Planetscape Southpaw's Characters


*pulls the wrong lever*
Name: Lorelei Crowley

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Personality: Lorelei is the type of person that will be the first to notice if you're upset, pull you aside, and talk about your troubles over a mug of tea. Friendly and inviting almost to the point of naivete, you would think that people would take advantage of her helpful personality, but her good mood and desire to cooperate is almost infectious. Lorelei is quick to forget menial tasks, and some would assume that this , coupled with her optimistic personality, indicates she isn't intelligent. However, Lorelei is an exceedingly talented biologist, and has a knack for understanding people that is seldom seen.

As optimistic for others as she can be, Lorelei's personality when faced with stress or emotion can turn on a dime. She feels the emotions of other around her very strongly, and as such, can become easily stressed by the amount of problems she attempts to "mend". Despite being the quintessential "mom friend", she is quick to forget about things that she isn't incredibly passionate about, and will often lose sight of the big picture in favor of her and others' happiness. However, despite this, there really would be no one better to be with when you need a simple pick-me-up.

Path: Path of the Lantern

Weapon: Lux Flora :
Lorelei is given an intricate flower lantern, hard as stone and pale white. Lux Flora has the ability to absorb any moderately powered projectile attack, provided it and only it makes direct contact with the projectile. Depending on the projectile absorbed, the lantern will gradually bloom to a full color, which can then be discharged with a specialty power attack. The colors and affects currently known are:

Orange: Kinetic Damage - Lux Flora releases a shockwave that knocks enemies backwards a great distance.
Blue: Psychic - Lux Flora releases a sweet blue pollen that lulls enemies into a crazed stupor.
Yellow: Magical - Lux Flora releases a beam of pure solar energy, eviscerating all in its wake.

Realm: Home

Biography: Lorelei was born to two loving parents, a therapist father and a chemist mother. Her early childhood was a long period of scientific curiosity, and Lorelei was determined she wanted to become a scientist when she grew up. Her parents amicably divorced when Lorelei was 14, and moved across the country. Although the divorce was on good terms, the young girl decided to instead bury herself in her studies, and graduate with top marks. Despite offers from many universities, Lorelei chose to attend the university of Hawaii and become a tropical biologist, with a focus on botany. Her college years have seen her make many friends with similar and differing interests, something she was not used to. Her father's profession coming back to her, Lorelei quickly became fascinated and pleased with learning about others. She currently works as a lab aide for a research facility near her school.


  • Brains: 5 - Lorelei has an expansive knowledge of natural sciences, and other pastimes.
  • Brawn: 2 - Lorelei is about 5'1" and doesn't do much lifting, making her a weakling.
  • Guts: 3 - Lorelei is usually laid back, but wouldn't hesitate to stand up for a friend.
  • Heart: 7 - A true social magnet, Lorelei's supportive nature is easily noticeable and attractive.
  • Tricks: 3 - Lorelei knows a few tricks around nature, but nothing much else.