[Sign-up] Ages Eternal - Character Sheets

>w> Yeah. I couldn't help myself. Hastur is a personal favorite and even if you're not into the Lovecraft mythos he has such a wonderful design in the picture.
Name: H’mog, the Wandering One
Domain(if applicable): Rage, Dominance, Brotherhood
His color is Grey
Powers/advantages: Where he walks, with each step, H'mog will rarely, unknowingly place a seed of himself which grow into several humanoid creatures. These ceratures reproduce quickly and try to dominate their surroundings by instinct, a unwitting need to please an unknown deity. These creatures take on many names, ‘Orcs’ being a common one.
Quirks/disadvantages: Feels compelled to wander, and thus pays little attention to a place or the people in it. H’mog still cares deeply for his image-bearers, so much so he will act irrationally in defense of them.
Motivations: H’mog feels discontent with his wandering, often eliciting anger when he realizes he must wander again. He believes his wandering was caused by the places he is in are not good enough, and thus wishes to make a place good enough so he can stay in one place.

Image by Paul Bonner
Appearance: Squat, old creature with pale green/grey skin, and massive lower canines.
Traveler Form:

True Form:

Name: Ather, The Eldest son of the Allfather
Domain(if applicable): Elder God of Magic, Deals, and The Twisted Creatures
- All Magic (Not All Godly Powers) Stem from Ather thus he has (Almost) complete control over it and any who wield it
- Ather has two Forms A ragged traveler in which he appears to most and A Terrifyingly powerful true form that few behold
- Ather can give and take Magic as He pleases, though all magic comes with a price
- Ather can easily entice mortals to except his "Gift" of Immortality and Magic
- Few know what Ather gave for his power, Some think it was his sanity, though I think it was his ability for compassion and sympathy
- Ather is not easily swayed once he has chosen a course of action he deems best and is slow to forget or forgive a trespass
- Ather is generally disliked for his un-Kind and merciless ways, Though The Allfather (And Probably Ezreth @Cyrus Blackwater) Know that once he was a loving and gentle soul
- Many mortals seek his Power but few obtain what they truly desire
Athers wishes are to seduce mortals with power and entice them to his service, to empower them to shape the world and bend it to their (His) aims. He wishes to make them more then what they are and give them the gift of Immortality and magic. To create the perfect Servant
Appearance: Ather is missing his Right Eye and stands tall looming over those around him