The avatar above you fights your avatar. How screwed are you?

Well, I am first and foremost a businessman. I make a living by being contracted by many businesses, organizations and individuals.
This a Queen! Thereby a wealthy individual. Somehow I believe we would be able to work things out for the best. XD
meter tall assault nope merc versus gun toting merc.

And it was glorious.
at this point why do i even post here, my avatar has changed so may times
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Hm... wolves fight in packs. I'm facing Spider-Man. Unfortunately even with Spider Sense, Spidey stands no chance against a pack of wolves where I'm the Alpha.

So yeah, not screwed.

Now if Akame was there... it'd be close.
Bunch of mutts against the superiority of man?

We won this battle eons before with sticks and stones.

But you don't know what kind of wolves we are. We could be wolves that are faster and more ferocious than what humans are used to. Eh? Am I right? It honestly depends for your avatar in my opinion. Not dissing the fact you made, just saying one man probably even with two pistols couldn't stop a pack of 50 to 100 wolves. I mean, you gotta reload sometime.
I'm gonna be selling fur coats at 50% off....through the black-market of course! XD

Refer to my reasoning above, and I quote:

But you don't know what kind of wolves we are. We could be wolves that are faster and more ferocious than what humans are used to. Eh? Am I right? It honestly depends for your avatar in my opinion. Not dissing the fact you made, just saying one man probably even with two pistols couldn't stop a pack of 50 to 100 wolves. I mean, you gotta reload sometime.