Story Idea Stash

Angel RP
Lmfao, thanks man!!
And looooool. Nah man, she's old as shit. We don't use commas in numbers over here!! At least, I've never seen it.

I'm open minded, so I'll give anything a shot lol. Just tell me if you wanna brainstorm over it.

I was planning on having Mara be totally powerless. I do think that the higher–up angels would be able to tell if they hadn't done that. On top of that, Mara isn't a cool badass angel; she's like, an admin lady, really, so she doesn't have the full 'blades of fire' thing available to her normally lol. she would have some powers, when they're restored, but not very strong at all.

But the idea of another creature entering the mix is a shout... You know my character Libidine, the demon–lady that steals souls? Something like that? I wouldn't want to use her, cus she's quite similar to Mara personality–wise.
Dude, imagine if we made this a full on LOVE TRIANGLE lmfaooooooooo

I really like the idea that Mara has the ability to check in with Heaven, to get a general idea of her progress. We should definitely include that.

Pokémon RP
I think that we'd have to meet the rival/friend character quite early on, so that there's scenes that aren't just Sun on his own.

Alright, what else have we got to cover? Will we start with the Team Skull characters learning about the prophecy, or with Sun setting out on his journey on Melemele? Or even with a little scene of Moon interacting with the pokémon in the jungle?
Also, are we planning on having very many scenes with Moon at all, or are we going to keep her mysterious?​