Story Idea Stash

Oooh, I like her! Ms Marsh will totally pull the 'we can be a family' card at some point. Would that make Tia angry or happy lol?

Ghost RP
Definitely. It's easy to separate angelic energy vs demonic energy, but it's more difficult to split the subcategories up. And the general consensus is, if you feel either one of the energies, it's best to steer clear.

I think that both energies should only harm ghosts. Like in the original, the demonic energy made Dodie change from one type of ghost to another one. Maybe being around too much demonic energy can turn a ghost into a low–level demon, and too much angelic energy can force a ghost to sort of dissolve? Not pass on, but just disappear, maybe.

Paranormal RP
The plot arc, I meant lol.

Maybe the five should be more vigilante–like? They know the hunters exist because Ms Marsh warns them, but she tells them not to do anything to anger the hunters, and just tells them to watch out for them. But the five are way too hotheaded for that, and they decide to take matters into their own hands.
We could split it even into three sections? Elizabeth and Tia exploring the school (SoL), the five trying to take the hunters down (more action–based), and Ms Marsh trying to figure out what they want (mystery)? I imagine that this way, the plot lines would all eventually join as one thing.

Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe their ultimate goal could be world–domination, but in the beginning, they attempt to take down the town nearest the school.
To raise the stakes, what if we introduce the concept that one of the hunters is a paranormal creature themselves, that can (in some way) control people? Maybe they use technology or it's something like Elizabeth's mind control, but they sort of take over the students' minds via physical contact, and after a certain amount of time under their control, the controlled student can't return to the way they were? Tell me if I'm going too far lol.
Really? Thanks! Lolz, it totally varies. I have a sort of thing that I want to do in the Rp, and that will most likely happen a lot later. If Ms. Marsh pulls the card before this particular part, Tia will most likely be angry, but out of confusion and inner conflict. If she says it after the particular part.... Then.... The opposite x3
Don't wanna give too much away xP

Ghost Rp
OoooOh yeah, steer clear. Like some window cleaner glass clear.

Interesting go at it. Perhaps because ghosts are already sensitive in their own right? The disappearing act is Cray - that'll make Janine super protective ;-;
Of course, too much of her energy would backfire towards any ghost around her ;>_>;
That will sorta low-key make her on edge towards any Angel. I think it's funny for Janine to be wary around angels for different reasons than normal demons xD

Paranormal Rp

So how would you want to start it?

I think that could work. But maybe we make a gradual build-up towards it. After the first 2 or 3 they are wary. Then after 5 or 6 or 7 disappear they begin to develop the vigilante attitude. Of course we don't have to do every kidnapping - Maybe a few skips here and there.

And I can deal with the "first the town, then the world" idea. Gives us a chance to see how to develop this evil guild of hunters. It can mesh with my aforementioned idea x3

And maybe the paranormal Hunter is powerful enough to not need the help of technology..... or maybe they use technology to get into a victim's head and figure out how to manipulate them - ya know get in their psyche and shit. The original powers can be a powerful form of suggestion, and the machine just amplifies the power plus some to get inside the person's head.

Maybe instead of permanent change, just extremely difficult? It can be borderline permanent, if nobody has a clue on how to reverse the effects. How about that?
Ohhhh dude, keep me in the dark! I know we've not written together in ages, but in that time I've definitely gained a preference for mystery in characters :p

Ghost RP
How much will Janine know about the different energies when the RP starts? Dodie won't know anything, considering that she doesn't believe in ghosts, but the Medium character will know mostly everything, if not absolutely everything. I think the Medium will probably have an idea of everything because he's learned it all in books, but maybe he's not so good at applying the skills yet.

We've also got to raise the question of 'if the Medium character has gone to Dodie and Janine's school as long as they have, why hasn't he been able to tell that Janine is possessed'. Maybe the Medium character is new to the school? And again, if he's relatively inexperienced, maybe he can't really identify why he feels strange around Janine until Dodie dies. I'm aware that I've totally brought this off topic, lol.

Should we start filling out the general storyline? We know it'll start with Janine and Dodie, both alive, where we can establish their friendship etc. Maybe this could be where the medium character first enters? Then this sort of 'first section' ends when Dodie dies.
There'd then be a second section where Dodie gets to grips with being dead, the Medium realises that something's wrong with Janine, and Janine sees Dodie for the first time.
Again, so far off topic lol.

Paranormal RP
I think it has to start with Ms Marsh first hearing that Elizabeth and Tia are running wild in the town (we gotta think of a name for the town lol). She decides that she wants to bring them in, and she enlists the help of maybe one or two of the five to help her with it. This is kind of going in the same direction as the original, so maybe we should try something different. Give me your thoughts.

Maybe we don't have to totally ditch the idea of the sisters! If we changed it to Eva has one sister, who ends up as one of the students that are kidnapped, that's when Eva goes 'right, that's enough, this is personal now and we're going to do something about it'?

I like the idea of on their own, their powers aren't much of a big deal, but when they're combined with technology it gets really serious. We could introduce the concept of powers + technology is the only way to really get back at the hunters, because it makes them so powerful. This could also be a point for character development in Ms Marsh; she starts off afraid of technology (I'll figure out a reason for that lol) and by the end she realises that she needs to embrace it in order to protect the students.
Linking in the technology aspect, maybe the only reason to get the students back to normal is through the use of some sort of mind control + technology combination again?

Ghost RP
I want to say that she may not know about much, considering that the only one who knew would be her father, who suddenly left out of her family's life.
Maybe I can give her flimsy ideas based on random paranormal themed books that she might read in the library. Not the books the medium charcater would read mind you. So from 1 to 10, with 10 being a know-it-all, and 1 being ignorant asf, Janine would be around..... 3-ish? Janine would have never used her powers to that subtle of a level before; she really would be very physical with her abilities.

Maybe we can say that the Medium charcater has been at the school for nearly the same about of time as Janine and Dodie, but they have never really been in each other's close proximity for the entire time. Maybe a quick brush against the shoulder at lunch or when there's a fire drill, but never sitting in the same classes, or on the same bench. On top of that, Janine's still practicing on concealing what I think would be funny for her to call 'aggressive vibes', so maybe that could be a thing.
And that second part would be fine too. We may get a little bit into the world of the paranormal, figure out where everyone is in the 'paranormal food chain' now that another plane is realized, and how to cope.

Lolz, I only said 'paranormal food chain' cause I have no clue what it would realistically be called xDDD

Paranormal Rp
I got some town names, off the top of my head: Dusty Pines, Green Groves, Logmire, Blue Creek Valley. Just to make up a few. Sorry if they're backside mountain-like as fuck ;-;

And maybe for a beginning, we graze over a thin layer of everything; first, maybe we can go over Tia and Elizabeth in their separate lives - is it okay if my background story happened about 6-7 months ago before the events of the Rp? That way, it isn't too far ahead in life, and not too close either. I think it'd be too raw for my character I believe.

Anyway, Tia might come back from the town to bring stuff over to her cave. Elizabeth does her own thing. Then, we pan over to a student running in the forest, partially bloodied up and injured. Nearly driven to the point of exhaustion, the student makes it to the gates of the school, bangs on it, and prays to be heard. The gates open just as the student passes out, now safe from the danger they barely escaped from.

Then we shift focus towards the school itself, its purpose, the headmaster, all that good stuff...... Perhaps we can fast forward a few days to where Ms. Marsh does a personal patrol, and this is where she discovers one or both of our characters.

I don't know what would follow after that. Cause if the 5 students are like this group that helps recruits other paranormal children, then we might not have a choice but to brush along the same lines as the orginal...

... Is that too much like our original?

Yeah, okay. Perhaps the school happens to have their own kind of genius that uses mind powers; they make their own kind of machine and helps get the children back using a system that delves deep into the psyche, and instead of breaking the mind down into a slave of sorts, the mind is put together again by forcing the best and most positive memories of that specific person. That way, the victim's brain is rejogged, and their original personality is restored.
Ghost RP
Ah right, that sounds good. Dodie would probably break the scale and be like a 0, and the Medium would be an 8 or maybe a 9 at a push.

Right, so the Medium just sort of assumes that any 'bad feeling' he gets from Janine is something that he's either imagining, or just her 'aggressive vibes' lol. If it's well known already that Janine is pretty hostile to strangers, then that'll make even more sense lol.

Dude, I like paranormal food chain!
And then once the section section is completed, we introduce the new angel character. Maybe they shouldn't be a straight up angel so much as a half–angel? Maybe they don't even realise that that is what they are!

Paranormal RP
God, they're all so cheesy, I love them lol. I like Blue Creek Valley most I think. We can use the creek and the valley as sort of plot–points, maybe?

Yeah, that sounds good! I think that first off, I'm going to redesign Elizabeth to some extent, but also I'll have made her death be quite far in the past. I think Elizabeth will maybe be nomadic, and she arrives at Blue Creek Valley and looks for someplace to camp out.

I think that eventually we'll have to return to the original sort of idea. Ms Marsh discovers Elizabeth in the town and Elizabeth manages to escape, but she runs into Tia. The two pair up so that they can survive, and maybe they have some sort of mutually beneficial relationship where Elizabeth lures people into the woods, and Tia finishes the job off, and Tia protects Elizabeth for it. It could even be a situation where Tia's possessed side threatens to kill Elizabeth if she doesn't help out. For that to work, we'd have to establish that Tia is finding it difficult to kill people without being noticed. I might even make Elizabeth something of a scavenger—like, she'll eat anything, including people.
Ms Marsh fails to catch the two of them, anyway, so she tells the five about it. Maybe a few members of the five go looking for them, since the others are kept at the school to keep a watch on the growing hunter presence. Depending on how much we build up the bond between Elizabeth and Tia, maybe once Elizabeth is caught, Tia is convinced to go with them.

Oh yeah, I like that. We should establish this character early on. Maybe we should even go as far as making the five a six, and the sixth member is the tech–genius. Or we could kick out a member of the five and replace them. Or the tech–genius could be a character that you play that Ms Marsh asks to help her with the hunter situation, figuring out their motive etc.
Ghost Rp
Hahah lol. Dodie a complete n0000b xD

Yes, I plan on keeping that aggressive nature towards strangers. I think it would be the building blocks for charcater development, in which she would have to learn to not be so aggressive if she wants to have friends (even if it's low-key). She's also gonna have to learn to control herself so she wouldn't accidentally hurt those around her, as demons naturally develop negative reactions from everyone else.

Oooooh, how is that gonna play out? How does a Nephilim not realise what they are? Perhaps they were adopted by another family?

Paranormal Rp

Fucking hell, I knew it. I blame the fact that I'm living here in the mountains for so damn long xDDD
I guarantee that if I was still in the city, I would've made up city names xDDD

Blue Creek Valley it is. Kinda a nice ring to it. Perhaps we can. Wish we had a visual of our own town ;-; would be nice to play out and plan accordingly.

This makes me wish I was in my middle school days, where I was taught how to make a map and graph based on information given to me. Welp, there I go, being off topic ;^;

Holy shit you read my mind! I was actually going around the idea that Elizabeth and Tia actually know each other and team up, but I wasn't sure how you'd go about it. Now that you have this in your mind too, I want to go along with the tag-team.

Having Tia's demon threaten Elizabeth is intriguing. Maybe it could be possible for Tia to sense that even though they're working together she can't help but feel that Elizabeth is fearful of her for some reason. Maybe the way she kills people? Perhaps her animalistic behavior? What could it be? XD

Maybe, just maybe, Elizabeth could be the sister Tia never had. If their bond has grown enough of course.

I think the genius should be Ms. Marsh's partner. Their intellect and ideas could help her figure things out. Have you ever heard of an intellect that never liked a good mystery?
Ghost RP
Yeah, sounds good. We can't have her being angry for the entire story lol.

My initial idea was that the angel only had one parent, and the absent parent was that angel, but an adoptive family would work too.
I don't know if I'd want the angel to be 100% angel. I think a 50%/75% angel would be an equal match to Janine, since she isn't really 100% demon (or is she? My memory's going, I swear.) If she is totally demon, then we probably should have a 100% angel, then. If they aren't equally matched, then it would be too easy for one of them to gain an advantage.

Paranormal RP
Maybe there'll be some sort of generic town–map we can steal/use? From a video game or something? I've found this if you wanna take a look at it lol.

It's definitely an idea, however, we'd need to go about it a way so that they need to team up. When they met in the original, Elizabeth immediately tried to take control over Tia. Maybe Elizabeth could be too weak to use her powers, so she relies on Tia looking after her from the good of her own heart?

Oh yeah I like that. Tia's not aware of what her demon does when it's in control, right?

Fair!!! So we both have characters that are involved in all three of the plots, so at least that's covered lol.
Ghost Rp
Nope haha. So maybe she can go like, from hardcore "continuously stabbing you with eye daggers" to "wary guard dog that'll still go to you if you give it treats" xDDD

Oh, yee, that can work too - I'd be identical to Janine's case. Oh, and Janine's not 100% demon - more like 50%. So half and half for everyone! X3

Paranormal Rp
Intersting. Don't have a computer, so I hope it works on my phone.

Perhaps she's chased by an animal (or even a bad person *wiiink*) and she ends up in Tia's vicinity. She helps out, they chat, and they partner up!
And yes, Tia's never able to tell what happens to her when the demon takes over. She'll pick up small slivers of stimuli, like smell and hearing, but never a whole picture. Most of the time, Tia is just left in the dark, so the demon has an infinite amount of ammunition to torture her with.
With this in mind, the only way she can tell that she's anywhere near her family is probably an instinctual biological thing. Maybe she somehow picks up on those super specific scents and sounds that trigger memories, and it wakes Tia up immediately. Yeah. Maybe that.

Anyway! Perhaps if we're gonna use this little side bit, can we establish a small bit of bonding before the demon just threatens the broad's life? A relationship based entirely on fear never works out xD
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Ghost RP
Hahah yeah, that'd be natural enough lol. Would be weird if she went to just 'friendliest person ever'.

Yeah, that works! So, the angel is 50% angel, but he doesn't realise because either he's adopted, or the angel parent isn't present in his life. Which one is Janine? We'll do the opposite of that lol.

I think we're mostly ready to start this... Is there anything else you can think of though?

Paranormal RP
I was thinking it was Ms Marsh that was chasing Elizabeth? I know you're going for one of the hunters, but we already had something going on with the hunters—another student is running from them, mind? If it's Ms Marsh chasing her, and Elizabeth can tell that Tia isn't a normal person, then Elizabeth would have reason to come clean about her powers, which would give Tia the prior knowledge she needs to be able to deflect Elizabeth's mind control.

Yeah, I get you. We should get a full timeline sorted out, for both of these ideas.
Ghost Rp
Yaaaa, nope. I think it'd be great.

Janine has the demon father out of her life. She doesn't know what happened to him, but she harbors both good and bad emotions towards him.

Can't be entirely sure.... we're still keeping the family dynamic? In the original one, Rosie had a younger and older brother, with the older one blaming Janine for Dodie's death. They ended up growing.... Not a hatred, but they sure as he'll disliked the fuck out of each other.... Well, actually, I think you made the brother hate Janine......

Anyway, wanna keep it focused on Dodie? You did say something about not wanting too many characters at once....

Paranormal Rp
Lol, for once, when I said bad person, I meant to say like a drunk or maybe an escaped convict. The wink thing totally suggested something else to you, and I'm sorry. My baaaaaaaad.
But Ms. Marsh chasing her is a better idea for me x3333
So I would be toats down for that.

Hmmmm okay....
Time PeriodEvent
Months 1-2Tia learns about inner demon. Instincts begin to kick in Retreats to the forest as new home.
Months 3-4 Inner struggle with self. Minor depression sets in. Tia faces reality about life and what it means for herself. Personality changes.
Months 5-6Tia begins to take notice of strange happenings in town. Precautions take place.
Month 7 (first half)Tia meets Elizabeth. Stirs desire for companionship. Suspicions of stranger events confirmed.
Month 7 (second half)Demon interferes? Tia and Elizabeth now are in sights of school's interest. More to be determined?

I know this is silly looking, but this is kinda a rough layout of Tia's life - both events that happened before the actual Rp starts (months 1-6), and events that we're gonna Rp together (month 7). Unless you wanted to go about it another way?
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Ghost RP
Neat! So our angel has been separated from his parents and doesn't know about his blood. I'm playing the angel, right?
One thing that we might want to be wary about is me playing too many characters lol. It's fine by me, but it might get boring for you. I'm playing Dodie, the medium, and the angel so far.

Damn, I high key did not remember that. It's been so long since we wrote together. I think it's an interesting dynamic, but not necessary. We can have one sibling, but maybe he shouldn't come in until later? Maybe something's revealed about the fire that makes it look like Tia had something to do with it, and that's when he comes in all aggressive like.

Act No./TimingEvent
Prologue/Month 1Dodie and Janine have a few normal days where their characters and friendship is established. Janine's half–demon nature is introduced. The medium character is introduced briefly, but his powers are not.
Act 1/Month 2Dodie passes away. She comes back as a ghost, but she can only be seen by the medium character and the other ghosts in the school. However, something significant happens (perhaps related to Janine's demonic energy?) and she is suddenly visible to Janine and is able to affect the living world, like a poltergeist. The Medium character and Janine are pushed together by Dodie's need for friendship, and the Medium gets a hint that something is different about Janine.
Act 2/Months 3–4Dodie struggles to cope with the huge changes in her life, while the Medium character starts to regularly pry into Janine's life in an attempt to figure out what she truly is.
Act 3/Months 5–6The half–angel appears for the first time, having recently transferred to the school. He and Janine are immediately at odds with one another, though neither of them can quite figure out why. The Medium character is only further confused by the presence of strong, unfamiliar energies in the school, and as tensions increase between Janine and the half–angel, ghosts in the school start to lose control of themselves.
Acts 2 and 3 definitely need to thought on more, but I think we're fine for now?

Paranormal RP
Lol, so we were both off base hahaha.

I think we should maybe fill out an outline for what's going to happen in the RP lol. So what happens after Month 7, essentially.

Timing Event
Month 1Ms Marsh attempts to capture Elizabeth, but is fended off by Tia. Tia and Elizabeth form a bond, but Elizabeth becomes visibly more afraid of Tia as time goes on. Ms Marsh asks for the Five to try and bring Tia and Elizabeth in, but they fail.
Month 2Tia and Elizabeth are left for a moment plot–wise, as we focus more on the school. One or two students go missing, and Ms Marsh begins to investigate. Towards the end of the month, she recruits the Tech–Genius to help her.
Month 3 Tia and Elizabeth encounter a hunter themselves. Narrowly escaping, they encounter a member of the Five. Elizabeth considers joining the school for safety, and after some convincing, Tia agrees, and they join the campus.
Month 4Tia and Elizabeth get used to school life. More students go missing, and Ms Marsh and the Tech–Genius can't figure out what's going on, apart from the fact that the students are being kidnapped. The Five start doing regular patrols, but are not able to prevent more students from disappearing.
Tell me if there's anything not right so far lol. In Month 5 something would happen that would trigger the Five into taking serious action against the hunters.
Ghost Rp
Alright then, coolio. And yes, you're the angel. And don't worry about the multiple characters. It won't get boring for me, cause I like to throw in a sibling for my MC as well. And I can do NPCs all day bruh x3333

And sure! We don't have to make it the main thing either. The suspicious activity part might make the brother try to pry into Janine's life too. Maybe he and the Medium child might want to team up every now and then?
Damn, everybody against Janine. It's literally Janine vs the world xDDDD

And holy crap, I'm such a dunce. I'm sorry for making a retarded plot thing. I was confused about how to go about it, but was too afraid to say so..... I don't want you to do everything >^<

But... yeah that plot/timeline looks pretty good. Should Janine hide what she is from Dodie even after she can finally be involved with the ghosts? Or should she be able to show her? Cause it could go either way - Janine manages to show her what she is during the main event that triggers her ability to affect the ghostly plane, but hides it from the Medium kid, or, Janine hides it from Dodie because Janine's aware of the fact that the Medium charcater is trying to figure her out, and when it gets revealed, it becomes a shock to everyone - including Dodie.

Which one appeals to you more?

And I think that we're good for now. Whenever you're ready my gurl.

Paranormal Rp
Haha yeah.

And that is good to me. Brilliant. And Imma have to think about the event that makes the Five go vigilante..... The easiest way for me would be to have one of their closer friends kidnapped, or maybe a sibling..... But maybe we can do something slightly different? We'll think of something.
Ghost RP
That's cool then, lol. If you control most of the NPCs then that will keep things diverse lol.

Yeah, I like that! I'm imagining the sibling kinda like Takumi from Fire Emblem Fates. His mum dies, and he totally blames the main character for it. For valid reasons, to be honest...
Anyway, if the medium approached the sibling with compelling enough evidence, then that could be what triggers the sibling to start taking problems with Janine.

Aw man don't worry about it lol. Don't use the word retarded though man, it's a real ugly word.
Ugh, I like both those ideas. It would be more likely for Janine (as a character) to hide it. Dodie probably gets a hint that Janine isn't as human as she always thought she was, and she expresses this to the Medium which makes him even more suspicious than he was before.

So if we're ready to start, I guess we should! Since the first act is short (probably one or two scenes) and it's more SoL, it's not obvious which of us two should start. Would you rather, or will I? Whatever we do, I'll put a post up on the old thread clarifying it's closed, then I'll lock it.

Paranormal RP
My original idea involved Eva's sister being taken, and since she's the most headstrong of the group that's what gets her to get everyone else to join in. But hit me with your ideas too, lol.

Are we pretty much done here as well?
Ghost Rp
Interesting. Never played the game, so that's a thingy. But me feel bad for Takumi.
Oh wait a moment. What are we gonna do for the cause of Dodie's death? Were we doing something else, or were we gonna do fire like last time? I don't care either way, I just don't remember us discussing it.

Okay, I figured so. Janine hiding herself it is! Gonna be fuuuuuuun x333
Sorry about the word then. Didn't mean to offend ya.

And I'll start it. I ain't got no qualms about it. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond - had to tidy the house for a moment. I'll tell you when it's done!

Paranormal Rp
Oh okay, so it did involve Eva's sister being taken. And if Eva's the attitude, then I vote for her sister to be taken. Though we do have to take into account that Eva's emotions will get the best of her >3>

And yes! We can get that going to. You or me?
Ghost RP
Don't, he's a bit of a dick lol.
Hmm...ngl, the reason Dodie died via fire was so she could have fire–related powers lol. So, it depends on if we want that to be how ghosts work in this universe—the way you die affects how your powers present when you're a ghost. I personally don't like the idea now (like, how would someone who dies of an overdose have powers?) So Dodie doesn't have to die in a fire. I think we should go with something that would affect the actual school less, since a fire would actually have a huge impact on the school building. The first thing that came to mind was a car accident.

It's cool, it's just like, not a nice word.

No worries, man! I'm soooo buzzing : )))))

Paranormal RP
Oh yeah, Eva will go mad over it. Especially if we establish that the sisters are very close. We'll have time to do that though, between Months 2 and 5. Even if the other members of the Five don't want to go along with her, she'll do it herself.

Since the main action is happening with Elizabeth running from Ms Marsh, and those are my characters, I'll start :). Will give you the link ASAP!!
Ghost Rp

Ah. Welp xD
Okay then. If you want it, then you got it. So Dodie's just gonna be a simple ghost? Maybe she learns to tap something after a while? Simple things.

And if we want to go along with the "Janine might've been part of Dodie's death" side show, maybe we can put up circumstance? Maybe... Dodie was coming back from a sleepover? Janine was seen looking at Dodie's parent's car, and the brother saw her, and decides to reeeeeaally stretch a theory out? XD
Ghost RP
Yeah, I think so. Because of Janine's energy, she will be a bit more of a powerful ghost. She'll be able to affect the real world more than a normal ghost.

I think something a little bit more solid than that, lol. Maybe something so big that even Janine has to take a step back and say, 'wait, would she still be alive if...?'
Maybe there's two ways for Dodie to walk home. She prefers the shorter way, but it's more dangerous. Janine prefers the longer, safer way. In general, Dodie goes whatever way Janine does, so they usually do the long safe way. Dodie's going home after a sleepover, and Janine says 'Hey, why don't I walk you home?'. Dodie says 'Nah, it's fine.'. Then she walks home the shorter way and ends up in an accident. Then the brother would be able to have the logic of 'If you had walked her home, she would have taken the other route and she would have lived.'
Ghost Rp

Oooh okai. I like that.

And damn, that's totally good for a guilt trip. Holy shit, I'm already feeling the pain and conflict ;_;
Ghost RP
It's a good guilt trip, a good opportunity for conflict, but it still has the clear resolution of obviously, it wasn't Janine's fault.
There's lots of other more complex ways we could do this, however. If I establish that Dodie is just recovering from the flu, it means that she would have a weakened immune system. If Janine and Dodie then eat at Janine's house, and Janine makes something that isn't cooked properly, which sends Dodie on a sort of sickness spiral where the food poisoning gets worse and worse, along with other things, and it eventually leads to her death. This would be an even bigger guilt trip, and also the brother would be able to spin it and say 'you meant for her to get sick'. However, it would obviously be a lot more serious, and it wouldn't be as easy for Janine to be reassured that she had nothing to do with it.
It depends on how serious we want to make this, really.
Are you willing to get that serious? Cause I can be fine with the sleepover thing.

Or perhaps Janine and Dodie begin to walk down the safer path, get chased down the more dangerous path, the two get separated, and then when Dodie's found again, she's dead. Either by some random person or the police, or Janine I don't care.