

New Member


Valyn.... Woman.
Marks .. Man.


__________________ " Epic Date "

Marks picked up Valyn waiting room at the psychiatrist's office...

Marks: "What are you doing today ?.
So what you up to…
Well do you mind if I I take antidepressants with you..."

Valyn: "Yes, I do.
... ...
In case of dating... rejection is normal... But… we both are not normal... That's why we are here.
Sometimes the stars align and you can meet a girl and be in bed with her in less than an hour..
It blows your mind and makes it all worth it in the end".

Marks: I'm supposed to open you;...whatever it is that I wanted to say to you, now is the time.
Was there something that I noticed about you? ... Is it simply that you are here ?.
Now I'm gonna try to contextualize my opener; Hi, I just saw you and I thought you were really cute...
What is your name ?".

Valyn: "Valyn... The meaning of the name Valyn is: Strong... I'm strong enough to suffer from anhedonia".

Marks: "My name is Marks... Marks of apathy..."

Now Marks and Valyn and are travelling at high speed on a seemingly unreal freeway...
They have been driving in silence for the last ten minutes, each preoccupied with their own thoughts.

Marks: "How long would you like to stay in emptiness ?".

Valyn: "Six or seven days".

Marks: "That will be fine, Valyn.
I'm thinking about the empty circumstances that have brought the two of us together".

Valyn: The emptiness of this freeway can symbolize the sense of void...
... and isolation that we feel when we are facing depression... ... ... Void and speed ... ... ...
Emptiness is a sense of boredom, social alienation and apathy".

Marks: "Feelings of emptiness go with dysthymia, depression, loneliness, anhedonia, despair,.."

Valyn: "And mental, emotional disorders: schizoid personality disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,
schizotypal personality disorder and borderline personality disorder..."

... ...

__________________ " Tap Water "

They both are in Marks' apartment now which is cozy despite their white walls a little too white and boring.

Marks: "Let me ask you something...
If you knew that we both were in a battlefield now,...would you panic ?".

Valyn: "Are you serious ?".

Marks: "Very".

Valyn: "No. I think it would be exciting.... I think it would be a therapeutic exercise".

Marks: "OK, Valyn".

Marks turns on all the taps in his apartment...
Basin taps... The kitchen sink, the bathroom sink,... The water starts flowing...

... ...
The sound of water creates voices:
Tango. Golf. Zulu, Papa...Hotel, India....
*Zero Day,...Tango,...Golf, Zulu, red on red,...
Zipperhead, Oscar-Mike,...
O Dark Thirty, red star cluster...O Dark Stupid*.

Marks: "Do you hear those voices, Valyn".

Valyn: "Yes, I do.... What a turbulent flow of voices, Marks".

Marks: "These military terms have made him view things from a more positive and real standpoint.
A mind-bridge to a battlefield has been built..."

Valyn: "Military terms... Zero Day... Red on red...
I wonder what these words mean in military terms..."

Marks: "Zero Day: The day in which a Basic Combat Training company picks up soldiers.
Red on red: Describes a situation when two enemy groups fight each other, leaving the U.S. force in advantage.
Oscar-Mike: On the Move, from the phonetic alphabet.
Red star cluster A distress call. In non-combat situations, acknowledgement of a precarious situation or need for help...
... ...
Zipperhead refers to the common injury among tankers of hitting their head on the hatch or other part of the tank,
and having it stitched up, which look rather like zippers.
Tango: NATO phonetic alphabet for the letter "T" and for "Target" or enemy.
O Dark Thirty : Very early in the morning.
O Dark Stupid: Very early in the morning... ..."

Valyn: "What are they calling out? Position?".

Marks: "I must've been programmed by war to such an extent that we find it difficult to think any other way.
There is always a need for the war to have a myth.
That's why... we both... are here ".

Valyn: "Let's look for ways to cope with the situation,...
we've gotta take a measure of control of what seems to be an uncontrollable situation....
We seem to have the power to transfer between parallel universes..."

Marks: "Military terms, military slang and military phonetic alphabet...

Golf: G
Hotel: H
India: I
Papa: P
Tango: T
Zulu: Z
... ...
Marks: Rumours can never keep secrets ..."

Voices are more smooth and clear now:
* Have hope through patience and encouragement...
... You both have come to rule the world,...
... and the world will put its hope in you both*

Valyn: "We'd better not tell the psychiatrist that we both can rule the world..."

Marks: "What about the current landmark,... the Covid-19 pandemic...?"

Valyn: " Red star cluster, Marks...
A distress call. Although Covid-19 looks like a non-combat situation, it is a precarious situation or need for help..."

____________________________________________________ THE END __________________________________________________________