

Forum Pyromaniac
SCP 0.001

Containment Cell.
SCP 0.001 is kept in a 24 by 28 room made out of bullet proof glass, resembling a see through box.

Containment Procedures
SCP 0.001 is to have their cell cleaned once a week, and a collar made of [REDACTED] changed out every morning to keep 0.002 contained.

First Encounter With Scp 0.001
Date 1/20/[REDACTED]

First encounter with Scp 0.001 happened in the outskirts of [REDACTED],CA. It was a rainy day. Foundation staff had been dispatched due to reports of sudden disappearances of parents. They focused their attention for the first part of their investigation on a young girl named Angel [REDACTED], who had spotted 0.001 dragging her older brother away from his car when he had gone missing. The foundation after interviewing her had proceeded with protocol and began searching the outskirts for 0.001, when they found him in an apartment. Residents had complained of loud horror shows being played, they had no idea that it was not a horror story. When staff entered 0.001 was aggravated and assaulted two of the staff, resulting in their death two days later after being bitten by the appendages that suddenly came out from the ground. Foundation scientist May [REDACTED] is assigned to this case and has been working at the foundation for 10 years.
The team sent to retrieve 0.001 was successful in containing 0.001.


The class of 0.001 is deemed Euclid but has been changed to Keter when in a cell with any other SCP the foundation has, due to its violent behavior which increases sharply when weapons are in the same cell as 0.001 and any other SCP in the same cell. 0.001 doesn't eat, but is fully capable of consumption. Diet - Carnivorous.

There is one anomaly linked with 0.001.

SCP 0.002, also known as the worm, resides in 0.001’s consciousness. 0.002, at a moments notice will make 0.001 summon it from any surface as to consume staff and other personnel within the facility. Seemingly targeting those with weapons, or a history of abusing someone physically. 0.002 shows signs of having bone, but whether or not it has a body is unknown still as of now.

After the 70’th staff member was killed we sent a D-class in his cell with a microphone while 0.001 was contained in cuffs, and his collar made out of [REDACTED];

D-Class: How are you doing?
0.001 glares, remaining silent
D-Class: Ok.. do you-
0.001: No. Next question.
D-Class: I haven't even asked the fir-
0.001: I know what the first one is. And my answer is not respond to it. Next question..
D-Class: … ok then. Uh… what is your relationship with 0.002? You two seem very close. Though it isn't entirely a part of you.
0.001: Have you ever learned of how a starfish inserts its stomach in a clam, to eat it? Imagine me being a starfish… 0.002, is my stomach... a symbiotic relationship to say the least..
D-Class: I see.. Is there any reason for you having 0.002 kill the 70 people here in the facility?
0.001: Filth… they didn’t deserve to breathe… You of all people might come to learn this yourself. Watch all of them, how they stab at, tourture, and lock us up in this place that you consider a… safe… place to hold us. You dont care for us… you only wish to see us burn. As we wish to see you EXTERMINATED! LIKE THE [REDACTED] YOUR VERY RACE IS-

The recording was stopped early due to the aggressive behavior from 0.001 as he broke his bindings and lurched at the D-Class.. Further interrogations have been limited.