Stories involving time travel. Are they good?


Woosh, you have anal cancer.
So, I'm writing a story that involves time travel. While it isn't exactly a major point in the plot, it certanly isn't something that is pushed aside. I mostly used it to establish the setting.

My concern is if people would be interested in reading such stories. I'm already 5 chapters in (25 pages).
Kinda short, I know.
It depends on how you write it. Not everyone likes time travel stories, and they can be confusing if you don't know what you're doing.
It really just happens only once. Just sends him back in time, and that's pretty much it.
Again, it really depends. For example, will being sent back change anything or affect the time line? Sorry, time travel stories are kinda my thing. I've been studying how to make a good one for a very long time, and I've seen them done wrong.
No, the timeline he get's sent to is not only back in time, but it is also one that belongs to a parallel dimension. So his own timeline isn't affected by his actions.

Btw I didn't make it this way just to fill plotholes, but rather because it Is a core part of the story.
I didn't say you did. If you like books, I recommend Apocalypse Troll by David Weber. It's a story about a woman who goes into the past and changes the future, but in doing so sticks herself in an alternate dimension. So her personal timeline never changes. Instead, she's experiencing a different future or whatever. It might give you some ideas as to what you're going for. As will Dr. Who, among other good time travel stories. I'm just saying that it can be tricky to get right, because time travel is a tricky subject.
As I said. It is only used once in the story, as a result of a cosmic entity. The protagonist wants to go back, but is faced with obstacles that he has to get past. 2018.--1918.
It isn't something that the reader will be reminded every 5 seconds. I intend to focus first on the transformation of environment. Since the caracter is in a town that he was in before he saw it wat it was like 100 years ago.
Thank you. Me and my friend came up with it.

Oh! And do you read H.P. Lovecraft. Because he's my favourite writer, and my story took some inspiration from his works.
Oh ok. It's just that I'm new to the whole forum thing. So I don't really know who is who just yet.
Good, because I'm still waiting to be approved.
This whole process seems a little dragged out.
But I do see why it is necessary.
I think, note I say think, that it depends on how active you are in the places you can post. They want to see how you interact with the community.