Server Migration Upcoming - Read for Possible Downtime Periods


Bearly In Charge
Nexus GM
Hello Storytellers,

Due to our explosive growth, it's become apparent to us that we need to increase the resources available on our web-server in order to better accommodate Storyteller's Circle and cater to it's unique needs.

Unfortunately, at this point in time simply buying more resources for our current server would be cost prohibitive, and not an efficient way to use our funds at any rate. Our current server is a standard dedicated server solution, with lots of disk storage (way more than we'd likely ever fill if I ran six copies of the site) and CPU cores, but light on RAM access. Which is the opposite of what we need at the point in time that we are now and how the site is used by most of our users.

Instead, I'll be migrating us to a new server that's more set up to cater to our site's needs and I'm tentatively scheduling this migration to begin a week from now.

So between the late hours (EST) of Friday December the 16th and the early hours of Sunday December the 18th, it is possible that you will be experiencing the site not being accessible.

The downtime could be as short as 25 minutes, or span the entire period. It is all dependent on how long the DNS settings propagate and how quickly I take advantage of the scheduled downtime to perform other site upgrades that are needed at the moment but that I had put off to a more advantageous time.

While the site is inaccessible we'll keep everyone updated via our Facebook page as to any drastic changes that may occur.

I would like to thank you in advance for your patience as I continue to strive to deliver to you the best site experience possible here at Storyteller's Circle.
Reminder! We will be initiating our server move later tonight. We will be unable to offer a specific time in which the migration will occur as that is in the hands of our server provider, so I urge everyone to be mindful of saving local copies of their posts before submitting them to ensure you don't lose any content due to a poorly timed post submission when the site becomes inaccessible.

We will notify everyone once the server migration is complete and everything is stable. In the meanwhile we thank everyone for their understanding and patience so that we may greatly enhance everyone's site experience in the long run.

We will post any relevant updates via our facebook page during the downtime:
@Dashmiel - Several Canadian members are having issues connecting to the site. Any insight?

The redirect of the DNS settings is a gradual thing that spreads out. Most of the US should be able to access correctly, with it slowly spreading out. To speed it out for others, they can clear their browser cache and also their local DNS cache following these instructions depending on which OS their computer uses.

Even if they do nothing, it'll be a matter of time until the redirect propagates to them. If you're in contact with one of them and the above doesn't work, let me know and I can share info with you that they can add directly to their system's hosts file if they feel comfortable messing with system files, or they can let me know if they're having a separate issue.