wine stocks again, Wroth?" He joked as he entered the room, only to stop dead in his tracks. Brynhild's energy was coming from a creature who looked like her in terms of bodily curvature and facial structure, but was green of skin and who's eyes were completely void.

"Bryn?! What the fuck? What the hell happened?!" He cried out as he rushed over to her. He was afraid to even touch her, but put a shaking hand on her shoulder. "It's ok, I'll go wake Xena and she'll fix this. We'll make you better. How did this even happen?"
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Al'vyon Estate

Just as Wroth had.... Borrowed. a few bottles of alcohol, he heard Maric's cry of worry and confusion. " 'Sigh' No putting it off any longer." He took a quick swig of a bottle and made his way to the room that was no doubt about to become a shouting match. "Maric." Wroth's voice was as calm despite how gruff it sounded. "Brynhild has become like me and Legion.... A Deva." Suddenly the air felt as heavy as a boulder Wroth knew he was in for some Wrath thrown his way, and in some way he possibly deserved it. Yet he knew when it all came down to it. Brynhild had made the choice.
Brynhild laid her hand on Maria's before turning her head towards Wroth. "Do you have something I can cover my eyes with, Maric? We need to discuss some things." She said. "There is nothing Dena cam do about my situation unless she can take the pain away."