Story Idea Stash

Ghost RP
I dunno if I like the chasing idea. I think the first idea we had would be best, with the two paths and the walking home.
Okay, unrelated, why did we have to name this that. It makes such an ugly acronym.

Okay, but the five. A few key roles that we need are Tank, Up–Close Attacker, Long–Distance Attacker, Healer, and...what else would we need? Some of the roles could be put together so just say everything you can think of.​
Bruh oml.
I have no clue. Ask the title of the Rp. What would you nickname it then? XDDD

We could have something.... That doesn't remind me of D&D or fucking LoL. God-fucking-damnit, is it possible to not think of those kinds of games? We might as well just have someone who uses magic. -_-

Anyway..... someone who makes traps? A tracker, scouter, one who can do a little of everything, one who likes to do sneak attacks(?), all-out attacker, one who excels in combo attacks..... I can't think of anything else.
I dunno! Anything but that.

But that makes it so much easier to think about. Everyone gets the general idea behind 'Fighter' (good at fighting, defence might be a little weaker) or 'Ranger' (super low defence, but high attack and accuracy).

We should make a total list, and it should end up being pretty clear which ones can be combined.

Up–Close Attacker (UCA)
Long–Distance Attacker (LDA)
Sneak attacker
All–out attacker (AOA)
Combo attacker

I personally think that Tank and UCA could be combined. And then AOA could also be put together there.

Tank + Up–Close Attacker (UCA) + All–out attacker (AOA)
Long–Distance Attacker (LDA)
Sneak attacker
Combo attacker

I just did that to show how I think we should format the list in general, so tell me if you don't dig it. LDA could probably be combined with some?​
I dig it!

Could the All-rounder be associated with a scouter/tracker?

And maybe the LDA be paired with Trap-Maker? Like.... My shadows character? She could prefer to attack from a distance; her shadows attack their enemies, and every once in a while, she can form traps with her shadows?

Unless a trap-maker is better for an all-around attacker.

I can also see a sneak attacker being good with combos as well.
Hmm... I think that'll work.

I think LDA and Trap–maker is good.

Tank + Up–Close Attacker (UCA) + All–out attacker (AOA)
Long–Distance Attacker (LDA) + Trap–maker
Tracker + Scouter + All–rounder
Sneak attacker
Combo attacker

So we're trying to get to five roles. So, should healer be combined with something else, giving us a healer who can also attack? Or should Sneak attacker and combo attacker be combined together? I personally think that sneak attacker should be left on its own... OR it could be combined with LDA+TM?​
How about a unique one: Healer and Sneak Attacker. They'd zip in and out of the situation using sometimes precise, and sometimes not precise (And by that, I mean a general blow on the body) attacks. When they're not attacking, they're making sure that their teammates aren't too injured to attack or move in general.
Omg that sounds fab.

So we have:
Tank + Up–Close Attacker (UCA) + All–out attacker (AOA)
Long–Distance Attacker (LDA) + Trap–maker
Healer + Sneak attacker
Tracker + Scouter + All–rounder
Combo attacker

Should we add anything more to the combo attacker? Or should we just start on claiming the roles and character creation?​
Hmmmm.... perhaps the combo maker should stand alone. They could either make combos with their own imagination, or combine their attacks with their other teammates' attacks. They'd could either be physical, psychic, or whatever they might be.
I think they should make their own attacks. Inflict a lot of minor injuries that add up. I don't know if their damage should be physical or psychic, though...

Also, maybe we should have a negotiator. Someone that tries to convince people to join the school before they use force. Maybe they could also be a sort of distraction?​
I agree. Maybe the person might know a little bit about anatomy? Just for an edge? Or is that too much? Too much research to look up and play out?
For this I think the attacks should be physical.

And a negotiator sounds cool. Makes sense for meditative action before being aggressive and and going all Seal Team 6 on a nigga xD
I think it would be a fair bit of research for that. Maybe we could confine it to they have anatomy knowledge on the arms and legs? They know where to hit someone in their limbs to inflict a lot of blood loss.

So, what should negotiator/distractor be put with? My initial impulse is healer, but since combo attacker is on it's on it might make more sense for it to be with combo attacker.​
Okay, I thought so. And maybe pressure points as well? Of course, pressure points would only work for those whose body isn't too thick. Kinda like Kung Fu Panda? Unless you've never seen it?
On top of that, it would be interesting to see how one would approch a snake demon creature with pressure point attacks xD

Lol, you said combo attacker twice x3
I know you meant to say "sneak attacker" first. But yeah. Negotiator + Combo Attacker sounds cool. Maybe this one could be the leader?
Yeah, but I actually know nothing about pressure points lol. Would you wanna play that character?

Uh...I did mean combo attacker lol? I did typo though, I meant 'since combo attacker is on its own'.
I dunno how I feel about there being a leader. It feels like the leader should be Ms Baccay, herself. But, it could be a sort of point of character development; it starts out as a group with a leader, but as time goes on they learn that they can't work like that, and they need to listen to everyone.

Tank + Up–Close Attacker (UCA) + All–out attacker (AOA)
Long–Distance Attacker (LDA) + Trap–maker
Healer + Sneak attacker
Tracker + Scouter + All–rounder
Combo attacker + Negotiator + Distractor

So, I think that's just about everything. Now, what characters would you want to play? Also, would you want to do three characters or two?
If you do three characters, you'll have five characters total, counting Tia and the Tech-genius.
Maybe whoever does two characters should play any hunter characters?​
Ah lol. Welp, then fuck me then xDDD
Oooooh. I see. Maybe you meant to say that combo attacker was on its own, but you just forgot the 'w'.... my bad.

Anyway, we don't have to have a leader. I was just throwing stuff out there x3
Ms. Baccay should be leader. She's the headmaster after all.

I wouldn't mind taking two characters and some hunters.

Now, can I keep my shadow charcater? She seems like a good candidate for long distance attacks and trapping enemies with her own shadows.
Yeah, that was what I meant lol.

Alright, so I'll take the three.

Yeah, sounds good, but could you define her powers a little more for me, though? Can she control all shadows, or just her own?
I don't think I'm gonna keep any of my characters, tbh. I think I'd like to take the healer, though? I've got a bit of an idea on what I'd like to do.

xx - (Character name) (Tank + Up–Close Attacker (UCA) + All–out attacker (AOA))
Janni - (Character name) (Long–Distance Attacker (LDA) + Trap–maker)
xx - (Character name) (Healer + Sneak attacker)
xx - (Character name) (Tracker + Scouter + All–rounder)
xx - (Character name) (Combo attacker + Negotiator + Distractor)
Would it be OP if she took all shadows? If it is, I'd be fine to keep it to just her own shadows, plus the shadows of her chosen target(s). Like - she has full control of her own shadows. She can transform into a shadow and attack like that. And she can indirectly attack someone through that person's shadows. If course, that would mean that the target can't be in a shady place, and she can't attack through shadows at night.... unless there happens to be a source of light nearby.

She won't disappear of course, but she still wouldn't be able to attack their shadows specifically. But she could attack with herself as a shadow. If that makes sense.
I think that all shadows would be neat. But it would definitely need some harsher limits if you wanted to do that. For all shadows, maybe it's in quite a small range? Or she can't do it for too long.

xx - Character name - Type of creature - Tank + Up–Close Attacker (UCA) + All–out attacker (AOA)
Janni - Character name - Type of creature - Long–Distance Attacker (LDA) + Trap–maker
roma - Character name - Caladrius - Healer + Sneak attacker
xx - Character name - Type of creature - Tracker + Scouter + All–rounder
xx - Character name - Type of creature - Combo attacker + Negotiator + Distractor

What other character would you want to play? Also, what's the shadow person's name again lol? I can't remember.​
Okai! Well how about this: She can control either individual shadows for longer periods of time, or a large amount of shadows from a small range for a much shorter amount of time. If she tries to push herself, her body will begin to show her rapid fatigue with nosebleeds, blurry vision, weakness and sweating until she ultimately faints from exhaustion. Her time spent unconscious depends on how hard she pushes herself beforehand. She also has to be taken care when she wakes up since she'll be weak from the strain.

Is that good? And her name is Hannah.