The Legends Of The Multiverse


The Friendliest Mushroom
Installment 1: The Legend of Batman

Summer in Florida is simultaneously the best and worst. School is finally out of the way, you can jump in a pool and splash around, go to the beach, or just hang out with your friends or play video games in your house like a shut-in neet. But it's also hot as hell, prone to rain and thunderstorms, and home to the epicentre of the multiverse: Out in the freaking boonies in a mythical place called Cassadega, a portal to the multiverse opened up, with people from all over flowing out like there was no tomorrow before slowly spreading around the country and eventually the world.

Me, knowing this had happened, had kept my eyes keen for someone noticeable to show up, but no one came. And then that's when it happened: One day when I was walking home from my neighborhood pool, I saw a husband and wife getting mugged. As I rose my phone to call 911, a shadow drew over me and the thugs. But who was the owner of this shadow?


Punches were thrown, and at the end of the day, I was the only one not scared off. I indeed got out of there, but I left with an inherent curiosity. Who else was out there, and what shenanigans would I get involved in? What was next for me? Only time would tell.

(This is more of a slice-of-life jokey collection of short, diary-esque installments than something with a coherent plot. If you want to contribute to this, go ahead, or critique it, and give me ideas how to make it better!)
Installment 2: The Legend of Yoda

Here's the thing about my step-grandfather: When I was first born, he and my grandmother were in... Oh, I don't know, their early forties tops, so he decided he was not going to be called Grandpa. Instead, he insisted all of his grandchildren would call him Yoda, and that it has stayed, even after about 6 more grandchildren. Don't worry, I have aunts and uncles. So, after the aforementioned Cassadega incident, this became a little bit of an issue. The actual short green muppet Yoda had taken residence in the woods of North Carolina, and Yoda decided it didn't matter. He would cross that bridge as he came to it, and it should not be worried about at that moment.

Two weeks later, we took a family vacation to (where else) North Carolina with my entire household, which consisted of me, my two much younger siblings, my mother and my grandparents, as well as my uncle Chris's household, which included him, his kids, his girlfriend and his girlfriend's son. As we went up into the woods ourselves into a family-owned cabin, I looked into the woods and I thought I saw a shed. I made nothing of it at the time and went inside... for all of five seconds. When I stepped back out and took a closer look, Who was stepping out of the shed?


He was just going about, lifting rocks and staying sharp like any Jedi would. I just kind of stared blankly. I couldn't believe my eyes! The definitive Jedi Master about 30 feet in front of me! If it weren't for Cassadega, I would have been convinced I was hallucinating. But instead, I decided to tread closer

"Seen me, you have."

He just noticed me, probably by sensing my presence in the Force or something. This was amazing! I just kind of sat down and had a little questionnaire with him, before making a big mistake. I had kindly asked if SoulCalibur 4 was canon to his universe, but all I got for my troubles was a Force Push and Not-Yoda berating me about where I had been for the past 45 minutes. Who knows of Yoda was insulted by my last question or if he knew about my guardian's worry for me, but I didn't see him again for the rest of my vacation.