Interest Check The Cardinal Heroes (Fantasy/Action plot idea)


Western Tribe

Herald is nothing but the son of a farmer. He helps his father keep his sister and the farm safe. The forest is home to scary creatures so Herald has defeated small monsters but nothing big. His father is one of the main suppliers of food to the Tribe, which makes him a valuable asset.

Appearance (optional):

Imagine that^^^without the armor or sword and just in peasant clothes.

Herald is shy and afraid to push his limits. Not much about his mother is known except that she mysteriously disappeared shortly after having birthed her youngest, which is herald's sister, Holly. Herald is not much of a killer unless he feels pushed to the limit of his power. Herald can handle a short sword or a knife but anything beyond that is scary to him. He has little belief in himself and has difficulties trying new things, he won't just jump into something new and unknown. Something about him is off and the tribe shaman stays away from him.

Weapon (Based on tribe):
Herald uses a sword gifted to him by his father who was once a mighty adventurer who fought in many of the wars between the tribes. The sword is composed of silver and tungsten mix with an engraving in an unknown language that Herald can't read. The sword is carried in a sheath which Herald carries on his hip. The hilt of the sword is leather.

Herald is also a fan of the Bow and Arrow and uses these to hunt.

Opinion of other tribes (optional):
Herald knows only that the other tribes can be dangerous and that he should stay away from them. He has not visited or seen any member of any of the tribes.
Thank you all so much for your character profiles! Sorry I went missing for a couple weeks. I’m gonna post my character profiles later today hopfully. Let me know if you are still interest or if you have lost interest which is ok too cause I get I wasn’t really on for like nearly a month