Chains of Retribution Rollin' Bones Casino: A Rescue Gone Awry

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as written by Knosis

Rowan took this opportunity to back away slightly and take in the scene. It had been the first time he had noticed Raven was dead, Yvette no where to be seen. Batu was gone, and only one of his men were left for the count. The pack leader was sorely outnumbered by this point. Anger ripped at him, his eyes flared brightly. Things had not gone according to plan all night. He bared his teeth but slowly began to back away.


The thunder rang through the night sky once more. Claire's primary target had been taken down, and even after losing communication with Batu she knew what the next target was. The biggest threat to Rowan's life. To any expert marksmen, her previous shots would have seemed sloppy if they had not known her goal. She was ordered to maim Baron, not to kill him. The shots she took were, by her calculations at the time, were the best shots to take in the situation given. She had not made a single killing blow. But she had not been given such restraints on the others who posed a threat to the operation.

Yes, her next target was clear as she sent the next silver bullet into the head of the monstrosity, Ragenard.
as written by Tiko

Damien leaned back to avoid the left hook while his left hand came across to push Snow's right arm across so that his punch crossed past Damien, rather than striking him.

The fluidity and second nature of Damien's counters and parries was likely very familiar to Snow. This was no street brawler. There was something methodical and professional about it.

Ex-military perhaps?

It would explain the brutal swiftness and efficiency in which he had slipped inside Nieve's guard.

With Snow's wrist in hand again, Damien gave it a wrench to his left leaving Snow down a hand to block with as he drove his left fist forward for Snow's nose, trying to get inside Snow's left arm.

Meanwhile back outside, a large blue van mounted the curb, skidding and swerving into a screeched halt alongside the front of Baron's truck. Bastien was at the wheel, and Jesse slid open the side door.

"Get in!" he shouted.

From the bloody tatters of Bastien's sleeves, it seemed they had run into their own trouble in acquisitioning the vehicle.

In the distance the sound of sirens could be heard faintly. Time was running out.
as written by Script

The punch landed with a crack, jolting Snow's head backwards as blood streamed from his nose. It was just one more notch of hurt on top of a dozen others, however, and the werewolf was barely disoriented for an instant before recovering.

The second punch came almost before he could react to it, but he managed to bring his free hand up to catch it, stopping it dead much as Damien had stopped his earlier strike.

Screeching tyres announced the arrival of a new factor in the fight, and it took Snow a few moments to catch Bastien's voice over the struggle. Once more, his eyes flicked across to where Nieve lay in the lobby.

Chances were, she was still alive, if barely. Leaving her would be leaving her at the Scions' mercy. But trying to stick around long enough to reach her would likely mean more deaths. He had always prided himself on being able to make the rational decision under pressure. Now wasn't the time to change that.

A part of him realised that he was acknowledging that Nieve was going to die no matter what he did.

The rest of him shoved that thought aside. He couldn't afford to overthink or-

As if to illustrate that point, Damien released Snow's wrist to drive his fist into Snow's jaw with a resounding crack.

The strike drove Snow backwards and halfway to the ground, and he let out a grunt of pain as he caught himself with one hand planted down to avoid being sent sprawling. Shards of glass dug into his palm in the process, but they hardly registered compared to the burning pain in his now obviously broken jaw.

He staggered backwards several steps as he rose to his feet. At this point, he was waiting for a lapse in Damien's offensive that would give him reprieve to break for the van. His instincts screamed at him to keep fighting, to break the bastard that had killed his mother like a twig, but his mind won out.

Retreat, to exact revenge another day. Protect the people who still had life in them. Survive.
as written by Dashmiel

'Are you a Guiscard, or are you a fucking animal?'

Ragenard's consciousness began to distort itself, from the effects the silver bullet had as it continuously boiled away his grey matter as fast as it could regenerate. With the last shreds of motor control he had left, he staggered off to the side to avoid crashing upon Julienne and Baron, and promptly fell down face first.

'Dad leave him alone, he didn't start it.'

His thoughts became a blurred mess as he began to contort and twitch as neurons misfired and commands to move, rend, tear, and maul became muscle spasms instead. Within his brain the bullet began to move at an infinitesimal rate, carving itself a bubble of roasted brain as it went.

'Baron, stop fucking defending him. It's time he learned his place in this pack.'

Just as the cavalry was arriving, Ragenard found himself unable to do anything other than drool over himself, as the bullet continued to slowly inch it's way through his brain, briefly damaging something that caused Ragenard's body to undergo a shift back to his human form. He lay sprawled in the ground by Julienne; a very large, heavy, and drooling vacant mannequin.
as written by Tiko

With Ragenard down, Julienne and Baron were left exposed to Claire once more and she quickly threw one of Baron's arms around her neck. Half dragging, half-supporting him, the pair staggered the few paces to reach the van before Baron stumbled and half-caught himself on the side of the vehicle.

Jesse moved to help pull him inside, but Ragenard and Vanessa were still out there in the open. Baron's truck offered cover for Vanessa, but Julienne dare not try to approach Ragenard, lest she join him on the pavement.

"Ragenard!" she hollered trying to rouse him.

Meanwhile, Vanessa hadn't made any further move to reach the van as she lay on the ground, her breaths coming in short huffs.

"Vanessa, get in the van!" Bastien yelled at her.

She rolled to her stomach but managed only a few hunkered steps with her belly to the ground before she lay her head back down with a low whine. With Claire on the roof, she would be vulnerable to the sniper if she made a run for the van.

"God damn it, Vanessa. You're not leaving Sophia without a mother. Get in the fucking van!"

It was the push she needed as she pulled herself to her feet, favoring her right foreleg. She took the van in three bounds, before jumping up through the open door.
as written by Knosis

Rowan ground his teeth together. The police were coming and as he watched his enemies leave, he figured it was time for him to move it too. Claire would cover him. He backed away slowly before turning and sprinting as fast as he could for a back alley to disappear in.

Claire watched in her scope until Rowan was out. "Time to leave, Claire.." She muttered to herself, picking up the rifle and her bag, misting away.
as written by Tiko

"Looks like you get to live to fight another day," Damien remarked as his allies began to clear out. He had no intents to wade out there into that mess alone, no matter how much Batu was paying him. "Until next time."

He made no move to leave one way or the other, but rather he stood his ground allowing Snow to break away should he wish.
as written by Tiko

Snow met Damien's eyes with his own, burning with barely restrained fury. His parting words were brief, but they carried with them the weight of ice-cold hatred. "You will die for this."

The next moment, he turned and made a break for the van, not allowing himself to look back over his shoulder at where Nieve still lay. He had no choice. Sometimes the right choice was just the one that was less wrong.

In turning, he saw for the first time the state of the fighting behind him. His eyes swiftly fell on Ragenard's fallen form. A quick scan of the rooftops proved unenlightening as to where the sniper was, and if there was still a risk that a bullet would find him should he stop to help.

It didn't matter. He wasn't going to leave two people behind today.

He ducked down as he reached the larger man and hooked his hands under his arms, grunting with effort as he heaved him up and dragged him across the ground towards the van. Every step he waited for the bullet to find him from the rooftops, but it never came.

When he finally reached the van, he hefted Ragenard in with the help of those already inside before clambering in himself. His face and upper body were completely coated with blood, his hair matted down and glistening crimson.

Meanwhile Bastien craned his neck around to get a look behind his seat.

"Where's Nieve?" he asked.

Snow looked up and met Bastien's eyes, giving a grim shake of his head. His gaze was hollow and defeated.

There was no time to mourn the dead now and the news was simply accepted as grim fact as Jesse slid the van door shut and Bastien put the vehicle into reverse, tires screeching as they jolted backwards. The length of the van scraped alongside the fountain as he backed it out before managing to get it turned about enough to make for the streets and the city beyond.
as written by Tiko

As the van tore off into the night, Damien turned his attention to the woman splayed on the floor at his back. Broken glass crunched beneath his feet as he approached her. That the woman yet drew breath was astounding, and yet it served to amuse him further as he knelt down beside her.

"Looks like your pack-mates left you to me," he noted.

He lifted her up into a sitting position and left her head to fall back to expose her throat. The one side looked like it had been savaged by a wild animal, but the other side remained unmarred yet.

"Rest assured, the rest of your pack will be joining you soon enough," he whispered against her throat.

He took his time as her dying body spasmed and twitched in his arms when he drove his fangs in to feed anew.
as written by Tiko

Damien growled lowly against her throat as he fed deep, savoring and every last dying beat of her heart. He remained oblivious to the sounds of sirens arriving outside, and it wasn't until her heart took one last fluttering beat before falling silent that he finally withdrew his fangs to the sound of boots crunching on broken glass and the shouts of police officers.

"You, down on the ground! Now!"

He looked up and bared bloody fangs at the officers.

"Fuck, it's a vampire! Kill it!"

They opened fire on him as he dove forward, one hand closing around the hilt of Nieve's knife before he misted, leaving a group of skittish and bewildered cops in his wake.

"Where the fuck did it go!?"

"I don't see it anywhere, do you?"


"There's an ambulance en route."

"It's too late for this one, she's gone," an officer said as he knelt down to check Nieve for a pulse.

"We've got a live one out here!" The shout came from out front of the Casino where Simon's prone form had been discovered.
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