The Docks

Rider tuned out Ira’s words. He knew the Servant’s goal here, even if just knowing the goal wouldn’t help. His anger spurred him to go all out, to shatter buildings with his rage, but instead he quietly simmered as the man mocked his life partner. His shield stopped growing outwards, nearly full sized but not quite as the streaks of energy dried up.

He as in an almost zen state. Beyond anger, rage or fury. He was approaching that cold, analytical anger only ever felt in certain situations. This servant would die, screaming in pain as he tore him limb from limb.

Outwardly, he didn’t react, the only change being the sudden lack of any energy being shown. There was no more intimidation here. No fancy words. He stood there. Waiting. Ready to shatter, tear, break and crush.
Ira huffed, leaning onto his spear and watching the motionless Rider. "Nothing? Not even a peep? C'mon, admit it, some of that was pretty funny in a twisted sort of way. We're all still friends here, right? All's fair in love and war, after all." He paused, waiting for a response that didn't come, then sighed, shrugging. "Suit yourself."

Time to test his theory. Hopefully without the wolf around, Rider wouldn't be quite as fast. If he could repeat his earlier success, he was confident he'd be able to bring the titan down. He was a little beat up himself, but he was also confident he hadn't used as much mana as his foe had. As far as he was concerned, he was still ahead in this game of attrition.

And so, like a dozen times before, he blinked away in a flash of light and reappeared at Magnan's back, thrusting his spear towards the armoured man's flank.
Ira’s spear was blocked by a shield that had practically materialised in front of it, the eerily silent rider regarding him as his torso twisted without the legs moving. Normally, he couldn’t do it. It was too much pain for the lich to go through, but after what Ira had done. What he had said. Rider didn’t find himself caring about the agony as his bones, still attached, shifted and ground together as he spun.

His free arm was permanently bent to be facing behind him, punching wildly towards the back and making Rider look like some sort of brother, creepy doll. But he didn’t care about looks, or the honour of the fight, or being flashy. Not anymore. Ira would pay.
But the strike had been a feint. Ira had figured that his opponent would be watching and waiting for the very moment he decided to strike, and so he had planned for it. Before his attack had even completed, he vanished again, and all that Mag's shield was met with was a flash of golden light. A split second later, Ira reappeared behind the juggernaut, and this time he struck true. The spear lit up with golden flames once more as he thrust it forwards and into the plate of Magnan's chest, Ira's entire upper arm flashing gold as he supplemented his own considerable strength with a burst of telekinetic force.

In the same moment that the spear pierced the plate armour, the flames burst forth once more. A nova of shimmering fire exploded from the spear's tip within Magnan's armour itself, searing outwards in a mighty inferno that threatened to consume the other servant from the inside out. For once, Ira had no witty repartee to add, only a yell of exertion as he focused his power into the blast, as much as he could muster in the short space of time he had before the inevitable counterattack.
Rider let out a roar of pain and anger at the attack, his body burning as his very essence fought against the flames. The attack was powerful and struck close to home, but the shield wasn’t the only part of Rider that could take such abuse. It damaged him for sure, as he felt his ribs char and blacken, the ends becoming ash in the flames as they roared out from all the ports of his armour, but he was still able to counter.

His free hand rocketed from the flames, impacting against Lancer’s chest before grabbing Ira by the head and slamming the rival Servant’s face into the ground with earth shattering force. Stumbling back a little from the fire and pain, Rider raised his foot to do the same to the back of the Servant’s head as his essence fought to keep his body under control.
Aw, man. Not the face. That's my second best feature. Or third best, maybe? Tough call.

It said something about who Ira was as a person that these were the thoughts that flashed through his head as he was dragged down into the ground, releasing his grip on the spear as he was. Gold flashed as his face met the dirt, energy absorbing some of the impact as the concrete cracked beneath him, but fuck that hurt. He didn't have time to dwell on the pain, though, and as Magnan raised his booted foot and slammed it down, Ira rolled to the side and clear.

All the while, the spear remained embedded in Rider's chest, and the flames continued to spill forth from it, seemingly undeterred by the fact that Ira had released his grip on it. With a beat of his wings, Ira threw himself back to his feet, skidding upright and immediately launching himself forwards to take advantage of the distraction and force Mag to choose between prying the spear free and focusing on Ira's charge, as he lunged for his side furthest from his shield with the second spear. Blood streaked down his face from where he'd struck the ground, while shimmering gold energy once more worked to repair the damage he'd suffered.
“YOU THINK THIS IS ENOUGH TO TAKE ME DOWN, IRA?!” Rider roared, entering a stance as the servant in question charged towards him. “I’VE TAKEN WORSE FROM EVEN BEFORE MY RESURRECTION, YOU SNIVELING WEAKLING!”

His shield hand grasped at the spear shaft embedded within his body as, with a grunt of pain, he ripped the spear through his own side and out of his body in a clothesline arc, directly in the way of Ira’s attack.

But the spear was an unreliable weapon, and as it arced around to strike its master, Rider reared his fist back, counting upon the flames and natural glow of the weapon to mask his attack until it was too late. He would shatter the man who dared hurt his dog, even if he had to lose himself in trying.
Rider was right not to trust the spear in his grasp, for as he swung it around to strike at Ira, the weapon vanished into naught but a lingering shimmer. With the flames and the radiance of the weapon gone, Ira was able to see Mag's strike coming before it was too late, and react.

Ducking down nimbly, the swifter servant allowed the juggernaut's fist to pass over his head, slipping fully inside the giant man's guard. Both the shield and his other arm were extended. He had a clear shot, and he was going to make it count. "By the glory of God, I call on thee!" he yelled. With his words, brilliant light exploded outwards from his spear, gleaming with the intensity of sunlight reflected from the armour of a thousand silver-clad knights.

'You want more, big guy? You got it. I'll make you eat those words.'

Quick as a flash, Ira dropped down into a partial crouch, pulling the weapon back. As he lunged upwards, driving the weapon directly for the base of Mag's helmet, the spear grew in size, and a shimmering banner of the cross unfurled from its tip. Bright gold was replaced with purest white, and in an instant the weapon transformed from a shortspear to a lance. Ira let out a cry as the weapon drove forwards with all the force of a mighty cavalry charge, his voice momentarily echoed by what sounded like a legion of men at his back. "Signum Victoria!"
“Signum fuck off.” Was all Rider said as his body crouched and twisted, his torso moving unnaturally to shift Ira’s spear target from the base of his helmet to empty air, his body spinning with power as his arms, first his unarmored and then his shield, spun directly upwards towards Ira.

His positioning was a bit awkward, his arm coming across as a bar rather than a fist, but he didn’t care. He just wanted this coward to feel pain. He would shatter his ribs with the first strike, and the edge of his shield would break his fucking face.
The shockwave of force where Ira's lance passed by was enough to send a ripple through the air, kicking up dust and loose debris in the surrounding area. Cursing under his breath, Ira didn't linger to await the results of the missed strike, vanishing in another flash of gold.

'Nobody that big should be able to move that fast,' he grumbled to himself. The other servant appeared in the air above Mag, his wings unfurling once more to hold him aloft.

Now he had created some distance between them, the full visage of the lance could be taken in more readily. Easily twice the length of his regular spears, the weapon would have been more at home wielded by a mounted knight. Its body was forged of silvery-white metal, and now it had fully formed, it gave off a softer radiance than his other weapons. Elegant golden decals ran its length, and at its tip a beautiful banner fluttered in the wind. It displayed a red-and-gold coat of arms, in the centre of which was a golden cross.

"Call me a weakling as you like, Rider," he called down, sweeping the lance out to one side to address his foe. "Your pride won't help you here."

He grinned, rolling his shoulders as the shimmering light on his injuries faded, leaving his body whole again. "Nobody has me beat on that front."

He lowered his lance once more, taking a breath. "Ride with me now, and we shall strike down the enemies of God. For this place is ours, and none shall dispute our right," he spoke, gathering light into the weapon as he did. Around him, more lights appeared, as in the air formed shimmering, translucent mounted knights at his back. A warhorn sounded - distant yet close at the same time, as though echoing from another realm.

For the time being, Ira hung in the air, gathering power to himself but not yet moving to strike.
“It’s not about pride Ira. Pride isn’t what keeps me up. Pride isn’t the reason I’m the abomination that I am.” Rider tells him, planting his shield forward. A ghostly howl could be heard as an invisible wind came from behind him, the Juggernaught’s helmet disappearing to show Ira what he meant.

“My pride isn’t worth a damn. Nothing about me is worth anything. I have long since lost the right to fight for myself.” He says, jaws clacking as invisible lips spoke and the light in his sockets intensified.

“So instead I fight for others. For those who can’t defend themselves. For those who I have sworn to protect. I don’t have honour anymore, but it’s the closest thing i’ll damn well get.”

“So come at me, with all your flashy tricks and your little comments. With that disgrace of a lance. I’ll take you and anything else you can throw at me. I’ll show you the strength of the Defender.” His fist impacts his armour there, before he settles into the same stance that he had fought of legions with, watching. Waiting.
"Well said," Ira answered, pausing to smile - a genuine smile, this time, rather than a cocky smirk. "I can't claim to know the story of your fall, Magnan, but if we're being honest with ourselves right now, I think you're wrong. There's no fall that can't be risen from again, no curse that can't be lifted. Gods know I've lived enough lifetimes to see it happen. So don't give me that bullshit about not being worth anything, Defender. I didn't come here to fight someone who'd already given up on themselves. The grail chose you for a reason."

He shook his head to himself, sighing. "Jokes and pithy comments come easy to me, big guy, you should have figured that by now. I don't like to take things too seriously unless I have to. But let's finish this thing with the dignity we ought."

Ira arced his lance out to one side once more, clasping his hand over his chest to mirror Magnan. "I've held many names since I was born from the core of humanity, spawned in the astral sea as an idea. I've been angel and devil in equal measure across history, and seen empires rise and fall. I've held court with kings and gods and played dice with fate herself. Humanity's Pride gave me form, then their hearts gave me purpose."

Once more, he lowered his spear, pointing it down at Magnan. "I am Irasphoros! I am humanity's Pride and Love given form. And I won't be stopped here. I will win another eternity to live, laugh and love with my soul's hearts. Now, let's end this! Charge!"

Rearing back, Ira beat his wings once, and shot forwards like a missile. The sound of hoofbeats thundered through the air around him, ghostly and echoing just like the warhorn. He plummeted towards Magnan, a point of golden light appearing on the tip of the lance as he did.

His flight seemed set to drive him straight onto the Defender's shield, but he knew better than that. At the very last moment, with but an instant to spare, he lowered his weapon and struck instead at the ground at Rider's feet.

The lance struck the concrete and shattered it like glass. The ground under Magnan exploded with intense golden flames, detonating upwards from beneath him so as to avoid his readied shield. The strike tore a crater into the earth like a meteorite had hit it, ripping up stone and earth like it was paper and scattering it to the wind. Thomas was lucky the strike had landed a fair distance away from his hiding spot, or else he might have suffered for it.

Ira's form didn't linger more than a moment past his initial strike, as his body dissolved into golden light and reformed on Magnan's far side once more. The lance was gone, replaced once more with his twinned spears, as he lunged to strike at the Defender's back again while the other servant was still hopefully reeling - or plummeting - from the cataclysmic explosion beneath his feet.
Jannik had been at work as the duo had warred back and forth, carefully managing his mana between keeping Mag whole and reasonably hearty and the incredibly dense rune he was crafting. To order his thoughts and avoid the distraction that was the glory of two Servants fighting at top form, he chanted quietly.

"Speed of the Wind and strength of the Earth I give to thee, oh mighty Rune. To hold and slow, your task. To aid and draw forth, your duty. With my strength you go forth, and by your magic you endure, to bring strength from my foe to the warrior forged in the defense of others, that he might fight for others unto eternity." The density of lines woven and intertwined in the rune made it look nearly solid, and when he finally lifted it, he staggered as if he was lifting a large weight.

"Fly now, and take Irasphos, the Pride and Love of my kind, to the ground. Bear to him the knowledge of mortality by ripping his strength from him, to be used as fuel by Magnan the Defender." He lifted his hand and raised the rune, a roiling shimmering show of blues and golds with a corona of pale violet. For a moment, his arm trembled, but then a drop of blood slipped from the wounds in his palm and hovered in the nimbus of lines.

With a crack like a rifle, the light shot from his palm, throwing Jannik into the warehouse behind him and shrouding him in preternatural darkness. The rune itself traveled far faster than those the magus had released before, unhindered by the air as it sought out it's target. Jannik had seen enough to expect the Servant to duck behind Magnan over and over, a strategy that, while repetitive, would be efficient against such a large shield. his timing, however, couldn't have been better.

He'd fired as Ira charged down, lance poised for a mighty blow. While apart of him had hoped he might strike the Servant before he landed, he expected it not to, so he'd ensured that the rune would track long enough, holding a target in a sort of memory, to allow Ira to reappear and once more be picked up by the magic. A second was long enough, and as Ira reappeared, twin spears in hand, the rune picked back up on his signature and homed in hard, barely even a streak of light due to ti's speed.

As Jannik lay in the warehouse, darkness and the building itself warping the amount of sound and light he got from outside, he realized that he might need to call Mag off if things didn't work. He was certain that, given enough time, they could bring Revenant back to fight again, though it would take a few days to work through all the mana needed, he didn't doubt, but at the moment, Jannik was running pretty low. It wasn't often he got to flew his circuits so hard, and having not done so for some time, he chuckled, thinking they might not be all full strength, like an unused muscle.

He knew he needed to move, as the building had shown that it could take some damage, but it was still just a steel building with a lot of concrete walls in it. He hadn't gotten as much work done on it as he'd hoped, and so while it would trap most humans, if Ira decided to turn Jannik into paste, there wouldn't be too much to do to make it happen.

He sent a message to Rider, more a mental whisper than anything strong. I've fired what I had, and it's a doozy, but it's gonna be up to you, Mag. Just keep calm, and know that when you beat him down and get him out of this, we'll take a few days to bring back Revenant You have my word as a Schreiber Family Mage.
Rider leaped backwards, bringing his shield down at an angle to absorb Ira’s blast, the cataclysmic force flowing into his shield even as he landed, his greaves furrowing into the concrete as the force pushed him back. Focusing on Ira and the approaching cavalry, he watched as Ira alone disappeared, and for a split second felt hesitation at which part to focus on. Something that almost cost him.

A ghostly howl echoed out as Revenant appeared once again in the world, all flesh missing as the spirit of the loyal wolf forced itself from oblivion with his own will, to stand with his rider at the end of the fight. Appearing behind Rider just as the Servant’s helmet formed again, the wolf’s paws flash out, knocking Ira’s spears away even as the very touch of the weapon burnt the wolf.

Feeling a grin as wide as his jaw come to light upon his nonexistent face, Rider focused entirely upon the approaching cavalry, placing his trust fully within his partner as the two began to work in tandem.

Rider swung his shield, shattering the body of both ethereal mount and rider even as Revenant leaped over him, crashing down on top of another cavalryman. Rider continued with his swing, coming low and with force at Ira.

Whilst Rider and Revenant tore into the charging ethereal cavalry, Ira’s would-be attack froze before he had a chance to strike as he sensed a flare of magic shooting his way, accompanied by a loud crack. Spinning in the air, he jerked one of his lances up in a blur, and unleashed an arc of golden light that met the incoming hex despite its speed. The magic shattered as the energy impacted it, but despite the rune not meeting its mark, its distraction had proved useful.

Before he had a chance to turn back, Magnan’s shield slammed into Ira’s side. He let out a cry of pain as the blow struck true - even as gold light flared at the impact point protectively - and he was catapulted away by the force. His wings spread wide to catch him mid-flight, and he spun in the air, righting himself and landing with a skid along the concrete. Gold shimmered at the impact point where the shield had hit him, as he drew on more mana to regenerate the injury with a grimace, but he was far from broken.

There was a moment’s pause as he steadied himself, but no longer, and with a snarl he launched himself forwards again, vanishing in a flash of gold. He reappeared an instant later, even as Magnan was wheeling around to face him, and lunged forwards again with his own weapon, driving the point towards Magnan’s chest.

Magnan’s body cleared the way as the weight of Revenant pushes him down and clear, the wolf leaping forward as he used his master as a springboard. The titanic hound aimed to land atop Ira’s wings, just as Rider hunched his shoulders and turned his dodge into charge, shield forward and aiming to send Ira flying like a baseball.

Ira let the momentum of his spear thrust carry him forwards, ducking beneath Revenant as the leaping hound attempted to bear down on top of him. As he did, he spun on the heel of one foot, and was able to jump backwards just far enough to let Rider’s charge pass him by. Mid-leap, he drew back one of his spears and with a yell of effort, launched it in an overhand throw at the other servant’s retreating back. Once more he supplemented his own strength with a push of telekinetic force, and the weapon wreathed itself in fire - flying more like a ballista bolt than a javelin.

Magnan’s torso spun about, even as his body continued forward. His shield flashed as the spear impacted it, the flames being absorbed into the surface as Magnan grabbed the spear by the shaft and rotated once more, using the momentum to throw it back at Ira. Meanwhile, as Magnan’s legs wobbled due to not have a head to direct it and so continued forward, Revenant flashed past Ira. The wolf followed his rider, not intent on fighting alone. The only way to win this was through teamwork.

But by the time the wolf was passing him, Ira was already vanishing in a flash of gold. His spear disappeared in the same instant, and a split second later his body reformed directly in front of (behind? Skeletons were weird) Magnan’s path. Both his weapons were once more in hand, and he struck again, thrusting for Rider’s back.

Magnan’s body spun around again, but this time he was too slow as the spears pierced his body. Armour rent and tore as the artifacts pierced them and entered his essence within, pain lancing through Magnan. “And people say I’m stubborn.” He mutters as Revenant appeared behind Ira, aiming to swipe one skeletal paw against the back of the servant’s head whilst at the same time Magnan’s free hand snapped forward with a punch, the air cracking with the force of the blow.

Flinging himself down and to the side, Ira was barely able to clear the path of the two strikes as they brushed past where his head had been an instant before. As he moved, he tore his spears loose in a burst of golden flames, rending gouges in Rider’s armour where they pulled free. A swift beat of his wings kept him on his feet, skidding to the side rather than hitting the ground.

Rider watches as Ira speed away, his armour closing up as he used a portion of Ira’s attack to replenish himself. Cracking his neck, he begins to make his way backwards as his head spins 90 degrees. Behind him, the form of Revenant blurs and disappears as the wolf begins to pick up speed again.

It was a retreat that looked suspiciously like bait to Ira, but he wouldn’t gain any ground just by waiting around to see what happened. And so again, he blinked, his body vanishing and reforming behind and above the retreating knight. His spear was raised and ready to strike down at Mag’s neck, but so too was his body was tensed and ready to react to a waiting counterattack if and when it came.

And come it did. Before Ira’s spear was even halfway across, Magnan’s shield was plummeting towards him, the Servant not bothering to stop and slow down as he made his way slowly towards the end of the shipping container yard. Ira always went for roughly the same place. Even a monkey could figure it out after seeing it so many times. The problem had been figuring out a way to deal with it. But he thought he had his answer now.

Ira was gone again before the shield struck home, his anticipation paying off in allowing him to react quickly enough to disperse away from the strike. He reappeared again off to Mag’s side, but didn’t stay there any longer. The third time he reappeared directly over the knight’s head, aiming to strike downwards. But before he could do so, the body of Revenant blurred forward, a trail of blue light following him as the wolf disappeared and materialised next to Ira at a breakneck pace.

The wolf slammed into Ira’s side, the other servant

just barely twisting around enough to bring his spears up defensively. He growled as the skeletal wolf’s claws dug in, but didn’t allow himself to hit the ground before retaliating. He snapped his wings out, halting their momentum with forceful abruptness, and swept his spears outwards in an arc from where they were holding the undead wolf at bay. As he did, an arc of golden energy slashed outwards from them and into Revenant,

The wolf let out an ethereal yelp as he was struck, the blue ethereal light pooling as the energy clashed with it, sending the animal skidding along the ground. Below them, still marching backwards, Magnan continued with his shield swing towards Ira with full intent to break his spine.

Ira’s eyes snapped to the incoming shield, and before it struck, he was gone again. This time when he reappeared it was unarmed, but much closer to his opponent than usual. He reformed practically latched onto Magnan’s back, hands snapping out to grab hold of the other servant’s helm. As he did, he unleashed a torrent of golden flames from his palms, aiming to consume Rider’s entire head with the searing energy.

“The armour isn’t for show.” Came the deathrattle voice of Magnan as his arm snapped backwards, his free fist coming in for a punch on Ira even as Magnan focused his armour’s essence upon his helmet, the metal slagging and repairing at the same rate as he continued to march back. The duo had now left the arena of containers, and were nearing the warehouse at the end of the yard where Jannik had formerly been, before Revenant had been sent to clear him out.

Ira swerved to the side away from the punch, but didn’t overstay his welcome to receive a second, pushing himself off of Magnan and sweeping his wings back to propel himself away. He landed back in the direction of the shipping yard’s centre, summoning his spears again and flashing a grin. “Leaving so soon?” he quipped. “Where we marching to, big guy?”

“Come and find out.” Magnan rumbles as he stops a few metres from his warehouse. His shield cracked the concrete where he placed it as the servant took the momentary respite from the onslaught to begin regaining energy and regenerating. That wispy blue light came from numerous cracks in his armour, and flesh began to slowly materialise on Revenant by his side.

“You want me to follow you into the big, expansive building that you came out of, that your master’s been popping in and out of since you got here?” Ira quirked an eyebrow. “C’mon, I know us pretty people have a reputation, but I’m not that dumb.”

He paused, then, to send a message down to Thomas. ‘Big guy’s trying to get me to the warehouse. You’ll need to move up if I decide to follow, but is there any chance you can tell what kind of lovely surprise is waiting for me in there? Or are we both guessing for the foreseeable future?’

“I’m not sure about that Ira. You fucked with my dog. Kings knew not to do that.” Magnan snaps off a reply, a growl coming from the wulgar to his side.
'I can move up, but...' Thomas focused his senses, probing above him, trying to gauge for magic. 'Nothing overt that I can tell. If there's magecraft in there, it's not the active, working kind. We wouldn't have any means of just dropping the damned thing on his head, would we?'

The magus gave a mildly cruel smile at the thought, as he began to make his way in that direction. He kept a close eye on the walls and ceiling around him. That breach a short while ago had been concerning, and quite loud in the confined spaces he crept along. 'This one seems more of a problem than we expected.'
'Ooh, flashy idea. I like it.' Ira grinned at Thomas' response, cracking his knuckles. 'Don't get too close.'

"Yeah, well I'm not a king, big guy - I'm what made them great. So we'll see who comes out on top in the end."

With that, Ira beat his wings, taking to the air once more. He flew backwards and up, climbing several stories into the air in the space of moments. Once up there, he gazed down, eyeing the warehouse. It was fairly big, but only a mortal construction - even if there was some magic in there. And suped up as he was on grail power... yeah, he'd demolished bigger things in less time. This'd be a piece of cake.

The spirit held his hand aloft, and the great banner lance appeared in it once more. The air around him began to swirl as he gathered power, and the lance began to glow, gathering light - particularly on its tip. "Might want to tell your master to find a new hiding spot, Mag!" he yelled down. "I'd hate to cut our dance short with collateral damage!"
The overwhelming cacophony of the battle was almost sweet in Jannik's ears as he lay on the concrete floor of the warehouse. He knew he needed to move before they finally realized where he was and how little effort he could expend just then, but the coolness of the concrete was pleasant and relaxing. He might even nap for a bit.

A lightning-like lance of thought raced through him, forcing him to sit up, bringing him awake in an instant. He couldn't allow himself rest just yet. It was unexpected, to be so lax, but what had he done in his life that required such attentions as this War? the answer he brought himself was nothing. He'd thought himself prepared, thought himself capable enough to walk through this like any other task he'd been handed, but time was proving him wrong. He hadn't kept up with making certain he could cast at speed, and even now he could tell that his last attack on Ira hadn't done anything, as Mag was still slowly drawing mana away from him.

"Dammit. Golden bastard just doesn't know when to give up, and I don't know if I can really hammer him hard, even given a month or a year to craft the rune. At least I know that I've put in some effort to this fight. Haven't even seen or heard anything of the other Master yet, which is smart of them." He got to his feet and dusted himself off, listening to the battle still raging. He wanted to look, but his goal now was to get someplace safe. If that power was turned against him, he wouldn't have many options in terms of survival, and his gambit for the Grail would vanish in the sands of time as so many before him had.

Turning and running, or stumbling at first before finally getting his balance, the magus ran through the maze, unsure of what would happen if all his wards and runes fired at once. It wasn't likely something he would would survive, he was sure. As he ran, he began to craft another rune, letting his motion stretch it out through the air, a glowing streak behind him as the magic hung, waiting. Luckily, it was simply a constantly repeating targeting rune, aimed at Ira, that would attach to all the other runes nearby. Nothing hard on his mana, but it would culminate the energy released if he damaged the maze into a single blast of magical energy. With his fingers slowly morphing through their shapes, he arrived at a small grate in the floor.

The sewers. He wished he had a better option, but this escape route and the last rune he was finishing were all he really had left. He didn't even know how to navigate the myriad tunnels beneath this place either, so he could only hope he'd manage to get back outside swiftly.

"Alright. that should be it," he said, snapping his fingers and finishing the rune he'd left in the air. A thousand thousand threads of light connected it to the walls and ceilings, locking it to all the other runes in the warehouse. He smiled, and dipped through the grate, running away from the warehouse's foundation as soon as he got into the tunnels.
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Magnan stayed silent as he lifted his shield, finally back to full size as the stared down the flying form of Ira. His hand flexed and next to him Revenant blurred and disappeared, reappearing directly atop the warehouse. Magnan stepped forward, and his foot shattered the earth below him, sending vibrations through the earth and tunnels below him.

“You will not pass. You’re spear is weak, Ira, and no amount of flashy movements or mystical abilities can rectify that.” The Titan says simply as he angled his shield towards the flying servant. He wasn’t sure what his plan here was, considering all the other times such an attack had failed, burn he would be ready for it. He was done being on the back foot here.
"Firstly, no it's not," Ira retorted. "Secondly, who says I'm going past you?"

With that, his eyes flashed, and he drew the lance back, and yelled out once more. "Signum Victoria!" As he yelled, he threw the lance forwards, directing it not towards Magnan, but straight towards the warehouse itself. The lance pierced through the rooftop like it was paper, punching straight through multiple floors of the building and slamming down into the concrete below. And there, the bead of flames upon its tip exploded. The ground rippled and exploded, concrete and stone rising and shattering like a wave as flames and force tore through the structure, obliterating the foundations and incinerating the support beams in a forceful blast that brought the entire structure down.

Jannik was lucky to have started running when he did, for the tunnel behind him was all-but obliterated in the blast, flames roaring down the passage behind him. The force of the shockwave was enough to take him from his feet and throw him forwards with a wave of blistering heat, but aside from that, he was far enough away to escape relatively unscathed.

Above ground, Ira smirked smugly as he surveyed his work, calling his spear back to his hand. Smoke billowed upwards from the wreck of the building. A few moments later, however, the golden lights followed. Ira's eyes widened as the cloud of runes shot towards him like a swarm of angry insects. It didn't take more than a moment of mental calculations to determine that he wouldn't be able to deflect them all.

"Welp, glad I didn't walk into that," he muttered, before vanishing in a flash of light.

Like the other times, however, he did not reappear immediately. As far as the runes' tracking were concerned, he had simply ceased to exist, leaving them without a target - for the time being.
However, before those events came to be true, the one unbound by fate changed the natural order of things. As Ira drew his arm back, the experienced warrior was already moving. He shield drew back at the same time Revenant’s form blurred and disappeared, moving at speeds faster than the eye could trace as the wulgar readied himself to intercede at any point. Yet the loyal mount didn’t need to, as his rider stepped forward and twisted his body with the strength to collapse buildings.

And with a colossal boom, sent his shield, with arm still attached, curving through the air and into the path of the spear.

The one armed Magnan felt the strings of his essence guide the shield just as Ira’s arm heaved forward, his cry finished. The spear crossed the distance in an instant, a testimony to the Lancer’s skill, but it was too late as the colossal slab of metal impacted with the shaft of the weapon as it flew through the air, armoured arm flailing in the gale force wind as the shield curved in the air like a boomerang.