Ame Damnee The Recreational Hall

Recreation Hall- Library

"Yeah..." was her only reply. Trailing off, her expression becoming guarded. Not a good memory, huh? He respected that. He decided not to press on any further, and continue on back to business, as she said so. "Well... my last Master---" he hesitated, not certain why. Him being born in slavery was not a closely guarded secret, but somehow talking about still made him a little anxious. "I mean, the last person I served was obsessed with the stuff of the last era. He was researching on something about... reviving the dead." His eyes flashed a little, darkening significantly. If he'll be honest, he was a little tempted to go look into the same subject, but as Xena had once told him: Life is precious only because it ends. Besides, ruining whatever peace her sister already has for his selfish whims is unacceptable.

He ran his hand over the spines of the books. He saw a familiar title, taking it out and opening up. "This is... the book he was always reading." He flipped through the pages, skimming until he saw a familiar set of characters. He poked the girl with his elbow and leaned in close to show her the page as well. "Well... put up the note and compare it with these."
Mina - Library
Mina looked at the book Errol had presented curiously. "You have the note, remember?" she said with a smirk, but didn't take her eyes off the book. The character certainly looked similar to the ones she had memorized, although she was fairly sure there were at least slight differences. Mina placed her hands on her hips and leaned in closer to the book, studying it intently.

After a moment, she announced her discovery. "It looks like the same language, but the characters are slightly different. Maybe one is an older version than the other. I might be able to translate with this, but a more accurate version would definitely be easier."

Mina looked at the book for a second longer before looking at Errol curiously. "Cheating death, huh? Some might say I do that on the regular," she joked. Though the thought that Errol had probably been indirectly involved with some kind of necromancy was interesting, to say the least. She made a mental note to look more into what that was all about later.
Recreation Hall- Library

He shrugged as he handed the book over to her, letting her do her thing. He also took out the note in his pocket, placing it on the page. At her remark, he couldn't help but make a half smile. "Yeah, you nearly died in the desert just a few hours ago. I can definitely see that." he muttered.

Now that he thought about it, he wasn't really interested in finding out what's the note all about. He was just making sure that the girl didn't get herself in trouble, at these times when Abaddon is likely going to go through a big crisis in the incoming of Legion's wrath. He would help Xena if he could, but somehow that it felt like he was just going to get in the way. She wanted him to stay out of this. So he will.