The Last Bastion: Bunker Chicago The Coalition Debriefing: Shlan Fletcher


The Wanderer Returned
The Coalition Debriefing: Shlan Fletcher
(( @HerziQuerzi & @Nilum ))​

Shlan arrives home and watches The Old Guard soldiers file away from The Coalition’s own soldiers almost as soon as they arrived. A beaten, tired feeling permeates the air from most of The Coalition’s soldiers as the crowds make way for them to arrive at the entrance of the Bunker. There, they see Carolyn handing a wounded Jenive to a medical team. Carolyn looks at each of The Coalition’s soldiers, a look of distrust and disappointment in her eyes. It was clear from that one look alone that whatever good will they may have once had, it was long, long gone. One person in particular is singled out, as Carolyn passes by Gabriel, she mutters one word under her breath.


Once inside, they are each searched and admitted inside one by one. She reaches their turn to be debriefed, and starts walking down a few tight, small corridors. They reach the interrogation room from earlier, and... Pass it by. Instead, she reaches an elevator just beyond it, and is taken deeper into the Bunker. Past level 1, past level 2... Wait. Shlan looks at the wall and realizes that they were going deeper than the elevator map’s plans showed. There was no level 5, and yet, here they were. There was no level 5 button on the control panel, and yet, there they were. Once they reach the bottom, they see Adrik standing there—arms crossed behind his back. “Come with me.”

Shlan walks with them, down a long, dimly lit hallway. At the end was a single door, leading into a large, dark room. The door was made out of a strange metal. It reflected light, but nothing else. It was certainly not naturally made. Before she can step through the doorway, however, Adrik grabs her arm. He glares down at her, and speaks, coldly. "Do not test his patience... You have fucked up enough as is." He then lets her go inside, at her own pace.

Inside, the area is left in darkness, though a few steps confirmed metal plating underneath her feet. Adrik stays outside and closes the door behind her. A single light hangs from the ceiling, giving just enough light to show a beautiful, ornate wooden desk. Behind it stood a man in a suit, holding an empty wine glass. Behind him, a large monitor, that was attached to a metal pole that stretched out into the darkness. There were hints of hydraulic lines on it—it could possibly be moved. The man’s face is obscured in darkness, though his distinctively smooth voice gives him away. “It’s nice to see you... Perhaps you know of me, perhaps not. I am Ryan Dufont.”

The monitor lights up suddenly, and the entire room is bathed in a dark blue light. Though it takes a moment for Shlan’s eyes to recover, she is able to discern that the room is circular in construction. All around are a myriad of sensors and drones—machines serving various purposes, here and there—technologies that, even for advanced Pilots, were borderline incomprehensible. “I think it is time that your trust in our rational ways was rewarded... I think it is time for you to learn some truths. We already know what all of you have done—we were watching, from above. What I am about to tell you is classified to the highest degree. If you don’t approve of this, leave, now. The door is unlocked. If you stay, understand that if you tell anyone what you have learned here today? The empty shell we leave behind that may have once held your will and mind will say whatever we want it to... There are some fates worse than death. Understand?”
Much like her last debriefing, Shlan was tense, but this time not from nervousness. Her frustration and anger kept such fears at bay - at least for now - while the Old Guard's betrayal and her own failure to go back for Hewitt was still fresh in her mind. "I understand," she said, stopping before the desk, "and I'll stay."
"Good." He replies, bluntly. He kicks his feet up onto his desk, leaving his empty wine glass where it was for the moment. His attention was entirely focused on the woman before her. "You did what you could for Hewitt. If it means anything to you, we've sent out a scout squad to see if any bodies can be recovered from the collapsed structure. Now, I must ask... Why did you panic?"
"I wasn't-" Shlan started, "I was on edge, sure. But I didn't panic. I wasn't trying to run from the fight; I was trying to get to a different fight. One where I could actually be useful." Sighing, Shlan ran a hand over her face and tried to relax. "Look, I understand what you're getting at. I disobeyed orders, and you- or the higher-ups- are wondering if that'll become a habit. Or something along those lines, right? Well, as far as I'm concerned, I doubt it'll be a problem in the future. Back there... I was still thinking of myself as a mercenary. Not really tied to any side, just doing a job. And what I felt was right. But after what the Old Guard pulled, there are clearly lines in the sand now. And I'm on this side of those lines."
"Indeed. What they did was... Regrettable." Ryan's tone seemed to imply he thought far harsher things about the subject, but his political face was as cold and emotionless as the desk his feet rested upon. "We have dealt with part of the problem, however. Given more time, we will... Deal, with the rest. Now, if you wish, I can tell you classified information about your enemy, on the condition that not a word of it leaves this room. Understand, Shlan?"
Shlan nodded. "I understand. Like I said, TC's got my loyalty. Now, please tell me this information will help us deal with those cult freaks next time we meet."
"It will," Ryan replies, simply. He swings his feet off of his desk, and stands up prim and proper. In spite of what had to be presumably a few drinks before Shlan had been admitted inside, he appeared unaffected by the alcohol that his glass once held. He reaches into his desk, and grabs a control pad. He then hits a couple of buttons, and puts it back into his desk. A few drones around the room move in front of Shlan, and together, create a holographic image of the woman she had faced on the battlefield--the one who took an entire clip from Russell's rifle, and ignored it.

Ryan speaks, calmly, but loudly. "Her name is Evelyn Tenebris, though most seem to call her Eve after the Biblical character, if you happen to be familiar with the Bible at all. The mutagens in the blood of most people do not function fully. We can recode them to do minor tricks--to do singular things. These listeners from the fog, these entities... They are far more than that. Their entire body has been cannibalized and replaced with millions, sometimes billions of these mutagens. They have no organs, no tissues, no blood--nothing that we would use to define a traditional form of life. Instead, their mutagens mimic every function of life, and manage to achieve things that break every fundamental law of biology you can think of. Their mutagens can rewrite themselves at a chemical level, allowing them to create virtually any material they need for their own purposes, and it seems limited only to the willpower of the host. Their objective is quite simple: The total and utter eradication of all inferior forms of life. They will 'uplift' every listener they can find into their cause by consuming them with mutagens and making duplicates, brainwashing them in the process, and kill the rest of us.

We have to stop them, here, in this place. If we fail to do so, they will grow like an out of control cancer that cannot be stopped. Do you understand?"
"For the third time, yes," Shlan answered, struggling to remind herself that Ryan likely wasn't intentionally treating her like a dimwit. And even if he was, it would be largely justified by the mission reports he would've gotten. "Though," she said hesitantly, scratching at her arm "you're saying their mutagens are the same as normal Listeners. Does that mean anyone with them - including me - has a chance of becoming like Eve? Something far from human?"
"Yes." Ryan states, with a surprising bluntness for a politician. "If they get you alone, they can turn you, and make you into something else... Whether you consent, or not."
Shlan grimaced. "Perfect. Now, you said you had some info that would help us fight them. What is it? Something biological, like a virus? Or are they too adaptable for that?"
"They're weak to electrically charged attacks, it at least momentarily stuns them. Beyond that, concentrated fire and extreme heat can take them down as well." Ryan states. He scratches the back of his head and sighs. "We're working on trying to figure out their weak points, but losing the prisoner is making this... Difficult."
"Will we be supplied with something, the next time we head out?" Shlan asked. "A high-powered taser or something like that?"
"Perhaps. We have time to think." Ryan replies, dismissively. "Do you have any further questions?"