RWBY: Welcome RAIN

"Very well. Now then." Ozpin exclaimed as he looked towards the groups, analysing them. "The leaders of each of these four teams, step forward." And so they did; Ruby and Jaune stood forward alongside Ozpin, awaiting for the leaders of RAIN and CMLT to approach as well.

"You are to pick a member from each team to form your own small team to take on a base. Ruby, make your choices." "Okay. Um... I'll take... Nora, Melody and... Nina." "Let's break some legs!" And so the ones that were chosen by Ruby would walk towards her and stand behind her.

"Umm... I'll take... Blake, Isabella and... Lance was it?" "Alright. I'm with you, Jaune." And so the ones chosen by Jaune would walk towards him and stand behind him.

"Now, Ray and Caden. Your choices now." Ozpin stated, taking a sip out of his coffee mug while Ironwood had his arms crossed and Glynda watched in the background.

"I'll do my best to help." Melody said, as she joined Ruby and the others with Nina. "This should be fun."
Well, let's get this done." Isabella said as she joined Juane, Blake, and Lance. "Well, then, we should get started." Lance said.

Caden and Ray looked at each other and shrugged. "OK, then, I'll take Yang, Pyrra, and Aaron."
"Um...OK, then..." Aaron said, sheepishly.
Then that means I get Weiss, Ren, and Tina." Ray said.
Oh, this ought to be fun." said Tina
"Alright, time to kick some butt!" "I'll do my best for the team, just tell me what you need me to do." And so Yang and Pyrrha walked to Caden and stood behind him. "Don't feel so pressured, you're in the presence of a supreme Huntress." "I'm with you." And so Weiss and Ren walked over to Ray and stood behind him.

"Alright, then in that case, Ironwood? Our teams are set." "Hmph. Listen up. We've found four White Fang operations taking place in Vale that I've specifically left alone for you to take care of. One of which is directly commanded by Roman Torchwick himself, another by his assistant, Neopolitan, while the others are too small for a major commander." Ironwood then brought up a map of Vale:


"Two bases that aren't of much attraction are in the Agriculture and Commercial District. The base involving Neopolitan is in the Residential District while Roman is at the Industrial District. Make your choices now."

"I'll take the Agriculture section." Jaune exclaimed. "I'll take the Commercial District then~" Ruby exclaimed as well.

"We'll take the Residential district." Said Caden.
"We've got the Industrial district." Ray said. Not that there was much of a choice. It was all that was left. This would be very interesting indeed.
"Alright!" Yang exclaimed in excitement and determination, looking towards Caden initially then to the rest of the group. "I've been meaning to give that girl a good pounding for payback." "Calm yourself, Yang. We'll get the opportunity to confront Neopolitan when we get that, but when we do, we'll all engage her." "The Industrial District... So most likely we'll be the ones dealing with Torchwick then." Weiss exclaimed, seemingly composed as per the usual. "Alright. You will take one of my transport ships downwards. I hope you succeed, because if they are doing exactly what I think they're doing, then we all could be in a lot of trouble."

"We'll find out what they're up to." Caden said calmly. Though, if he was being honest, he would have rather had his team. He knew and trusted them, especially Melody. But then again, RWBY and JNPR were really good, so it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, he wouldn't have to deal with Isabella, and neither would Melody. That was a good thing.
I guess we'll see what happens. Let's go." Said Ray to the group he had now. Like Caden, he would miss working with his actual team, but this would give them a chance to really get to know one another, and maybe work better together in the future. If Isabella and Melody could keep from each other's throats that is. Still, they wouldn't have to deal with each other on this mission, so that was something.
"Good luck." And so everyone left in the Elevator and prepared themselves for what was to come. "... Because if what Roman is really doing, I fear for their safety."

Once everyone had reached the outside of Beacon, there were four transport ships awaiting them. Each team would enter one and then take off towards their designated destinations in Vale. Soon afterwards, they would arrive at said destinations, and the ships would fly back to their base. "Alright. We've landed. Let's make our way towards where the base was roughly located." Ruby exclaimed, looking around as she walked with her team following. "Alright guys... Um... Let's go... that way!" Jaune exclaimed in confusion as he proceeded to walk towards a random direction in their district.

"So, what's our first step, Caden?" "Yes, what's our first move?"

"Hmm. Alright then, Ray, our Leader, what's our first course of action?" Weiss exclaimed, almost putting pressure onto him. Seems Weiss has a high tolerance for perfection.

"We should probably start with actually locating the base. Then we need a plan to get in undetected. They're bound to have a way to spot us, if we aren't careful." Caden said.
Ray thought for a moment. "
We start with the rough location of the base. We need to be careful. Torchwick found us once before. If we want to find out anything, we can't let it happen again."
"Indeed. We should first try to locate the base and then investigate it before attacking." "Stealth isn't really my speciality..." "All you need to do Yang is to keep quiet. That's all. And move slowly." "Alright then. I'll give it my all." "Shhh... Do you hear that?" Pyrrha exclaimed as whistling could be heard from a distance, as it would appear that a White Fang member is walking through the streets.

"Indeed. Let's go." Weiss exclaimed as she waited for Ray and the others to move. "We cannot afford to waste time."

"Sometimes I think I'm not cut out for this leader stuff, but I think I'm doing alright..." "You're doing fine, Jaune. Relax."

"Hopefully we won't encounter too much trouble, guys. Wait, do you hear that?" Ruby exclaimed as two voices could be heard in the distance, very faint.

"Hey, perfect, if we're quiet enough, we should be able to follow him to their base." Caden said, softly, so as not to be heard.

Ray and Tina started in the direction of rough location of the base. "
Keep your eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. After all, we have a rough location at best. So if you guys spot a lead, or think you see the location, let me know. But quietly. We don't want to be found out."
"Yes, let's keep an eye on him while also not revealing our position." "Alright. Hopefully I don't screw this up."

"Of course. I'm not that much of an aggressor like Yang is. Let's get moving, I heard some noise in the distance and that could be a potential lead. Over in that direction." Weiss exclaimed as she pointed towards the harbour side of the Industrial District.

"Then let's investigate." Ray moves as quietly as possible in the direction that Weiss pointed.

As long as we all do our best, that's all I can ask." Caden said, as he began to stealthily follow with Aaron behind.

Ruby, I think there's something further the way we're headed. I can't be positive though." Melody said quietly.

Lance follows Juane, Blake, and Isabella. Juane was an unsure leader, unlike Caden. But it wasn't his place to interfere. He kept his head on a swivel, looking for some clue to where the base was.
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Once Ray's group arrived at the Harbour, the evident appearance of White Fang confirmed that they were using one of the harbour storage warehouses as a base of operations. "Alright. Looks like my instincts were correct."

As the group was sneaking up on that White Fang member, they could hear him speaking out-loud to himself. "God this job sucks. Wish Roman would give me a pay-rise, keeping those Grimm in line is bad enough without having someone yelling down your throat."

"Really? Let's try to stealthily approach it. Hopefully we can not cause so much noise as my last stealth mission..." Ruby exclaimed as she followed Melody's lead and slowly began approaching the source of the noise Melody heard.

"Oh, we won't find anything... Why would the White Fang even want anything from the Agriculture Section anyways..." "Food, supplies, all sorts of things that a group needs comes from Agriculture, Jaune."

"Good work, Weiss. Alright, everyone, be careful and be quiet. We want to avoid being caught if at all possible." Ray said, calmly, and quietly. He'd say he missed Isabella right now, but honestly, she and Weiss seemed cut from very similar, if not the same, cloth.

Sounds like someone's very much not happy." Caden murmured to the others. He was being quiet, as stealthy as possible.

Melody nodded. She cautiously lead the way, hoping she hadn't been wrong.

She's got a point." Lance said. "If you're trying to run any kind of campaign efficiently, you need supplies, like food. At least, that's what my dad always said."
"Well of course. I'm not stupid. Let's investigate." Weiss exclaimed as she proceeded to walk with the group to investigate the base. The team at first glance would spot quite a few guards. A bit too many for a small base. "What's going on? Were we misinformed?"

"God. This job... Sigh. Might as well report back to the harbour base. Hopefully then I can get some time off. This couldn't possibly get any worse from here, can it?"

Once they got to the source of the noise, they discovered a walking White Fang member cruising through the streets. Wait, wasn't another group supposed to be in this area?
"Wait a minute. Aren't Caden's group supposed to be investigating this area?"

"Then why haven't we seen more guards here? Shouldn't they... you know, be more protective of their supplies?" "They probably have multiple sources. External transports via the train and any air-lifts and sea-side. Ironwood did say there was a base in the Industrial Section, which is where the mass majority of the harbour resides."

@Alissa Ming
"Not unless we somehow ended up in the residential district. Are we close to it?" Melody asked Ruby.

Hm...Juane may actually have a point. Why aren't we seeing more guards. I get why Torchwick or Neopolitian aren't here, if they have other ways of getting what they need. In fact, only having one way to get food or other supplies would be the height of foolishness, but still, why aren't we seeing more guards?" Lance asked.

I'd assume it's that, or we somehow ended up in the wrong district. This is weird. I don't know Ironwood well, but I would assume he wouldn't deliberately lie to us. I mean, yeah, we're just kids, but he sent us on a potentially dangerous expedition. He would want to give us accurate information." Ray said quietly to Weiss.

Harbor base, huh?" Caden murmered to the rest of the group.
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"Hopefully I brought the map..." Ruby exclaimed quietly as she rummaged her pockets and indeed pulled out a map. "Yeah... Residential District is... right here. Wait, how did we get here?"

"Maybe they've already packed some supplies? I say we do some investigating instead of making blind assumptions." Blake exclaimed as she proceeded to investigate the crops. "However it is strange that the farmers and greenhouse keepers aren't here. They'd usually be tending to their inventories at this time."

"Seems a bit too suspicious that we'd be end up appearing at a base that's incredibly guarded. And this is Roman's base no doubt due to how many there are. Surely Ironwood got his information right."

"Wait, aren't Caden's team supposed to be investigating the harbour?" "Maybe he's trying to lead us away from our actual destination. It is still worth a try however to investigate this with some backup."

@Alissa Ming