Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Imperial Core

Big Brother

Grand Confessor
as written by barney_fife

Somewhere in the Cosmora Archipelago
Imperial Reverence II 'Revenant' - Fleet of Glorious Interdiction
Admiral Michael 'Micky' Grayson

Everything was relatively quiet on the home-front, without sightings of Celion since the attack on the Cryo Watchtower. Admiral Grayson was presiding over some paperwork in his quarters until he was interrupted by the sharp ring of the telephone.

"Grayson." The Admiral answered, a young voice echoing on the other end.

"Admiral Grayson, take your fleet to Valore post haste, there's been an incident and the Terran Government is arresting Tech Con Employees en-masse. The Consulate has grown concerned and has requested the Military intercede. Minister Chaska has instructed you to take your fleet and initiate an orbital blockade, do not engage the Terran Military unless fired upon. I'm transmitting additional instructions." The woman said, while a printer began to print off a sheet of official orders.

"The Quorum will be assembling tomorrow to deliberate on this incident, in the meantime your prompt response is appreciated." The voice continued, and Admiral Grayson nodded.

"Acknowledged." He said, hanging up the phone, picking it again.

"Get me the XO." He said in a gravely voice, setting the paper down.

"Sir?" The XO's voice rang out.

"Signal the fleet and plot a jump to Valore, set condition one, there's been an incident. We jump in one Millicenton." The Admiral ordered, hanging up the phone as alarms began to blare.

The Admiral stood up from his desk, and started towards the CIC while the Fleet of Glorious Interdiction was being organized to jump.
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as written by Merte

- Border of the Midaaron Realm -

The vessel was approaching the planet of destination slowly. BP-2, the second craft out of three that should set the foundation for outposts in the borderlands where the laws of physics tend to be as moody as dangerous. The delegating supervisor Hvofor had been on missions like this before, but never actually left Midaaron space in order to erect a new outpost. Still, he calmly followed the usual security protocols and the extra cautious approach to OP-2, the temporary name of the ship's destination. But protocols alone cannot always prevent the brutal force of two cosmic regions colliding and grinding on each other..

The circular BP-2, a ringship with the diameter of a thousand meters and the characteristic hole in the center, had just dropped out of the hyperspace when Mikkel, the Agostret, cried out loud in pain. With his paranormal-sensitive organs he could sense hyperphysical irregularities and electromagnetic fields and right now, he was in pain. A few seconds passed and everyone knew why: instead of the safe-class star, a wide opening in the timespace continuum was registered to the sensors. Apparently, the OP-2 sytsem's star had gone unstable, creating an anomaly of vast size.

"Reverse, reverse!", was the only thing Rauf, the Rebet delegator could utter before the spacecraft got inevitably sucked into the gravitational center of the anomaly.

- Hyperspace -

Every single Midaaron had connected to the ship. The scientific department joined last; they had been on a break because they would not have been required to operate during the first landing on the destinated planet. However, they were now forced to work twice as hard. Rauf had activated every single Midaaron in the whole ship to enhance collective streams of consciounsness. The Rebet had all three of his tentacles connected to the interface and his core took a deeper colour as the concentration rose to higher levels. Finally, the result from the attending physicist came around: apparently, the ship's wormhole-based hyperdrive had been what resulted in the pull into the anomaly. The similarities between the natural occurence and the technical-induced phenomenon had led to an immense increase in flightpower, sending the PB-2 back on its way into another direction. How far and in what direction could only be guessed.

Mikkel, the navigator and cartograph, retracted all his extremities into his walnut-shaped shell and wasn't able to produce any sound or thought.

- The Imperial Core -

The time that had passed until the ship dropped into regular space could not be measured. According to the bord computers, it must have been no longer than the third part of a Midaaron day, which would equal about 10 and a half hours.

After the first check, everything seemed to work as intended: no damages to report, all shields up and steady.. only the reports incoming from navigations didn't want to make sense. All the stars around the BP-2 were unregistered, not even heard of. Mikkel, the teleporter with the heightened senses, admitted to being completely lost and without any trace of familiar radiation. He was still a bit hungover from the sensations he suffered during the hyperflight, but the pain had immediately stopped after the anomaly spit them out and disappeared.

Hvofor, the supervisor, ordered navigations and sensors to at least inspect the closest systems. Space was full of information in this sector of the universe; information that needed filtering, analysing and translating.
The closest system seemed to be a sun accompagned by eleven planets of which at least two shared an orbit. Those two planets were the main source of information and even in the habitable zone of the star.

While the BP-2 stood relatively still in space, others did not..
as written by barney_fife

Some say that the space this close to the Pan'chek star system is some of the most closely guarded and fortified regions of space known to the civilizations of this galaxy. Or rather, the civilizations of this galaxy of whom had been in contact or knew of the United Aschen Empire.

The star system in question was alight with activity; from star traffic to radio transmissions. The most notable thing was the sheer volume of stellar traffic moving in and out of the system. Any sort of long range scanners could pick up a well organized system of travel, with incoming and outgoing vessels neatly organized into lanes of travel. They were guided through several stations situated within lagrangian points throughout the star system, where they could be inspected and cleared for travel.

The most anomalous aspect of this region of space however, was the odd field that seemed to encompass everything but portions of these stellar lanes. This field seemed to resonate on the quantum level; and it's purpose was abundantly clear. Hyperspace, or any sort of Faster-than-light travel was rendered ineffective. Whatever anomaly spit them out, spit them out in the thick of one of these strange fields.

Any sort of radio capturing system would reveal much in the way of information, who this civilization was. And among the propaganda, there was a sudden flurry of information being broadcast all across the system. Most of it was highly encrypted subspace transmissions being beamed from one end of the system to another. To the military minded individual this meant one thing.

The BP-2 had been detected.

Aboard the Iconoclast Class Battleship, The Strictest Doctrine, Chairman of the Navy Gina Inviere had been quietly going over the month's ship logs. Her silent meditation however was abruptly disturbed by the ringing of the intercom.

With an annoyed look upon her face, she reached out and picked the intercom telephone up from it's receiver, her voice echoing into the mouthpiece.


She silently waited the reply, as the pen in her left hand found it tapping on the desk, her lips pulling into a grimace as the voice echoed on the other end.

"Chairman, this is the XO, Watchtower A-1 has detected an unidentified vessel in exclusion zone E-6, just beyond the Oort Cloud." Colonel Jurgen Belzen reported, while his eyes were fixated on a three-dimensional holographic projection of the Pan'chek system in real time, the Midaaron vessel was highlighted in a brilliant red, while two highlighted blue icons also could be seen. Singularity driver platforms aligning to open fire on the alien vessel if the situation required it.

"I see." Inviere replied, setting the pen down on her desk. "Get a task force together we'll move to intercept, raise Admiral Hanley and tell her to align the fleet for defensive operations. I'll be in the CIC once I've informed the Minister of Defense; and the Emperor." Inviere said, slamming the receiver down with an audible clack.

Moments after Inviere gave the order, Colonel Belzen was inputting the new directives into the datalink, and hailing the appropriate command staff. The Strictest Doctrine, Two Punisher class Battleships, three Sagittaron class battle cruisers, and a single Hera class fleet tender slowly pulled up and away from the Ragnaar Anchorage's drydocks.

At less than a hundred AU from the BP-2, they would be able to form and intercept in less than a half hour. While the Task Force was moving on an intercept course, the watchtower, a large space station on the edge of the Star System began to beam a message towards the BP-2, on all frequencies including subspace, UHF, VHF, X-Ray, and Microwave to send the following message.

"Unidentified Vessel, This is The United Aschen Empire's Defensive watchtower. Lower your shields, deactivate your engines, disarm your weapons, and prepare to be boarded. Failure to comply will be construed as a hostile action, and we will respond accordingly. Our weapon systems have your vessel zeroed in, any deviation from our directives will be met with force, you have thirty microns to reply."

The message repeated, and was broadcast in several local languages, including Common, and Anquietas.

As the entire star system came to life, reacting with the presence of this alien vessel, the small strike group Inviere assembled was beginning to make headway, and would arrive soon.
as written by barney_fife

Inviere's hands firmly grasped the console as her eyes fell on the thick velvety blackness of space before her. Though it appeared she was staring out of a large window; it was in reality a large viewscreen, as the CIC itself was situated within the bowels of the ship, while a feed was broadcast from the observation deck and the bridge of the Iconoclast.

The Imperial Task force continued to make headway towards the lone vessel, coming now into visual range.

As the Iconoclast closed into visual range, the BP-2 became a speck against the dark backdrop of space. Three massive gun batteries swiveled to life, coming to bear on the lone alien vessel, while chambering massive 10,000 ton ferric-tungsten slugs the size of school buses into the receivers. These weapon batteries readied with an audible clunk that shattered throughout the entire vessel, which had also began to slow from it's initial acceleration.

The approaching vessels maintained a tight formation, with the Iconoclast in the center, flanked by the two Punisher class Battleships, the Hera class forming up the rear, and the Sagittaron class Battlecruisers forming a wide delta-formation that provided overlapping fields of fire.

Unlike the torus-shape of the Midaaron vessel, the approaching vessels bore sharp, angular frames, bristled with weapons, and were designed with one thing in mind. War. These approaching vessels, along with the thousands of other starships in the system bore similar designs. Each neatly organized Starship seemed fitted for combat. There were however a handful of ships that stood out, massive 30 kilometer long Reverence II Class Planetary assault carriers; with their oppressive, bulbous silhouette glistening against the Pan'chek star. These were the bread and butter of Aschen oppression across the stars.

As the Midaaron 'Rosetta stone' was being broadcast, the Shipboard AI Aboard the Strictest Doctrine chimed in, her holographic form flickering before Chairman Inviere.

"Chairman, I have recieved data from the alien vessel, including physiology and what I estimate is a data packet derived from their language. I have a visual representation put together from the data if you wish to view it." The AI reported, and Inviere made a face, before she offered a nod.

"Show me." She said, before the visual representation of the strange aliens flickered before her. Almost immediately the woman was repulsed by the sight, the bitter taste of vomitus rising up as she turned her head and felt her stomach heave, a retching sound coming from the woman as she turned away.

"Disgusting Xenos." She muttered, before she quickly regained her composure. "Prepare a video transmission, and real time translation of our language." Inviere ordered, and the AI nodded.

A moment later, as the massive Iconoclast and her task force came into view, a video transmission was being broadcast from the ship itself, Inviere was attempting to contact them herself. In addition, the AI Broke her speech down into a basic universal mathematical language that could be easily deciphered by computers, in addition to attempting to speak the Midaaron Language by dubbing Inviere's voice. The Translation was crude, but the Shipboard AI Could quickly adapt by assimilating the language.

The Video screen displayed Inviere, the young appearing blonde woman, hair done up in a ponytail and her uniform consisting of a simple grey high collar jacket adorned with her rank pins. Behind her the CIC was cramped, crowded and busy, with various crew performing tasks essential to the vessel. There was no doubt this was a warship of some kind, and the woman before them a Military Officer.

"I'm going to need to put together a team that's not going to shoot these things on sight." Inviere muttered, before she addressed the Midaarons.

"This is the Strictest Doctrine, You are in the territories controlled by the United Aschen Empire, your data packet suggests your intention is peaceful, But we have been deceived before. Prepare to receive my people for inspection, and then we may proceed with peaceful first contact. Comply with these directives; and you will not be harmed."

The Chairman quietly awaited a response.
as written by Merte

Hvofor waited patiently; he feared to have missed the deadline but kept in mind that he had reasonably quickly given the orders the foreigners had issued. While he silently stood in front of the communications interface, he went through several possible outcomes of the strangers' actions. If they directly attacked, the PB-2 wouldn't stand a chance. If they boarded the PB-2 and completely took over the vessel, much of the data present in the files would eventually be accessible to them, possibly endangering the Realm. Hvofor made tentacle contact with a Rebet; establishing 'comisnakk' was a secure way of transferring information without any sounds but via touch transmission of information. The tentacle endings were used to transmit tiny electrical charges that could be received by a fitting recepient and decoded into mental images and concepts. To an outside viewer, it would look like a simple physical gesture, but it was just one of the several ways Midaarons could communicate.

And this time, silent communication was essential. The Rebet directly executed the order and went to the data storage units of the ship. Together with another Rebet, he quietly assimilated the most important concepts from the device and subsequently deleted them. The Rebet then retracted his extremities into his body and formed a cone. The other one who had assisted him took the now motionless cone and hid him in a locker a few sections further.

Hvofor was not yet done thinking. He was not about to give up every single position of power just yet. He calmly placed one tentacle on top of the hyperspace drive controls. In his mind, a situation had arisen where the destruction of the vessel would be the most beneficial course of action for the Order and the Realm. From what he had gathered through the decoded information, the foreigners were visually advanced and used their eyes for a lot of actions. Seeing was a very important sense for them. Since almost every neural interface from the Midaaron fleet looked the same, it was very unlikely that having a tentacle on a single device would be seen as an act of rebellion or war. Hvofor thought a step further and planned out a possible dialogue, should critical questions arise.

A signal finally came in. The computer marked it as an incoming video transmission with channels open in both directions. Since there were no monitors or screens of any sorts in Midaaron vessels, the video feed went through a converter unit which allowed the visual data to be forwarded directly into the receiving Midaaron's mind, creating a clear image and sound. Hvofor now had a good reason to connect even another one of his tentacles to an interface.

What he saw, was a humanoid. The first humanoid ever witnessed by a Midaaron. The Barey was immediately reminded of a species he knew from back in the Realm, but this race seemed to be upwards-down. The alien life form was colourful and consisted of many different kinds of layers. Though most of them looked organic, at least a portion of them must be artifical, Hvofor thought. Apparently the species was based on the number two, as he 'looked' more closely. Two lower extremities, two upper, more delicate extremities, two bulges in the central part of the body where Midaarons had their shells. Then again, the foreigner had only one head. It was clearly a head; since the encounter with the Bograns, this type of physiology was not unheard of anymore. The head had two eyes, two noseholes and a slit which Hvofor guessed to be the equivalent of a breathing hole.

Then it spoke: "This is the Strictest Doctrine, You are in the territories controlled by the United Aschen Empire, your data packet suggests your intention is peaceful, But we have been deceived before. Prepare to receive my people for inspection, and then we may proceed with peaceful first contact. Comply with these directives; and you will not be harmed."

Hvofor stood still for a few bits of time. The aliens had stated to come aboard once already and would soon execute their announcement. The Barey felt confident in his decisions and quickly updated his translator's software using the additional input they had at hand. He then started sending visual information himself, using his own eyes as a camera, sending this information back through the converter to the other ship. He tried to himself not think about too much about the huge, vast crafts that had closed in on the BP-2. It would be data to be interpreted later, just now it sufficed to say that they were superior to the ship designed for the erection of an outpost.

"I assure you that deceit is none of my intentions. Please do not board unless truly necessary. Inspection, if possible, with neutral equipment and clean personnel only", Hvofor stated. He noticed that the translators had not yet found enough words and vocabulary to form sentences that would reflect his true intentions. So he continued:"With clean personnel I mean: please do not carry the tiniest life forms into the ship and be careful to not carry ours to yours. A wave of endangering microorganisms is nothing you and me both want."

While the statement was true at a base, the main point Hvofor tried to make was to possibly make the others reconsider about actually entering the spacecraft. Hvofor sent again:"If there is any neutral space nearby, we should meet there. Inspection should be the last of your options, please. We do not wish to share our technology." Hvofor even doubted that most of the Midaaron technology would be of any use for the foreigners. The individual on his mind screen seemed to have no kind of neural interface with any of the consoles. Also, their technology seemed to be rather advanced already. Hvofor hoped that the Midaaron technology would prove to be a riddle the others would not like to solve just for the sake of it. And if so, he had taken precautions..

Rauf, the delegator, thought about entirely different things. In his mind, he reconstructed the actions which would be taken in the Realm at the same time. The missing of the ship would be noticed and it would be replaced by another one sent out. Border control ships would potentially be constructed to be more resistant to anomalies in general. Maybe the Daar would even speed up the establishing of outposts, who knows?
as written by barney_fife

Inviere seemed to have little patience, attempting to carefully hide her disgust on the video feed, a feat that was easier said than done. Her Executive Officer, Colonel Juergen Belzen stood quietly besides the video feed with a small stack of papers, presenting them to the Chairman who took the paperwork.

With Hvofor's refusal, or rather discourging remarks as far as being inspected, Inviere's face darkened as she considered her next move.

They didn't wish to share their technology, and at that mention, Inviere grimaced. It seemed they wanted to be difficult.

With a slight jerk of her head she called out. "All hands, Action stations." She called out, and the lights in the CIC suddenly dimmed to a dark red, with the light of holographic screens, various consoles, and the crew personnel the only thing perceived aside from the wash of red light.

A harsh, crystalline sounding alarm also began to blare as the CIC personnel scrambled to their stations. All while Inviere went over the paperwork. "You don't wish to share your technology." She replied, as she thumbed the paperwork.

"That's a shame, the very foundation of diplomacy is the prospect of trade to mutually benefit our peoples." These Xenos were proving difficult. Though it proved refreshing to encounter a species so removed from intergalactic politics that they would defy the will of the Emperor. Unfortunately there was only one place for Xenos that defied the Emperor, and that was violent genocide.

The highly advanced medical infrastructure of the Aschen Empire had proven to offer superb protection against the myriad of alien microorganisms that they had encountered, from both civilizations they had conquered, and creatures their exploration teams had encountered. But the point that the alien brought up gave the Chairman pause. She seemed to consider it's words, before she nodded.

The Tactical crew of the Strictest Doctrine was working in the background, coordinating an offensive against the alien craft, with the intention of seizing it and taking the crew alive for further study should things turn deadly. On a large holographic outlay of the ship, two teams of officers could be made out in the background talking among themselves, moving small plastic pieces and highlighting possible points of entry.

"You've got a point." She said, before she turned to Colonel Belzen. "Ready the Adeptus Ares, to prepare for a boarding action. Get HazMat teams, and a medical crew to the Condors."

Belzen offered a crisp nod, before he turned to step away from Inviere and move back to a console behind her, ringing the intercom and carrying out her orders. They moved quickly to board Condor Dropships, which would facilitate their boarding actions.

The two Punisher class vessels, along with the trio of Sagittaron class Battlecruisers took up positions around the Iconoclast and the alien vessel, circling around them like sharks waiting for the kill. The Fleet tender held back several thousand kilometers, they would not tow the vessel back to the Watchtower until it had been cleared.

As everything unfolded behind the scenes, Inviere was surveying everything that was being transmitted closely. There appeared to be no physical controls of any kind, the Chairman suspected either an autonomous system or some other method of control. Tentacles on consoles suggested something else, a contrast to her CIC Full of crew manipulating buttons, dials, keyboards, and holographic interfaces like a well oiled machine. Men and women who have had a lifetime of training for combat situations, assisted by an extremely sophisticated AI System.

By now the Strictest Doctrine was directly above the BP-2, by roughly five hundred meters, as it positioned itself it began to broadcast a concentrated stream of gravitons in the attempt to lock the alien vessel in place, inside the hangar bay, a team of Adeptus Ares numbering about five crammed into a trio of Condor Dropships, along with the Shipboard Physician, who was clad in full NBC Gear boarded and situated their ships. A team of Marines on each condor also checked their plasma cutters, igniting them in a test burn and then extinguishing them.

Back on the CIC Inviere kept a stern face, one of annoyance even, though she didn't think these aliens could read Human expressions, or even discern what was about to happen next.

A second feed was being simulcast from Langara on a separate screen, the feed was Minister Chaska and Grand Confessor Kesslee on orders from Emperor Prince. it seemed as far as the Midaaron's were concerned, the Chairman's eyes were focused on something else for the time being.

"Only a madman deals with the alien. Only a fool relies on the alien. Only the dead have trusted the alien, although the last may be deluded into claiming that they yet live. If you cannot reach an amicable exchange with the Xenos, Seize the vessel and deliver the crew to my Confessors, we will torture them for our pleasure and to extract intelligence; and then we shall lay waste to their worlds." Kesslee ordered, terminating his transmission.

Inviere's lips pursed, and she directed her attention back to Hvofor. "I sense the direction of this dialogue will likely end in violence. I will warn you now, you are trespassing in our space, it is a blessing you were not immediately destroyed as per policy. Prepare your crew, my men will be arriving shortly."

Almost immediately after, four Condor drop-ships launched from a hangar bay on the underside of the Battleship. They began to make a bee-line towards the ring shaped vessel. True first contact was about to begin, in the form of hulking super-soldiers in powered armor.
as written by Merte

Hvofor remained silent and, with his mind, stared at the foreign life form. The muscles and the flexible skin of its head were intriguing. The surface of the human looked soft and easily tearable. But then again, their spaceships were of a terrible size and the exact opposite of what the alien bodies showed: hard, huge and with walls of steel or similar, even steadfaster materials presented the firepower of a people destined to reign.

A species that iself physically lacks strength must have a rivalty-oriented way of thinking, Hvofor concluded. With their superior minds, they step by step enslaved or at least dominated their own home world before repeating this process on other planets later on. Hvofor then continued following the protocols.

"My name is Hvofor. I am a Midaaron. How may I address you?", were the tthree simple sentences he sent out to the Strictest Doctrine.

Meanwhile, the preparations for the boarding process had been finished. The Rebet stood still while the construction workers from several different Midaaron worlds remained in their quarters. 89 individuals awaited the arrival of the inspectors from the galaxy they had been involuntarily thrown into. One indivudual however didn't stick to the plan and had prepared itself for a trip to outer space and the eleven planet system ahead..

Mikkel carefully adjusted the suit's settings to his own metabolism. The suit was capable of keeping him alive in space for days and, in case he landed on a foreign planet with not too life-threatening conditions, it would adapt and guarantee his survival there. Since the Agostret's teleporting capabilities were not related to hyperspace travel, he was confident in making it to the system in only a few jumps. Leaving behind the crew wasn't the course of action he liked taking, but it was better to have one non-captured Midaaron on the loose instead of silently accepting one's fate. He deactivated the energy-emitting compartments of the suits and retracted all but one tentacle. Focusing on his paraabilities, he soon vanished into thin air and reappeared far from the cluster of spaceships that had been forming. His great sense of orientation instantly told him where he was and in which direction the 11 planet system could be found. Losing no time, he teleported again.

On board of the BP-2, Rauf the delegator had to calm down his subordinates. As most of the Rebet people were of average intelligence, they faced problems dealing with their feelings in this situation. They hadn't been trained for this and, unlike Hvofor, didn't process the new information as clearly as needed in a situation like this. A few had even accepted their fates and temporarily shut down their senses to await the end in apathy. Others saw hope in the Barey Hvofor who would be the first at the docking stations to greet the foreigners. Since most of the crew had already worked together for a longer time, not a single question too much was asked even now. Mikkels absence had been registered by the ship's computer, but it would not become known until later that the Agostret had disappeared..

The three docking stations were, just like the ship itself, circular in size and only a few meters wide. Vessels like the BP-2 were not supposed to interact with other ships a lot and thus offered just little in this regard.

"We are ready to receive. Please do not harm our interiours, alive or dead", Hvofor transmitted.
as written by barney_fife

"You may call me Gina Inviere, Chairman and Supreme Commander of the Imperial Aschen Navy." Inviere replied, while there was a brief chime and one of the console technicians turned.

"Spatial distortions detected within the ship, Three Nine Seven Carom One Eight Four." He reported. The Teleporting Agrostet had been picked up on the Iconoclast's Scanners, and the CIC crew was quickly reacting.

Inviere growled in frustration, and then she turned to Colonel Belzen.

"Get Apollos out and a Condor, recover that thing before it escapes." She ordered, and Belzen offered a swift nod. "Sir." He said before he turned to leave. Inviere paused a moment, and then brought up a large diagram of the Planck Fields. This far out, the field was at it's weakest. It served to prevent starships from using their Faster-than-light drive systems, but the field here was not concentrated enough to prevent small, short range teleportations like what the Agrostet was performing. This presented a problem in the short term, but once the Agrostet got closer and closer, where the Planck field was more and more concentrated, it would find an increasingly greater difficulty with each jump closer.

At this moment, a trio of angular star-fighters emerged from the underside of the Iconoclast, the F-11X Apollo fighter. Each fighter barrel rolled out from under the vessel, followed closely by a Condor Dropship. With a sudden burn of their engines, they took off after Mikkel, with the intent of capturing him.

The Condor Dropships around the BP-2 Were far too large to enter the docking area, but their airlock doors seemed to be a comparable size to the docking station. So the Condors turned, and aligned to the docking stations before they moved in for a hard seal.

The War Adepts entered first, their towering hulking forms intruding on the alien interior of the BP-2, their armor clunked and servos whirred as they moved in, racking their heavy weapons and taking up defensible positions out and around for the medical and science crew to follow, along with a few Imperial Marines in full combat gear, and sealed EVA Suits, these Marines took cover behind the Adeptus' hulking forms, and kept their disruptor rifles primed.

The last person to step off the Condor VTOL was an officer, a young Major who was assigned to make first contact, and bring the alien known as Hvofor back to Inviere for a more personalized discussion and first contact.

As the Marines took up positions, the science team began to analyze the interior, taking atmospheric readings, and analyzing the material that the ship was comprised of.

Once in position they waited for whatever was to greet them, whether it was a peaceful diplomat, or the alien vessel's security contingent.
as written by Merte

Hvofor registered the arrival of the numerous individuals. The surveillence devices at the docking stations, not intended for throughout investigation of foreign intruders, only established a weak visual image in his mind. They were clearly heavily armoured and equally armed; a single shot from their weapons could easily endanger the ship's integrity. Shields down, this would have been the death sentence to all unprotected life on board. Hvofor thought about his crew's options. The only one with a chance of survival in a situation like this would be Mikkel, the teleporter. The Agostret! How could Hvofor not have thought about him? The Agostret's impulsive and unrestrained behaviour could lead to serious problems concerning the first contact. His disrespect of hierarchical structures and orders could offend the clearly militarised aliens and at worst be counted as an act of war. Where was he anyways? Hvofor grew uncomfortable. Usually, Mikkel would hang out somewhere around the leading staff during an interesting situation like this. The missing Midaaron could be anywhere by now..

Hvofor decided to postpone worrying about this later. Nothing in his might could change the situation without coming over as suspicious. Of course he could inform Gina Inviere about the missing crew member.. but would that truly be the safest way to go? Anyways, Hvofor should start moving towards the docking stations. He broke contact with the interfaces and turned to Rauf. He gave him special instructions using comisnakk, tentacle talk. Rauf accepted what he had just heared and then himself made contact with both the engine control interface and the communications device.

"Gina Inviere of the Imperial Aschen Navy", he started. "My name is Rauf. My superior is heading for the docking stations as we speak. In the meantime, I will be the commander of the ship. You may address me for further instructions if that be your wish." A short pause followed where Rauf made himself familiar with the visual information about Gina Inviere and her subordinates. Rauf, too, was reminded of a fearsome species from the Realm. Inviere bore resemblance to a predatory race of wildlife from the Rebet's home world. Then again, he thought about the differences: the positions of the head, legs and arms were upside down. The human resided on the floor of the location instead of dangling from above. Its skin was light and covered; hair grew on her head and she had a proper face. Rauf pulled himself together and continued.

"We have registered the absence of an individual of our side. We are sorry if he causes you any distress or trouble. His behaviour is erratic by nature, thus not always following our orders of first contact. Please return him to us if possible so he can receive proper medical care in order to prevent further actions like this."

Hvofor had decided to play with open cards. He tried his best to not underestimate the aliens' resources and sensors. The foreigners had surely already scanned the ship before Mikkel went missing and would be expected to repeatedly scan the interiours to assure that no one left the ship. Rauf warning Inviere about the teleporter, even without mentioning his abilities in particular, could be interpreted as either a genuine piece of advice - or a ruse. In a situation like this, outside of the regulations, gambling played a big part in the game of survival. Agostrets were never part of first contact plans since they basically do whatever they want. Mikkel was both an asset and a curse to the rule-loving Barey.

Hvofor arrived at the doors to the docking stations. A technician updated his mobile translator to the newest version and then stood back to let the Barey pass. Soon, he stood in front of the humanoids.


Mikkels senses did not lie to him: his latest jumps were continuously weaker as he got closer to the system. Whatever blocked the ship's wormhole drive seemed to now affect his abilities. At this rate, he had two options: either he had to plan bigger jumps to compensate for the hyperphysical resistance or he'd jump back to the Midaaron vessel. He calculated his chances and arrived at a conclusion. Just when he was about to jump, his sensors picked up two triangle-shaped objects approaching his position. In an instant, he changed plans. He compensated for the hyperphysical resistance and jumped right into one of the two crafts. He did not need to worry about entering normal space within a solid object since the rematerialisation would automatically occur at the closest free space available, be it a gas or a liquid which would both be pushed aside gently.


In the Realm, preparations began indeed to fortify the edges of the Midaaron space. The Daar even sent a scientific vessel towards the latest known coordinates of the BP-2.
as written by barney_fife

Inviere maintained contact with the aliens before her through the large viewscreen before her. However, there was a gathering of Tactical personnel behind her, considering their options while the chatter of the Apollo pilots and the Condor Pilot could also be heard over the radio.

"Your subordinate made a rash decision, wouldn't you think." Inviere replied, as her attention moved to the large DRADIS Console, it's soft whir of each scanner pass was barely audible, it's high pitched chiming indicating each sensor sweep as her eyes seemed affixed onto the screen.

The Aliens seemed to lack discipline, lack order. Or perhaps this was an attempt to bypass Imperial defenses and land on one of the worlds within the Pan'Chek system. The Chairman weighed all these possibilities inside her head, considering what diseases these Xenos would bring with them.

No; the Chairman was considering what violent fate would reach the lone alien being if it reached an Imperial world. If the Citizenry didn't tear it asunder, the IIA would capture it, and perform all manner of gruesome scientific experiments upon it. It would be a swift decision for the Chairman. Eliminate the alien with all haste.

But then it teleported again, this time it teleported right atop one of the Apollo fighters. This would no doubt cause panic in the fighter's pilot. And so Inviere watched with a hardened gaze on the console, as the spatial anomaly moved from one part of space to another.


The Apollo Fighters were continuing to close in, each pilot kept their firm grips on the controls. The Lead Pilot, a young Lieutenant with the callsign 'Bojay' was keying in the targeting computer when his DRADIS Chimed, a subspace distortion registered across the screen.

"Command, I'm approaching the target-- It just teleported again, I've lost it!" The Pilot called out, while the second Apollo chimed up.

"Bojay, Hacksaw, that thing is on your back! Repeat, you have a Xeno on your back." He called out, and the second Apollo dove several meters before it lined up along the lead Apollo. Inside the cockpit, the pilot tried to look left, and then right from inside the cockpit, before he flipped several switches inside the fighter. One of them was labeled 'G-diffuser' Activating the Apollo's inertial dampening systems.

With a sudden jerk of the control stick, the Apollo's RCS engaged, and the fighter began to roll, with increasing speed as the pilot was attempting to throw the alien from the fighter. Clenching his teeth as the Inertial dampeners fought to stave off the increasing centrifugal force, the pilot flipped the master arm switch, and both Disruptor cannons mounted under the wings armed, energy surging to the capacitors as the weapons powered up.

As this was going on, Inviere was being kept up to date, a Bridge officer reporting that one of the Apollos had gone weapons hot. Immediately followed by the second Apollo.


Inside the docking station of the BP-2, the War Adepts leveled their weapons at the alien creature as it came through the doors. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen. The indoctrination of Aschen propaganda commanded them to do one thing, and that was to purge the alien.

However the young major had something else in mind, Inviere wanted to make formal contact, and so the Major was going to carry the orders out.

He stared at Hvofor through the visor of his powered EVA Suit, while technicians continued to try and garner atmospheric readings to see if the air aboard the ship was safe to breath. Each one of them wearing similar suits, but Major Tovar's suit indicated his rank with a diamond shaped device affixed to his left chestplate. The Insignia for the Strictest Doctrine affixed upon his right.

His eyes briefly went to the Adepts, the weapons they carried could no doubt go through the walls like a hot knife through butter, the 20mm Adamantium tipped magnetically accelerated gyroscopic self propelled projectile was designed to go through dense armor, before exploding within the flesh of it's target, eviscerating them into small giblets of bloody flesh. There was no doubt in the Major's mind the weapons they brought aboard were nothing short of absolute overkill. But with Xenos you could never be so sure.

"We are going to conduct an inspection of your vessel, You are the leader of these creatures?" The Major Inquired, his voice stern, deep and reverberating through the vox of his suit.

"You will join me to speak with my superiors, Do not attempt to make any transmissions until we say so. By decree of the Emperor, this vessel will be seized and your crew will be held as Guests of the Empire until we have conducted our investigation." The Major said, stepping aside as the Adepts, and Marines began to come forward.

"Get what you need to survive on our vessel, the Chairman will wish to speak with you personally, she has many questions which will need to be answer, as I am sure you too have many questions."
as written by Merte

Mikkel tried to hold on tight to the vessel, but its movements quickly taught him a lesson. While he had tried to materialise inside the spaceship, there had not been enough free space to allow him inside the cockpit, thus placing him right outside the Apollo. He soon figured out that the pilot wanted him gone, which is why after a short time he changed his plans again. On board the BP-2 we would probably be missed by now. The aliens knew he was in outer space because they sent the two vessels after him. He would probably not make it to the star system because of the hyperphysical 'tar' holding him back more and more the closer he got. Teleporting back to the BP-2 was one of the best things he could do right now.. but did he want to? Hvofor would surely get angry at him for jeopardyzing the whole first contact situation. Even though this wasn't meant to be one, Mikkel still knew the general rules and regulations concerning first contacts. Agostrets were almost never present at those, and that for obvious reasons, but the excitement had taken him over. He desperately wanted to meet the aliens but at the same time felt shame for acting so selfish and not thinking about the whole crew of the BP-2. Maybe, he thought, maybe he could still save his reputation by righting the wrongs he had done so far. He could simply explain this whole mess of a situation to the aliens' leader and everything would be fine..

With this decision on his mind, he set off to teleport into the biggest, meanest-looking alien spacecraft around. 'Big and mean' in this case resulted in him choosing the Strictest Doctrine itself as the next jump's final destination..


In the meantime, Rauf responded to Inviere: "We did not intend to trespass or even meet with alien beings, Inviere. Take into account that my subordinates are not necessarily trained for interstellar politics or situations like this." He fell silent. His mind, slightly less complex than Hvofor's but definitely pragmatically thinking, reflected the current situation once again. The BP-2 was set out to modify a stray planet in such a manner that it could be used as an outpost for the Realm. In short, everything needed for a fresh start on a foreign world was available to the crew. If the BP-2 was to be stranded in this foreign part of the universe, at least survival on an unknown planet was fathomable.


Hvofor confirmed that he was the crew's superiour. When he heard the word 'guests of the Empire', he stumbled upon a translation difficulty. His translator gave him a warning about the deeper meaning of the phrasing, but most of the meaning was lost in the process. Hvofor chose to approach the alien on this.

"Being a guest of the Empire I wish to know whether we can leave your hospitality whenever we desire or not. My crew and spacecraft are not yours to take if we were on a guest-host basis. Sharing technology is supposed to be mutually beneficial, not to be taken by force. This is not a military unit. Rest assured that being expendable is still one of our options here. We do not like to take that option, but we need to take our own interests into account here. Interests which are not directed against you, but for the safety of my people."

Hvofor proceeded to get into one of the few suits designed for Bareys onboard. It was similar in design to what Mikkel was wearing, allowing for almost every freedom in tentacle movement possible. It imitated the ship's atmosphere with a 35% oxygen satuation and the rest being almost entirely nitrogen and inert gases. Hvofor could survive weeks inside the suit without having the need to refill its power supply, but only when he spent parts of the weeks laying dormant.

"I am ready to speak to your superiour now", Hvofor stated.
as written by barney_fife

Once the Apollo fighter was free from the strange Alien, it suddenly and abruptly turned on it's axis and stopped spinning. It turned to face the Agrostet, and the Pilot depressed the fire control on the control stick. This caused the starfighter to open fire as the Agrostet was tepeporting. Streaks of brilliant green seared in it's direction; but it was already gone.

"Strictest Doctrine; Bojay. I've lost it, it looks like it's teleported again." The Pilot said into his communicator, as the pair of Apollo fighters began a return course to the Battleship.

But it seemed teleporting inside the ship itself wasn't the smartest decision either. Upon teleporting inside, the Agrostet would find itself inside a long cooridor, red lights flashing while alarms blared through the hallway. This particular corridor lead to a large armored door with alien text upon it, the Auxiliary fire control of the Strictest Doctrine.

A pair of officers in grey jumpsuits trimmed with blue rounded a nearby intersection, coming upon the strange alien and both their faces almost instantly became pale, while one of them reached for a telephone mounted on the wall.

"Auxiliary fire control to CIC, we've got Hostiles on board, repeat, we have a code blue! Alpha Causeway, Auxiliary fire control!"

The second officer immediately drew his sidearm, throwing it up and opening fire, sending dazzling streaks of green light towards the Agrostet, disruptor bolts surging from his weapon. Each green bolt of plasma encased charged particles carried with it thousands of kelvins of thermal energy, and upon impact would cause severe burns typical of a direct-energy weapon.


Aboard the BP-2, the Major was leading Hvofor back to the docked Condor, the large shuttlecraft could hold up to a dozen people, it's atmosphere and temperature matched to the ideal conditions of human habitation. Tovar silently listened to Hvofar's response, and his inquiry about being a guest of the Empire.

"As long as you cooperate, and give us no reason to act with hostile intent. I assure you no one will be harmed, and you and your people will be free to leave in due time." The words were carefully chosen, but Tovar wasn't going to simply let these aliens slip by, and when Hvofar mentioned the mission as expendable, the Aschen suspected a possible self destruct protocol.

"Strictest Doctrine, Tovar Get me the Chairman." He said, tapping his comm node.

Aboard the Strictest Doctrine, one of the Helm Officers turned towards Inviere. "Wireless from the Condor, it's Major Tovar." Lieutenant Anders reported, with a nod Inviere picked up the phone and spoke. "Go ahead, Major."

The Condor was preparing to disembark now, with Hvofar and the Major inside, the main hatch began to close, as the pilots began their preflight check.

Tovar switched to Gemonese, another native Aschen language in the hopes Hvofar wouldn't understand him.

"I need a Reverence here to hold the ship and detain the crew, I don't think these Xenos are going to let us have this ship without a fight, and I suspect they'll go so far as to self destruct to prevent us from getting ahold of it. We cannot let the knowledge of this Empire fall into the hands of these aliens until we have really ascertained their nature." The Major pleaded, and Inviere so happened to agree.

"I'll divert the Punishment or Revenge to hold the ship and it's crew. I'll be in the main conference room, make sure our guest gets there in one piece. I've got to go, we've been boarded."
She then abruptly disconnected the line.

Tovar then scowled, and turned to Hvofar.

"Your alien friends are boarding our ship?" The moment those words were spoken, a pair of Marines inside the Condor immediately raised their weapons.

"Explain yourself at once!" Tovar demanded.
as written by Merte and barney_fife

Mikkel had very little time to react. It was only due to two things happening that he survived the officer's fire: firstly, his suit which could support extreme environmental situations and secondly, his quickly-thinking brain strain for his teleporting ability. Engulfed by fire, he almost immediately teleported back to the BP-2, arriving in a badly-damaged suit, but alive. Still, the endeavor wasn't without a cost: his rapid teleportation out of reflex and the shock of being hit by the plasma weapon even with the space suit on left two of his three brain parts temporarily unfunctional. In the middle of a random gangway, he got out of the suit, crawled a few meters and then laid down to rest until the shock would have passed.


Hvofor and the rest of the crew indeed did not understand Gemonese. When he noticed Major Tovar switching languages, he quickly calculated the possibilities for why he would do so. Either the foreigners were formed out of several different groups with several different languages for different occasions, or, most likely, they simply wanted to hide their intentions. Finally, Tovar switched back to the common language:"Your alien friends are boarding our ship? Explain yourself at once!", he demanded.

Hvofor responded after thinking about the possibilities of a crew member of his boarding a foreign vessel, let alone leaving this one. He quickly came to the conclusion that only the Agostret would have the capabilities necessary to do so and move around almost freely:"The member of my crew must be informed to return immediately. He has not been given any orders regarding boarding your ship or even leaving this one. To our defense, it must be stated that our crew is not equipped for first contact situations and therefore not trained for this. In short, you may experience more spontaneous or otherwise unsettling actions with us. Again, this would be a good reason for leaving this ship alone and meeting up in neutral space. Planning a first contact requires time and research as well as personal education and knowledge of etiquette; little of these are present at the moment."

He made a short pause. The Marines made him uncomfortable, but his logic center could not comprehend the danger they were posing because he had simply not seen any of them in action. It was the uncertainty of the whole situation that stressed the Barey's brains out. He thought about the Rebet at the acceleration controls. If his calculations were right, a simple command of the Rebet's tentacles would cause the wormhole drive to completely fry every technological instrument relying on mental in- or output in the ship as well as causing a disturbance in the surrounding hyperfields. If they were wrong, who knows what would happen..? At least the Rebets who mentally saved the crucial data and were now partly hiding in the ship could possibly carry their information out of here alive and start anew somewhere in this galaxy. They were trained for building an outpost after all and if found by the foreigners, could easily just state that they were resting due to all the stress put on them.

Hvofor continued:"But for now, let me meet your superiour. You can expect me to be the most cooperative around here since I am superiour in most aspects compared to the rest of the crew."


The flight from the BP-2 to the Iconoclast Battleship was otherwise fairly uneventful. It was also rather short. Moving from one ship to the next.

Upon arrival to the Iconoclast battleship, the massive hangar deck encompassed the Condor transport, large blast doors closed behind them once they were inside, and Imperial Marines, clad in heavy combat armor and armed with disruptor rifles took position behind cover and waited for the group to disembark from the Condor.

The main doors opened with a hiss, allowing the air from the Battleship to pour inside, 89 percent nitrogen and 21 percent Oxygen, with various trace gases and materials in the air.

The Major slowly stepped off, and gestured for the alien behind him to follow. In contrast to the interior of the BP-2, the Iconoclast was dark, grimey, and suited for war, with it's austere design choices, harsh white lighting, and exposed conduits. Once they were on the Hangar deck, Inviere emerged from the main door, with a trio of Command officers in tow. She had just returned from the CIC, where she was giving the Punishment and Revenge new orders.

She surveyed Hvofor for a moment with her own eyes, moving up and down as she made a face. In truth the Xeno disgusted her, another notch on the belt of the enemies of the Empire. She knew the Emperor wouldn't stand for it, but she had to humor them so she could acquire their technology, and learn the location of their home worlds.

The Universe would have one less Xeno filth to plague it.

"This way." Inviere said, as she turned towards the doors of the hangar deck, where she would lead the alien to the main conference room. The hall was long, lined with doors that lead to various other parts of the ship, and lastly, a door that led into a large conference room, with a wood trim table, Imperial flags, a large central holographic screen, a pitcher of water, and a small window that looked out into the vast gulf of space.

Inviere slowly lowered herself into a seat at the end of the table, and poured herself a glass of ice water. She took a small sip, before she set the glass down with an audible thunk. Then she cleared her throat.

"Welcome aboard my vessel." She said, picking up a manila folder with several documents inside. "We'll start simple." She said. "You've wandered into what is for all intents and purposes one of the most heavily fortified and secured sections of this galaxy." She explained. "You have technology that is unlike anything we have encountered, and your very being; well. It's intriguing to say the least." She added, scratching some notes on a notepad.

"What do you call yourself, what species do you call yourselves? Tell me about them, tell me about you." She said. "In exchange, I will answer a question about us that you may have, we call this quid pro quo."


During the transit from one ship to the other, Hvofor started quietly analyzing the foreigners' mentalities by their surroundings. He saw heavy armour all over the place; not only the guards but also the technology and every tiny little last screw spoke of the cold and relentless taste of steel. In his mind, Hvofor recited a phrase he had picked up somewhere: "Protection and fear are on the same side of a mindset." Hvofor wasn't sure if it was the humanoids who were afraid or if they themselves were a species establishing hierarchies by fear-inducing. Then again, metal could cause comfort to a species without a noticable exoskeleton. Either way, Hvofor concluded to not let fear dominate his own senses.
His suit told him the consistence of the gas. For him, it would be a somewhat noticeable but not necessarily inacceptable low level of oxygen. Right now, he was using all three major brain strains which meant an overall higher need of oxygen. If he let one of his components rest, the oxygen level in the ship would be all right with his metabolism. On the other hand, it could possibly slow him down mentally a bit. Not opening his suit could be an indicator of weakness to the others, given that they pretty surely knew about the atmospherical properties aboard the BP-2. Ultimately, he decided to just keep his suit on and pretend that this was standard protocol for his people. Also, the humanoids could not possibly know whether he was endangered by any of the smaller amounts of gases in the air.
He spotted several symbols along the way. Were they used to provoke or to prevent fear? He could not decide. After they arrived at the large holographic screen, Hvofor came to the final conclusion that they must be heavily relying on visuals indeed. He dubbed them 'people of the eye' which would be a fitting description so far.
The individual Inviere started talking again. After listening to her demand, he thought that short but precise answers could be the only way to come to an agreement, seeing that the militaristic tone and the lack of any formalities made the "eyes'" hostility or at least their defensive behaviour rather clear.
He shortly thought about Inviere's statement of this being one of the most fortified sectors of their people, possibly revealing the limits of the humanoids' means - or was it a lie?

"I am Hvofor. We are the followers of Midaarons call. We did not intend to beach here. We are peaceful. Still, we do not like to have our technologies inspected by you as you would not like us to inspect yours respectively, I assume. If not handled correctly, not only our vessel but also its surroundings could be at danger. No one likes to be at danger here, I assume?"

His repetitive style was not only the result of not yet perfectionised translators but also the intentional use of the same patterns over and over again. According to Midaaron research, animals often repeat the same actions and by that intend to standing their point. Hvofor played a dangerous game here, a game of dominance on the enemies' field, but what had he got to lose?

"Now for my question: how do we part ways soon without any side regretting this encounter?"


Inviere scratched several notes in Anquietas on her notepad, the pen scraping against paper, making audible scratching sounds as she took notes on the alien's behavior. She described it's perceived demeanor, which she saw as obstinant, of course what Inviere perceived as obstinant could be the alien's normal psychological demeanor.

As Hvofor answered her question, her pen scratched more furiously on the paper. The Anquietas glyphs written in bold blue ink for future review by her superiors.

She was thinking, thinking about the obstinant alien before her, thinking about where they came from, considering the worlds they inhabited and the technology they possessed. This Xeno had audacity, the willingness to defy it's betters and take risks. She scribbled even more furiously, a notation that these aliens and the Aschen Empire could not possibly peacefully coexist, and their assured destruction was the only viable alternative. All of this was not likely to go beyond notations on paper, Isambard Prince their emperor was not as unstable or violent as his predecessor, Inviere knew this. But she also knew that Prince was meeting with the Scatterran Hegemony, and that Inviere was in control of the direction these proceedings could go.

"You are peaceful; I can respect that. You must also be capable of defending yourselves I presume. Because a peaceful species cannot exist in a hostile Galaxy." She said. "We have a desire for peace, but we are prepared for war, but we also understand that it is Humanity's place to rule the stars."

There was a brief chime at the door, and it slid open, there was another older woman, maybe thirty years older than Inviere. She was shorter, with red hair and a formal dress. Inviere simply gestured for her to enter, and she promptly took a seat at the table besides Inviere.

"Pardon my tardiness." The woman said. "I Bifrosted here as quickly as I could when I learned of this contact situation."

Inviere offere a slight nod. "Don't worry, Ambassador, you haven't missed anything." She said, turning back to Hvofor. "This is Ambassador Draylock, she will handle any formal diplomatic inquiries. As to peacefully parting ways, you and your crew will be allowed to leave when we have finished here."

Inviere then nodded to Draylock, who cleared her throat to speak. "Inviere's notations described a certain apprehension and hesitancy here. You expressed disdain at our security protocols, and a refusal to give us the opportunity to understand your people even more." Draylock said calmly. "Under the previous administration; it would have been cause to exterminate your species." She said. "That is the reality of the situation; fortunately that administration is no longer in power. The new Emperor seeks friends; allies in his fight for order in this galaxy and beyond. We live surrounded by enemies who would stop at nothing to destroy us. I would hope that you and your people would not be counted among them. Now; to that end is there anything I can do to make this meeting more comfortable?"


Hvofor quietly waited for his turn to speak. is humanity's place to rule the stars..
No, the translator hadn't failed him, and the intentions of the humans to strive for domination and expansion became very clear when Ambassador Draylock reported that they were surrounded by enemies who would like to see them dead. It all made sense and confirmed most of the assumptions Hvofor had made even prior to his transfer to the humans' ship. Withholding information, he thought, has proven to be an extremly risky move but also the right one. As the ambassodor had mentioned, a war of extermination was not unthinkable for the 'Eyes'. On the other hand, there was no way for them to find out where the BP-2 had even come from.

He took a closer look at the human. Her head was covered in red hair. The Barey remembered red to being a signal colour for a broad range of animals for fertility but also danger. So far, no information on this field had come through to Hvofor concerning humans, but he felt like the way she talked she could obviously be a source of growing danger.

They had an emperor. A concept also found in the animal kingdom but not in any higher developed species encountered in the Midaaron Realm before. Were species outside of the Realm generally emotionally driven, war-seeking creatures? Sure, they proved to be intelligent enough to build enormous spaceships, but on an instinct-driven level for dominance. Maybe the unregulated developement of their genes, unaffected by any higher power, had led to this. Chaos, bloodshed and rivalry. They didn't fit into the Midaaron way of life where everyone had his place and accepted knowingly why he was there. Hvofor's position in the crew surely carried most of the responsibility for the mission and he could give orders to almost anyone, but it was less an act of power than him simply being the most suited for directing the mission and supervising everything. Going against his rules was not a strong affront if it meant doing the right thing, but the Barey never gave orders anyone onboard disagreed with neither did for example the Rebet think that they would know a better way of doing things. The Agostret's extravagant actions displayed part of this really well.

This in mind, Hvofor started to speak:"I don't think you are in the position to threaten my species at all. However, it would be beneficial if your crew left our ship and let it proceed to unclaimed realms. If necessary, I will send for an ambassador who can stay with you and later on continue our interspecial communication. We do not claim this galaxy, only a single planet outside of your territory but within our tolerable living environment requirements."


Draylock studied the creature before her, exchanging written notes with Inviere, the two of them nodding slightly as they exchanged their notations. It wasn't much longer before another audible alarm began to blare, red lights flashing in the corner of the room as the intercom blared.

"Action stations, action stations. Set condition one throughout the ship. This is not a drill; repeat, this is not a drill!"

The alarm continued to blare through the conference room, the door to the conference hall was opened fairly suddenly as one of the many officers stepped in, offering a crisp salute.

"Chairman you're needed in CIC." The man said, as Inviere quickly rose from her seated position. "Sitrep." She replied.

The Lieutenant looked down to a piece of paper, before he directed his eyes back to the chairman.

"Hostiles outside of the Diamond Shoals red line defensive zone, they've engaged the IDF, and the Fleet of Inner Knowledge. The fighting's died down but the Imperial Viceroy is being called, and we're supposed to rendezvous with the Fleet Admiral to coordinate defensive operations within the Diamond shoals, including prepping the Governors for mustering civilian populations for militia duty."

The Chairman gave a long pause as she brought her attention back to the alien in the room, as well as Ambassador Draylock.

She had to make a quick decision as to how to proceed, and so she leaned forward and spoke quietly to the Lieutenant. "Evacuate the alien ship and detain the crew, take them under heavy guard to the quarantine facility in Picon, make sure as many as possible survive. Hold the ship here, and inform the IIA that we have some specimens for study and interrogation. Put that one in the brig until I decide how to proceed."

The Lieutenant offered a crisp chest salute, before turning to leave, as Inviere turned to Hvofor. "Excuse me, something important requires my attention, I've prepared temporary accommodations for you. The Ambassador will accompany you while I handle this crisis, please follow all instructions exactly for your safety." She said, before she turned to move quickly out the door, with the Lieutenant in tow.

A moment after Inviere turned to leave, a pair of Marines stepped inside, the audible trill of powering weapons could be heard as the Ambassador stood up and away.

The pair of Marines kept their weapons trained on the Alien, as they slowly started to approach it. "Come with us." One of them said. "No sudden movements."


Aboard the BP-2 the men were for the most part continuing their inspection of the alien vessel uneventfully, until the sergeant received his new orders.

They were switching tactics, moving about to locate the crew, demanding they follow in an orderly fashion to the airlock under threat of execution. The Marine sergeant in what was considered to be the command room drew his weapon at Rauf.

"Move away from the consoles and approach me slowly! You're being evacuated from this ship. We have accommodations for you prepared." The Sergeant ordered, as a pair of Marines came in behind him.


Hvofor couldn't understand what the officer said, but apparently, it was important enough to instantly change the whole situation. The short, yet heated dialogue came to an abrupt end as Inviere ordered him to follow the ambassador. A ruse, again? A play, a ploy, a diversion? Hvofor thought about Rauf and what he had ordered him to do. I was quite possible that a similar process had started on the BP-02: all crewmembers detained for safety reasons. Separated, the Midaarons, especially the weaker-of-mind Rebets, would not survive long. While they don't usually need to be seen after, a situation like this requires guidance and reassurement from stronger-minded Midaarons.

He followed the ambassador, but after a short distance spoke while walking:"It is in your best interest to not remove my crew from the ship or it happens." Hvofor didn't specify. Such a vague threat could get him killed, but as far as he could tell, things weren't getting better for him. Cooperation, usually one of his better qualities, must be cast aside when dealing with this species. There was no cooperation, or at least not so much, shown from their side, so mimicking the actions of the other side could possibly lead to finding a way to better communicate with each other. If violence is should be the language, so be it.


Onboard the BP-2, Rauf said something similar to Hvofor. Not moving an inch, he simply stated:"It is not recommended for our safety to remove myself from the console, neither should any of my crew be removed from the vessel. Our safety includes your safety."

The BP-2, stuck without a functioning drive, barely looked like a threat. Nothing onboard was explosive or even intended to be dangerous per se, but the effects an overheating wormhole drive could have on a hyperphysical sandbank like this were unforeseeable for Rauf.


While the Ambassador moved with Hvofor and the Marines through the hallway to allow Inviere to attend the duties on the Bridge, she couldn't help but catch the Alien's request.

"What exactly is going to happen?" The Ambassador inquired, as the Iconoclast Battleship pulled away from the BP-2, and the Approaching Reverence II, which was now in position directly over the alien craft.

This was visible out the small porthole through the Starboard airlock, barely but it was there. "I would strongly advise anything that could further inflame this situation, I assure you it will blow over if full cooperation is given, escalating the situation will result in some fairly extreme measures." The Ambassador warned. "The Military's threats are not to be taken lightly, if you work with me, I will do my best to navigate your people through this crisis, and see you returned to your vessel, and escorted out of the Empire. But I cannot do anything while you and your people give vague threats, and resist." The Ambassador said, as the group reached a large blast door that read

Detention Block

There was still commotion going on inside the massive vessel, squads of eight to ten soldiers were running past them, moving to their posts aboard the ship.

The Ambassador was silently considering the situation while the Marine was navigating the keypad for the Detention block, the door unlocked with a click and a loud buzz, and then opened, two more Marine guards stood at the end of the hall, and one of the large holding cells could be seen, door open and ready for it's guest.


Rauf was the first to feel the Aschen's fury, as the Marine sergeant was given explicit orders to execute any alien that refused to comply with his orders.

"Move away from the console or I will shoot you! This can either go smoothly or get bloody fast!" The Marine acquired his target, the holographic sights highlighted Rauf and the rifle's scope zeroed him in as the Marine took several cautious steps forward.

Another Marine screamed. "Frakking Xenos! Kill them all Sarge! Just kill them all and nuke the damn ship!" He came up from a different direction with his weapon drawn.

"Gods-damnit you Xeno prick! I don't want a gods-damned International incident, just move away from the console! Now!"

The second Marine opened fire, his weapon barking it's report through the room, a searing hot flash and bolt of charged particles moved towards the Console, and the Alien's tentacled appendage at near light speed, tens of thousands of degrees Kelvin contained within a plasma enveloped charged particle bolt which was capable of liquefying stout metals, and causing severe damage to flesh.

"Hold your fire!" The Sergeant screamed. "Hold your gods damned fire!"


Hvofor's answer was short but clear:"You do not want to find out the hard way." Inside, he had already mostly given up on himself and the crew, but one third of him did not surrender. What might seem to the 'Eyes' like resistance was in Hvofor's mind the most basic right of every life form. Free passage, neutrality, non-interference as long as one didn't actively attack or hinder the other. Neither was given and the mostly polite and well-meaning sounding words of Inviere and the ambassador didn't convince the Barey in the slightest anymore. Like most intelligent life, though, Hvofor planned on not going out without struggle, one way or another. Still, one of his logic centers compelled him to try to survive and somehow send notice of these aliens to a Midaaron homeworld, be it as unlikely as it sounded right now.

The cell in which he would be sent didn't look welcoming but it appeared to Hvofor that it might be designed to displease humans or humanoid life forms. He thought that as long as the 'Eyes' didn't know what a Midaaron likes or dislikes he could be fine..


Thoughts are fast. Really fast. But light is quite a bit quicker, one might say, so Rauf didn't stand much of a chance when he was shot at. His mind sent one quick impulse just as the beam hit his tentacle. Had he not been prepared, nothing would have happened but Rauf losing one tentacle. But the order had been clear: the removal of Rauf's mental connection to the device would instantly activate the hyperspacial transformers to the maximum. Hvofor hadn't been sure what would happen exactly if it came to this, but chaos was certain. With the death of his appendage, Rauf passively activated the engines which were deeply stuck in the hyperspacial sandbank. However, Midaaron flesh wasn't the only thing falling victim to the laser beam: the interface sizzled and evaporated partly. No one knew what kind of effect this would have on the order that went through the communication currents of the ship.

For 5 seconds, nothing happened. Then, Rauf's burned tentacle separated itself from the main body and fell to the floor. He'd grow a new one.. if he survived long enough. A part of his brain strings released hormones to deal with the shock and the producer organ, a specific part of the body of every Midaaron, activated to seal the fresh wound.

What happened then could be described as someone holding a strong fan into a sandbank. The engines howled, trying to find a hypercurrent which they would usually use to create a wormhole with. Finding only resistance and unknown matter, they disturbed the spacial integrity of their closest surroundings. Not one Midaaron moved as the engines overheated and finally went out with a big energy surge going through the entire ship, causing power outages everywhere. The whole vessel's electronic devices went black, rendered broken, fused inside. Only the vital systems like the air supply went back online after the shock.

The shock could be felt and registered on more than only the usual dimensions: the ripple in hyperspace left the ship in all directions. Onboard, mutants like Mikkel could easily detect it, but he was out the moment the shock passed him. His mutant brain string, however, registered the blast and tried to leech on the energy, revitalizing Mikkel faster than he would usually have by himself.

After the shock had passed, not physical harm was done yet to any of the crews except for Rauf..