Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Core Systems: Ostra - Wielden Colony

“If that’s the case, I’ll have to call in some favors and see about getting more food and ships...the Jikurri And Beta Sempta Grey Furs will be joining in on this expedition. I’ll make sure they rendezvous with us at some point. That alone will raise the overall hands on this mission a good two, three hundred some odd people. I’ll get a couple small vessels to tug along too...” Bay listed, tapping her fingers against the table. “But this ain’t free, bud. I’ll need at least thirty percent of whatever the hell that tentacle is. I’m also gonna be providing some more weapons for whoever is buying. I doubt your personal buds will be buying but the rest of your guild might take some comfort in a Boar Pistol...” She continued, eyes locked to Kyo’s own. “There any more you want from me, little noble? I got a pretty wide grasp. Say the word and I’m sure I could get it.”
Kyo thought on that, considering what else he would need. "How many Hyadn are in the grey furs in total?" He queried calmly. "My crew won't need boar pistols or anything of the sort, though. The combatants are already equipped with high end equipment and any upgrade would be too small to be useful." He told her. "Thirty percent is fair." He ordinarily would try to drop the percentage but as he calculated it he realized Bay could have actually taken more like half and it would have been fair.
Bay took a moment to count, tapping the table. “Of the six thousand plus Furs I know of, thirty four are Haydn. That’s at least fifteen of my Betas and whatever muts they have reign over. There’s a good chance there are more, though. We get a lotta battle Mage drop outs and AWOL Mage Corp guys all the time.” She said, eyes looking more through Kyo than at him, still thinking.

She could’ve taken fifty...but she knew he’d probably be happy to have seventy to himself and drop his guard after the deal. A few weeks in and she’s be skimming him blind. She’d end up with a solid forty five percent if everything went well.
Kyo wasn't especially interested in dropouts or traitors but Hyadn was good. It was strange to Kyo just how many individuals Bay had in her gang - somehow without having the money required to house them. He supposed in such a case, reputation meant more than money. "I can make good use of any number of Hyadn you can get for us. Please, get as many as you like." He even hoped she took all of them - would be great if her gang fell apart because it had no strong leadership..
“I’ll get anyone’s willing but I can’t make any promises. I maybe the Den Mother but even I can’t manage all the gangs. Sorta why were so spread out. Furs aren’t just one gang - we’re a bunch of little league and being league gangs that either got merged or taken over.” She elaborated, smiling. A lot of deals had her in these positions. She wasn’t just gonna pull her cronies for some noble. And even if she did, Betas had their own back ups.
Kyo nodded, smiling charmingly. "Get whatever you need. I'll decide payment on how many you've brought." He told her happily as he absorbed the information about how the gangs worked. He turned to Stone. "What about you, 'big dick Mcgee', how many helpers are you bringing?"
Bay literally fell over, kicking the air as she wailed out her laughter. “Oh shit! It just gets funnier when someone else says it!”

Stone flushed, staring at his water. “I’ll...see if I can russel up any soldiers willing to lend a hand....” he muttered, sipping at his glass.
Kyo laughed too - Stone's usually stoic face flushing like that was pretty damn funny. "Thanks, Stone." He said happily, nudging the giant man on the arm.

"Well as I think I said I've got two dozen Hyadn - among which one is a Zhis queen which should help us out a little bit."
Stone muttered something along the lines of “No problem...” He prayed to Athena that this wouldn’t become a running gag for Kyo. It was bad enough from just Bay-ala.

When she recovered, Bay got back to her seat, still chuckling. “A - hehehe... - few giants lizards are always great...”
"Just the one giant lizard I'm afraid - none of the other Zhis in my crew are good fighters, so they'll be staying behind." Kyo clarified. "Her name is Citlali, I recruited her after an unfortunate accident stunted her psychic abilities."
“Unfortunate...” Stone said, looking to the window. “Where’s your Mage, Kimura...? Who did he go off to find?” He asked, turning to Kyo.

“Yeah, I was wondering too. He’s tryna find that cute tall girl you had with you, right? The one who didn’t realize I was hitting on her?” Bay asked, reminiscing fondly.
"I imagine he's found a place to smoke." Was all Kyo said.

"You mean Langtra - she knew you were flirting with her, she was trying her best to play dumb to make you leave her alone."
“A chain smoker then...?” Stone asked, waving down the young S’lif for a refill.

Bay frowned some, crossing her arms. “Well that’s rude...I actually thought she was pretty cute...”
"Yep, just like ol' Mod here." He scratched Asmodeus behind the ear while the little gremlin puffed at his pipe.

"She's married and from what I gather, not very good at rejecting people." Kyo shrugged.
“That sounds...rather unhealthy.” Stone said, referring more the the gremlin on Kyo’s shoulder. “But who am I to tell you how to go about your affairs.”

The young S’lif returned and refilled the small groups refreshments.

“So? That hasn’t stopped ol’ Stoney boy from hitting it. He can be pretty persuasive, if’n ya catch ma drift.” Bay winked.
"Ey, fuck you!" Mod flipped Stone off. "Damn right who are you to tell me!" He grumbled, before blowing a puff of smoke into his face.

"You'll know what I mean if you get to know Lang properly. She's a very loyal woman." Kyo told Bay calmly. It was actually among her most admirable qualities - just how loyal she was.
@SnekySnoo (Sorry this is so late, been kinda busy.)
As the butler mentioned that Stone was out, Cass replied, "Oh, thanks Twelve. It's just, he promised I could speak with him after his meeting. And I was just at the junkyard since I saw an explosion, touched a strange device aboard a ship, got knocked out.." She took a deep breath then continued. "... After I got back to the village, I felt a strange rumbling under the ground. It startled me, and then I was reminded of how the Athena spoke to me in a dream." With that, the ground became to rumble again, this time more violently. The young Sli'f looked down and said, "Whoa!! Like that!!" She grabbed hold of the knocker, while she struggled to maintain her balance as the ground continued to rumble.
Stone fanned the smoke away, glaring at the rodent with distaste. “Your familiar has a bit of a rude streak...”

“Oh yeah? Her hubby is a pretty lucky dude then. She seems like a good catch.” Bay said, crossing her arms. “I can respect a woman with values.”
“Oh my...seems like quite the-!” Twelve started, the rumbling shaking him like a blob of jelly. “Gracious! What on Ostra could that be...?”
Mod made a theatrically rude gesture with both hands. "Yeah, he's an asshole. Problem with familiars - you can't really do anything about their negative behavior once they realize you can't hurt them." Kyo said morosely. "The only hope is once his smoking habit kills him I can turn keep him animated as something less annoying."

"Oh certainly, Langtra's a fantastic friend as well. Maybe a tad overbearing - she's like a mother to basically the whole guild. All one hundred of us.."
“...or just have him stuffed...” Stone suggested, rolling his eyes st the annoying creatures obscene behavior. “I my self have been looking into obtaining a to what I’d have, however, I’m not sure...”

“Oh yeah? I could get along with her...and that Cendril kid probably gets all kinds of attention from her too, uh? ‘You don’t eat enough, you’re so quiet’ and all that, right...?”