Soul Forge 1x1


Curious Adventurer

Lady sat at her desk with her quill loose in her hands and ink drying on page below. Writing letters to other high-families was an important task yet she found it an empty sort of one. Luckily, her father had stepped out of the room to attend to something in the great hall, leaving her to slack a little. Her eyes strayed out the window to the hill top where the guards stood at the training circle. She could see the plains dust flying up from a mock duel in the center of the circle, and wondered who the chosen trainee was today.

Her father had been gone longer and longer, which meant he had likely forgotten she was here. Good. It made sneaking away so much easier. Slipping from behind her desk, she picked up her skirts and made her quick escape outside, her long honey colored braid swinging around the corners and flying behind her as she entered the bright sun.

She skirted along the edges of the open courtyard and out of the keep into the streets, first passing by the uppers class housing in neat does then into the artisan squares. The smell of the bakers bread wafted through the air and there was as the constant clang of the blacksmiths hammer ringing over the town's people at market. Finally, Lady slipped into the less fortunate side of town. Her embroidered gown earned her stares, which she met back with little smiles and a coin or two from the purse at her belt.

Slipping through the open gate, guard gate and across the drop bridge, she stirred into the open fields where the training yard set on top of the hill next to the only tree for miles.

The guards were so intent on the fight in the ring, they hardly notice her slip into the back of the crowd to watch the captain of the guard best, yet another young trainee.
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Grele stood in front of the training yard wearing long sleeved dark blue tunic and black trousers covered in dirt from the mines. His sword was strapped to his back and his pick axe on his side a lantern hanging beside it, he was watching as the captain beat the trainee in the ground. The other miners came here to place bets when the guards fought, him being one of them was dragged along and using his previous experience was always able to tell who would win. Though you could hardly call the spectacle a 'fight' as it looked more like herding dog chained down and being beaten for killing one of the chickens.

The trainee himself wasn't bad, his form was spot on. His legs were bent correctly to serve to either dodge or attack and his hold on the sword was firm unlikely to pry from receiving a blocked blow sadly he didn't have the speed or dexterity that the captain showed and nor the experience to allow him to realize the feints he tried to block.

The captain himself was competent his sword held firm but lax enough to allow him to switch into a reverse grip and his feet were ready to move at a moments notice. Whats worse he had the power, speed and experience to use it all effectively.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a peculiar sight, a honey colored braid fluttering around the air before disapearing to the back of the crowd. 'That's something you wont see everyday.' Grele thought as he started moving on its direction
Lady watched the melee from her spot in the shadows under the oak tree. It was a little harder to see from in the back, but she was tall for a woman and it was better than making herself known. The trainee in the circle was doused in sweat, and tired from the onslaught given by his captain but continued in good form nonetheless. She had been watching the training circle since she was old enough to walk, and was familiar with key points they would drill. The captain was in a particularly rough mood today, and the crowd hissed when the trainee failed to recognize yet another feint resulting in a hard hit to his ribs with a resounding clang. Lady winced as the trainee went down to one knee this time, yielding to exhaustion and the heavy hit.

The captain shook his head, partly in disgust at the young man and shooed him out of the ring with a swift kick to his rump. The crowd shifted a little, waiting for the next trainee to take his place, but suddenly grew quiet when a young man with blonde locks and a charming curl to his lips entered the ring ready to face the captain. Lady perked up at seeing her older brother Doriane enter dirt training circle with his helm tucked under his arm. “Captain Klein, you’ve had it easy enough today,” he chuckled, “I think you need a real test, eh?” The crowd laughed along and applauded their young lord as well as his captain. It would be a treat to see the two of them melee. Doriane had been training for combat in every style known since the day he was born in order to fulfill his duty as the next Guardian of the region. In a few days, he would be making his way with the other new initiates to face the trials of the Soul Forge, and officially take his place among them. Only the first born of the guardian families was allowed to enter the Forge and protect the realm, and he had been so lucky as to be two years older than his sister who would be governing.

Lady’s blue-green eyes stared on as Doriane slipped on his helmet, fastened it down, and the fight began. Watching the two was like seeing a dance, both matched in skill and speed. She was so entranced by the sounds of metal and catching the quick jabs, she hardly noticed the man with blue hair sidle over close until his head was square in the middle of her small window between the crowds. Slightly annoyed, her eyes refocused on the man. He was young, carried a small sword on his hip and was dust covered with what appeared to be a pick axe on his back. She had never seen him before in town, and she was fairly certain she would remember blue hair. It was a rare trait on the plains. Maybe he was a miner or maybe he was a bandit. If he was a bandit, this was a poor place and time to make off with a noblewoman, and she was more than capable of taking care of herself.

Her brow raised at him and he looked like he might try to speak to her for a moment. If he bowed or something ridiculous, it would draw unwanted attention to her and that would be nigh end of the world. Instead, she held a finger to her lips and shook her head before motioning to for him to stand beside her. If he wanted to watch here or talk he could, but he could do it subtly like she was anyone else. The captain and her brother had locked swords, making it a match of brute strength for a moment, before they broke loose. “Welcome to Altanae,” she said quietly.
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Seeing the noblewoman acknowledge his presence, Grele made a lazy stride towards her side stopping at the base of the try before sitting down. "So" he began voice almost a whisper "What's a pretty lady like you doin' in a place like this? wanted to learn how to fight?, being rebellious? or do you have a crush on the Lord's son?" Grele said before pointing at Doriane .
The man sat down at the base of the tree, out of sight and she assumed it was just a better view he wanted. Until he started talking casually about why she was watching the training circle. At the suggestion of a crush, she nearly started laughing, but kept her mirth to a simple coy smile. He definitely was new to town.

"It is odd for a noble woman want to see the men that guard the gates?" She mused, taking a seat beside him, "I should like to think I know their names and faces if they will be defending the keep some day. What if I said, I should like to join them?"
Grele looked at the coy smile plastered on the woman face as if probing him. "Not really." pausing for a second as if reminiscing "The captain of the guard in my town is the lords daughter took the balls off the bandits when she first enlisted at the time we were taking out bandits" Grele replied shivering a little at the memory of those poor men. "Besides my sisters would kill me if i said a woman can''t fight." He laughed.

"And at least you guys have it easy that no one tries to go for the crotch for you guys in a fight" He smiled at her as he watched the captain reverse his grip and bring up a counter that knocked of Doriane's helm.
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Lady had started twirling the curl at the end of her long braid as she listened, and then when he commented on the fighting advantages of women she couldn't fight back the laugh on that one. Her laugh was a light, genuine sort of tone making an earnest smile come across her pale face. "You do have a point, nobody ever thinks to aim quite that low. Mostly they're too busy looking else where when you're a woman." The joke was the sort her mother would have been apalled at, but that was the beauty of being out among the people. They didn't mind her sly comments.

Doriane's helm went flying, and the soon-to-be Guardian's shook his head, trying to clear his vision enough to block the next heavy attack. He parried, sending the Captain's blade sliding to the side, then reversed, striking him in the nose with the pommel end of his sword. A long and low "oooh" let out from the trainees as the captain's nose let out a satisfying crunch.

Lady looked to the stranger, regarding him now with more curiousity than guard. "You fought against bandits with your Lady. Why are you not by her side now? " It was an honest enough question, she hoped he might answer.
"Simple, money" he replied like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Rivers are mercenaries gold is the only thing we yearn for was what my father always said" Grele continued as the captain swung his sword at Doriane, the noble blocked the blow but was met with a fist to the face 'He'll probably get a black eye' Grele thought before returning to the conversation. "So after a few close calls i settled for finding my own wealth that doesn't involve having to die for somebody" said as he saw the noble sweep the captain of his feet.
"I mean don't get me wrong Lady Katarina was a good captain and paid really well but that would mean ill have to stay at Mist Mire guarding the fishing boats from either the bandits or sea beasts and they are annoying bunch of bitches." he said continuing on.

"Also for a lady to make such a crude joke, even when her chest is average at best" He teased trying to get out a reaction and knowing very well how dangerous such comments can be. As the captain and noble resorted to fisticuffs after both their blades fell from their hands.
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Dorian growled as another heavy fist met the side of his head, tearing at his ear. The blow made his eyes water and he barely saw his own gloves fist smash into the captain's broken nose. The two of them separated, panting and in pain, both obviously coming to the end of their energy.

"I see. Well, we all die sometime, I would like to think my own demise would be useful in some way. If I had no other choice of course. Then again, I suppose there is more than one type of death too." Her blue-green eyes grew distant as she spoke, before snapping back to the conversation at hand. "You've come far seeking a start to your wealth, and a new life, if you came all the way from the Mire," she replied, "Perhaps you'll find what you want in Altanae."

The captain gave a dry and took one last swing, striking Doriane hard enough to rend him unconscious. Lady winced at the sound of the man hitting the ground, then turned to look at the blue haired mercenary with a grin. "I a crude lady for boasting on my wonderfully average chest, and you a brave stranger for daring to look." She teased him lightly, knowing very much that 'average' was a generous description, but unwilling to say it.

The fight was over, as was training for the day, the crowd began to dispurse and Lady stood, dusting off her skirts. "Want to earn your first gold pieces in Altanae?"
"Ive barely have 16 silver right now so a gold piece would be migthy fine milady" Grele replied standing up from the ground. as he re tigthened an oddly leather rop around his waste. Seeing the crowd dispersing aswell as the other miners going back to the in.

"So whats the job?" He said as only the guards were left tending to the figthers.
"Oh, something fairly simple," she smiled, "I have a few errands to run, but unfortunately, my free time is coming to an end. If you're willing, to make the stops for me and then bring me the items. I'd gladly pay you a gold piece for each."

She threw a look over her shoulder to make sure no one had recognized her yet, then nodded to the stranger. "Stop by the blacksmith, the baker, and the tavern. Each will have a bag for you, once you say you're there for Lady. Bring them to me at the north side of the city wall after dinner and I'll be there with your wages."

Lady opened her purse and pulled out a golden coin, tossing it to the blue haired stranger. "For your dinner, hm? Oh, and one more thing, if you happen to bump into anyone, say nothing about me. "
Grele thought about all the places she said to get the materials 'Bakers for food, blacksmith for gear and the tavern for what?' looking at the lady, he took the gold piece and nodded his head "Grele Rivers at your service." he said his parting words with that he trotted of to the artisan square.

Going through the back alleys back to the mining district where dust and ash was abundant Grele took out a small cloth and tied it to his mouth and face. 'Time for work' he thought. Going into the mines with lantern in hand and pick axe in the other hand he started plowing through the rocks with precise motions. 'Id probably head to blacksmith first after this' he thought as he hammered away.
"Its a pleasure, Mr. Rivers," she returned, with a nod. Lady watched him go wondering if he would deliver as he said he would. He seemed more interested in the gold, and the items was picking up were not worth what she was paying. Having a strange face pick up them up would be easiest than risk being seen or questions on her part though.

Picking up her skirts, she started away from the training circle, her golden braid catching in the wind. When she returned to the great hall, her father was already there, red-faced and ready to start scolding her for sneaking off. Sure enough he went through his usual speech about responsibility and taking it on because it was her born duty as second child. Her life was there, governing in Altanae someday.

Lady nodded along, which only infuriated her father more, and managed to get her confined to the office for the remainder of the day to finish the paper work she left behind, plus extra. Her dinner would be served to her there as well.

Rather than start to the letters immediately, Lady stood at the window and watched they helped her brother from the training circle and into the gates. He would be at the tavern before long, drinking with the trainees and talking of his upcoming trip to the Forge. With a long sigh, Lady sat back at her desk and picked up her quill. The sword seemed far mightier.


The blacksmith began to close up shop when a strange looking man with blue hair began approaching his anvil. It was late and the craftsmen was intent on going home to his children, but still, he stayed to see what was wanted of him. "Can I help us, son?" He asked swiping the sweat from his thick brow.
Grele was silent as he stared at the smith as if appraising him for a second be fore he opened his mouth. "Here to pick something up for a noblewoman honey braided hair and blue-green eyes says she ordered something from you." He replied eyes focused on the blacksmith. he was covered in dust and had his pick axe by his side as well as his lantern lighting him.

He then pulled out his hand and made a grabbing motion, "Please be a little faster I'm kinda in a hurry" he said as the old smith gave him a knapsack which was heavy but he was still able to carry with one hand before heading to the baker and repeating the process.

'The taverns all that's left' he thought as he entered the door a thick stench of ale and booze wafted over him as he made his way to the tavern keeper.
The blacksmith wasn't familair with the description the man provided, but he only had one commission in holding for a noble woman who had signed the request 'Lady.' The woman had sent a plain clothed servant with the written request and the coinage up front. He'd found the idea of it strange but she had paid in advance and he had been good to his word.

"Aye, tell this Lady her business is most welcome."

The baker had the same experience but since he had been warned that a servant would be coming to pick the order, he found the bag and handed it over to the blue-haired man.

The tavern was full of men and women alike, none of which looked up or gave any regard to a stranger walking in. In the corner sat a man with a small lyre as he casually plucked a tune, but the real noise came from the uproarious laughter on the other side. Men sat around the tables, most of them in some sort of rough shape or another, but all with ales and grins. In the middle sat the blonde nobleman with the biggest grin of all under his slumped black eye.

"Aye, and when I return from the Forge, weapon in hand, we'll have some real fun," he crowed, pulling a bar maid into his lap. She yelped a little and gave him a scowl, trying to untangle herself from his grasp, while some of the other trainees laughed on.

The tavern keep was the first to notice the newcomer and set out a cup on the counter. "Ye planning on buying something? Ale? A room?"
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Looking at the scene with Doriane Grele thought 'Whats the Forge?' before actually focusing on the tavern keep.

"Im here pick up something for 'Lady'" said making a give me motion with his hands.
Tavern keep raised his brow at the stranger's brusque attitude but when Lady's name was stated, he sighed then shuffled to the back room.

While he was gone, the group of guards laughed and Doriane called for another round, only to find that the keeper was gone, with a blue haired man standing awkwardly at the bar. "The bar keep gone and a stranger in his place" Doriane slurred, "I've not seen you around, but since our mugs are empty, you should entertain us until they are filled!"

The men laughed drunkenly, baiting the stranger to see what he would do..
Grele looked at Doriane's group "Sorry Sir, I just hot back from the mines and my hands are covered unpleasently in soothe. Dont wantcha to get sick." Grele responded raising his blackened hands with an easygoing smile.

Before sitting down on the stool and waoting for the tavern keep. 'Drunkards' he thought unpleasently
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Doriane snorted at the stranger and his easy going smile. "I didn't say touch us," he drawled, "I said, entertain us."

Some of the men started to rise from their seats, most of them falling over, which made Doriane laugh. As the nobleman let out a wheezy chortle, and smacked his hand against the table, the bar keep returned carrying a bundle tied with twine.

"Here," he said, holding out the bundle. "Sure you won't stay for a pint? Got a good brew."


Lady slipped out of her office, having sent her steward away with the empty plate that had carried her supper. She took the servants paths out to the courtyard and into the streets. There were a few people out and about, but they were easily avoided, but slipping into the alley way between houses. The night air was chilly but felt pleasant after being stuffed behind a desk for the last hours. It didn't take long for her to settled into the shadows of the North side of the outer wall to wait for Grele Rivers.
"Id take you up on your offer but, can't keep the lass waiting maybe after i get paid" Grele smiled at the old tavern keep

before giving him 4 silver coins "Give 2 to the lass for having to deal with unpleasent company and 2 for you since you came at such an opportune time"

Turning his back Grele moved unnaturally swift for a miner and easily dodged the people coming in and out of the tavern before dissapearing.

Heading his way to the meeting place