Akashic Arcana The Arcadian Tournament


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The Arcadian Tournament is a nationwide annual magic tournament for the greatest mage academy in the world, and it is the biggest magic-related event in Japan. Its official name is "Nationwide Magic Academy Athletics Competition".

Every year, a roster of select students from Arcadia meet and puts theirs and their team's pride on the line.

A huge audience is always expected, including not only the general public, government officials and those interested in magic but also businesses, overseas companies, researchers, and scouts. It is also one of the few stages that provide magic competition as entertainment. The Arcadian Tournament is said to be the greatest stage for Magic Academy students to shine and its results are linked to the students' career paths. It is also one of the few major events to allow the general public to better understand and become invested in magic competitions, as well as to further society's acknowledgment of magic.

1st Discipline: Dimensional Speed Run (Solo)
2nd Discipline: Ice Pillar Games (Solo)
3rd Discipline: Pyramid Defense (Team)
4th Discipline: Grand Melee (Solo)
5th Discipline: Monolith Death Match (Team)

There are no restrictions whether you have to be a first, second or third-year student to participate in the tournament and a team can be formed out of all three years. Each team is composed of four people, each specializing in a certain magic form to cover all weaknesses within a unit. It is also important for the teams to pick out the right person to compete in the solo disciplines, as the team's progress and final scores depend on them.

1st place in the solo discipline: 25 points
2nd place in the solo discipline: 15 points
3rd place in the solo discipline: 10 points

1st place in the team discipline: 50 points
2nd place in the team discipline: 30 points
3rd place in the team discipline: 20 points
Dimensional Speed Run

Magic Focus
Body Enhancement

Flight, Teleportations, Blinking, Warping and anything in the category is banned from this discipline. In the Dimensional Speed Run, you prove your physical strength, dexterity, speed, parkour, and body enhancement magic arts.

Furthermore. Offensive ranged abilities are also banned, however, physical melees between runners are allowed to eliminate one another from the track.

Arcadia Island

Each player begins at one of the smaller 6 islands surrounding Arcadia and connected by long bridges. The objective is to reach the central Academy Main Hall, where the finish line is located. Once the players reach the urban area, touching the floor plans will resolve in disqualification. Take to the roofs and advance through the skyline of Arcadia's skyscrapers. It is allowed to touch the ground once you reach Arcadia's Main Campus Grounds, which is located at the epicenter of the island.

For just this day, the skylines and rooftops of Arcadia have been loaded with traps. They can range from riot bullet turrets to proximity stun mines in-order to offer a maximum challenge for the players.
Ice Pillar Games

Magic Focus
Offensive and Defensive Ranged Spells

A game where you have to use your magical spells to defend your ice pillars and destroy your opponent's. Each player has 12 massive frozen pillars of ice and if all pillars fall, you are eliminated. Attacking or harming the other player will result in disqualification. Summoners are only allowed to call upon one familiar.​
Pyramid Defense

Team cooperation

A team of four is placed at the top of a replica of Chichen Itza Pyramid. Four stairways lead up to the very top. And an endless wave of enemies will attempt to swarm you and take the top floor. Last for as long as possible, do not let a single enemy reach the top. The team's score is decided upon how many waves your team managed to clear. But beware, the longer you hold out, the harder the enemies become.
The Grand Melee


Combat Rating

Each team picks the member they believe to have the highest mage combat rating to compete in this Battle Royale. Only the last standing three players will receive points. To prevent cheating there are several monitors as well as specialized judges to keep taps on each contestant and their behavior. To team-up against other people in a battle royale is against the spirit of the Grand Melee, but not against the rules.

Replica of the Colosseum of Rome
Monolith Death Match

Team, All Magic Allowed

Two teams pitted against one another in the most anticipated discipline of the Arcadian Tournament. The mission objective is to reach the enemy team's monolith and decipher it. Once someone reaches a monolith, a terminal reveals itself. The terminal is a complex code of rune sequences that one has to piece together. The first team to decipher the enemy's monolith wins the game. However, all forms of magic are allowed here to defend and assault the monoliths.

Team Composition Strategies
One Defender should always be left at the Monolith in-case of an enemy sabotage attempt. There are three lanes that all lead to the enemy's base and the remaining members should fight to push their lane and defeat their opponents to have a shot at deciphering the monolith. Remember, you are all allowed to experiment and try new strategic approaches.
