The Chronicled World

The meeting was short, and telling for the High King. 250 years of rule made him rather knowledgeable of the tells and tones when dealing with his own people and with foreigners. Paralua seemed become angry when Decius brought the god to the shrine. Strangely enough he didn't seem to be rather tolerant of the Ancestor Gods, a grave insult indeed to the Ancestor Gods, but offense is always taken and never given. Before Decius can properly speak, Paralua decides to run, ending the diplomatic talks before they could begin. Decius sighs as this might be the best that he could hope for, as it was either through lack of experience or lack of tolerance that kept him from gaining valuable trade and allies against the Orcs. Still it might be for the best as he can only see the other Kings eventually becoming impatient with the intolerance of the Basnad if Paralua was really the best diplomat that the nation could sent.

Before Decius goes back to his work, he gave a message to a runner to send out. "Ask Gaius the Loved, the King, to keep a close watch of the southern borders. And ask Septimus the Public, the King, to send a Legion to reinforce Valentianae. I, the worried, worry that the eyes of either the Warrior or the Courier is upon the United Kingdoms and I, the worried, do not wish to seek out who is currently watching."
Sheson Paralua was fuming. All this time wasted. These Forged Born and all their technology and arrogance had no decency or respect, and had worked on insulting him at every step. The Sheson himself comes to their door, and they ask who he is!? The first place they bring him to is to their Gods, him, the Messenger of the Crab himself!? Pah!
The Basnans in his entourage make sure to not make a squeaking sound and the caravan quickly crosses the ugly landscape that formed the Forged Born territory. Not even worth a conquest.

When the Sheson reached Tamatoa's White Cathedral in Tamassoa, his anger had settled in a cold, righteous fury. He would deal with these disrespectul creatures later. Back to matters of state. The large Marjari dumped himself in the warm pool in his small hall, hydrating his overly dried skin and taking off that dirt and coarse sand that gets everywhere. He turned to his First Exarch, that managed his estates on his behalf.

Exarch Otemo, what news of the Shesonate.

Your Holiness, the ashari have received your present and sent a diplomat to meet with you. The other courts have not reacted to your messages. There is also word of activities across the sea, that the Atheans are getting agitated. Within the Shesonate, the orcs have at first resisted, but a few executions have convinced the population to cooperate and they are being registered and filed throughout the land.

Excellent, excellent. Prepare messengers. Inform the Ponds bordering the lands of the Forged Born in Khutai and Sharnuur are now free to raid these aberrations. Nothing with banners, of course, but I noticed a lot of cattle and open land that could use some looting and burning. Inform the Western Ponds that no offense should be given to the ashari at the moment.

Paralua smiled cruelly. It wasn't much, but any blood he could shed would help heal the slights he had endured.

Send an emissary carrying gifts of beer and smoked fish to this Nexxis Neriven. Choose a man well versed in matters of the Great Crab. These might be elves, but I have heard they are close to the ocean, and they might be open to hear the words of Tamatoa the Great. This would be very fortunate indeed.

The large Marjari - he really should do some exercise, his function of Sheson was leading him down an unhealthy path... - got out of the delightful bath and let the wind dry him.

Increase the efforts of our lumberjack in the East, cut down as much of the glade as need be, I will be needing much timber in the months to come! Now go fetch me the ashari ambassador. I will show the world how you treat a diplomatic envoy.

Paralua waited on his throne, dressed in a thin purple dress and a richly decorated red coat, his ceremonial spear in his hand. The ashari diplomat was introduced and would have to cross the long great hall under the stare of his court of gawkers, but the Sheson wanted the elf to feel welcome and respected. He stood up from his throne and walked down the steps to greet the newcomer. This was no king, however, and he offered his ringed hand to be kissed by the envoy as a mark of reciprocated respect.

Welcome to Tamalossa, friend, I thank you to join us in these dark times! When the earth trembles and the Gods are angry, the wise men find friends to shoulder the storm together.

Yijhet was silent as Spurius took the amulet. As his hands touched it, she felt a buzz of excitement...which soon faded when the Forged Born asked for their own ceremony. The request was odd to her. Then again, the Pale Ones hadn't struck many alliances outside of those between the houses. His request was only fair. "Very well. I will send a diplomat back with you to fulfill your kind's own rite of kinship." Yijhet said. "May you depart from us in peace, General Spurius." She rose from the table, gave a short bow, and walked away. For a moment, Spurius was alone. Then, another Pale One, the only female they'd seen besides Yijhet herself, strode into the room, and respectfully lowered her head. Her appearance was speckled, and she, like the others, wore a porcelain mask.

"I am Tundra, your accomplice to the Forged Borne's rite of kinship." She said. "I thank you for your alliance with us, and wish to assist in sealing our agreement. If you would be so honored, please take me with you to Anio."

"It would be good for you, the Signer, to come with us back to Anio. There will be much for you, the Signer, to see. However I, the Adviser, will need to advice you, the Signer to bring food and water for the long trip home. It took us weeks to get home so I, the Adviser, do suggest you, the Signer, take more then you, the Signer, will need." Spurius advised. "I, the Diplomat shall wait for you, the Signer, at the Trireme. When you, the Signer, arrive we shall go immediately."
@ChelonianCommander @Emory @Amdarh @Iamtheecchiking

Coughing was met with dread in the streets of the Eastern Seaboard regions, south of northdawn. Throughout this region, sickness has spread about with little evidence as to how; the 'Shrill Cough', they called it. A painful sickness that leads to coughing until you spit blood and lose your voice, and can mean the demise of the weak and enfeebled if not cleared up soon enough. Some are calling it a plague, and some are claiming it has the potential to get much worse if not contained.

Though currently only found along the eastern regions and in Denzen, it can be caught by anything bit by certain insects. Physicians, however, need not wonder any more where it comes from. After some information-gathering and pouring over local governor's reports, it has been isolated to a variety of tick prolific to the north of old blood isle, found among the un-touched wild deer in the Forged Born realm.
@Horicabu @Yogii

Farmers complain of the weather in the west; in the Grand house and the land of Ashar, this last summer has been miserably hot. No rain has fallen for two months, and the creeks and rivers are starting to feel the pinch. Water has become a commodity as the drought, however short, is starting to tax the wells and other similar water reserves. While it is currently not a terribly large threat, no one knows when it will rain again...

((And as for @TheGreenerGrey , fortunately for him I rolled an odd number, so nothing happened up north.))
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Nexxis was in the hall of The Council of the Supreme, hearing the briefing about a new sickness popping up in their country. It seems to have originated from a tick that can be found in the Forged Born realm. Listening to some of the reports, she decided they needed to act quick. Interrupting the medical expert that was currently speaking, she stood and addressed everyone in the room.

"Council, this must be cured quickly. I want all ships from the Forged Born realm immediately turned around, no matter their purpose. They are not to enter. Any ships carrying cargo from the Forged Born, are to be turned around. Any ships with Forged Born crew or passengers, are to be turned around or quarantined. The same goes for on land. Admiral, you have the authority to call in reserves to reinforce if need be. If anything is even questionable, send them away. If they try to continue, engage them.

Next, the hospitals and doctors could quickly become overwhelmed. I would like to activate more reserves. As many medical personnel as needed based on the numbers. Place the field hospitals outside city limits, in non populated areas where they can be effectively quarantined. Put out a Public announcement, to avoid large crowds. All entertainment and assemblies are prohibited until further notice. Avoid public restrooms, and public wells. Military personnel will provide clean water.

All forces returning from active tours are to be quarantined until the medical staff are sure they are not infected. Infected military staff are to be cared for in separate facilities. Please set up Military only field hospitals away from the public hospitals. You can place them just outside military facilities.

All audiences with government officials are postponed. Those requesting audience must be screened by a medical professional and given the all clear. Even then, unless it is a matter relating to the safety of the nation, we will not hear it.

Admiral, send a team of medical researchers, and 5 vessels. Head to the Forged Born to inform them of this, also inform them of our current embargo with them till this is resolved.

Last but not least, reinforce the local law enforcement with City Guard. Enforce a mandatory curfew at sundown. Does everyone understand?"

The group responded with, "Yes, Supreme One."

Nexxis acknowledged them and then responded. "Good. Now get it done, Admiral and General. Council, make the appropriate public statements. Everything should be set up by the end of the week."

The group dispersed as Nexxis made her way back to the Palace and her chambers. The Admiral and General both gave the appropriate orders, calling in Reserve units to accomplish everything Nexxis had ordered.
Yijhet drank deep of a glass bottle. For once, the Shesonate had done them a service. This gift of beer was appreciated. It wasn't heady like the blood wines she was familiar with, but the bitter, bubbly taste was pleasant enough. This drought had forced everybody, even her, to exchange substitutes for water. Looking through a window of latticed bone, she saw canal leading up to the palace had fallen tragically low. The river wasn't doing so well and the rain certainly wasn't showing itself. She sighed as the heat smothered through her feathers.

As for the land itself, putting off drinking water had given the Pale Ones time. They didn't grow many crops, but having water was still very important. Fishing on the coast had tripled, and seafood was now the meal at every table. Seawater couldn't be drunk, but it was a grand provider. As for the plague originating in the east, the borders had sealed. Nobody from the outside was let in. No imports nor exports. "Trade can wait," they had written. "we've no want of disease."
Grand House and its surrounding land was meant to be self-sufficient. From the beginning of their colonization, the Pale Ones chose their landing carefully. The Pale Harpies didn't expect reliance or trade with others. They never had in the past, and though the Forged Born had allied with them, Yijhet had no intention to become needy.
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Everything seemed to happening all at once as one trouble came after the first was contained. The week before, High King Decius had received notice that Scupi and Istrus had delivered a legion each to Valentianae, giving the city a garrison of 10 legions, roughly 50000 soldiers. Enough to defend against anything the Orcs to the north can throw at the city, save for the complete mustering of the entirety of their force and marching out for a complete invasion of Forged Born territory. The week before that, Almus, Bethar and Utinum have each formed 3 legions each, roughly 15000 men each, and scattered then across the southern border to keep the Basnad raiding incursions to a minimum. As if the Vigiles didn't have their hands full already suppressing Orc raids harassing trades, farms and mines.

Now this week, Decius must deal with a plague that has erupted in the his territories. The plague didn't affect the Forged Born, as they no longer need to fear disease and plagues, but it has affected the Sheep, both Wool Sheep and Great Horn Sheep. His scholars and investigators tell the High King that the sickness was spread through ticks on the backs of wild deer, horses and theorized that the infection spread this quickly by the ticks riding on the body of birds, both land birds and sea birds. That would explain why the Atheans have received the disease, and it blossomed into an epidemic in such a short time, even though the Forged Born only had the most minimal contact with the race through independent trading companies. Perhaps the people of Athea should focus less on touching one another and more on keeping their people properly dressed was the first though that came to the drained High King's mind when he received the messege of Athea's plight and their embargo with the Forged Born.

It was fine. Right now Decius must focus on his own and count how much damage this plague will the economy of not only Anio but for all 13 kingdoms. The damage was relatively little. 2 of every 5 Wool Sheep died, and 1 of every 10 Great Horn Sheep died to the plague but the economy took a heavy toll with the projected income this season to have fallen 11% due to the embargo and damage to the Sheep and Wool trade. He could only wonder what damage the sickness could do to the Basnad to the south and the Gundrish to the north and hope this would give the two nations pause and allow his own forces some time to rest and him to plan out where to reinforce the nation's defenses.
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May the Great Crab devour you, and in so doing, give new purpose to your life and death!

Paralua's blessing brought the ceremony to an end and the small ships filled with corpses were sent away, given to the ocean as was the Basnan custom. They were to be eaten or destroyed in their last journey, and be reunited by the Crab of Life. The Basnans had limited understanding of diseases and how they spread, and couldn't fathom that these ships could spread the plague anywhere they landed.

The plague had been a calamity on the land, attacking randomly rich and poor, faithful and unfaithful. It had started in the north and spread like wildfire. Most Basnans infected didn't die of the disease, but were scarred for life, their skin dried and cracked, pus seeping out of the wounds. Paralua had acted quickly, and ordered all Primarchs and Exarchs to relay his word. The Branding Plague was a punishment of the Great Crab on the unfaithful and unbelievers. Any Basnan marked by it had failed Tamatoa and the Shesonate, and was to redeem himself by joining a new fanatical Tamatoan Prong directly under the Sheson's command.

The disease, coming from the north, had obviously been brought by the orcs. To appease the Crab of Life and Death, sacrifices had to be made. Each of the seven Primarchs and the Sheson Paralua did a daily sacrifice of orc blood to bless their region and the Shesonate. This measure galvanised the people, but conflicts arose more and more between local orcs and Basnans. All for the best. As Paralua was wiping the bloody blade after today's sacrifice, an Anarch came running with news

Your Holiness, a Forged Born trireme has been seen hailing from the West. Scouts have spotted the banner of General Spurius.

Ah, they have finally returned. Inform Saloskan to proceed as planned.

Soon after, the Exarch Saloskan, expert in currents manipulation and responsible for the defense of Tamalossa's harbour, swam with a team of Anarchs, hidden from sight underneath the waves.The ocean crashing on the Eastern shores was always dark and tumultuous, and the Basnans had no difficulties in going unnoticed. Once they were underneath the trireme, the group manipulated the ocean's wrath to set the trireme off-course. It was no easy task, with the rows of Forged Born fighting against their will, but once the Basnans had managed to gather sufficient momentum in the ocean's current, there was nothing man or beast could have done. Waves deepened and went stronger and stronger, shattering on the small vessel, but still it held on, Forged Born technology defying nature's wrath. Slowly, the trireme was set off course and towards a reef known by Saloskan to tear ship's hulls like a fish's soft belly. After a long and exhausting mental battle, the Basnans eventually succeeded and a loud CRAAAAACKKK was heard as the Forged Born trireme impaled itself on the reef.

His task accomplished, Saloskan swam away, and the ocean slowly calmed down to its natural violence, leaving the ship vulnerable and immobile, water filling its hull. A dozen Basnan longboats soon left Tamalossa and quickly reached the distressed vessel. Saloskan had climbed onto one and hailed the Forged Born party, keeping their distance to avoid looking threatening.

Blessings of the Crab on you, strangers. We have seen your ship rocked by the storm. Glory upon Tamatoa to have defeated the Kraken that threatened to swallow you! We come in peace and would be happy to help you ashore, if you so wish.

The Basnans ferried the stranded Forged Born and, to their surprise, a Pale Harpy back to Tamalossa, where Paralua was waiting for them. Informed of the presence of a Harpy, he first went to her.

Greetings upon you, friend. We have heard great things of the Pale Harpy, and are glad to finally meet you. I see you are traveling with the Forged Born north, and would urge you to reconsider. Plague has struck their homeland, carried by the northern orcs, and your fate would be sealed if you landed there. Allow me to offer you a longboat and a crew to bring you back home to safety. All I ask in return is you deliver my warmest wishes of friendship to the Lady Yijhet, and talk to her kindly of our need of ivory.

The decision rested in the Harpy's hand, and Paralua went on to meet the Forged Born leader.

Welcome to Tamalossa, General Spurius. I am glad we could help you in your hour of need. It is always a pleasure and an honour to have Forged Born among us. You must stay with us a bit.

From his mellifluous and friendly voice, his tone changed to a hard, commanding one.

I insist. You and your men will be honoured guests here. Allow me to introduce you to our city and culture.


The diplomatic Basnan envoy arrived in sight of the Athean coast and was stopped there by the Elven fleet. It explained its purpose: carrying gifts for the Supreme leader, offer friendship and the blessings of Tamatoa the Great Crab. They had left the Shesonate before the Plague and hadn't heard about it since they had been at sea the whole time.
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The great cavern of Ghilt rumbled and shook as an explosion of great green flame bloomed, the flames joining with those around it as the city burned. Screams echoed through through the glittering green darkness as Kobolds either fled en masse into one of the many tunnels leading to all over the continent or fought back against the steadily marching enemy.

Sneakstab grunted as he hauled himself past a ruined building, his right leg mangled beyond repair. "Get yourselves to the front line dammit! We need to hold it off long enough for our people to escape!" He roars at passing soldiers, their bodies covered in glinting armour and carrying a large cylindrical cannon attatched to two backpacks the duo wore.

"That launcher is one of the only things that can hurt it! Go you fuckwits go!" He ahouts once again at the top of his lungs as the two Kobolds had stopped to stare at their crippled leader. Leaping into action, the two swiftly disappear into the smoke and green flame. With a shudder of pain, Sneakstab limped on.

It was only a few minutes later that he heard the cannon go off, a loud boom echoing from behind him as it discharged corrupted iron, the cracked, glowing ball of metal dispersing into shards and yet more green flame. It was so loud that it was almost able to drown out the monster. Almost. Greenslash's monster let out that horrible, warbling cry of a thousand voices as it screamed in anger or pain. He wasn't sure which.

Eventually he made it to a tunnel far off the to right side of the cavern. At the entrance stood the remains of his men, the most skilled fighters and strategists. Immediately two stepped forward to help him, and he gratefully leant into their embrace. Idly he wondered why it was that the only time his people cared for others was during times such as this. However that was for later, it didn't matter now.

"All of you," he begins, gesturing at all but the two warriors helping him. "As of today, the... the Sneakstab army is no more." He grunts in pain, unsure as to whether it was this proclamation or his fucked up leg that was responsible. "You are all to now report to Madam Kilj. She is the only council member that made it out relatively unscathed. One of the few to make it out in general. It is with her guidance that we will reclaim Ghilt and rip Greenslash limb from limb as we force him to watch us destroy that beast." He continues, grin growing just a bit feral before shaking his head.

"Greenslash will pay, I promise you that. But we'll need time. I plan to give us that. There will be survivors, trapped within the city. I will... I will gather them. Slow Greenslash down long enough for Kilj to come up with a plan. She was... she was always good at that. Putting us down." He looks down as he says this, eyes unfocusing for but a second before raising his head to once again address those around him.

"Now go. Run as fast as you can. We Kobolds are good at that."
It had been three days since Hysura the Guildmistress of the Sword-widows had left Kruumlok for the land of Ashar. Trying to buy from and sell to strange foreign countries was a risky, bold move. The public detested it. Brave for her, of all people, to do this, considering what might occur should her analysis of the trade fail and it work out to anything less then terrific. But gosh-darn it if she hadn't the pull and all the influence she needed. the Gundrish failed to see the encroaching enemy, their advancements and their wealth. If Gundertog was to succeed in this brave new world, they needed something, and for once Hysura was not sure war was going to bring enough of it.

"Is something wrong, m'lady?" came the meek inquiry of Raugur, the Orc Oxen-handler driving Hysura's carriage. Hysura suspected he wished to be in some sort of relationship with her. The thought disgusted her; He was here to feed and keep the pack oxen, and nothing more. "Nothing is wrong, yet, animal-tamer. But keep your eyes to the road. I'd hate to have to dock your pay for an Ox with wounded ankles!" Hysura the Siren had grown accustom to warding off unwanted suitors.

Hysura's party of twenty stopped at the mouth of a particularly long and dark highway, just beyond the ruins of a massive stone door, once a part of a intricate mechanical gate, of mind blowing proportions. It was hard to believe such a thing was ever possible; It certainly has never been reproduced but by the dwarves that once lived here.

Here, on the third night, they made camp. Hysura and the other four high ranking Sword-widows needed not keep watch, Three watches of three Zefvs (somewhat akin to a female squire, a lesser Sword-widow, more-or-less) were set up to keep the party safe.

Hysura was awoken that night to a strange sound and a frightened Zefv, reporting what sounded like a battle... Underground! Demonic screaming was very faintly heard, and it sounded as though some horror was laying waste to a whole city, but they knew of no cities nearby... some wanted to leave, calling it the return of the god called 'Darkness', a term used for an ancient deity of death and undeath, and the keeper of the underworld... As frightened as the party was by the tales of the demons that lurked these mountains, Hysura was never very spiritual, but... She had nothing to say about this. But if she turned around now, she might not get another chance to fulfill her mission. She had to get to Ashar. "I and the other Sword-widows will keep watch with you. Anyone who leaves, will be buried back home. Am I clear? I will ruin any of you too cowardly to aid me. We will survive this witchery. Do not panic!"

((@TheGreenerGrey : I can retcon the ending if this is problematic to how you planned to reveal your nation, but yeah, this post was directed towards you.))
The commander of the region of border ships was suddenly notified via magic, that she was needed at the border. It seems an envoy of diplomats. She stood up and called the captains of a few patrolling ships and had them accompany his command ship to the border, which wasn't far. They formed up around the Basnan envoy. The commander made her way onto the ship with a boarding party of Elven marines.

She met the diplomat and explained the situation after bowing. "I am Commander Pahorn of the Athean Navy. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I would like to explain our current state of affairs. A plague has hit Athea, as we have heard that it has also hit many of nations. It is said to have originated from the Forged Born lands. We have taken steps to ensure it is taken care of. This is one of those steps.

Before I can allow you to enter Athean waters and request an Audience with the Supreme, we must search the vessels and confirm that no cargo from the Forged Born lands is aboard, as well as any Forged Born passengers. We also have a medical team that must assess each crew members condition. If you refuse any of these, you will be immediately turned away.

Upon passing the inspections, you will be escorted to the port by Naval vessels. An escort will then take you to the Palace. Even if you reach that far, it is not guaranteed The Supreme will meet with you. She is very busy, and though you will be treated as honored guests, the safety of her people in this situation is of her utmost regard. You may be able to meet with The Council of the Supreme, or a council member. Though as I said, matters relating to the safety of the Athean people may take precedence.

We do not mean this as any sort of disrespect." She then bowed again and stood at attention waiting for the answer of the Diplomat.

Disaster struck one after the other in the land of Ashar. From earthquake's stretching from Phesa to the great capitol city of Balfina, and now a drought that ruined most if not all of the crops that Ashar once had an abundance of, and resulted in the collapse of many of it's main exporting industries, as well as the resources needed to feed and maintain the populous. All of this resulted in many Ashari citizens believing that doomsday has arrived, as 2 of the 5 calamities have already struck as scheduled in the ancient prophecy of Doggath, a sacred Elvish text that depicts the end of the world as we know it, after the Great Corellon, sky father of the Elvish pantheon awakes, the 5 calamities will strike and bring upon the end of the world, and judgement will be brought upon the Elvish people. These signs are not actually considered by Ashari law or government, as there are many variations to the story, and most if not all religion has been taken out of the government, ever since the true king Alok, reigned as their leader, and called for his people to worship him. This however, didn't stop the people believing these false stories of old Gods, and while it did annoy Alok that his own people weren't worshiping him, he had bigger problems to attend to then feeding his own ego, as he rallied up all of his ministers to discuss the future of the nation. "You all know why you're here" Alok said as he looked at all the ministers worried expressions. " I wanted this meeting to discuss once and for all, the state of the nation" Alok announced. "First I want our primary export to switch to seafood immediately, we don't have to lost money just because we lost some crops, so instead switch the main export to seafood" Alok said while nodding his head at Bellamire, indicating it was her job "Yes my lord" bellamire exclaimed as she began making plans for the change. "Next I want the Cipher reports from there mission". Cipher 21 then got up from his seat and showed the full report, essentially speaking on how the alliance went through and that the Forged born and the Pale Harpies were officially in an alliance. "I see" Alok said rubbing his goatee as he let out a big smile "So the Harpies really did get out of their little shell and did something worth mentioning, what are they trying to play here, by making an alliance with a eastern nation?". "My lord, that isn't all, it's come to our attention that the east has currently been ravaged by a plague, and it wouldn't be to far if a stretch to imagine it spread to the west, therefore we would advise u close down all trade routes and quarantine all returning ships for the disease, including the diplomat you sent to Basnad". Alok looked down, clearly frustrated, he let out a sigh " Fine, do whatever you want, just make sure everything's finalized by tommorow". And with that the meeting ended abruptly as Alok left the room, leaving everyone else to clean up, and try to figure out a way to solve the nations problems.

Meanwhile in the land of the Basnad Sheshonate, a diplomat from Ashar, walks through the grand hall of their kings throne room, and to his surprise is met with the King himself, as the ultimate act of mutual respect between men, the diplomat is impressed by the civilized manner that these barbarians carried themselves however he never dared to say it. "It is the ultimate pleasure to meet you your highness, my name is Voron Rothburd, and I come from a distant land to the east, named Ashar, and I came to thank you on behalf of Ashar, and our leader Alok, that your graciousness has not been forgotten, and that we would want to continue diplomacy relations with Basnad, if you agree to it".

Plague struck The Hive indiscrimately, incapacitating workers and warriors alike. The infected first began to cough before the coughs became uncontrollable fits ending with sanguine drops streaming from their pale lips.

Within the interior of Eldrinor, in the Hive Queen’s throne room, a meeting had been called in order to address the nation’s most recent dilemmas. Upon her vine-laden throne sat Hive Queen Ythril with a bloody leaf held in a cupped palm. As she began to speak her voice erupted into a burst of coughing which grew more intense as it continued. She pressed the leaf to her lips and when she drew it back to her side it was noticeably coated with a thicker layer of red than it had been before. “Members of the Eldrin Council, I’ve called this meeting to address a handful of issues that require our combined attention. Our first priority must be this damned plague which ravages our population without mercy. If not contained it could possess the potential of spreading to our brood and infecting subsequent generations. To this effect I introduce to you Elyon, taking the role of Master of Health, a new position that is required of the council. Aside from her I have added a Master of Agriculture, Thalanil, who will oversee our crop production in order to ensure we don’t succumb to a similar fate as those nations currently enduring a drought-“ she gestured to a hardy male Eldrin with tanned skin and a hard set brow. “-and a Master of Navy, Myriil, who will lead our naval forces as well as increase our intake of fish.” This time her eyes drifted to a youthful male Eldrin with a wonderous gleam in his inexperienced eyes. Finally, her gaze fell upon a tall, lean man with a serious demeanor and stolid posture as he sat expectantly. “And finally, a Master of Diplomacy, Katar, who will engage in diplomatic talks with potential allies in our vicinity.” At this last statement an awed silence fell over the council before whispers permeated the still, dry air. “In light of recent events it has become apparent that The Hive must not stand alone. It would be disadvantageous for us to be caught in the middle of a war without allies to assist us in our need on the battlefield as well as the homefront. Katar, you are tasked with personally overseeing our diplomatic efforts and selecting someone to act as Speaker for the Hive to speak on my behalf. Myriil, you shall increase ship production thrice fold and double our fishing efforts. Thalanil, make sure the fields continue to produce at the same rate as they have for the past harvests and Elyon, you will work with Thalanil to research a cure or treatment for this plague to ensure the health and prosperity of our great nation.” With that the meeting was concluded and Ythril finally allowed herself to release the cough that was building up in her throat, coming out in spats of blood and choked breaths.
The Basnan envoy to the Elves, Salanaha, bowed deeply, a wide smile spreading his jowls, his side tendrils drooping around his cheeks. He had heard these elves placed importance in courting, and the cod oil he had perfumed himself with had a pungent smell that would make the ladies fawn over him.

Commander Pahorn, the pleasure is all mine, and please receive my - and the Shesonate's - deepest sympathies for your current affairs.

The thin Basnan waved his arm to the rest of his three escort ships. He wore a purple robe with golden embroidery and a round purple hat to protect him from the sun.

Please, inspect all you want, we have nothing to hide. I didn't know of this Plague and doubt we have been infected. We have been at sea for many days now and no one has shown any strange symptom. Nevertheless, I will wait for the goodwill of the Lady Nexxis.

Salanaha accompanied Commander Pahorn to show him the hull and their cargo.

To be honest, I am not surprised it originates from the Forged Born. They are a Machiavellian group, these ones. Always engineering stuff, don't they? And let me guess. They are not affected by this Plague of theirs? We should all be very wary of the Forged Born, if you want my opinion.


Paralua smiled at the respectful stance of this Voron Rothburd. This was much more to his liking.

Welcome, Voron Rothburd. Everyone has heard of the great Kingdom of Ashar and his wise leader Alok. The envoy of such a nation is always a most welcomed guest of the Shesonate. Let us talk more privately.

In case negotiations didn't turn out well, Paralua wanted all parties to save face. He waved aside the two Redempters - horribly scarred Basnans that had pledged their death to Tamatoa and the Sheson - and moved them into a little study. Like the rest of the palace, it was made of rough stones covered with tapestries, thick carpets and a fireplace in the corner. The edges and corners were highlighted with ivory, as was the sturdy table and chairs.

Your words have pleased me, Voron. I wish nothing more than to maintain friendly diplomatic relation with Ashar. Our nations can only be greater by working together. The Gods are angry, we see their wrath every day. They are not happy with the state of the world, and it befalls us great nations to cleanse the world of all impurity. Orcs run rampant everywhere, an insult to the Gods. They need to be purged. I believe Ashar and Basnad can be the foundation of the continent's peace and prosperity. Tell me, what is Ashar's view on other nations, and what would you need from us?
Madam Kilj frowned as she looked out at the sea of Kobolds before her. They had gathered in an old dwarves tunnel, far too close to the surface world for Greenslash to risk making his way up. By the core, even she had reservations at just how close her people were to the other races.

For a moment she entertained the though that this was what she had strived for. All other council members were either shunned or dead, and all Kobolds that weren’t part of Greenslash’s forces or captured by them answered to her now.

All throughout the pitch darkness her people gathered. Uncountable glinting eyes and scraping metal, bodies tense as they feasted on whatever (and whoever) was available, tired from the long slog from Ghilt.

Very few settlements within the Death Mountains had managed to stay free of Greenslash, and it was only a matter of time before the scientist figured it where the villages were hidden away. The outlying villages had had a better time and been warned in advance, able to flee towards Kilj, who had rounded them all up and brought them to the closest available space she could gather them: This old diver tunnel they had recently found themselves reacquainted with.

She didn’t bother to address them. Kobolds didn’t work that way. Instead she had simply sent out her bruisers to keep the overflowing populace in line as best she could as she tried to think up a plan.

She had been stuck for almost five hours now.

Every plan, every assault or surrender she ran through her head either ended in irreparable damage to her species or her death, both equally unacceptable.

But she wouldn’t, couldn’t really, roll over to someone such as Greenslash. Sure he was smart, but only in his work. He would run their people into the ground under his leadership as he devoted resources they wouldn’t be able to spare to his research.

Normally she wouldn’t be daunted at the thought of destroying Greenslash, but that monster of his was the biggest problem. It had taken the heaviest Sneakstab’s troops had had to offer and kept rampaging. She had no doubt she could defeat it, but to do so as she was would be to risk everything.

How... how could she do this? What was there even to do? It was like a puzzle that has no- “Ma’am!” A voice interrupts the last Council Member as a Kobold clad in the garb of a scout trots up to her, eyes wide.

“What is it?” She snaps at him. “There are Orcs!” He replies in a stage whisper, unable to contain his fear. As a scout he had seen Orcs before, and knew what it meant if their people were to be discovered. “Right outside the doors! What do we do?”

An answer burst forth from Kilj’s mind, telling her to order the Kobolds to swiftly kill them or run, born from uncountable years of hiding within the darkness of the deep. Yet another part of her had a different idea...

Orcs, she knew, were in a precarious situation in the over world. Races, furled by spite, looked to be banding together against them. They would wish for an ally in these times. With the right pressure, Kilj would be able to get them to aid her.

But was it worth it? Millennia of remaining anonymous, little more than bogeymen to the surface, a warning not the go too deep had allowed the Kobolds to live in peace. Should she do this, that secret would be lost.

But if she didn’t reach out, she was certain that everything would be lost. She had to do this. “Inform them all to hide. Disperse out into the darkness and embrace their instincts. I will treat with them as you watch from the shadows. Be on constant alert.” She commands the scout and those around her, who swiftly either disappear of bellow out orders.

Sometimes it was almost funny how good Kobolds were at hiding, even from their own kind. The tide had almost immediately split as runty little bodies melted into shadows and alcoves, climbing walls or forming entire structures out of groups of themselves to resemble rock.

In just under ten minutes, Kilj was left ‘alone’ in the darkness of the tunnels to face the Orcs in a meeting that may decide the fate of her people.

The storm seem to come from nowhere, causing his Trireme to crash and break on a reef as the ship was tossed and rocked around. Despite the best efforts of his crew, the ship was lost as was a third of his men, leaving him with roughly, 140 Sailors, 50 Crossbowmen and 60 Praetorian. Luckily for the ship and her crew, they were rescued by the Besnad, who resided to the south of the United Kingdoms. The fleet that rescued them took them back to the Basnad's territory.

"Welcome to Tamalossa, General Spurius. I am glad we could help you in your hour of need. It is always a pleasure and an honour to have Forged Born among us. You must stay with us a bit. " Said Paralua.

"I, the grateful, am grateful for the rescue of my men and of Tundra, the Signer. I, the grateful, am also thankful for the allowing us to stay within your city. However I, the dutiful, must report this incident and return to the United Kingdoms as quickly as possible." Replied Spurius

I insist. You and your men will be honoured guests here. Allow me to introduce you to our city and culture." Said Paralua. Spurius thought about it for a moment and he, and most likely the Forged Born as a whole know very little about the Basnad of the south. Perhaps they could be a potential ally in the future.

"Very well then. I, the dutiful, shall stay to learn of the ways of your people. But if I, the dutiful, may be forward, I, the dutiful, wish to send the Lady Tundra, the Signer, northward with a selection of my own soldiers to complete the signing of the contract to solidify our newfound alliance." Asks Spurius. "I, the dutiful, shall make it clear to the escort to give praise to the Mother and the Warrior and ask them to bless you for your timely arrival and rescue."
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"Your sympathy is most gracious."

Pahorn replied as she signaled for the marines to begin searching. The marines and medical team did their searches and investigations very quickly, while Pahorn spoke with the ambassador.

"In the presence of the Supreme, you should refer to her as The Supreme. It does not bother me much, but their are zealots that would want your head for such a thing. I know you meant no disrespect. I imagine very little about us is known. We keep to ourselves."

She said as she remained at attention.

"It is unknown if the Forged Born are suffering from this plague. We do not mettle in the business of others. We do not trust anyone to begin with. Not even you, ambassador."

At that point, the marines and medical teams finished their business.

"Ambassador, these three warships and my vessel will escort you to the capitol port. There, you will be escorted to the palace by Royal Guards. I must warn you. Any deviation from course away from the escorts, and you will be engaged with no mercy. The same goes on land. Non citizens are not allowed to carry weapons on Athean land. So when you dock, you may bring as many escorts as you wish, however, they must all be unarmed. Atheans have been proponents of the sea for a long time. We will know if course deviations are purposeful or accidental. Good luck in your mission. "

With that Commander Pahorn saluted the Ambassador and the Atheans on board fell in line behind her as they returned to her vessel. Once ready, the ambassador's envoy would be escorted to the Naval Base in the capitol city.

Paralua had a large smile, row after row of small sharp teeth shining in the uneven lights of the torches.

Excellent, General Spurius. Excellent. Concerning Lady Tundra, it is up to her, but it was my duty to inform her a Plague runs rampant in your land, and she would be safer returning home for the time. Now, I must return to the affairs of the Shesonate and receive the ashari envoy, but I leave you in the good hands of Saloskan, who you have already met.

Saloskan waited for the large Holy Basnan to trudge away before turning to his guest.

I will try to make your stay as pleasant as possible, General. Shall we?

The energetic Basnan first found quarters for the Forged Born troops within close by barracks, asking them not to walk around armed.

You must forgive us, but our people would not understand the presence of armed military in pur capital. I can assure you they will be safe!

Once that was settled, Saloskan invited Spurius to a small feast, only to remember too late Forged Born didn't eat. Well, he did, and took the opportunity to have an informal discussion with his guest.

You return from the lands of the Pale Harpies, I hear? I've never been that far West. How is it? How are they? Could the Forged Born find an understanding with so different creatures?



Salanaha bowed emphatically.

My apologies for the mistake, I will address her as The Supreme. And be sure we have no intention of going against your indications.

The Elven troops returned on their elegant vessel, leaving Salanaha alone to question Tamatoa's will for putting such a barrier to his mission. A Plague! This world seemed on the verge of destruction, and the Ambassador offered a thankful prayer to the Great Crab for the enlightened leadership of their Sheson.

The three Basnan ships swiftly sailed to the Naval Base. Salanaha picked ten men to accompany him, three only of them warriors to act as bodyguards. The others were men of Gods, well versed in theology and eloquence.The little group followed its escort to the palace, a magnificent structure dominating the city. It seemed these Elves had never known hardships, and Salanaha wasn't sure if they were ready to embrace the teachings of the Crab of Life and Death. But the people, the lower class, suffering under their dominion, those might. The Basnan looked around him with an intense curiosity, examining the buildings and the local population as they moved towards the Palace.

"Plague?" Tundra said. "Why have I not been informed of this?" She looked over to general Spurius, and bowed her head. "We will complete the signing of your pact at a later date. I will request the State to send a small shipment of lumber to you, to assure you of our honesty." She paused. "But for now, I will not go to your lands. We've no need of disease. However, your generous role as my courier will not go unrecognized."

With that, the Pale Harpy sat down beside the rest of the Forged Born and remained silent.
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