The Evrensel Conflict The Odd Couple: Anime Addition -- An Evrensel Love Story

Mr. Wade & Watch

Cult of Personality
"The World of Avatar was originally divided into four independent nations: the Air Nomads, the Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation; however, following the Harmony Restoration Movement, the founding of the United Republic of Nations introduced a fifth nation. Each location has unique physical geography, landmarks, climates, and demography which conform to the quality or attributes of the nation's corresponding element. The Air Nomads have four temples located in the north, south, east, and west of the Earth. There are two main Water Tribes, situated north and south of the Earth Kingdom, the most expansive and populated state in the world. The Fire Nation is located in the west of the world and is an archipelago of volcanic islands. Each nation has a predominant season, and geography has a great influence on the customs and culture of each country."

The Earth Kingdom: "The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four nations. Spanning an entire continent as well as several subsidiary islands, it is the largest and most populated sovereignty in the world and encompasses much of the eastern hemisphere. The kingdom is ruled by a monarchy which operates under the rule of a king or queen. The last earth monarch was the 54th Earth King, Wu, of the Hou-Ting Dynasty, who desired to abdicate the throne in 174 AG in favor of splitting the nation into independent states with democratically elected leaders, akin to the political system used in the United Republic of Nations."

It's landscape can be compared to that of middle eastern nations, like Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt. The land is far a wide, with rocky regions to large deserts.

The Fire Nation: "The Fire Nation is the second-largest nation in terms of area, following the Earth Kingdom, while its economy is the most powerful in the world; its strong industrial sector and extensive technological developments not only enabled the Fire Nation to create an extremely powerful military, but also initiated the worldwide modernization and globalization. Before the foundation of the United Republic and the following global technological revolution, it was also the strongest and most advanced country in the world."

This region is similar to that of Japan... But with volcanoes.

The Water Tribes: "The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the original four nations and its citizens primarily inhabit the northern and southernmost regions of the globe, near both poles. Many people of Water Tribe ethnicity also live in the United Republic and there is a small community of waterbenders that populate the Foggy Swamp in the Earth Kingdom, although they were isolated from their sister tribes for generations and others were largely unaware of their existence until they were stumbled upon by Avatar Aang, Katara, and Sokka."

It really is just Antarctica and the north and south poles, just think a lot of snow.

Air Temples: "Air Nomads is a collective term for a nation of people who practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers by definition, but had four air temples, one at each corner of the globe, hidden away atop mountain ranges in the northern Earth Kingdom and on three remote islands. The theocratic Air Nomads were home to a monastic order of men and women who practiced airbending. Unlike the other nations, the people of the Air Nomads were, without any seen exception, all benders due to the high level of spirituality of their people."

Most of the temples now are either abandoned, remade, or have earth kingdom people who were searching for new homes and made one in the old temples.

Timeline: During 'The Legend of Korra,' the second season to be exact.
The sun along the horizon was setting, as the day became the evening. While the shadows of the mountains casted over the valley, making the harsh desert terrain a cold frosted wasteland, underneath the land was a maze of caverns. Created by floods of rain storms draining into the earth, the caverns were home to not beasts or monsters, but a young woman with a keen interested in making this place her home. Amelie Nuan to be exact. She had moved into this place several months ago as she found it to be a great location to work in. She was an artist who used Earth to create her pieces, mainly mud. She believed people thought mud was something disgusting, that anyone caught in it would be embarrassed and ashamed of being so dirty.

But she believed mud wasn't something to be disgusted by. It was no different than dirt or rock, it was simply another type of earth that many people thought wasn't worth anything. Since living in the caves, Amy decided her next few art pieces would focus mainly on mud and clay, show off how creative you could be with something as simple as mud. That was the idea anyway, and so far Amy had trouble figuring out what exactly to make from it. All this time, she had been busy cleaning the caverns out and building herself a small home to sleep in, but in all that time, she never really thought of what to make.

As the evening set, she sat on the edge of the large mud baths with a paper and charcoal, trying to think of something to draw. Instead, she simply stared off into space with her eyes gazing at the cracked ceiling which brought in light.

@Raffia Kiryuin
Amelie could see a shooting star pass by the sky through the cracked ceiling but was that truly a shooting star? if one had a telescope and zoomed in on the thing they would see a fairly large plane breaking into the worlds atmosphere fast enough to even set the air on fire. as moments passed the shooting star seemed to slow down...and come towards the caves.

inside the plane the pilot a woman wearing all black looked to the left and right of her cockpit. the plane was large atleast 50 meters wide. to the left she could see the heat making the fuselage go bright red while on the right she could see the same story but something gave in. it was one of the side turrets shearing off and taking a chunk of the fuselage with it. The woman's vision was peppered with red alerts for a short while before they all simply disappeared.... the plane had lost power as the entire back half quite literally burned off. it was only because of the forwards facing shield that the plane hadn't burned up entirely.

For Amelie there would be only a few seconds before the large plane or rather a shooting star would crash through the cracked ceiling and plow into the mud pool, sinking into it slowly while all the mud splattered everywhere. The pilot however was nowhere to be seen within the cockpit not was the chair... She had ejected herself just a split second after yanking out the aldnoah drive that powered her vessel. Looking up through the way larger hole in the ceiling though the pilot could be seen sitting in a chair while a parachute brought her down to the ground and into the cave slowly and safely.
When Amy saw the plane crashing, she jumped from her place and ran for cover, only to be knocked back by the plane's sudden crash. She was okay, coughing up the dust that filled the air from the crash, but when she looked over to the crash site, she was staggered. The hell was that thing?! The earthbender ran up to the edge of the mud pits and looked it over, as the mud sizzled on the molten hot iron of the ship's body. She had never seen such a thing before, as the deign was nothing like the vehicles of Republic City. The shadow of the pilot caught her attention, seeing the woman fall to the ground with her parachute open.

She would land right on the edge of the mud pits, safely away from her now sinking ship. The earthbender ran over, but stayed behind some cover so the pilot couldn't see her. She wanted to observer her first.
Landing on the edge of the mud pits The pilot who Amelie could see now in full glory was clearly female. wearing an all black outfit with some red highlights. she seemed to gab a backpack from the seat and put it on with just a single thick cable extending from it. the next was a large gun that had the cable plugged into it, making all of its lights flicker on. being put on her back too on one side magnetic clips held it in place.

She walked over to the edge of the pit and looked at the smoldering husk that was her heavy Katapghract transport and sighed. "Damn that was my ticket back to the landing castle..." She tried the laser comms but no response only static. "hmm that's out too..." Her attention suddenly was diverted towards some rocks as the sensors that acted as her eyes in a literal sense picked up motion. "Anybody there?" She asked.
Amy wait a second before raising up a hand to show she was there. Slowly she moved out of cover with her hands up, not wanting to scare the strange eyed lady. "Hi.... Are you, uhh..... You okay?" This woman wore some very strange clothing to say the least, as it was similar to what the Republic City special police wore, but a lot more slimmer and less bulky. Though she was very curious about that strange thing on her head over her eyes. What was that? "I'm Amy. I, uhh... Live here.... Are you an alien?" She asked, not really knowing what else to say, since.... This was just weird, strange and a bit scary for the young woman.
She was about to turn away from the rocks as silence dominated the area but as the hand rose her interest was renewed. "Im in one piece so i guess im fine." the woman replied while looking Amy over carefully. The clothes she wore really reminded her of ancient chinese. Hearingnthatbthe woman lives hear the pilot raised an imaginary eyebrow at her. How can somebody even survive down here? Her thoughts though were shattered at the mention of aliens. "No im not an alien." after telling that she dug into an area behind the chair and pulled out a small bag. While the aldnoah drive which appeared like a giant pearl was plugged into thebfight side of her battery pack. "Where am i anyways? This didnt look like any deserts that i know of."
"You're by the Xiong coast..... You kinda, landed in my home." Amy told her, pointing to where her little house was made of stone. "Sooooo..... What exactly are you? I've never seen anything like that before," she then pointed to her ship, "didn't think Republic City was that advanced in tech now.... I-If you are from there.... You know...." This was awkward as hell, so Amy decided to change it up a bit. "......... Need something to drink?" There ya go! "Here, I-I'll get you something." She ran over to her house, grabbing her water bottle and bringing it back to the woman to drink. "What's your name?"
"Xiong coast huh? I must admit i dont know whare that really is on the map...." She looked about as a quartet of tiny red lasers zipped around from her mask, mapping the place in more detail than just a rough estimate of where the walls truly are at. After a while she finally was able to see that she had landed in a cave that was set up as a home she sat down in the pilots seat after taking that bottle of water. "Thanks..." she opened the water bottle and drank some. Fom it before pouring half of its remaining contents on her head. "The name is Ranou and im an orbital knight. I also come from the Vers empire on Mars not this republic city you speak of."
"....... Hm?" The hell was that? Like, all of that, what? "I don't know where or what those things are....... Are you an alien?" Now, far be it from Amy to believe in such things, life in space was quite far fetched an idea to think of, but considering there was a crashed ship sinking into a bubbly mud pit, with the pilot wearing a weird helmet and dressed like a mechanic in her eyes, it's hard not to admit there was an alien in her mists. Speaking of the ship though, about a third of it was sticking out of the mud and was now finally slowing down, likely hitting the bottom soon. Though now it was sinking in the other direction, to the left, leveling out so it was flat on its stomach, not sitting on its face.
"Hmm alien...I guess you could call me one but not ancestors came from earth still." Ranou explained while watching the heavy kataphract transport sink into the mud. A cannon sticking out let out a puff of steam as it was pulled beneath the muddy surface. with a few bubbles it disappeared from sight to be never seen again. "This republic city you mentioned sounds like an interesting place to visit...but with the ship being a pile of scraps now it wont be easy getting there. or are we actually close to it?"

@Bobby the Prussian
"It's a couple days journey there on foot, and I don't have any type of transport besides that........ Maaaaaaybe?......" Amy had an idea. She wasn't good with bending metal, that was beyond her abilities as a bender, but she did know a few earth bending tricks. Running over the other side of the cave, she stood in position, burying her feet into the dirt to prepare herself. It'll take a bit of maneuvering, but she had an idea to get the ship out. First, Amy created a ramp where Ranou stood, leading into the mud. Next, she tried bending her arms up in the air, as she tried to make a wall to push the ship up the ramp.

She started struggling with it for some reason, as it took a massive amount of energy to make this wall under the mud, so much that she started sweating and straining her body. Turns out, she was making the wall under the ship, so she was pushing it up out of the mud. Realizing her mistake, she pushed the wall back down into the earth and took a moment to breath
The moment Amy began running she lost track of the girl. An lingering image of her remained in place while another outline moved tow here the truly was at. Looking at what she was doing again the lingering duplicate suddenly disappeared and reappeared where Amy was at. She could see the rigid yet powerful moves and how she seemed to struggle against something. That is when she heard the ship creak in the mud. Still unsure of how the girl was doing that she walked over to Amy and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Dont will never fly again and i dont mind walking." She reassured her while slowly trying to push the hands down. "Even if you got it out the best i could do is put together a boat." Which she doubted would be very safe without proper welding tools.

Looking back at the ship she rescanned the area and sotted a ramp had appeared out of nowhere as well as the ship had moved a considerable distance. "wait those movements..." this is when she made connection betweennthe two accourances. "How the hell did you do it? I dont see a kataphract and im certain im the only one with an aldnoah drive." She questioned the earth bender. If she could show facial espressions she would be both fascinated and worried.
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