Interest Check Star Wars: Black Wing Virus


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Star Wars: The Blackwing Virus Returns

Originally created by Darth Drear as a way to grant immortality to the user who crafted it, however the experiment came to be a complete failure and the Sith Lord had turned himself completely into a mindless flesh eating monstrosity. Thousands of years later, another Sith Lord by the name of Scabrous attempted to recreate the experiment and succeed where his predecessor had failed only to end up failing as well in the end and not only affecting himself but as well as the rest of the entire Sith Academy on the planet he was at.

Several thousand years had passed and it had appeared as though the virus had become nothing more than history as some even had either forgotten or even believed that the virus never even existed to begin with. Though one day, as a single star destroyer roamed the outer rim in search for any possible rebel forces; another star destroyer came along side it. Unlike the patrolling ship, this one appeared much older the style of how it was built as well as the fact that it had hundreds of hull damage and looked as though it had been abandoned for an unknown amount of time.
Sending several scouting parties over to investigate the half ruined ship, it had appeared as though the ship was completely empty though the sight of old blood stained on the walls of the corridor showed that the crew was most likely killed and all dead; still it left the question how it got this far in space in it's condition. It wasn't until half an hour had passed into the investigation that screams from one team after another echoed through the intercoms before things went silent constantly did they realize there were other 'things' on the ship aside from themselves.
As the rest of the team checked out the screams, they only came to find hundreds upon hundreds of what looked to be undead storm troopers, imperial officers, Sith acolytes, and a variety of other random men and women. Some were missing limbs while others had their flesh nearly half ripped off, they were the perfect representation of what 'zombies' were. Just as the rest of the team attempted to run, they were quickly shot dead in their tracks and turned into the rest of them simply from a few bites. Soon after, the rest of the entire ship that was patrolling was completely infected.

A few years have passed now since the star destroyer was infected by the virus as by now the monstrosities have become well known news to both the Republic as well as the Empire. Neither side wishes to join forces to defeat this much more powerful threat, yet both sides agree that they must not leave this threat alone since those who are infected by the virus seem to be constantly growing more and more intelligent as those who are sensitive in the force have even begun to learn how to control their force abilities even when they are undead.

All that has been agreed upon is that both Sith and Jedi Exiles must be found and brought back into their respected orders before more of them can be infected and a larger army of this unknown threat can grow. Aside from that, it is nothing more than to simply survive and find a way to destroy the virus before it destroys the rest of the Galaxy.