The Last Death Mage (Modern Fantasy) WIP


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The Last Death Mage
by Shadowwell
Since time immemorial humanity has always feared and shunned what it didn’t understand. Over time this changed a bit to encompass things that didn’t conform to their thoughts and ideals. Due to humanity’s stubbornness with which the enforced their ideals many lives were lost and changed. When humanity first clashed with monsters and the beings that use magic, this trait caused many bloody fights. Over time the fights escalated into battles and full on war on several occasions. Humanity due to their adaptability and persistence won many of these altercations, causing huge casualties to the magical beings. Humanity did not come out unscathed however; many of the empires and civilizations noted in human history fell due to these battles and wars.

Eventually over time humanity and the magical beings came to a sort of agreement. Magic and the beings associated with it faded into the background of history, being relegated to myth and legend. Humanity meanwhile advanced leaps and bounds once magic faded, leading to our current level of civilization. Not all magical beings were content with this, thus they did their own actions and killed or fed on humans. This has led to many organizations to be formed concerning this, on both the side of humanity and the side of magical beings. They regulate and control the use of magic as well as protect humanity from the darker things that are now not but myth to them, but there is a reason humanity instinctually fears the dark.

Unfortunately there are always those that are unsatisfied by the status quo, and those that are prejudiced against things that are different. This is a story of a young man who wanted nothing more than to be normal. Unfortunately Fate and the world he lives in do not easily allow that this, thus his life changed, not for the better. Everyone has heard of or read stories about monsters and legends, heroes and villains, this is one such story.
(TOC and linked chapters to go here)​
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In a secret compound far beneath the earth, in a dark room sat multiple men and women seated evenly around a circular table, they were holding a meeting. The largest seat held and equally large man, who while rather heavy, held the markings of one whose strength was still there, The man spoke in a deep rumbling voice that echoed across the room. “Ladies and gentlemen, you all know why we are here, to discuss the growing issue of Rogue and Feral mages.” He paused letting it sink into the others present before continuing “Through much research it has come to our attention that this particular problem was caused by our own complacency. In our haste to eradicate the Necromancers that violate the peace of the dead and the Demon worshipping Warlocks, it appears that we have destroyed the subtle balance of magic.” As his words echoed, the other people present started to murmur and raise their voices in dissent. The woman next to the large man surveyed the others with a cold indifferent look as the squabbled amongst themselves. “ENOUGH.” The large man spoke in a near whisper, his voice carried though, soon enough the room became silent. “I realize that this is difficult to swallow for some of you, but this is a reality now.”

He looked at each of the other men and women as he spoke. “Unfortunately since all the Mages with inherent connections to Death and to a lesser extent Black magic have been neutralized by the Order headed by our overzealous counterparts in Europe, this is an irreparable truth, we cannot remedy this matter.. For now all we can do is become stricter and set our Seers and oracles to keep watch to keep ahead of these incidents.” He paused to continue when a shy timid sounding voice interrupted. “U-uh, Sir? Excuse me, but that isn’t entirely accurate.” The speaker was a younger woman, by far the youngest of those in the room, but no less influential among them. “ There is one who may fit what we need, In fact he was the nephew of one of us.” She glanced at the woman whose atmosphere made one feel chills for a moment before continuing to speak. “ I am sure all of you recall the raid conducted on the Coven headed by the last vampiric descendant of the being known as Dracula. “

A click and a whirring sound could be heard as a projection appeared on the wall opposite them. She waited for the assembled to reorient themselves before she continued. “We know that they had been kidnapping children and that the Order interrupted some sort of ritual sacrifice. There were two children involved in that case: Tristan Carver and Kandace Martin.” On the screen two teens were shown, one an attractive redheaded girl with a spattering of freckles across her nose, the other was a tall athletically built teen with dark, dark, black hair that contrasted with his paleness. “They were on their way home from an engagement at their school when the both of them were grabbed. Afterwards the girl Kandace was sacrificed to summon something, we are still not sure what, we think it was the firstborn of Dracula, anyways, that is what we know from our own sources.” She paused as a few of the others started to grumble as that was information they all knew previously, and they didn’t like their time to be wasted. “I was able to obtain Order Footage of the event. As you will see, it paints a different picture form what we had heard.” Another click could be heard as a video started playing on the screen. It portrayed a large cavernous room full of people, at first glance they appeared to be human, but the feral twisted look on the faces of some gave them away for what they were, Vampires.

Some of them wore ornate hoods and cloaks, others were in other modes of dress, and others still were lacking clothes at all, feasting on the blood and bodies of the unfortunate ones who were sacrificed beforehand. In the center of the room, there were two teens, the only living non-thrall humans among those present. The boy, Tristan was tied to a stake, while the girl, Kandace was secured to a stone altar, her clothes torn, revealing much of her skin. After several moments of silence a tall figure draped in heavy robes entered, and the mass of vampires parted as the figure moved towards the altar. When he reached the altar he took his hood down revealing a familiar face to the two teens, he was a teacher at their school. The man turned around and addressed the assembled vampires. “Today my brethren we shall finally succeed, these two are the sacrifices we have been looking for. One is a human descendant of our lord Dracula, the other will serve as the flesh sacrifice to bring our Mother, Our Goddess to this Plane, to us!!” as his speech ended, his eyes lit up with a frantic and fanatic gleam. The assembled vampires cheered and screamed at his words and got equally worked up.

He reached into his robes and pulled out a large ornate dagger, that had the emblem of Vlad Tepes Dracula, the son of the Dragon. At the moment he did so, the already cheering Vampires erupted into even louder noise. He moved swiftly not giving any present the time to react he plunged the dagger into Kandace’s chest, painting her clothes crimson. The blood was present for but a moment before it was absorbed into the dagger. A crimson glow arose from the dagger and settled over her trembling and shuddering form. Seeing this, Tristan’s eyes blanked out and for a moment his struggles against his bonds that had been near constant, stopped. Then shortly afterwards his struggles intensified, and his eyes turned black. A Dark aura rose around him and then expanded, causing those it hit to feel chills. The robed man looked and a look of surprise crossed his face as a sinister smile took its place. “ I never expected that you would Awaken now, let alone to Awaken to Death, regardless you shall be a tasty .” It was at that moment that the constraints on him began to decay. The robed man advanced as Tristan escaped his confines and rushed at the vampire.

The vampire smirked and backhanded Tristan away, he flew back and collided with the constraining horde of vampires, but that did little to stop his momentum. All in his way scattered, either using their unnatural speed or they were knocked about like bowling pins when he impacted with them. He hit the stone wall and a crater was formed, with cracks leading from it due to the force of the impact. He spat out a massive amount of blood and much of the crater formed was painted with blood from his body. His body fell to the ground, with a sickening splat, his body lay there for but a moment before the Aura around him intensified. His wounds closed and his skin shifted as the bones rearranged and took their proper places in his body, those that were shattered by the impact reformed. Tristan arose and for a moment he floated, the sheer density of his magical aura keeping him afloat. He rushed towards the vampire, who disappeared in a blur and Tristans momentum stopped cold. The robed vampire held Tristan still with one hand at his throat, his arme that was in contact with the Aura visibly decayed and reformed at an astonishing rate.

“You are astonishingly strong for one to just have awoken but that matters little, your added strength will merely make you a more delicious meal.” The vampire then pulled Tristan in close and sank his fangs into the teen’s neck. Soon enough the vampire finished and opened and held it to Tristans mouth forcing him to ingest some of his blood. “With this we shall have another Vampire from the line of Dracula, and a mage at that, you shall be powerful.” As he spoke he dropped Tristan’s body and turned to address the vampires that had reassembled. “With this, Brethren, We have gotten stronger and soon enough our Queen will be here, aGHH, Ahem.” The Robed vampire broke out into a series of coughs and started gagging. The veins on his body could be seen turning black and his coughing started to expel dark colored things along with blood. He looked at Tristan, who was unconscious still though his form shook as the change began, a look of horror crossed the vampires face as he began to fall apart and decompose and the aura around Tristan, which had dimmed, grew stronger.

At that moment the mass of vampires was shaken by something. Blood spurted out, as a bullet impacted against the head of a vampire, the creature crumpled to the ground. Soon enough the same scene could be seen around the cavern, as heavily armed people entered and started engaging the previously distracted vampires. Soon enough the battle became evenly matched as the Vampires turned more attention to the intruders. During the chaos enfolding around him, Tristan regained consciousness for a moment. He crawled slowly towards the Altar, where Kandace still lay with the dagger embedded in her chest and a crimson glow around her. He reached the Altar and grasped the stone lip at the top staining it with his blood as he shakily rose. He grasped the dagger and pulled it out of her chest. The lack of blood in her body showed when no blood flowed out of the large wound in her chest. The crimson glow around her shook for a moment and dimmed before disappearing into her. Tristan pulled at her body and he staggered back and fell down next to the altar. He settled next to it with Kandaces body lying across him, he checked her pulse, and there was none. Engrossed as he was in this, he didn’t notice the chaos around them dying down, as he extended a hand to cup her pale face, his action was interrupted by an arrogant mocking voice.

“Well will you look at this touching sight, really it is lovely and sweet.” The speaker was a tall handsome man dressed in gaudy white robes. Hope appeared in Tristan’s eyes for a moment before they dimmed as he saw the look in the other man’s eyes. “Normally we have ways to stop the Change, but here is different. You see kid, you are different you Awakened, so with help could fight off the Change, but unfortunately you Awoke to a taboo magic. Sorry about this kind, but you gotta go.” As that was sinking in the man pulled a gun and shot Tristan between the eyes. He then turned around and yelled to the others “Ok, that’s a wrap folks, lets burn the bodies and collapse this place for clean up, then have the Government stooges mop up any loose ends.” As they left and the footage moved with them, the rearmost people tossed silver spheres behind them, which erupted into flame, and the room started to shake and crumble as it collapsed on top of itself. No one noticed when one of the prone forms near the altar rose. There was a click as the image disappeared and the footage ended.

“As you can see Ladies and Gentlemen, they did not tell us the entire truth about the incident.” The lady spoke briefly before pausing for a moment to let what they had seen settle in. “After I obtained this footage I had some investigations done and had found traces of the boy. For around a few months after this incident there were reports of a being fitting his description that took care of troublesome beings. He also got into altercations with some of the Agents of the SSD and a few members of the Order, each altercation ended with his death, but he did not stay dead. From what our researchers have been able to determine, because of the lake of Inherent Death mages, when it Awoke in him the magic sought to create an anchor, simply put, His magic will not let him die. As for the girl, we have not seen her so we think she is dead, we are not aware of anything concerning what they tried to summon.” She looked at the other men and women and awaited a response. The large man spoke and said “We shall put plans into motion for this, until something better can be thought of, Agreed?” The assembled nodded or gave their assent in some other way.
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Chapter One: Discovery
In a long concrete Hallway a tall pale redheaded boy with more freckles than unmarked skin was running looking behind his shoulder on occasion. As the redhead ran down the hallway a voice echoed around him “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, Why are you running, it isn’t like I am going to hurt you…Probably.” That was followed by a chuckle, which much like the voice echoed. The redheaded youth sped up as the chuckles cascaded over and around him. He took a left turn from the corridor he had been in and stopped abruptly. In front of him stood a darkly dressed figure, the one who had been chasing him throughout this place. The figure spoke in a light voice “Jerry come on we had a deal, I would let you roam around and in exchange you had to stop causing disturbances in Women’s shower rooms and the like.” He extended his arms gesturing to the area behind and around him. “This to me looks rather like an area where women get undressed for various activities. Which certainly counts towards violating your end of the deal, this mea-” His reprisal was interrupted when Jerry turned partially transparent, and his form changed slightly to reveal what he actually was, a Ghoul, a form of undead and a sub-type of ghost, he impacted against the young man, for a moment. The young man hit the wall with a cough and as he fell down Jerry ran down another hallway hoping to lose his pursuer in the maze of corridors.
Tristan picked himself up off the floor and shook himself off, and reached an arm behind him to remove some shards of glass and metal. When he hit the wall he smacked into a case with a fire extinguisher, He pulled the shards out with a grimace before looking around at the fresh blood adorning the hallway. He sighed and shook his head while thinking ‘Why must he run, they all do, but why, ahh, so troublesome.’ He shook his head once before he took off down the hallway after Jerry. The redheaded Ghoul was running down one of the hallways when a mass of black flew over his shoulder, but it dissipated in the air. He paused and halted for a moment before he looked over his shoulder at Tristan. The young man paused as his quarry did as well and launched a mass of darkness at the Ghoul, similar to what he had cast before, but this one turned into a net-like form and settled around the Ghoul. Jerry hissed as the magical bonds bit into and burned his flesh where they made contact. “Jerry I wish it didn’t have to come to this, especially since we knew each other before you became this, but you didn’t hold up your end, and you also ended up attacking one of the women you were watching.”
He paused for a moment to cast another spell, this time one for summoning a weapon. He closed his eyes as he did so and focused, concentrating on the things bound to him. He could see them in his mind, there were two of them, one was black, dark as night, the other was red, the dark crimson red of blood, it was the paler of the two, but no less vibrant. Within his mind he reached towards the black bond, though for a moment felt tug towards the Crimson bond. It always drew him, though he had learned to resist its call. He extended his right arm forward, and grasped with his hand, within a dark shadow took form. It extended and took the shape of a long, dark metal baton, at the head a protrusion form, which eventually took the shape of a blade. Tristan opened his eyes and waved the scythe down, before he twirled it around in his hand a bit. The Ghoul’s eyes widened in fear and his mouth opened, though he could not cry out due to the net silencing him. Tristan saw the look and chuckled slightly before he responded while brandishing his scythe with a twirl.
“Don’t worry Jerry, this is to send you on your way, at least I am not like the Rogue and Feral Mages who have been corrupted by Death, they would seek to enslave you. I am merely going to send you from this Plane, where to I don’t know. You might go to Heaven, you might go to Hell, hell, I don’t even know if either of those places exists, anyways if there is a next life; try not to repeat the same mistakes you made here.” Tristan then swung the scythe, the blade cutting cleanly through the net, which dissipated around the blade, it cut into Jerry, his mouth formed into a soundless scream. It didn’t actually cut into him, the Ghouls form faded around the blade and disappeared much like that net did when the blade came into contact with it. As Ghoul started to fade Tristan withdrew the Scythe as a light shrouded Jerry’s form as it fully vanished. He walked around briefly and cast some magic to clean up the more suspicious signs of what happened here. Blood would draw more attentions than a broken emergency case and damaged wall alone would. He looked around to make sure he got everything, when an alarm sound came from his pocket; he retrieved his phone and looked to see what it was.
He swiftly unlocked his phone and glanced at it, his eyes widened as he did so. It was a warning alarm telling him he was about to be late, he dropped his phone back in his pack and ran opposite of where he had been facing. As he ran franticly he thought ‘Damn, hope I make it in time, don’t want to be late again, that teacher will get onto me again.’ Running and lost in his thoughts as he was he didn’t notice the being shimmer into place near where he had been moments ago. The figure looked towards him before it reached a hand towards its own ear. It then spoke aloud in an enchanting voice “Yes, Sir? I found him… no, from what I have seen the SSD hasn’t made their move yet. Should I trail him further? Ok, I will just assemble the team.” The figure gave one last glance towards the direction Tristan vanished in before shimmering out of view. Many miles away, in a dimly lit office sat a gaudily robed man; he sat down in a plush chair as he sat the phone on his desk. He chuckled and thought ‘it has been many years boy, but you can’t run from me any longer, you almost cost me my job, you will pay for that.
Elsewhere in the city in a high end club a rather attractive redheaded woman in her early twenties glanced towards the East. That happened to be where Tristan had been not long ago, the woman gave an offhand remark to the man she had been conversing with. She then stood up, the dress she was wearing clinging to her curves like a second skin, her mane of titian locks cascaded behind her. The greasy looking man she had been dining with looked at her greedily as she left the table. He was actually lucky she left, as he was to be her sustenance for the night, it would have proven an experience one of his ilk didn’t deserve. She only fed on those who had committed certain atrocities, when she was first summoned to this plane after so long; some of her initial actions displeased her master, which led to her banishment. When she summoned herself again she went a long way towards rectifying her past mistakes to please her master. The woman walked out of the club, the crowd gyrating on the dance floor parted as she passed through them, all of them entranced by her. The ancient being in the body of the one known as Kandace looked towards the East once more as she thought ‘Found you, my Master, I hope you will be pleased with my actions.’ She giggled giddily at the thought of his reaction when he saw her next.
In the college Tristan was attending he sat in an office being berated by the teacher in charge of his morning class. He rolled his eyes internally as the gruff voiced older man spoke “ Mr. Carver, how many times have I told you that you must be to class on time if you wish to succeed here, I do not care if your job as you call it was why you were--.“ Tristan tuned out the teachers reprimands, this was not the first time he had heard it, the content of these lectures was mostly the same each time. After the teacher prattled on for a good while he stood up as the older man finally finished and sent him on his way. He left the teacher’s office and walked down the hallway a short ways before reaching and entering one of the restrooms. He stood by the sink for a moment before wetting his face a bit and glancing up at the mirror. It portrayed a pale black haired youth, who many here would consider attractive if not for his overly aloof and carefree nature. On his neck there were two pale marks, near imperceptible against his skin, a marking from that incident so many years ago and from Her.
He closed his eyes and when he opened them again they were different from the normally sea green orbs that lay within his eyes. One eye was crimson, with a slitted pupil; the other was a black lightless orb that seemed to extinguish all that entered it. His hair also changed slightly becoming silver in color and much longer, though the change reverted when he closed his eyes, He gave his appearance one last glance before he sighed and left the restroom to make his way towards the lecture hall. He did not exactly like attending school especially as he had less than fond memories it mostly due to the incident in the past. He exited the building through a corridor off the hallway he had been in; he crossed the courtyard that lay in the middle of the College. It was beautiful or could be considered so at least, there were many flowerbeds and trees along with several benches scattered periodically. If it wasn’t for the concrete paths that were marring the beauty of the grass and the giant buildings surrounding it one would almost think they were at a nature park of some sort. He swiftly crossed through the courtyard making his way to the building opposite and the lecture hall which it contained.
Chapter Two-Four: Planning

Chapter Two: Planning
Tristan sighed after leaving his first class, well it would normally be the second class of his day, but due to his tardiness he missed his usual first class entirely. He turned down a hallway heading to his next class, soon enough after traversing the hallways for a while he made his way there. Inside there was a standard classroom set up, at the front of the room, there was a tall glasses clad man, with short gray hair, taking attendance. The teacher looked up from his clipboard and raised an eyebrow at Tristan and marked him down. He spoke in a dry monotonous voice with thinly veiled sarcasm “Well Mr. Carver, I see that you have so Graciously Deigned us with your presence, take a seat.” As Tristan did so a few of his classmates started conversing amongst them about the rather unexpected presence of Tristan. As soon as everyone had been seated and grew quiet the Teacher spoke again. “Today class, unlike the usual discussions of History that we have, we will be focusing on a different, less realistic and proven aspect of History. We will be talking about Mythology and the historical relevance and impact in past civiizations.” Upon hearing the topic Tristan chuckled as the Teacher started his lecture in earnest, a few students already falling unconscious.

In a secret office below the FBI HQ in New York City, a meeting of sorts was happening; it would be closer to call it a briefing. In the room there were around 20 or so men and women assembled, many were wearing the standard FBI back suits or field-wear others were in more casual modes of dress. They were waiting for someone; this was evidenced by the fact that one of the people gathered there was spinning in an office chair. He was not using anything to gain momentum, but rather he was a Wind mage and was using that to spin the chair at a constant speed. The man was dressed in a way most people would associate with the punk sub-culture, needless to say he did not look like someone that would be associated with the FBI. He actually wasn’t an official FBI agent, but was an operative for the top secret Supernatural Investigation and Subjugation Division, or SISD, though the investigation part mostly was left out so it was called the SSD by many. Officially it didn’t exist though many of the operatives did work for the FBI in some capacity. The mage stopped the chair as the door leading to the room opened and a man dressed in a suit walked in.

He carried folders in one arm, the other was free, and he looked less like a director in the FBI and more like a soldier, which he once was. He had a look in his eyes that only experienced soldiers would have, his looks could not be considered handsome, though they drew the opposite sex regardless. He had a veritable mane of hair of burnt gold; his eyes were a dark brown, almost black, those features contributed to his rugged and wild aura. When he entered the room, all eyes turned to him and waited for him to speak. He sat the folders on the end of the table and the person sitting there took one and passed the others down as the Director moved to his seat at the other end of the table. He sat in the largest of the chairs, which was located at the end of the long table most of them were sitting at. When everyone had grabbed one of the folders he folded his hands together and sat them on the table before speaking. “Today you have all been gathered for this.” He gestured to the folder in front of which, the folders the others held were complete copies of his.

“We are to search for and apprehend this young man, Tristan Carver. 5 years ago he was involved in an Order raid on a Rogue Vampire Coven and was listed to have been a casualty, a result of a failed Change. Recently it has been discovered he somehow survived and even Awoke in the process. Each of you is to use your sources to track him down, the Conclave has decreed this, he is to be brought in unharmed. Violation of this will bring certain punishments to happen to you. That is all, dismissed.” He then stood up and left, leaving the others to look over the folders and discuss amongst themselves. A few of the operatives that worked alone left soon after the Director did, among them the punk looking Wind Mage. As he left a less than kind smirk crossed his face as he thought ‘This should be rather rewarding.’ As soon as the others left a tall lanky blond man spoke up. “Since the others have left let’s get down to business, so what thoughts do you all have on this subject?” Soon after the question was voiced most of the others left gave their opinions and thoughts on the matter.

In the corner of the room separate from the others sat a young lady who held the last picture of Tristan, it also had Kandace in it, same picture the men and women of the Conclave had looked at before. She gently caressed the picture, before standing to leave the auburn haired girl left ignoring the call of one of her colleagues, “Krystal Wait!” After she left the other men and women simply shrugged or other gestures before they continued with their discussion. There were around 12 of them left at this point, they each agreed that they would call the others should they discover a concrete location for their target. This was how most of those present worked the majority of the time, though on occasion there were those who sought personal glory above cooperation. Those types would usually either find the target and obtain them alone or would actively sabotage the others, though the latter hadn’t happened since the Director took over. Soon enough they finished ironing out everything and they all stood to leave. They all vacated the room until only 2 of them were left, the lanky blond man who spoke first earlier and an equally leggy blond woman.

The lanky man was still standing seemingly only tidying up the papers he had moved during the discussion they had had. A thought not his own came into his mind, ‘So brother you still desire that girl, huh?’ He glanced over at the woman who was his sister and spoke aloud saying “Kind of,but that is not entirely accurate, I certainly find her attractive, any man with still functioning genitalia would. However I was worried about some of what she felt while looking at that picture.” His countenance frowned slightly before he thought a message back to her. ‘From her I felt many troubling emotions chief among them were Rage, Despair, and strangely enough Hope.’ The Woman, his Sister scrunched her eyebrows in thought, it made her look cute, though usually such a mild word would not be used to describe her beauty. She was roused from her musings by another thought. ‘The strangest thing though, was the fact that those emotions were so intense, but lasted for but a moment, before a strange calm took over. I have never seen some like this naturally happen, we should keep an eye on her, though we should not act unless things get dire.’ The Woman nodded and looked at where Krystal had sat not long before.

Chapter Three: Planning

Downtown in a penthouse located above one of the most popular clubs in the City a large muscular man stood looking out through some glass at the dance floor below. He was clad in a suit; just by looking at him you could tell that the suit was barely able to contain his large frame and muscles. He stood with his feet apart and his hands clasped behind his back. He was gazing out at the mass of bodies, which had reformed after a rather enchanting redhead left the club. A loud knock on the door broke him from his reminiscence. He yelled behind him, temporarily drowning out the dull beat of the music below. “Enter.” His response was brief, as he was a man of few words, though his deep rumbling voice, akin to an earthquake, allowed such. The door to his left opened up, and a short curly haired man in a pair of dress pants and a Hawaiian print shirt entered, with him, the music from the club bled in with greater intensity. It was cut off soon enough as the ornate door closed, forming a near sound proof barrier once more.

The shorter man, Alex, gazed about the lavishly decorated room, directly behind the large man there was a desk befitting of his stature. Across from the desk there were a few chairs, and littered throughout the room other pieces of furniture could be seen here and there. Among them was a red plush sofa of sorts, set against the back wall opposite the desk. Along the walls, some paintings were displayed, an art expert would probably be able to recognize a few of them, history expert even more. All of the items in this room were once stolen, and the man who owned them was the leader of one of the largest criminal organizations in the city, if not elsewhere. Alex approached the desk and paused to speak. “Apologies for the interruption Sir, but I have some news concerning the Vampire Fighter that is a favorite of yours. Brandon, I think he goes by here.” “What is it?” Responded the much taller man. “According to our sources Several people affiliated with both the Order and the SISD have been searching for someone that meets his description and abilities.” At the statement, the larger man turned around, revealing a rather fierce countenance, his nose was broken and he had a series of scars in a pattern akin to claw marks running across his face.

He released his hands from behind him and gestured for Alex to sit, before taking his own large seat. He spoke softly questioning the other man. “How much have they discovered?” “From our sources that they asked? Not much, but they probably have contacts within other organizations apart from ours and those connected to it. So unfortunately we do not know how much they truly know, but our own inquiries have revealed that they know he is somewhere in this city, most likely, they know he has been sighted here a few time in the past.” The large man across from him, Giovanni Nicoletti, nodded and spoke once more. “Do what we can for now, but in his next fight, pit him against Sparky, that will help in determining his skills. The result of his fight and perhaps what happens afterwards will determine how far we will go.” Alex nodded briefly before he stood up and left the room swiftly. Giovanni pushed away from the desk before standing slowly, his body and clothes creaking and groaning from the strain of containing his massive form. He stood up and turned towards the window and spoke softly. “Little Death Mage, I Hope you don’t disappoint this old Bear.”

In the New York base of the SSD, in a dimly lit office sat three people, The Director and the blond Twins. “So you two, what did you want to talk about?” The Director ask as he clasped his hands in front of him on the desk while he sat back in his chair. The male of the Twins spoke saying. “We are worried about Krystal and what will happen should she encounter Tristan. Her feelings were deep, to say the least, and strong. What concerns me the most however is that something removed the emotions soon after they surfaced, she may be the mole, unless she has either Awakened to some version of Mind magic or obtained a Mind clearing Artefact, that is the most likely scenario.” The Director Spoke up as the other man finished. “That is entirely possible, but doubtful, she pasted the recent checks with flying colors. However I do have some idea about who the Order Stooge amidst our ranks is.” He pushed away from the desk before standing and facing the wall behind him before he continued. “That is one of the reasons that I am having you go about this as I have. I hope that It will be to draw out the Mole.”

The Director turned around to face the elfin twins. “I trust you two much more than any of the other personnel here, especially so when it concerns matters of the Order. After all they are among the ones responsible for you two being the last remaining of your kind in North America. Well the last of those native to North America.” The Director then sat down shortly after he finished that statement. “I will need you two to do a few things when the time comes to it. You will most likely know what time I am talking about by what happens. This will most likely go down when or if we are ‘escorting’ Mr. Carver here.” The Director then opened a drawer in his desk and removed a folder much like those used during the meeting earlier in the day to hold Tristan’s information. He opened it and distributed its contents onto the desk in between the three of them. There were several dossiers of sorts that went with photos attached to their fronts with paperclips. He spread the Dossiers and photos between them evenly and spoke. “ These are the ones we will have to look out for, I have my suspicions about who it is, but I would rather we cover all our bases.”

Elsewhere yet another meeting was taking place in the City of Cross Timber, this one was of a decidedly less beneficial nature to many of those involved. Beneath a large catholic church hewn from stone the Order was gathering its agents to act on their current mission. Almost all the members there were obscured and clad in all sorts of robes and similar manners of dress. At the head of the rectangular room, opposite the entrance and the assembled patrons there was a podium of sorts where a robed and cloaked figure stood. The Figure spoke with an enchanting voice "Thank you Brothers and Sisters for showing up today for our meeting here, with the topic of the recent orders from our Bishop.” During her pause, many of the figures could be seen nodding their assent, others mumbled audibly in agreement. The Figure continued saying. “His Excellency has decreed that we are to end the blight that is a Death mage. He is in fact the survivor of the Cleansing of a Coven many years ago. His Excellency himself was present and was unable to save the poor soul. He now holds a grudge and in the past has targeted our Brothers and Sisters. In the pews in front of you, you will find all the information you need.”

Many of the assembled reached in front of them to grab the referenced information, contained within Hymn books of sorts. For a moment they all looked through the information, before most of the gathered stood up and left through the arched doorway that led into the room one of the few figures still left approached the one who had been speaking. The figure spoke in a lazy and carefree masculine voice. “So when I will I get paid for my services Sister?” The last word of the question being laced with barely disguised sarcasm and contempt. “You shall get your reward once we obtain the Heretic, or once it is confirmed that said Heretic has been Cleansed, no sooner, no later, than that. Your services up to this point have been satisfactory, exceedingly so. Nonetheless we would rather not have to search for you should the information provided be less than accurate. You as well as I know what happened to the last person in your position that disappointed His Excellency. I am sur-“ The figure extensive response was interrupted as their seemingly male counterpart waved their hands and said “Yeah, Yeah I get it, I’lll be back later.” They then swiftly left brushing past the other remaining people. The figure by the podium simply staring where the other person had left, not saying or doing anything.

Chapter Four: Planning

Below the Church being used by the Order, a largely built figure dressed differently from most of the other robe clad figures, being clad in leather like armor approached the figure still by the Podium. He spoke in a deep yet strangely lyrical voice. “Mistress should I deal with that foolish and disrespectful Mortal?” The figure responded by shaking it’s no, her head, she extended her arms, the robe sleeves sliding back, revealing creamy white skin covering elegant arms, she then gracefully reached up and removed the hood that had been obscuring her face. Had her face been revealed in public, everyone present would have gasped in awe and respect. She had elfin features with slightly pointed ears, but her eyes were slitted like a cats and her iris’s sparkled and were specked with the colors of the rainbow, her enchanting face was highlighted by her short spiky hair. “No, leave him for now, we may yet have use of him.” She shed her robe, revealing a slender toned figure, not busty or voluptuous by any means, but still capable of turning heads where she went. She started walking,her long graceful legs carrying her forward swiftly as she spoke “Human greed is a wonderful thing, especially useful for us.”

She paused for a moment to let her companion take up a position behind her right shoulder as she walked. “For now we shall keep our deal with their ‘Bishop’ who seeks to deceive one of the Fae. Later though, should it come to it, we shall deal with him in a befitting manner, and let the humans realize once more that the Fae are not to be trifled with lightly.” She paused as they reached a door deep in the bowels of the system of hallways and rooms beneath the Church. She opened the door first with her companion entering behind her and closing it. As he did so blue runes flashed into life on the door, sealing this room from prying eyes, the Fae woman extended her arms and spun in a circle giggling in delight. Behind her, on her back insect-like wings shimmered into existence, a buzzing sound could be slightly heard as they moved at high speeds while she spun. “Haaah” she sighed for a moment in delight and relief before she continued speaking, her wings still present behind her. “What I am most curious about is this boy, which the foolish clergyman has a grudge against.”

She fell backwards onto the bed behind her, and then continued speaking. “He is intriguing, and curious to say the least, He has much magical power, perhaps even more so than the Queen. Though he doesn’t use it, nor does he use his other inherent abilities.” She paused in her reminiscence before she looked at her companion. “Go back to Mother, would you, and inform her of our progress so far.” After she spoke, he nodded and then shimmered out of being as he left the plane. She sighed again and reclined into the bed once more and luxuriated in the feel of it against her. She spoke aloud to herself. “That boy is interesting; I have never seen such a strong connection to a particular field of magic, or to Death itself. Hah, rather than him being unable to die, it is rather that Death cannot bring itself to claim him. “ She finished speaking and sighed again before she stretched her arms for a moment. “Hmm, he would make a nice Pet, or perhaps a Champion, if the oaf currently with me dies.” As she hummed to herself, picturing what she would do to him in either of those situations, one of her arms travelled downward across her body until coming to rest at its destination.

Back at his college Tristan gave a sigh of relief as he left his final class for the day. He gave a loud yawn, drawing the attention of the surrounding people to him. He walked out from underneath the overhang in the courtyard; his movements were swift, yet seemingly graceful and filled with power. Though many of those that knew of him practically despised him, he was still quite a sight drawing the gaze of many. He walked by many people on his way to the entrance, some were walking, others sitting at the numerous benches dotting the courtyard. He passed by a student confessing clumsily to a tall dark-haired girl clad in red. “-Your attractiveness is to such an extent that the air around you seems to combust at your beauty. You-” The girl held up a hand and responded “So you think I’m hot?” Her bland tone of voice couldn’t hide the amusement in her eyes. Tristan had the urge to face palm as he walked by, and a thought surfaced in his mind. ‘Of course you say that, you tell that, to the only bloody Fire Elemental on Campus.’

While shaking his head Tristan swiftly left the Courtyard, and made his way through the small building that covered the front of the College, enclosing the Courtyard fully. He took a left once he reached the main road, heading to the place serving as his home here. Soon enough he reached downtown and stopped for a moment in front of his destination. He looked up at the brightly lit neon sign of the club, Sphere, it read it lit most of the area, now that the sun had begun to drop, many such signs and lights lit the area around the street. He continued looking at it for a moment before he put his head down and walked forward, bypassing the line as the bouncer let him pass without a word, recognizing him. Tristan took a path most did not even know was there. Soon enough he arrived at an elevator that opened as he took a step in front of it. He stepped into the metal square, as the doors closed the music of the club was muted, and replaced with a softer music that most would call muzak. He waited silently until the elevator gave a dull ding as he arrived, and the doors opened. He took a step out and the elevator closed behind him. The club in front of was a world apart from the club up Above.

Down here it was more like a club that catered to a certain type of entertainment; the scantily clad women in caged highlighted the point. On the stage that many of the male patrons, human or otherwise, were crowded around, held a prime example. The lyrics to the Nickleback song playing in the background described her near perfectly, besides possibly being a bit cheap with her worth ‘I Got to Meet the Hottie With the Million Dollar Body.’ The easiest way to describe the women up on the stage would be a Raven Haired Goddess; she had curves in all the correct places, with nearly no excess flesh except where more than a handful was preferred. She was nearly naked up on the stage, though if she were naked most of the cheering, catcalls and wolf whistles would cease as everyone man or women gawked in awe at her magnificence. Her black hair stood out against her pale skin that glowed with a thin sheen of sweat, evidence of her exertion. She jumped down from the stage as her act ended and the cheering and similar noises reached a crescendo. She was slowly walking away from the stage, with the crowd parting around her, until she saw him, Tristan, her eyes widened and she ran towards him. The crowd behind her eyeing her running form appreciatively.
Chapter Five: Planning
Moments before the raven haired beauty embraced him her loud shout reached his ears. “TRISTAN!!!! I MISSED YOU!!” She hugged him tightly and her soft curves pressed against him. He hesitated for a moment, upon seeing the rather unsightly of the surrounding men who until he arrived had been ogling her with a reverence reserved for the truly beautiful. He sighed in resignation before returning the embrace with one arm; he bent his head down and kissed the top of her head before saying. “Heya Gorgeous, while I don’t dislike your attentions, deal with your admirers first.” He then swiftly disengaged himself, a rather difficult thing, to escape from the embrace of a Succubus. The crowd of admirers swarmed her as he left; she pouted for a moment before she turned to them and answered their flurry of questions, about him and their connection. Tristan looked back and chuckled at the nearly imperceptible frustration deeply hidden in her eyes. He then turned back around and continued on towards his destination, one of the backstage rooms. Neither of them noticed the intense rage coming from a waifish figure in one of the dimly lit corners.

Tristan was waiting in one of the more private back rooms, usually meant for one on one meetings of the private sort. He looked around the red and purple room, taking in the hedonistic and decadent furnishings of it. It like the other rooms of its kind was made to inflame the passions and lust of its occupants. There were even several spells set up from the branches of Body and Mind magic, to further the effects. Luckily for Tristan however he was nearly immune to such things due to being mostly Undead, though his Vampire side made him a very primal being as well. There was a round table with a plush cushioned bench curving around it on the left side of the room. He was still looking around the room when a soft body plastered itself to his back. He was adjusting to that when a sensuous, familiar voice whispered to him. “Hello my Master, it has been a while.” At those words, he turned around and caught only a flash of red hair, and a playful chuckle reverberating about the room. He felt a fleeting touch caressing his back and he swung that way with one arm hoping to catch her. Her voice came teasingly “Oh, I don’t believe you were this eager to touch me when I first became yours.”

“Silence!!” he practically roared, his face a far cry from his usual indifference, she inspired strong feelings in him, that was certain, just not the ones she wanted. It was then that he Changed, assuming a more battle ready form, his hair became longer and silver colored, forming a veritable mane, reaching nearly down to his waist. His eyes became crimson with slitted black pupils, the largest change however was his face, it became more angled, sharper, and his canines grew and became more prominent. His senses also became sharper and more sensitive, especially to blood, which was what he needed right now. He inhaled sharply and detected nothing but a faint scent, he frowned and then realization flashed across his face when he saw the spell Runes scattered about the room, lit. His Change regressed, making him look normal once more, and then his hair started to become gray and then crumble into ash. Within moments his appearance had drastically changed, he was no longer something even remotely recognizable as human. He looked like a cross between the two undead beings known as the Revenant and the Lich. He opened his eyes and the Runes that dimmed as they lost their influence on him. She sighed in disappointment before speaking. “Awww, so you figured it out, no matter my Master, soon enough our bond shall be consummated.”

The faint presence that he had felt faded, and he reverted to his normal form once more, the stench of rotting flesh and Death fade as he did so. It was at that moment that Erica, the woman from the stage entered the room. Her flashed a dark purple as she near instantly determined that something had happened, something similar to what one of her kind could do. “What happened?” she asked, her voice laced with worry though no less sensual. “Nothing you can help with.” He responded in a weary and tired voice. “Come on Tristan, I might tease you, but I do care about you.” She responded, worry still evident in her voice as she hugged him. Tristan smiled softly at her as he responded. “Yeah I know, the strange relationship we have isn’t exactly the typical one of a magical human and a succubus, now is it.” Erica giggled daintily at that moment before her tone turned serious. “Yeah, you’re certainly right; normally one of my kind would try to drain a delicious morsel like you. Was this incident connected to THAT?” Tristan responded faintly. “Yeah, it is, this like that is because of my Bond.” His last words were tinged with slight bitterness. As Tristan returned her embrace he thought back to that day so many years ago.

They first truly met years ago quite by accident, well for the most part, before that they had only seen each other once or twice. It had been many months after he and what inhabited Kandace’s body, uh parted ways. Back then he didn’t know much about the world he was thrust into, but he didn’t particularly care. It hadn’t been that long since he had ran after Order agents tracked him down and almost killed those he had been staying with. When he met her he had been working part for some rather unsavory fellows, he would kill their enemies for a price, though he wouldn’t harm innocents. He reveled in their deaths it took his mind off losing Kandace, though due to his nature and relationship with Death he couldn’t truly lose himself, like many Rogue and Feral mages did. After a successful bounty collection he had been walking through the seediest part of the city he was in at the time. He had been heading to his other place of work, a club, one of the very few respectable establishments in this part of the city. It had a powerful backer, but they still had to give protection money to the Alpha of a Werewolf pack that ran most of the cities underworld.

Tristan had been walking down the street with his head down counting his steps when he heard the music from the club as a patron left. He looked up at it for a brief moment, the neon sign was lit up but some of the sign was out while others flickered. He walked forward and pushed open the door, as he entered the club, a large muscular figure in tight black clothing typical of most bouncers, rose up for a moment, but upon seeing it was Tristan let him pass through the foyer and into the club. Unlike many clubs in this part of the town, it wasn’t what some would call a gentlemen’s club, if anything it was reminiscent of an early 1900’s era jazz club. There was a band on the stage against the back wall and in front of that there was a beautiful raven haired woman who was singing to the tune the band was playing. She was wearing a strapless dress, Dark Cobalt in color, which contrasted well with her hair. Her enchanting voice wove its spell across the patrons of the club as Tristan took a seat at one of the round tables around the room.

Just as soon as the spell was woven it ended, her enchanting voice faded from the room and the music joined it. A deafening applause rose and there were several catcalls and the like as she descended the stage. After that the band started playing a pleasant and mellow tune, most of the patrons of the club conversed amongst themselves, at the tables and at the bar. Erica was talking to one of the clubs regulars when she was interrupted by a trio of rowdy men. They were Werewolves, representatives of the Pack that ran things, that was the only reason Dante; the Bouncer hadn’t ejected them already. “Come on, babe, we know what you are, and we know what you want, come with us.” Spoke the tallest of the trio. Erica just shook her head and ignored them; this happened to her often, she continued speaking to the patrons at the table. One of the trio, the smallest and least patient of them grabbed her hand and pulled her away. She spoke softly, but the venom was evident in her voice, now devoid of the lust inflaming lilt it usually carried. “I said no; now leave before I tell your Alpha.” The trio ignored her and approached with malicious and lustful intent.

One of the trio reached towards her, but frowned when he felt a resistance as he tried to move his arm forward. “I believe the Lady said no, so please drop this.” Said a chilling and cold voice, it was Tristan. While he wasn’t all that familiar with the lady, one of his jobs was to keep this place safe. “This isn’t any of your business Bat.” The tallest practically growled at Tristan. Tristan just shook his head before saying. “This is your last chance, I know your Alpha, and I really don’t want us to part on bad terms.” The trio snorted in unison, and pushed Erica back as they advanced towards Tristan. They all shifted in unison, to their bipedal wolf-man forms inherent to Werewolves. The middle one of the trio rushed towards Tristan swinging heavily furred arms tipped with gleaming claws at him. Tristan dodged for a while before he stumbled as he hit a table behind him, this let the Were clip him in the shoulder, nearly taking the arm off, while one of the others rushed forward and took him head off with a sickening squelch. Blood went everywhere, painting the wall and part of the ceiling. They turned back towards Erica whose eyes were heavy with pity and sadness

The trio reverted to their human forms, their faces alight with triumph, the fight and victory brought other primal urges to the surface. Erica went along with them for a moment, if only to prevent them from harming the few patrons left. Most of them had left once the incident started, the patrons were no strangers to the supernatural, but that didn’t mean they would stay in harm’s way. The trio all grinned at each other as they started to follow the Succubus as she walked towards the back. They paused as a heavy sigh reverberated around the room. Following that sound the Trio froze and in Erica’s eye confusion and incredulity could be seen. “So it seems you have chosen Death over Life, I don’t blame you, I, myself have enjoyed the embrace of death many a time, but she doesn’t let me stay for long.” At the end Tristan’s voice took on a dark edge and he chuckled. They all turned back and saw Tristan’s body standing, the head still missing, but the arm had reattached itself. Most of the blood that had splattered had travelled back to his body, all except the splatter that had covered the Trio.

As Tristan’s head rose up and his flesh knitted itself back together, the Were’s rushed towards him Changing forms as they went. The farthest away of the Were’s paused upon seeing the dark and malicious grin on Tristan’s face, his worries were well founded. As the two front most Were’s rushed towards him, Tristan’s grin deepened and he snapped his fingers. The two Were’s continued running before they frowned and paused just short of Tristan. The frowns turned to looks of horror at the areas that were flecked with Tristan’s blood, they had started to decompose. They both fell to their knees in unison as they started howling at the pain. Tristan had perfect control over his body and all it contained, even if it wasn’t connected to him anymore. He had turned his blood into a substance that induced necrosis; it took him a while to actively master this ability. He looked up from the still howling and decomposing Were’s to the last of the Trio, who was shaking and shivering, and spoke. “Go back to your Alpha and tell him what you did and how you caused your own deaths, Dante here will take their remains and make sure you tell the truth.” The Large bouncer had entered the room long ago, though no one noticed, he waited for everything to end before acting.

He then turned around and left the few Patrons and other people staring after him. As Erica gazed upon him she felt something she hadn’t felt in so long since she first came to this Plane, fear, and true hunger. That boy had power, true power; it was a miracle that he was mostly sane. She turned away as a plane formed in her mind, one that would reward Tristan for his actions and assuage the sudden hunger. It was in the night when she came to his room, it had been a simple matter to find out from the Barkeep where he stayed. She wove some magic to keep him asleep and approached him, as she approached the bed she felt his consciousness rise and try to break the chains the magic had woven on him. “Don’t worry.” she said, and paused while she removed Tristan’s clothes revealing his lightly muscled form. “I mean you no harm, these people have been kind to me, and I am going to thank you for your help today.” She then stripped; removing the White nightgown she wore revealing her in all her naked succulent glory. As her flesh met the cool air, Tristan’s body reacted to it, despite his lack of consciousness.

She climbed astride the bed with an unnatural gracefulness, her body exuding the aura of a predator with its prey. She climbed up onto his body and ran her hands up his form, marveling at the state of his body despite what exactly he was. She positioned herself astride him and lifted herself up a bit, the room was came, though that changed as she started to impale herself on him. A red glow crept from Tristan’s chest and surrounded him; it took the form of a beautiful woman. A deadly and enchanting voice came from the figure. “Who dares to try to claim my Master?” Erica’s eyes were wide as she stayed frozen. She stammered “I’m sorry I didn’t know my-“A fog of crimson enveloped her, interrupting her response, it forced her against the wall, and then the pain began. The Pain was overwhelming, but it wasn’t great enough to make her body numb, or to force her into unconsciousness, but it was close, bordering on that threshold. Even if she was capable of coherent thought she would not be able to describe how it felt, the closest would be if her blood and bodily fluids were replaced with gasoline and then lit on fire.

It was at this point that Tristan fully awoke; the red mist had broken Erica’s magic, but it still took him a while to fight of the mantle of sleep. Upon seeing what was happening to Erica he went into motion rolling off the mattress still naked. ”ENOUGH!!” He roared and the crimson figure and the fog enveloping Erica dimmed for a moment. The figure turned towards him and a nearly human face took shape, it was sad, but then it turned around and the pain Erica felt intensified and rage could be felt from the Crimson figure. “By the power granted to me by our Bond and the Bloodline Pact, I banish-“his words stopped as the Crimson figure vanished before he could finish. She left a message in his mind that only he could hear. ‘I will leave Master, for now, but I won’t let you banish me again, not yet. Don’t worry I will find you once I am fully back on this Plane.’ He looked over at Erica, who had fallen to the floor when the Crimson figure vanished. He went over to her and checked, making sure she was ok. He then got down on the floor next to her and waited for her to get properly oriented again. He held up a hand to stop her when she started to speak. ”First” he began “We should be properly introduced. I Am Tristan Carver, Undead Death Mage and the Inheritor of Vlad Tepes Dracula. You are?” As he spoke he extended one hand towards her, she grasped it and started to speak.

(AN:It is now back into the Present time)

Tristan was pulled from his reminiscence by Erica speaking. “Tristan you alright?” He nodded in reply before speaking “Yeah, sorry, just thinking of the past.” Erica smirked and was about to respond when a loud knock sounded on the door. “Mr. Carver, the Boss would like to see you.” Tristan opened the door, and standing there was one of the higher ups of the club, just under Giovanni in authority. Erica released Tristan and walked out speaking over her shoulder as she did so. “I will talk to you when you are finished, maybe we will be able to properly talk soon.” Tristan merely nodded in response as the other man stepped into the room and spoke. “As I said The Boss would like to see you, it is about your next Fight in the Pit.”