[Space] [Action/Adventure] Tales of Milliah


The Heart of The Party
The Universe is one big library, Each galaxy a book, Each solar system a chapter.

This story exist within the solar system known as Milliah. Its location in the most outer part of space, also known as the void. Many races journey here. It may be for the comfort of the rough edged races. Though the spectrum often is outweighed by all the mercenaries there for it's glorious treasure. The catch isn't getting in, its getting out. As old tales would say Milliah is surrounded by a strong force created by a long forgotten and extinct race, The barrier stops anyone from getting out. Acquiring the treasure is the easy part. The real question is can you get out?

Intercepting message........



Message Received!
Hello adventurer, mercenary, or whatever you may be. You must be requesting authorization into Milliah. Good news for you! Due to many people traveling into the void by themselves and dying a horrific painful death, We now provide our services to give you a free ride in. More good news is we have received your request and are gladly accepting newcomers. But we don't just let everyone through. First you must fill out an information sheet. After this process we will create a Millah Access Card for you. This will allow you to get a free ride in. Though be careful it's a one way trip!

It's required you fill out all info so we can give you the best and most personal experience.




Abilities: (If any)




Name: Winter William Windstrum (Nickname is W)

Age: 28

Race: Proto (Looks exactly like a human but they are almost always a white pale. They also are more likely to have ginger Hair)

Appearance: He has Light blue eyes, that look like ice. He has brown hair with a light orange tint, which becomes very visible when light hits it, it has an orange reflection. His hair combed over to show his cultured background. His body is very skinny almost anorexic looking. He wears a light brown coat with a black shirt underneath, black pants, and black shoes to compliment his whole outfit.

Abilities: He has had plenty of brain implants from other species to replace inferior parts of the brain to make it his ideal brain. His left frontal hemisphere is replaced with that of an alien known as grey skin. This slightly changed his personality, but gives him the ability to look at a simple device, and as long as he knows how it works, can fix it with a stare. He also replaced the right temporal lobe area with that of a crowns man, a very charisma based race. This allows him to make people forget they met him, he also messed around with the brain by bio-augmenting it, which allows him to also make other people see him as a different person. Both cause massive strain on his brain afterwards causing him major pain.

Equipment: (Standard equipment: 2zm pocket pistol and a proto mask, this allows a person to look like a proto which is required in certain areas on some planets as law. Theres also outlawed races that must always wear it on certain planets) An advanced medical kit, air mask, jet boots, and bounty hunter armor (has built in guns and jets)

Training/Skills: Originally a scientist but later developed and interest in surgery, his specialty developing into brain surgery. He is smart; hes both a medic and has some skills in alchemy and science.

Weakness/Illness: During the brain surgery they slightly messed up and now he has trouble hearing out of his left ear. He also has a rare condition known as Celeb Curse. A condition that painfully causes the person to cough up blood as their body decays while they are still alive.