Scarlet Knight

This is an extract from my Voltron fanfic.

She took a long drag of her cigarette, looking out to the desert like land around the caravan. After all the chaos, the peace and solitude was nice.

"Mallory," the voice of her younger brother, Keith, came from her left. She blew the smoke from her mouth before she looked to her left. He climbed on top of the caravan before going to sit with, "When did you start smoking?"

"Recently, it's calming," she told him before throwing what was left of the cigarette onto the road.

"It's also addictive."

"Well not like I'm living long enough for it to become an addiction. Lotor is dead set on killing me and, well, being a hero is pretty much a death sentence."

Then a short silence before Keith asked, "Where did you go?"


"When you disappeared seven years ago, where did you go?"

Mallory stayed silent.

"Mom told me that your adopted family had to leave town, that you had to go with them. Then Rusty said you died in that factory explosion, that you and your friends had been playing there when the Gulra blew it up. He said that you went back in because someone was still in there. So, what happened?"

"I don't remember much of what happened. I did stay behind in the explosion, I was buying the others some time to run. The Gulra were going to keep fighting us in there if it meant we died. We were far enough away for the explosion in the end not to die."

"What happened then?"

"I was taken to one of their prisons. Don't ask me what happened, I don't know. They managed to take a lot of my memories, they left the worst ones though. So if you wondering why I've been calling you Red, now you know. There are no bad memories of you. Well there was one, from when we were young. I was trying to protect you, Mom was screaming to 'protect your brother'."

There was another silence before Keith hugged Mallory. "Thanks."