Demon's Broken Promise Removed

Glumisun Palma Cristi

The red-head smiled, waving at the tiny creature. "Make sure you get there safely. Ask the nice people around if you get lost," she called out. "She really is cute, Nelyvia. Can I have her?"

The closing of the door had Glumisun pursing her lips, eyes once again focused on the red-skinned Teifling. "I did not expect a child to be entering your ranks so suddenly," she sang. Grabbing the ledge of the pool, she heaved her naked body up. Though the pool soothed her wounds, there were still scars and angry red marks decorating her skin. Most of them were from training and playing her weapon. Those larger than a thumb were damages done by previous fights such as the stitched up wound on her stomach.

"You already know that I cannot hide behind a mask," she stated, taking her sweet time to just stand and grab the towel on the table. "I need the physical descriptions of each of those suspicious beings, Nelyvia." She toweled her being and subtly let out her pheromones. Her little performance of indecency might distract the sharp-nosed beauty from actually detecting the increase of her scent.

Placing the towel back down, she marched towards the younger one. "The truth, girl. I may not be in my best right now, but I could still use means to get what I want." Glumisun not being a succubus was an advantage she never knew. For when one is of that kind, the victim usually fights with all their mind to not be seduced. Sirenical demons, on the other hand, are not discussed. They also use seduction for their benefit but, unlike the sex-demons, they do not do it for sex. They do it to lure the victim into their palms and either kill them or capture them.

[sorry, very short. I cannot place the whole scene]
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It has gotten late. Later than planned. The birds decided to chirp already, which meant that Sunset neared. After her small incident with Glumisun, Nelyvia just bared her teeth in sheer irritation and left the room as fast as her legs allowed it. Yet, she hadn't returned to her or Aeyra's chamber but rather decided to end her paperwork. A guard had angled her head at her as she passed by. It hadn't seized the Tiefling's awareness, though.

Now, she halted before the gate to the room of her little elfling- wondering if it was possible to enter without waking her up. With gentle pushings, the door widened without any noise. Carefully, the Demoness strolled in.

"Wah! You took so long!"

Her heart throbbed as she lightened the darkness in the room. Gold met emeralds- tired and exhausted emeralds. No, Aeyra hadn't really waited the whole night for her, had she? And she did. This kid was full of ugly and beautiful surprises.

A book was thrown in Nelyvia's hands. "This one looks interesting! Read it."

Unbelievable... "Did you...," she munched on her lip, "...wait for me the whole night?" And the child nodded, though grief flared in her eyes. The little hand played with the hair. "No, sometimes I fell asleep and was scared that you have gone to bed, too, without reading or saying bye to me."
Nelyvia... was inarticulate. A kid her age should have gone to sleep right away, and not care about if the others are enraged at her the next day. For herself, she couldn't remember waiting for anyone back in her childhood. She was jovial if she rested, because then the whole bummer seemed to pause, just to continue the moments the rays of the sun sleeked through her windowpane.

With a tiny huff, the red-skinned female sat down on the edge of the bed.
"I was busy tonight, I am sorry." Sorry, she honestly apologized to child there! But as long as no one knew of this... it was fine. "Next time just go to bed," she murmured.
No one has ever waited for her to return in a night. If she was gone, she was gone. If she returned, she was back. Simple. But Aeyra was different. A traumatic childhood rested on her tiny back, and so on her life decisions. Nelyvia knew that. She had lost so many people she loved.

She had left her sisters in the hands of her parents, though she was certain that Mevas was wise enough to take her legs in the hand and run from the horror, together with the Twins. Next thing she knew where those 400 years with Master Pellere, and how he had died crafting her bow and how his body turned to ash due to her flames.
The last thing was... how she joined Serpent's Kiss, how she was titled as Second-In-Command and how her decisions had costed many lifes... even the one from Lydia.

A sigh emitted from Nelyvia. Remembering her past wasn't quite helpful. So, she distracted herself and held the book closer to her eyes. "Gamble of Lords" was the chosen book. It had been ages since the Tiefling had finished that one! For a short moment, she tried to remember if it was fitting for a child's ear. Except some gut gushing and fucking... It pretty much was. She would text something instead of reading the bloody scenes.

"What a good choice," she offered her Elfling, "That was one of my first books."

The others were history. Mostly. She enjoyed reading tactical-shit, especially the strategy of famous generals. From those stories, she had learned and improved her own skills. It sometimes even calmed her to know that even those had lost what they loved or commanded.
Which brought an idea within. She had to read "Golden Abyss" again. Perhaps there she could find any idea how to handle this damned chaos.

"You have a lot of books," stated Aeyra and crawled underneath her cover, "I want to read them too! As soon as I learned how to read properly."
The Demoness ears gave the occasional flicker. So, the little one wasn't able to read? What were those bastards of parents doing? Even Nelyvia was showed how to read... probably because she had to know who was her next 'client' and for when she had to visit him.

"I will teach you how to read," promised Nelyvia and began to voice what stood there black on white.
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Glumisun Palma Cristi

The leader laughed, watching as the teifling rush out from the pools. Did she actually overdo it? The information she got from her was not enough. Masks were a normal costume here in Haven but the other things were not. She needed more. Yew was the person who would give it.

Walking out of the room herself, she bowed to the guard before she was actually stopped from stepping any further. "Sorry, Glumisun, but Sir Evergreen said that you are supposed to be in your chambers resting." Everyone in this house knew of Glumisun's disregard of her own health and safety. She will most likely go to the council meeting and give off the information and status of what happened in the Neutral Zone even if the news have already covered it.

"That is not fair," Glumisun stated, crossing her arms over her chest. "Where did Yew disappeared to anyways?"

"To take care of some business, Glumi. Where were you supposed to be going?"

Her eyes looked sideways. "I was in my way to get some fresh air," she lied. In truth, she was about to go around the territories and check the officers and other leaders for any injuries that might not be treated right. She could not just sit idly when knowing that others are working their bodies to exhaustion.

"Glumi, just go and sleep."

With a sigh, she was escorted to her chambers. Another round of check-up was conducted before she forced into deep sleep by a drug.

[Apologies again]
MENTIONS: @happydeath

Aeyra released a jawn. With the numbness of her brain, that barely noted the bright sunset peeking over the edge of her window, nor the Tiefling still sleeping, she whirled her legs out of the bed... Well, at least she tried to. Instead of the air, she hit the head of her big Sister Nelyvia Pellere.
A groan was muffled into the blanket. "Why are you still here," complained the elf. It was hard to remember, but indeed- the woman fell asleep while reading the first verse. And so did Aeyra.

Red hands covered the scaled horns. "Why are you kicking me is a better question," she murmured and straightened the back of hers. Gold flicked to Aeyra- just as distant and still napping like her own.
"You have your own bed! Don't blame me?" But Nelyvia only sank back onto the bed, with precisions she managed to land upon the elf's fragile legs.

"Ey! You heavy! Get," she struggled, "down!"
O, how well she heard the laughter and grin this Demon had set on her lips!

"Remind me never to come and check on you again," hummed a hoarse voice until the door was kicked open. The tiefling immediately stood on her limps, casually placing a hand near her hidden dagger. Aeyra herself wasn't as startled as the warrior and just turned on the spot, now with her freed legs. A guard stood in the door, saluting to the Second-In-Command.
With a huff, the Demoness relaxed her muscles once again.

In Hell's name, her head was about to literally explode. Sleep from four hours wasn't quite enjoyable, nor the pretty massive kick of those slim legs too! What were in those legs? Bones crafted out of steel?
The fact that a guard had awakened her to her fullest, wasn't brightening her morning either.

"Speak," a cracked voice of her spoke, complimented by the slackest wave ever. "A message arrived. A new meeting announced by Sir Avaddon De’Angulis."

"What does this brick want now," she murmured. Definelity- the missing sleep and fucked up morning was pretty much messing with her.

"Also," he scratched his neck. A low chuckle emerged from her throat. "Yes, I will wake her up."

With the words said, Nelyvia Pellere was on her way to the Leaderling. It hadn't taken her long to find the door, or notice the slopping elf behind her. She hadn't commented on it, too.
Arrived at the door, she simply blasted the door opens- an act of tiny revenge for the last night. With the groaning woman, she was pretty much satisfied.
"Rise and shine, work is calling. Your dear De'Angulis called for a meeting. Hopp hopp," she purred, leaning into the door.
Aeyra halted at her side, peeked in.
Gumisun Palma Cristi
Sleep that was forced by drugs never really replenish anything except for making the victim have a head-ache and felt like they drank a ton of moonshine. "Next time, please do not give me any drugs or potions. It messes up with the natural healing capabilities of the body," she lectured the person coming in.

Rolling off the bed, she stretched and and muttered a soft spell. Cherry, Yew's giant snake, slithered around her ankles and focused on the two who came in, crimson eyes focused on the child. It moved slowly, analyzing and calculating only to hiss when Glumisun stepped on its tail. The red-head might not be as fierce looking as the other demons but her smile alone could dissuade even the bravest of hearts in her territory. The giant snake slithered back around her ankle before climbing and resting its head on her shoulder. Glumisun had now a giant snake wrapped around her upper body and her thighs.

"What kind of meeting are we going to be in?" she asked, glancing at Nelyvia before her eyes landed on the little elf. "Good morning, Aeyra," she chirped. "Have you two had breakfast already?" she asked. "And can I skip the meeting once again? I mean, both you and Yew are already regulars there. I have to make sure the council is still in order and the preparation for the repairs and rebuilding be finished." She was already rubbing the snake's head.


She simply sneered. “No. Both, Leader and Second, are requested to attend. I think it is about Ravinca’s Leader?”

Her tail slashed, eyes narrowed at the snake. It was simply a dragon without wings- for her. And she either enjoyed or hated this certain fact.
Breakfast… Shit. Kids had to eat, hadn’t they? The Tiefling herself had been just fine without any meal, but a growing child not.

With a click of her tongue she turned to the wide-eyes Elf. With amazement Aeyra had observed the Leader with her snake.

“Heh, when you are done staring,” eyes flashed at her as the kid flushed, “Then go and eat something. I will tell a guard to entertain you until I return.”

Aeyra angled her tiny head, the hair fell smoothly over her shoulder. “I am not joining you?”

“My apologies sweetie,” hummed the Tiefling and nudged the nose with her fingers, “But not today.”

A kid she was, the elfling had to pout and debated whether it was worth to argue with Nelyvia. At the obeying movements, it was the older Demoness that had achieved victory of such tiny and muted discussion— mostly played with their looks.
With that, she turned to Glumisun.

“Worry about the Council later,” she chimed unamused, “And don’t even think about leaving me there alone.”

Because no one knew where the Airhead went to. Neither had she cared. He was old enough to deal with his life like he wanted. Though, he had to fulfill his position at the same time.
And she was certain that the Seductress before her could snap at her head any moment thanks to her used tone. Glumisun might fooled others, but not those who had particularly knew her.

@Vague o3
Glumisun Palma Cristi
A sense of panic and dread flashed in those orange eyes. If it was Avaddon who called for the meeting, it would only mean that there would be punishment involved. She shook her head. The only thing she could possibly do for now was to delay the inevitable.

"Breakfast?" She offered again. Cherry slithered off its favorite person and silently went to her balcony. Glumisun moved to cuddle Aeyra and picking her off the ground. "You are joining us for breakfast, dearie. I will not take no for an answer." Both then got out of the room, Glumisun raising a brow at Nelyvia.

As they were slowly walking through the halls with Aeyra still in her arms, Glumisun fired off a bit of questions regarding what the special forces were doing. "We should also talk to Avaddon about increasing some of the supplies," she stated. "Are the potions and medicines enough for all of Haven?"

They met Yew before they could actually enter the mess dining area of the house. Glumisun had immediately turned Aeyra away from the summoner. "Good morning," she chirped.

Yew bowed deeply much to the female's irritation. He moved closer, smiling an apology to the girl. "Child, I apologize to what I did yesterday... I know you will not losten to me but..." again the smile faltered. "I am you uncle yes?" Glumisun could hear the anger on the word 'uncle".

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Glumisun obviously already adored Aeyra. She wasn't going to stop the Leaderling from picking the Elf up. Aeyra herself grinned brightly- she honestly enjoyed the attention of the redhead, perhaps even a breeze too much.

"Are the potions and medicines enough for all of Haven?" It set the Demoness thinking. Was it?
Her inner eyes read the 30th report again. It stated the medical-supplies in it. Some even offered to deliver it to the rest of Have- The numbers. Nelyvia remembered them, remembered how high the injured-number was and how high it could still get. She calculated, didn't notice when they had stopped, nor Yew.

She loved, loved, loved! To sit on the arms of the red-haired woman. She was an entertaining big sissy- for the elf at least. Because something about that aura of hers was... filled with mystery. The child was wise enough not to reach for something that wasn't meant to be reached for. At the moment, she fully enjoyed this attention. And if one was to say it, she savored that maybe a bit too much. But who was she to care? She was a child! No one would actually be mad at her. An advantage of her age- lovely.

"Are the potions and medicines enough for all of Haven?"

The Tiefling hadn't said a word ever since, only stared into the filled hallways. Aeyra wondered what this master brain procrastinated that she didn't notice Yew's approach, nor as they halted. Her motions completely adjusted to those of Glumisun's, she even halted as they did, twisted as they did.

Her green eyes, which reminded a few alcoholics of a shattered bottle in the gleams of the daylight, scrutinized the Priest. Not with precise, not with trained eyes, with pour kid's probity. He wasn't stomping with his foot, nor smoked his ears, nor was his face paled by anger.
Though, her other big sissy made sure that Aeyra was turned away.
And Yew bowed before smiling. Nelyvia still hadn't shown any signs of an actual remark of his presence.

"Child, I apologize to what I did yesterday... I know you will not listen to me but...I am your uncle yes?"

Her nose twitched. "You smell like shit uncle," she chimed amused. Nothing from Nelyvia. Not a scold, nor a scowl. The bad word was a tiny test, perhaps a try to return her big sister to reality any time soon. But no, nothing came except, "The potions and medics shall be enough for our Territory and those of Haven. Though, not forever. If the fiiiiii-" she paused, drawing the wanted word to a fading. Now she must have noticed the new company.

She sneered, shook the head of hers as a kind of dismissal to her own words. She probably had said enough.

@Vague o3
Glumisun Palma Cristi

"You smell like shit uncle."

Upon that statement, Glumisun tightened her hold on the child before turning to gaze at the red-skinned beauty as Yew groaned in the background. She was going to reprimand Yew later. Right now, her attention was in the other 'sissy' of Aeyra. "Nelyvia," she started, voice wavering. She did not know whether to be angry or to burst in laughter. Rare was it to see the officer this flustered.

Clearing her voice, she instead focused on the girl. "Aeyra, where have you heard that word?" she asked instead. Kids her age should know that they were not allowed to be saying such words. "Lets... let's just grab breakfast before your sissies attend to the meeting." With a bit of a squeal, she buried her face between the girl's hair.

"I will be meeting you later then," Yew stated before moving to his own room to actually freshen up. Glumisun also wrinkled her nose, the scent of alcohol clinging to the formal summoner.

Upon entering the dining halls, food were already placed on the table. Glumisun narrowed her eyes at the amount of food on the table but did not comment.

“Where have you heard that word?”

What word? Which of the bad words had this idiot used this time?
Gladly, Glumisun just hauled off to the dining table. The amount of food was expected, judging the reports of how much this Elfling was able to eat.

The Leader settled the child onto a chair. Nelyvia herself slipped onto one on the opposite side.
“Sharing is caring,” she told Aeyra and poked a fork in a piece of melon.

A mocking grin as she savored the piece of melon. Her fork leaped to a wide range as she shrugged. “You can’t eat all of that anyway.” A challenge. A tiny challenge to witness the ten-bear-wide-volume-of-a-hell-stomach with her own eyes.
With a sneer, the Elf began to eat… no. She was not eating. She was, indeed, but at the same time… Was this kid even realizing that it ate? Was she… Gods.

“Slow down!” Nelyvia furrowed her brows, not even having her first bread finished. Gods, what the holy fridge of the kitchen had she brought with her? How large was this stomach? Did all Elves ate like there was no limit?

Noticing that the kid won’t listen anyways, she turned to her Leader. “What I was about to say earlier,” she started, again calculating if her guesses were right,
“Our medications shall be enough to feed our and the other territories.”

@Vague o3
Glumisun Palma Cristi

Watching the elf eat like there was not tomorrow, she licked her lips in entertainment. There was nothing to be afraid off. Glumisun also took this as a sign to just grab the meat from the table and sat next to Nelyvia. She clapped in delight, knowin that someone had the same appetite as her. Unlike her appearance, Glumisun, too, had an appetite of a dragon. She opened her mouth and serated teeth flashed. Tearing through the meat and bone as if nothing, she grinned at the child before continuing. It had been a while since she have let her own childish characteristic.

“Our medications shall be enough to feed our and the other territories.”

Glumisun nodded, already trying to think off a plan. They should start requesting the most basic of herbs from the other territories and make sure the potioneers were prepared. The suspects were yet to be found and that only placed her on edge. Where else could bombs be hiding at this point? If there are any...

The image of both Avaddon and Revan then flashed in her mind. Ah, yes, the meeting. How was she to convince the older leader to lower the punishment to be given? Using the clan ability to destroy part of Haven was somehow the highest offense one could get. The punishment was an execution. A sigh escaped her lips. They went all through that trouble just to have their fellow leader be killed in front of everyone. She prayed Avaddon could be convinced but how was she to do that when she herself was too intimidated. Could Kasdeya speak with him in her behalf?

The Demoness sighed. It must have been ages since she tabled with the Leader herself, since she had forgotten what endless hole she recalled as the stomach.
“With the two of you,” Nelyvia started, “Our supplies won’t even last a week.”

The truth, a suggestion, a little joke. Aside from an upcoming war— the joy wasn’t there to fade or be forgotten. Often it helped her keeping a cleared mind. Often her master had taught her the best of it.

Sliding the plate away from her, the Tiefling heaved to her limps. “I will… arrange a few things while you two finish.”
She hadn’t bothered with a good-bye, hadn’t bothered to invite them into her plans. No. She was about to do the foolishest thing in history.
Strolling out of the hall, she approached a guard.

“Cyril’s whereabouts,” she demanded. Again, her icebound mask returned to her facials. She sent the man a glare that had most running. Gladly, the male looked to the ground. His voice was nothing more than a whisper. “Entrance.”

A huff escorted itself.The woman turned to the stated spot. Arriving there hadn’t took long, being greeted with a bruised face somehow pleased her.

“Bastard,” she purred as she halted before him, slashed her arm around his neck, caused him a fair amount of pain and dragged him to a distant corner.

The man hissed, “What.”

“Now. Now. Still pissed about my punishment?”

She rose a brow- a faint signal for him not to fucking answer anything. Obeying. That was all he was permitted to do. Act in her words. Act after her orders and not his own damned mind. He was not a man of war, he was a man of revenge. That could pull strings in fights, indeed. Sometimes a clear mind was more helpful than the sheer bloodthirst.

“Alright,” Nelyvia Pellere hummed, “Lead a group of to the statue-zone. Inspect, kill when needed and try to capture one if you see one.”

This time… she wanted him out of her way. Not through her own hands, though. A list slipped through her hand. “I already assigned you a group.”
No space for any ‘buts’ was left.

He was going to die, if those who had shot Lydia yesterday still lingered in the darkness. And that was what she wished for. A traitor like him… someone who puts his own good about those of a whole squad… someone who ignored her krder and put a load of civilians in danger… someone like that was useless in a fight. So, he had to vanish.

The assigned group already knew about her plan— was promised a little fortune to waltz into a possible death. She had told them where to lead Cyril, where to go if they had to flee, which rout seemed appropriately.

She dismissed him, snarled to the other guard to tell Glumisun that she was waiting for her by the entrance. Another servant had to get her her beloved bow. And with a weird feeling in her guts, she leaned onto the door.

@Vague o3
Gumisun Palma Cristi

The female laughed, waving her right hand as if batting a fly. "Oh, do not worry about my appetite, Nelyvia. I could go about for a week without nourishment," she stated, eyes at the tiny being across her inhaling everything in her sight. Another round of chuckle before watching the second-in-command get up and move out of the dining area.

As much as she wanted to follow the younger demon, it was kind of useless. Nelyvia had her mind on something and that was most likely be killing someone. Growing up in a temple like she did, that act has been frowned upon but... her being the head of the territory, it was kind of a moral dilemma for her. How many traitors she had to witness get executed. How many of her comrades she watched perish before her very eyes... She shook her head and smiled at Aeyra.

"So, dear. Are you enjoying your stay so far?" she asked. This was a better way to distract herself than to worry about Nelyvia and her plans.

A knock and finally Yew entered the room. His eyes were still closed but he moved wit such accuracy that he didn't need his sight to arrive by her chair. He didn't say anything or greeted the people on the table. He just stood there like a looming shadow. Glumisun felt a bit guilty for ignoring and disregarding her oldest friend like that. She tugged on his sleeve three times before once again looking at the child. "I know this is a bit sudden but... are you okay with being left here alone here in the house or has your sissy thought of a babysitter for you?"

"Shak ladtan ah ti agkita kanyana
[I could be the one to look after her]," Yew suddenly answered, causing the red-head to straighten her posture and grip the spoon tightly. "Amamu na shakun. Nalaklaka dyay ubing nga maka-adjust [She already knows me. It would be easier for her to adjust]."

"Binnuteng mu isuna di rabii. Apay kayat daka paylang aya nga kadwaan?
[You scared her last night. Do you think she will like to be with you?]"

[Ask her]."

Glumisun shook her head. She smiled at Aeyra and let her eat in peace as Yew once again gave her the latest report. As she was reading through the numbers, a guard whispered to Yew. "Nelyvia is waiting for you at the entrance," he reported. Nodding, the female gave back the papers and turned to Aeyra with an apologetic look.

"Seems like we need to go, dearie. Make sure to get full. Uncle will be here if anything is needed okay? He won't hurt you, don't worry. Your sissy Nelyvia is going to make sure of that."

Interactions: @Abroxis
She almost huffed as the Tielfing heaved to her feet. Her aura... suddenly just changed completely. Nothing hostile, nor friendly spoke in it- not in her face, not in her steps. Whatever was going to happen, Aeyra was glad she was left by Glumisun.

A question was not hard to answer. Yes. Of course, she enjoyed her stay!
"I know this is a bit sudden but... are you okay with being left here alone here in the house or has your sissy thought of a babysitter for you?"

Nelyvia was going to... leave? Of course, she had to, a meeting awaited her! But though... They had merely a day to enjoy themselves and learn more about each other. Somehow the elf wanted to be selfish, wanted those two to stay, wanted to eat with them the next morning. But she knew it wasn't place and time to do such things. But a babysitter...? If Nelyvia hadn't assigned one, she didn't want one.

As she gaped her jaw to respond, the Uncle crossed his way to their table. Such delight movements... Would she ever be able to move like that, too? Was she ever able to be anything but a burden?

"Shak ladtan ah ti agkita kanyana. Amamu na shakun. Nalaklaka dyay ubing nga maka-adjust "

What. What. What!? What was he saying? It sounded cool, but what was he saying?!

Her head darted to the Leader, to her other sissy. "Binnuteng mu isuna di rabii. Apay kayat daka paylang aya nga kadwaan?"
She couldn't read, nor write in her own language. But that- that was what she wanted to know. Had every race their own language? If, what was hers?


He nodded at her. Were they talking about her? A bad report? Gossip? Something Nelyvia wouldn't allow if she would be around? Yew had reported the spot where Nelyvia was awaiting her friend. For a short moment, she debated whatever it was worth saying bye or not.
After the brief instruction, that the Uncle would be her babysitter, she was kind of relieved. And she knew, if Nelyvia smelled just a hint of blood on her, she would gut Yew before he could even open his mouth. Whatever it was between the little Elf and Nelyvia- but the Tiefling seemed to adapt to her, to shield her from something she had endured once and didn't want to happen to Aeyra.

As Glumisun left, she called after her,
"Have fun! Bai!" And then, her emerald eyes narrowed on Yew. "What have you eaten to smell like crap, Sir? Trash?" Yikes.
Not a single knowledge of the adults' definition of fun, nor where this aroma could have come from. Though, she had smelled it a few times in the living room of her parents. A lot, actually.

She grabbed her fork again, imitated the slick movement of Nelyvia and Glumisun from earlier.
"Whatever, sit down and eat because I am not finished."
Though, she had eaten as much as Glumisun, who had surprised her with the appetite of her own. One day she wanted a contest to see who could eat more.

@Vague o3
Yew Evergreen
Upon the exit of his ward, his eyes focused on the brat before him. Aeyra's chirp of goodbye to the leader had the summoner smiling wryly.

"What have you eaten to smell like crap, Sir? Trash?"

Yew was not amused. As much of a trash-talker he was by spending so much time with Fuctner Fucking Dyle, he was not that low to curse on a child. "Don't say the words 'crap' or 'fuck' before the leader, alright," he stated, the friendly smile already on his pale face. He tapped his tinted lips as if telling the kid to watch her words.

"Whatever, sit down and eat because I am not finished."

The male bowed elegantly, chuckling as he took a seat. "I did not know we had another bottomless pit joining the crew," he mused, grabbing an apple and a knife. How ironic. He should have just grabbed one of those Dragon Fruits and just bit into it, skin and flesh and seeds and all. "So, what might be your favorite food among them?" he asked, already motioning for one of the servants to take whatever the food the girl wanted. Seeing her so happy like that gave amusement to the summoner.

Glumisun Palma Cristi
She nodded in greeting to the red-skinned demoness. "Are we leaving already?" she asked. "Are there any more things you need before we actually enter the Neutral Zone?" And this was how she was going to attempt to delay her presence from the meeting. If Nelyvia knew, Glumisun does not know. That icy facade was already in place.

Grabbing Chaos' Song from its place near the entrance of the house, she and Nelyvia was already on the grounds. Since the Tiefling was weak with water, both silently walked to their destination. It was slower, the red-head never complained. It would give her a first-hand account of the aftermath of the incident yesterday. Luckily, it was only the circle that was destroyed. The death did not climb, thankfully. The explosion, the shrapnel... those were the ones that took the lives of those nearest to the statue. There were no poison or biological weapons that were mixed.

She did not have the time to go and check the medical tents. Nelyvia would chew her. So they continued on.

"Mh, Melons! They are absolut-sun!"
An old habit- using complete out of context words. Sun was mostly used to express brightness, joy, and anything positive. There were even different stages to it. Half sun, meh-sun, and absolute-sun. One might have called her crazy for it. But who was she to get destroyed by such idiots?
She intended to keep her childhood- seeing the stress of other adults just seemed like absolut-storm. Something she was definitely trying to avoid at all costs.

"And yours? Is it that weird thing in your hand?"

It made her happy to see him smiling. Aeyra guessed it was caused by her own energy, her own cheerfulness. Though her knowledge lacked at so many points, she was never going to pressure herself. There was enough time for her to gain such wiseness. After all, she had three people to turn to, to run to... Someone who actually cared for her.

They had strolled through the territory. Not much was happening, and gladly Glumisun spared Nelyvia the way over the sea.
"You really enjoy the presence of little Aeyra," chuckled the Tiefling, though it was kind out of context and sounded bored. But her attention flicked to whatever shadows move, whatever sticks cracked. Her bow was seated to her back- ready to be drawn and sent an arrow straight through any predator.
Her muscles tensed each step. Right now, being outside was like standing on a battlefield.

Thanks to various reports, she was informed of how the Leader pushed herself the passed day. Gods. Nelyvia could have helped, could have stepped in. Just if she hadn't left her side, just if she hadn't obeyed the officer's orders. Her tail rifted the earth beneath her in a low frustration.

One day it was Nelyvia who would thank Glumisun, who would jump in for her. The redhead had given her chance, even after the smith Pellere- her master- burned to ash thanks to her dark leashing magic. She had lightened the darkness Nelyvia strolled in. And one day, she was repaying her for it.

Judging the time, they were about to arrive at the meeting as last.

@Vague o3
Yew Evergreen
"Mh, Melons! They are absolut-sun!"

Yew laughed, peeling through the apple and cutting them in pieces, carefully removing the seeds as he offered the child some of the sliced fruit. As for him, a bit of cyanide was nothing new. Poisons from fruits and other plants were nothing to him. The thought of joking and playing around with Glumisun's name later.

"And yours? Is it that weird thing in your hand?"

Yew shook his head. "My favorite would be the cherries," he answered. And speaking of which, he grabbed one of the said fruits and popped it in his mouth. The stick sat between his lips as he chewed on the pulp. Gulping, he took the stick and started tying the stick in his mouth. Sticking out his tongue to show his work. He had also showed the child his mark to Aeyra.

Glumisun Palma Cristi
"You really enjoy the presence of little Aeyra."

Glumisun hummed, agreeing with the sentence. She strapped the boxed weapon on her back as they moved along. Her lips thinned as she noticed Nel's golden eyes darted from one point to another. Sighing, Glumisun turned to the other side, eyes also looking for anyone that is moving suspiciously.

"She is too cute to pass up. A bit too quiet for her age and is surprisingly obedient," she started. "Though I only met her yesterday, I think she will fit in with the Serpents if taught by the right people," she chuckled. "And maybe, if she is already old enough, I am going to retire and just dump the leader role to you and her being your second." It was just a joke but the idea was something to toss and play upon in the near future.

She stopped before the entrance, deciding what to do before entering the Neutral Zone. "Could we grab a few drinks from the cafe before joining the meeting?" she suggested. "It might be the formula to warm up our little Ice Cube."

@Abroxis @happydeath
Cherries. She would save that info. Save it for later. Save it for whenever she decides to light a candle in the darkness of the days from Yew.
Yew… Like Nelyvia he must had a surname. Pellere, had the Demoness called herself. Pellere… By any chances, could she become, too, a Pellere? She owned a surname… A surname wronged by her parents. A surname she was never going to accept.

At the art he crafted inside his mouth, her eyes brightened. “Wow!” Those people were all so… so amazing!

And then he had shown her a tattoo. A marking. Something she had seen on Nelyvia’s back. The same muster.

“Sissy has that,” Aeyra started, offering a peek into her keen observances, “What does it mean?”

Various others had this sign, too. If she was to guess it, it was a symbol of the clan.
And she wondered again. Was she able to join those amazing people? Was she abled to stay at the side of Glumisun, Yew and Nelyvia?

“And before you answer. Do you own a Surname, too?”

Perhaps it had been stated once. Perhaps her kid’s senses and mind played a joke for her not to remember.

Too still, too obedient. Yes. Yes and yes. Glumisun simply stated what the Tiefling denied. It may was not too late for Aeyra, for her childhood to bloom. And yet… Her parents and the young past had scarred her— even if the scars and wounds were merely noticeable.

“Her parents,” offered Nelyvia, “were worse than horrible. She was repudiated, enslaved and left alone in the wides of the world. She had to fight to be with us, had to fight for what she is nowadays.”

For a short term, she wondered if she had talked about herself. Though, somehow Aeyra and her had indeed shared the same path of childhood. But… it had been so easy. Talking to the redhead aside of her. Talking and not caring what she said, nor hinted or offered.

“Left alone, hoping she would die soon and stop being a burden. The reason,” a cold chuckle, “Undeniable foolish. All the hate, all the pain she had to endure, all the scars and shattered soul-pieces of her… All because of what she was, of what possible magic this little elf possess. They feared her, broke her in angst to be defeated by her one day.”

And the elves were perished to die through Nelyvia’s own hands. A clear strike through their stoned heart would be enough.
And she had silently sworn to promise the child a brighter future, a home and a place she felt safe in. Someone, her, Glumisun and perhaps even the Priest, could be her main-roles, could expose the stars to her.

At the request of Coffee, Nelyvia wasn’t going to say no. She halted within the Leaderling at the borders.

“Of course, a coffee might be just perfect.”
Because her mind was about to explode. As well as her stomach. Her magic had… sensed someone. Someone who meant trouble. And she had a feeling it was no one didn’t knew. Perhaps another piece of he past decided to blow into her guts.

Though her icebound mask was set, she slipped a smile through for Glumisun.
“Lead the way, then,” she chimed and dramatically bowed, with a swift wave of her hand that gestured to the Neutral Zone.

@Vague o3
Yew Evergreen
Spitting the stick out on a used plate, he got up and took the tray being offered to him. Melons, like what the elf wanted. He took a step back before actually jumping towards where the girl sat. It might be a bit rude to do what he did but nobody there was going to tell him off else they wanted a deteriorating sprite chasing them.

He placed the platter of the fruit before the girl before raising a brow. "Off course, I do. My surname is Evergreen. Why, do you not like yours?" he asked gently. An impish smile then graced his lips. "You could have mine but that would take about... a thousand years, give or take."

one of the servants who was standing there gasped. She could not believe that one of the most prestigious "bachelors"would offer something like that to a child nonetheless.

"I was not suggesting something like that," Yew laughed, covering his lower face with his sleeves. "I do not swing that way, madame." Again focusing on their newest member of their group, he showed his tongue once again. "Dhith ome?" he pointed at the mark.

Clearing his throat, he chirped. "Yes, this is the clan's mark and those willing enough to be here takes it. Do you want one?" he asked, the sadistic glint already sparkling in those teal eyes.

Glumisun Palma Cristi
Listening to what her friend and the child had was something she could never relate. She did not know the feeling of abandonment even if she, herself, was neglected by her own father. All said was not for her to judge. Her story was not meant for this. "I have no words for what you said," she stated solemnly.

"From the old way," she started. "A child is merely created for the legacy and blood to be passed on." I am an example was left unsaid. "And fear of the unknown should not be a reason to torture someone," she mused. "Ah, never mind what I have said," she stated, grinning, forcing herself to show she was not affected by it even if she clearly was.

"Let's go, let's go. Before the line gets longer."

The girl’s eyes gleamed. “Of course I want! Pellere!”
Pellere. She wanted to be one of those Nelyvia called as her family. One of those who she referred to. She wanted to be a part of whatever the Pelleres were.

Little did she know, that Nelyvia was never a born Pellere. Pelleres meant mystery. Especially with the dead of the last know kin- who was Nelyvia’s Master.

At the comment of a servant and his response, the child could only angle her head. “But you don’t have a door?” Had he? And even if, who was this woman to decide where it winged to! It was his door, in the end.

With the mark shown, her eyes even began to widen. “If sissy approves this the time she returns,” Aeyra considered, “I wish for nothing more than being a part of this Clan.”
Her voice hauled with sheer desire, with sheer excitement, too. That was what she ever wished for. People to turn to, being a part of something bigger than herself. And this was her chance she wouldn’t miss.

Nelyvia Pellere understood. Understood the voiced dismissal of such sensitive theme. Instead of keeping her words broiling out, she strolled after her Leader.

The redhead led them precisely to her, probably, favorite Café. A line consisted of two before them was done in mere than five minutes. How late they would arrive hadn’t mattered. The fact that Glumisun tried to buy herself time all the time, just went uncommented by Nelyvia.

She somehow knew fear, still knew that. The Tiefling had hated the future. Especially if it could he predicted. A meeting about the raging storm of Ravinca’s young leader... And it was called in by Avaddon. Nothing, absolutely nothing was promising any good.

And knowing Glumisun, Nelyvia just knew that the female would try to calm the guts from Avaddon down. Perhaps melting a bit ice of the “iceberg” helped. Maybe grabbing Glumisun and retreating, too.

She ordered what ever she wanted, let the woman decide what she wanted before grinning, “So, plan to drink it here before slaughtering the last meters?”

Because then no one could promise anything but sheer tension. And it was way too early for that one…

@Vague o3
