Open Retro Recycle Bin Challenge


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The 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s had some of the most badass movies, TV shows, video games, comic books, etc. of all time, hands-down…

But they also had their fair share of bottom-feeders, ranging from campy fast food for the brain to outright abominations that should never have been allowed to see the light of day.

We may look back and laugh (or cringe) at these bottom-feeders now, but recently I got to thinking, could they actually be remade into RPs worthy of STC?

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the RETRO RECYCLE BIN CHALLENGE! Take any bottom-feeder fandom from the 80’s, 90’s, or early 2000’s (or more than one such fandom, if desired) and retweak it into an awesome RP storyline!

Any bottom-feeder fandom (campy, silly, stupid, just plain BAD, so-bad-it’s-good, etc.) from the 80’s, 90’s, or early 2000’s is fair game.

That said, when I say “bottom-feeders”, I mean ACTUAL bottom-feeders. As such, the following types of fandoms do not count:
  • Fan-favorites that just happened to not do well with critics.
  • Critically acclaimed fandoms that just happened to not do so well at the box office.
  • Fandoms specifically designed to make fun of bottom-feeders (e.g. MST3K or Elvira).
  • Parodies intentionally poking fun at a particular fandom/genre/etc.
Original RP storylines loosely based on your chosen fandom(s) are acceptable.

Strict adherence to the canon of the original fandom(s) is not required.
Some hint of the original fandom(s) should still be there, however minor, but feel free to give it as much of an overhaul as you like; that’s what this challenge is for!

  • Plagiarizing another person’s submission is grounds for automatic disqualification. To protect against plagiarization, all submissions must be sent to me PRIVATELY (PM’s, DM’s, etc.), and I will then privately send them to the judges. One or two purely coincidental similarities are not dealbreakers in and of themselves, but if any two or more submissions are found to be TOO similar to each other to be mere coincidence, we’ve got a problem.
  • DO NOT attempt to unfairly influence the judges or rig the poll in any way. You will receive a warning for your first offense, and any further offenses are grounds for automatic disqualification.
To keep everything fair, judges cannot submit their own entries, and those who would like to submit an entry cannot also serve as judges.

(Include fandom names and links to canon info for comparison.)

(Why did you choose this fandom?)

(What would your RP storyline be called?)

(Describe your RP plot in more detail.)

(Describe what you changed (or would change) relative to the original fandom(s) and why.)

(Are there any other details you would like to share?)

Sultry Teenage Super Foxes

These comics did have a few nuggets of miserably wasted potential; I might have enjoyed them a lot more if not for the sexist overtones and obnoxiously vapid heroines. The heroines are only interested in using their incredible elemental powers to try to pick up guys (they themselves say as much multiple times in the first issue alone), and do I even need to discuss the sheer stupidity of using top-secret scientific equipment on yourself just to try to impress the male pilots at the local Air Force base?

Daughters of Earth


It all started at a military research outpost deep in the forests of Arizona, with a series of top-secret matter transmutation experiments collectively known as the Zosimos project. As the project demonstrated greater and greater success throughout its development, the end results began to have worsening impacts on the surrounding environment. Unbeknownst to the researchers on the project, this greatly angered the nature spirits who inhabited the forest, until finally they decided to seek revenge.

But their vengeance did not quite go as planned. The nature spirits combined their magic into a powerful storm, just as the prototype of the Zosimos Beam was being tested. The forces of science and magic clashed violently with each other, destroying much of the outpost, but also bestowing the power of the elements of nature onto four high school girls who just happened to be hiking nearby.

With their new powers over earth, air, fire, and water, these girls stand at a crossroads between the worlds of man and nature. Now they truly are Daughters of Earth.

And with an intergalactic war threatening to catch Earth in the crossfire, it seems Earth may call its Daughters to action sooner than they realize.

All the sexist overtones were cut out, the girls actually have more of a purpose than just trying to impress guys, and the origin of the girls’ powers (see my earlier mini-rant) was changed to a freak accident resulting from a combination of magical and scientific forces. A subtle environmental message was added in, while also putting more focus on the intergalactic threat to Earth for RP purposes so that it’s not too Captain Planet-y.

Special thanks to Linkara for having the only comprehensive online summary of the plot that I could cite for this entry!
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