Turning over the two girl's words in his head for a bit, the blonde tapped his finger on his arm as they were crossed over his chest.

"Well, like Ann said, it does matter how you feel in the end. Honestly, sometimes you just gotta do stuff you just don't feel up to doing, but at least there's people that got your back and all." Dakari replied with a bit of a shrug. Ann was right in the fact that if one of them wasn't in the game it'd kinda screw them over, but she was also right that Ayako's feeling mattered despite what the other might of initially thought.

@Ver @Jeremi @Lucky @Atomic Knight @Anybody

The dining hall they were stood at felt crowded, AJ almost eating the collar of Romeski's jacket- more so as Maia bumped into him, pushing him further into the other man. He sighed and put a finger to her skin, to zap her discreetly- causing the girl to jump.

"Maia, I love the energy but you're squishing me," he spoke in a hushed tone. Honestly, he felt nervous- the looming threat of someone trying to assassinate Mr. Hugh again hung in his head. He placed his headset on, pushing one side off so he could hear the room, but hoped a higher up wouldn't notice as he let the music play from his phone.



The zap was enough to calm her, but unlike AJ her nerves weren't from fear, but more of excitement. She hadn't used her powers besides on dummies in training or helping out in the nurse's office. Though she wouldn't want something bad to happen, she couldn't fight the intrigue of being in the field again.

She moved away from AJ hoping to find one of the other girls to chat with.

@Atomic Knight @Crunch @Ver @Jeremi @Anyone