Fanfiction Tales from the Arena- Arsenal


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"Yeah, I saved the Multiverse. Please! Hold your applause! Hold your praise! I've heard it all before."
"People couldn't get enough of me after Eliot fell. Parades. Medal Ceremonies. The whole deal. I was on top of the world."
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"But... the thing is? 'Upwards trajectories' don't last forever. You know how it goes. 'What goes up must come down'... and you can't outrun 'the crash' forever."
"It started with an inquiry. No... it started a little before that. There was this guy named Kenjiro. You've probably heard of him."
"Yeah, he was kind of a big deal way back when. I mean, when the formal UN Secretary-General Breaks bad, people tend to freak out a little."
"People like me."
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"Ya see, the thing is... I sort... died."
"Don't worry, I mean... I got better? Kinda? But after some big guy puts his fist through your chest and rips your damn heart out... you're not the same you know?"
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"Christ. Look at me. Roy Harper making excuses for himself. What's new here?"
"Next I'm going start talkin' about my childhood. Let's avoid opening that can of worms."
"So... I was going through a rough patch. I was taking some stuff, on top of some more stuff, on top of some more stuff..."
"I trying to throw myself in to dangerous situations to get a little adrenaline in me. If I got hurt? Hey, that was an excuse to try some more stuff to try to fix the pain. During the whole 'Reapers' crisis, I got sprayed with a bunch o' acid by one of these weird bug things. I don't really want to share what the first thing I thought about was..."
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"But hey... you're not here for excuses.... and you're definitely not here for self-pity."
"So here's the story. I ran into Kenjiro in the Afterlife. I said some dumb shit. Did some dumb shit."
"I told myself I just wanted to hear the guy out... I was under a lot of pressure, on a lot of shit, I had just died and--"
"--Fuck the excuses. I said some stupid shit. One of the Big Guys from the UN decked me for it."
"I deserved it. I was out cold for far to long. Slept through most of the good stuff."
"I came back around for the final battle, sure. Me and a Jedi friend of mine were planning on hijacking a couple of enemy ships. We were gonna do some real damage with those."
"But when the dust settled and the parades were done, the big wigs started to look at my role in things."
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"They looked at the whole 'afterlife' thing... they looked at the uhh... They ran some blood tests and found out about the... the uhhh..."
"The stuff I was on..."
"It wasn't looking good for me. Traitor nor not, there was a big black mark on my record... Word got out and people they... uhhh..."
"They saw red..."
"I lost... I lost a lot of stuff after than."
"No more parades for ol' Roy. Had to return some medals. Lost a lot of jobs."
"After the hate dies down, you're just left with the pain..."
"And I had a certain habit when it came to dealing with pain..."
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"I guess the island was the best thing that ever happened to me, you know?"
"Probably a really insensitive thing to say... probably going to get a lot of hate for that but..."
"I'm not taking it back."
"It forced me to go cold turkey. First week was hell, but..."
"The Old Roy came back after a while. Barely recognized him."
"Part of me is... Part of me doesn't want to go home..."
"I mean... What's waiting for me out there? In here I've got friends... Family... People who depend on me..."
"Before Mila, a bunch of my friends... my team was planning to escape..."
"I guess the Dragon Chick saved me from that..."
"I hope they made it, don't get me wrong, but... If I had been there when it happened... I don't know if I could've..."
"Hope they made it..."
"Hope they're just killing it without me..."
