Etoliea The Korrupted Characters


Korrupted Forever
Aera|14 Étolieã Years|Female

Aera has a human-like body. She stands at about 4'10" and her skin is an olive of some sorts. Her hair is not especially thick, and it is the most wavy straight hair could be. It's a strawberry blonde color, leaning towards blonde with rosy hints, and it is cut off right under her shoulder blades. Her eyes are a very light brown near her pupil, almost a champagne color, that gets darker near the edges of her iris. Aera's eyes are ringed with black, and her eyelashes are somewhat long and are more reddish-brown than the hair on her head. Her face is round, and although a bit slim, not very sculpted, and her cheekbones are a tad high, but not enough to make it noticeable at first glance. Her nose is a bit thin and a tad small, and her eyes almost always look like they're narrowed. She doesn't have redness or acne, but she has a few scars from earlier in her life. Her most noticeable scar stretches from the right side of her jaw to her right cheekbone, but most of it is usually hidden by her hair. She has a scar on her left calf as well. Her figure is in the middle of average, neither stick-thin nor curvy. She has a bit of muscle, but not enough for her to actually be called muscular.
The shirts she wears are black, yet slightly faded, and almost skin tight so it still allows maximum movement. She only wears shorts that are black as well, as pants are uncomfortable to her. She wears a thin sweater that is almost like a coverup. Her boots (again, black), are combat boots, and considerably worn down. She carries loads of small knives in her clothing, though most are in her boots.

Personality: On the outside, Aera is an easy-going shifter. She's kind and never leads a dull life. She can appear timid at times, and she doesn't seem very bold. She's not a charismatic person, but she's somewhat likable.
However, on the inside, Aera is almost cruel. She's more reckless than she lets on, and she can be silently mocking of others who don't share her daring insight on life. Yet she doesn't show this to many others; she only shows this true side of her when she knows that those she meets aren't just going to say hi and never see her again. If she knows they'll stick, she will be openly cruel. Aera's true side can be sarcastic, and tends not to be kind. She can seem generous, but her intentions always benefit herself. She believes in placing herself first, because holding others at a higher esteem than yourself is bull. She's quite proud on the inside, and has to prove her point, but she has developed great self-control from pretending to be kind and thoughtful.

Forms: Aera is not the most powerful shifter, and can only shift into a few forms (but she can stay in these forms for a long time).
  1. Golden Eagle - dark and tawny, with a menacingly sharp beak and talons, and with gold eyes
  2. Margay-like Creature - an small, innocent-looking light cream and white cat with inky black markings, has greenish-gold eyes and the dangerous ability of mimicry, is stronger than a normal margay
  3. Northern Goshawk - variety of light and dark grays, same sharp beak and talons and the golden eagle, has the most intense shade of ruby eyes you will ever see
She can't shift into anything else. If she tries very hard, she might shift into a different creature for around 2 seconds, but it wastes too much energy

Gifts/Powers: While she's not a very powerful shifter, Aera has talent with throwing knives. She can hit a bulls-eye from 20 feet away, blindfolded if she had too. Since knives don't go especially far, Aera has also taken up ambushing. However, if she doesn't have the element of surprise, the fight will become a lot more even. She is amazing at mimicking others, but she can only have that powerful skill in her margay form. She has good memory, therefore she can remember things she has heard before and mimic them exactly, confusing others. Her senses are heightened, but only when she is in a particular form (ex. highly improved eyesight in golden eagle form)
