Ame Damnee Residential Zone


Humanity's Stargazer
The residential zone's streets are lined with the dense homes, dimly lit with street lamps. Families and friends converse and enjoy one another's company in the small areas of vegetation left in some locations rather than homes, serving as miniature parks. Late in the evenings, workers return to this district and rest with their families.
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The mother and son finally arriving at the Door step. Ratchel let out a long tired sigh of relief "home sweet home." She had been away for 2 days on guard duty and training new recruits it's nice to be home with her son, even if it's temporary.

Unlocking the door the light from the sun shining into the down stairs entrance, the house was a comfy two-stories with a small balcony in Ratchels room. While the rest of the house was decorated with some Flora inscribed on the wall mostly blue and red with a light-brown backdrop, also their was a large amount of decorative crystals in different shapes and sizes. vases, a tree made of Blue, red and green crystals, and even some jewelry that she wears when she's on he town. But the only thing she was focused on was her fluffy couch after taking off her heavy armor she collapsed on it. Her son than jumped on her back causing a small gasp. "FLOP!" The child said as he landed laughing innocently.

Ratchel after gasping from the belly flop from the child gave a weak smile still trying to act like the hero he saw her as. She raised up holding him in her arms and finally looked him straight in the eyes, her smile faded... She had to tell him. "Micheal." Her tone was serious and made the child stop laughing and look at her in confusion "Mommy ?" Ratchel felt a tight ball in her throat as she was thinking of a way to explain this to him. "Micheal... Do you know Mr'Uriel was upset today ?" Micheal looked even more confused at her and responded like a child would "his friends got hurt. right ?" Ratchel's mouth went dry she didn't want to tell him this! He was Friggin 5 years old! "I guess that's one way to put it.... Honey their not coming back." Micheal looked more confused and a little scared now. "What? Wh-why?" Ratchel felt like she was ripping some innocents out of her son, it was a feeling that made her chest tighten and her eye feel heavy. After all he also knew one of the ones that died Garif stone, he was a nice man kinda annoying after a few drinks but he was one of the best swordsman she'd ever seen and was good to her son even showed up as the jester at his 3rd birthday party. "Their.... dead." Silence filled the room as both processed what they heard.

"dead?" Micheal said not really knowing what the word meant. Ratchel held him tighter. "Yes... They are with the goddess now were they will be happy. Though they can't come back." Micheal still confused and not liking this topic one bit. "Why can't they come bac-"_ "they just can't!" Ratchel snapped at her son not meaning to "They just can't." The tears started to flow down both of their eyes as they embraced each other in the house as the light from the sun started to dim in the room.
Micheal and Ratchel
Residential Zone their house.

After crying for awhile over the memory of the lost both mother and son got dressed in appropriate attire for the funeral. Her son wore a black suit with a black bowtie, and removed the helmet he made. His mother was in her armor. "Lets go honey" She held his small hand as they walked out the door and back to the cathedral.
The entire city seemed to be in a state of chaos. Fires burned, people screamed in pain, others cried out for help. Oni did what she could, but there seemed to be too much happening, and not enough aid in the area. She tried her best to help out everyone she came across, but there were those who were beyond her help and she simply had to move on. She did manage to save a couple of children from their burning home. The children had been locked in by their parents, who had run to lead the undead away. But the house next to theirs had been broken into by the undead, and a lantern had been tipped over. It burned out of control and caught this house too.

Oni ran inside after dousing herself in water and pulled the children from the basement. The little boy was crying almost uncontrollably. He could not have been more than three years of age. His older sister had broken her leg when debris had fallen on her from the collapsing building, so Oni carried them both. The little girl on her back, and the boy in her arms. As she walked toward the hospital, she could see clearly that she could offer no more aid. The other wardens should be dispersing through the city, so she was sure everyone would get help soon. At least she hoped. She still had no idea what had happened, but there was a heavy pit in her stomach.

[Exit to Hospital]
Walker - New Eden Residential Zone

It was night, and the city wept and licked its wounds.

Lights were off, people stayed in their homes, the streets were barren. The sounds of the city were gone, replaced by a state of fear and quiet reflection in the events that had transpired that day. Even in the densely populated residential zone of New Eden, sounds were nothing more than the rare crying of a child, still disturbed by the day's events.

The sun had given way to a sheet of beautiful stars on a moonless night. The hues of gold and purple still lingered on the far horizon, and the stars gave just enough light to bathe the world in a dim twilight. The world in New Eden had ground to a halt, mourning the day, for man reasons.

Walker had found his way into the city easily amidst the confusion earlier in the day. The lone guard at the gate was easy to take care of, and made for an easy meal. He made his way into the city, and had wandered and watched, finding out as much as he could. The events in the cathedral, the souls who destroyed the dead, the Wardens, the plume, everything he could. he moved through the crowds like a ghost, unhindered by the dead. It was now, as he wandered through the city, that Walker found himself looking for purpose.
Wolf had ventured into what he can assume was the residential area. However the streets were empty and still showed the signs of the bloody event that had just happened. Still he simply ignored the scenes of gore and violence and looked forward. He was waiting for midnight, when most people would probably be asleep at this point. Then he would seek out that wise man he met in Cathedril. He had questions that needed answering, questions that both Calm and the injured man were likely unable to answer. His train of thought was interrupted when he hears the sound of an armored warrior in front of him. He takes a look at the man, and he was stunned. The warrior wore battered and worn what was clearly Rolman armor, but not the modern armor of today's forces, but armor forged centuries ago. Bewildered, he called out the warrior in Rolmspiel.

"<You stop in the name of Rolm!>" He kept a close hand to his great sword as he approached the warrior.
Walker - New Eden Residential Zone

A void born? In New Eden? Walker had wandered hundreds of miles from Rolm, and has spent hundreds of years without sight of a Rolman soldier. And yet, here, in New Eden, amongst the streets still bearing the scars from the living dead, he found them. He began to reply in Rolman, but his accent and grasp of the language gave him away as a foreigner.

"<In the nine hells of the Devil himself, what is a damn void born doing in New Eden!?>" He said roughly, speech punctuated by short cackles of laughter. He found it all rather amusing. Walker turned to face the newcomer, eyes smoldering dimly. "<I haven't seen one of you mantle pieces in decades!"> He exclaimed, throwing his arms wide. He kept his blade at his side, and his shield slung on his back.

Walker closed the gap between them, moving almost uncomfortably close. He stared into Wolf's blue eyes, his own face hidden beneath his hood in the dark. "<What are you doing here?>" He asked accusingly.
Wolf stopped a good distance away from the warrior. Upon closer examinations, he saw that the warrior wasn't a normal man, at least not any more. The man's accent gave away the man's heritage, he was probably an Auxiliary, a soldier of non-Rolman decent. But the man's armor, his was impossible.

"<You...does the name Drakenvulf mean anything to you?>" He said, ignoring the Auxiliary's question. The battle of Drakenvulf...a dark stain of Rolm's history. Where the 120000 men and women of the 2nd & 3rd Legion, led by the Emerald Knight, marched into the Drakenvulf Marsh to cleanse it of the Undying Pawns, but failed, only succeeding to add to the Marsh's already considerable defense.
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Walker - New Eden Residential Zone

"<You catch on quickly! I've told you so little, and you already know so much!>" He laughed. He had gotten over the tragedy of the event many years ago, it was but a mere note on his life now, another event past by. "<Yes, yes. I know of the marsh. There was some kind of festival there some time ago, last I heard. Is it still going on? Or has the wine gone rancid and sent them all packing?>" He joked. As much as he disliked Rolm, he couldn't help but be curious at the state of things now. Walker tilted his head back, and gave a unseen, crooked smile beneath his hood.

This blue eyed soldier could be quite interesting. He tried to exert some of his power over undead on Wolf, but abandoning the effort as quickly as he began. Any sentient would be too strong to manipulate easily. He decided to play with him for a bit longer.
If he could show his anger he would. The event was so fresh in Wolf's memory. So many lives lost, so many brethren now trapped in Marsh, forced to serve as its eternal guardians. But he needed to keep his calm. The warrior was egging him on, he needed it to make the first strike, otherwise it would be his lose, no matter the outcome of the battle. He dug into his memories, trying to recall the massacre, as much as it pained him. He tried to remember all the Auxiliaries he had fought but that will take time.

"<...You are far from Rolm soldier. Where is your unit? Where are your people right now? Can you recall?>" He said.
Walker - New Eden Residential Zone

"<Oh...>" He said, drifting off into thought. It wasn't hard to recall at all, it was simply that he felt like playing games with this void born. It was enjoyable, he didn't have many opportunities to speak about such things. "<Three, Six, Five, Seven, Nine...>" He chirped, uncaringly. The harsh voice almost singing the numbers in a falsetto was almost comical. <"I doubt you'd remember little old me. We weren't too important. All we had were pointy sticks!">

"<They're all dead, probably. I left the unit quite a long time ago."> He said the words uncaring. <"How about you? You're quite far from home.">
The warrior was once Spearman then. Auxiliary Spearmen....that didn't narrow it down much, as most Auxiliary had spears, as they were cheap and easy to use. Still he had to stall, until he was able to remember which group this one belonged too.

"<Then you are a deserter then? Then you lack any honor nor integrity. I shall give you nothing, save for an honorable death by my own hands.>" He said, then as he drew his sword he remembered there was two units that had the same accent. A group of Gypsies, that had recently went to Rolm for sanctuary. They spoke in accents similar to the man, but then again three centuries can dull one's memories, but it was the only group that made sense. "<If I may ask, do you remember a camp on the outskirts of Rolm 300 years ago? A band of roughly a thousand nomadic travelers, seeking refuge from the horrors of Oblitus?>"
Walker - New Eden Residential District

"<An honorable death? An honorable death? You're too late for that!>" Amused to no end, he hard to restrain himself to keep his voice from reaching too far. An honorable death... an honorable death. Honor, pride, what did it matter? It took him some time to recover from his laughter. He didn't even recognize the threat of the sword. He would take some damage, to be sure, if things came down to it, but he knew he could at least get away. In the dark, with nothing to go on but a hooded man in armor that most wouldn't recognize, he could escape fairly easily.

"<But gypsies, gypsies... I think I remember. All the boys left to play knights with their new friends, and never came back. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Their mothers must have been in tears.>" Walker shrugged innocently.
"<Then if your memory of three centuries past fails you, perhaps you remember something more recent. Do you at least remember your goals here? Why have you come here? Why did you abandon your brethen to serve for all of eternity in that accursed swamp?>" Wolf was now beginning to feel the first sensations of rage. This soldier here, Auxiliary or not, abandoned his fellow soldiers to die in battle. This was the worst form of betrayal, and thus this one no longer deserved whatever honor Wolf could grant him.
Walker - New Eden Residential Zone

The void born didn't play these games too well. He picked up on the wrong things. Walker shook his head. "<Alright, you armor stand. I'm getting bored of playing these games. My name is Walker. I was Third Legion, Sixth Company, Unit Five, Squad Seven... and soldier. Number. Nine.>" He snapped. he barely paused before continuing. "<I fought in the swamp. I left because someone very dear to me needed help.>" His voice turned cold, and he stepped right next to Wolf, his head mere inches from the blade.

"<And I came here...>" He said, momentarily at a loss for words. "<I came here, because I was called here.>"

"<Are you happy?>"
"<What do you mean that that?>" He asks. The more this man talked, the more he was confused, but at least he knew the man's name and his position in the Legion. But still, it wasn't much compared to everything else Walker has said. "<Are you asking if I'm satisfied? I- Why are you asking me these meaningless questions? If it is a battle you wish for then I can oblige you at least that.>"
Walker - New Eden Residential District

"<A battle?>" Walker sneered. "<I don't want to fight you. You couldn't kill me, and I couldn't kill you. So I'm just going to not bother wasting the time. If you want to swing, go ahead, I'll be standing here as long as you want. But until then, I think its only fair that you answer some of my questions.>" Walker began to pace in a circle around Wolf, looking on as if Wolf was a prospective meal. He plodded slow and methodically, but made no hostile movements. The flame in his eyes brightened a shade.

"<Who are you, and what are you doing in New Eden?>"
Wolf thought about simply ignoring Walker, but if the man said was true, and he was nigh impervious to damage, such as himself then a battle would be meaningless. He examined the man a bit closer and saw the man was covered in splotches of blood, some bright and fresh, most dark and rotten. Clearly this man had no regards for hygiene, but it would mean that Walker might be a danger to the people here if he allowed him to roam free. He shadowed Walker's movements to make sure the warrior won't be able to flank him.

"<...Captain Wolf. 2nd Legion, 6th Company, 1st Unit, 1st Squad. My mission is directly from the Emerald Kinght himself and thus will have no meaning to you. Now, answer my question. What are you? How have you survived centuries after Drakenvulf?>" He replied
Walker - New Eden Residential Zone

"<So, Captain Wolf, you finally reach the golden question.>" Walker nodded in acknowledgement and ceased his pacing."> Walker paused a long time before answering, struggling to find the right words. When he was finally satisfied, he began.

"<I've seen great change in this world. No one can resist that change. And the change I've seen, it would drive most men to madness. I was doomed, for years and years and years, to repeat the same actions again and again and again. Propelled, by some magic I have yet to understand in my years, changed, by magic well known of but little known, and warped by the world I lived in.>"

Walker raised a lone finger in front of his face.

"<Live with beasts, and you too become one. I suppose, Wolf, that you might call me a ghoul.>"

And with that, a tiny flame sparked from his fingertip, too small for even a candle. For the task at hand though, it was bright enough.

Limp and pale skin clung to exposed sinew and muscle. What skin did exist was contorted, by scars and burns and something else unnatural. A row of sharp teeth were the entry to a lipless mouth, and between the teeth, scraps of still bloody flesh stuck, out. Walker smiled, a grotesque and bizarre grin from ear to ear. With the sunken and faintly glowing eyes, it skimmed the realm of madness.

Walker snuffed out the flame soon after.

"<Well? Having fun yet?>" He devolved into laughter once more, a deep throated chuckle, further reinforcing the image of insanity.
Wolf couldn't believe it. Somehow Walker was somewhere between a human and a Pawn of the Marsh. An undying monster with skills possibly honed over the course of centuries. He had to reevaluate the danger this man provided. He needed to see how skilled this man really was under the skin and insanity.

"<You like to have fun? Then I propose a friendly game. One minute. Whoever causes the other to yield first in that time, is the victor of this spar.>" He replied. While Wolf had to be causious with Walker, he had one critical advantage. Wolf is made of solid steel, while Walker was not, meaning Wolf only needed to get a single fatal strike in order to hopefully down Walker, perhaps for good. At least that's what he thought.