The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago Rules & Guidelines


The Wanderer Returned
The Rules & Guidelines for The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago. These will be adjusted over time as is necessary, though should basically be finalized when I'm finished putting the entire RP up.

  1. TLB:BC contains mature themes: These are including but not limited to religious, political, ideological, violence, death, survival vs freedom, sex, and gender. If these topics make you squeamish, avoid this role play like the plague. If you're curious to learn more about any of these and how this role play explores these topics, feel free to ask.
  2. No Plot Armour: The universe is a dystopian shithole and one of the core themes is death. No PC's get plot armour. NPC's don't get plot armour either--no matter how important. If a PC genuinely lines up a shot against an unsuspecting Big Bad and blows their fucking brains out, I will describe that in great detail and let the player win. On the other hand, if a PC runs into a room without thinking through their decisions, alone, against a superior force? I will also not hesitate to describe the PC's brains being blown against the wall either. It's rare for a PC to end up with an instant death, but injuries are not uncommon in the slightest.
  3. You are not the chosen one: Your character is not predestined to accomplish anything. Neither is any NPC, for that matter. Your every decision matters, it holds consequences and weight on the universe in which your character lives. At the same time, your character is likely never going to be the strongest--they exist in a universe where NPC's can be their inferiors, their equals, or their superiors, and in many cases, the PC will rarely have a clear idea of which category NPC's fall into without learning more about them first. This role play has twenty different potential endings, any of which could be achieved by the culmination of the influence of your actions.
  4. The universe is alive: Whether you choose to do something or nothing, the universe goes on and putters its way along without you. Factions will continue to engage each other, NPC's have their own agendas they will pursue, and the intricate balance of power within Bunker Chicago will teeter one way or another as a result. Again, your character is not the chosen one, they're not a hero of myth and legend: They're just another survivalist, who may become important if they make the right choices... Or, they may die alone in a corner. It's all on what risks you take, or don't take.
  5. Posting Order: IC threads in the Hub World have few rules and no posting order--go wild, in any order you want, so long as it makes coherent sense in-universe. IC threads in the Missions Area do have a couple rules, though. Every time a GM posts, a new "round" starts. Each "round" players should aim to only post once--repeatedly posting to drown me in a spam of actions won't be appreciated, nor will it help you. This is because missions are generally dangerous areas where players may end up in conflict against one another, depending on which factions are fighting which during that mission. Therefore, it would be unfair if one player got to post 3-4 times, while another only got to post once.
  6. PvP?!: Yes, PvP is a thing in this universe. Not overly often, but it is a thing. It's not the central focus of the RP. As a general rule of thumb, players can either predetermine the result with my consent and play it out, or I'll decide each round what ultimately happens as a result of PC's engaging in a fight.
  7. NPC's and PC's play by different rules: The rules I enforce on PC's on their character sheets and what not are not the same as what I enforce on NPC's. This keeps things vibrant and interesting, as it ensures that PC's never outgrow danger or cheese the system in some way I can't easily fix.
  1. 18+: In order to join this roleplay, you must be a minimum of eighteen years of age. This has everything to do with sexual content, combined with some pretty graphic depictions of violence, abuse, and death. If this role play was a movie, it would be R for Restricted in the first ten minutes.
  2. Be Classy: Sexual content, while heavily implied and referenced to, should not be directly demonstrated within any of the IC threads. Anything and everything outside of a sex scene is fair game--but outright sex scenes should be put into the "fade to black" category. If--whether for artistic integrity or to get your jollies off in a sick fantasy--you wish to pursue such types of writing, take it somewhere private. This is partially echoing a general rule of the site, and adding my own personal opinion on it.
  3. GM is God: My word is ultimately the one that matters on any issue concerning character balance or player disputes. (Unless it escalates to a staff-level issue, of course.) I'm not some cruel power mongering dick, I'm more than happy to discuss the merits of a character or decision--but if I ask you to change something, please do so. If you offer counter points and I still disagree with them, my requirements trump your comforts 10/10 times.
  4. One Character: You are allowed to have one active character at a time. This is simply to spare me the grief of micromanagement. If your character dies, you will be allowed to retain your spot and reroll a new character to continue playing, though beware that death does have long term consequences...
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