The Runaway Slave, draft

Lil Proton

Liàng Proton
Vampire Colony 2
993 NPO (New Particle Order)
Era of New Leadership

Who doesn’t love the fields? We’re always told that our short lives were a blessing. With the purplish leaves of the trees that shield us from the star’s radiation to the peaceful breeze that cool the land. Even the food was to be loved with all of one’s craving. No one could resist the sugary aroma of the blue-fruit tart from the dirt oven served with roasted swamp-fowl and honey-berry sauce. The meals were indeed irresistible and the fields were beautiful. Despite that, we all hated the fields; or at least I did.
“Okay small man. You’ll know the blue-fruit is ripe when you see the purple rings around it,” my pa told me while he compared the ripe to the undeveloped fruits.
“Okay pa. Can I have a bite?”
“Sorry boy, ‘dis for export.”
It was always a disappointment that I couldn’t even get one fruit during the day. At night, the leftovers would be for everyone to share but by then, the blue-fruits would either be slightly overripe or just bruised. Why did the masters get the fresh produce everything? I don’t see them working on the fields. Of course, what am I supposed to do? I could just keep picking fruit for the spoilt Vampire-daughter or I could just refuse and get beaten to death. There doesn’t seem to be many options for me are there? Maybe I can choose a third option, runaway.
“Pa, do you know any place beyond the blue-fruit fields?” I asked him while a placed a few fruits into a basket.
“Of course boy, we have home, the Sejang planet. The Vampires always talk about the Werewolves and we also have the planet full of insects.”
It wasn’t until the twin moons peeped at us from the horizon that we were finally done for the day. The trillions of stars that remained invisible during the star’s oppression were now free to sparkle in the sky. It just wasn’t the stars, back on the land the various campfires warmed us up while it roasted the freshly slain swamp-foul. There were soups right above the first, boiling while releasing the favors of ground provisions, moss-herbs and spice-stems. Its dinner time and I’m definitely hungry.
“Ready for some roast bird and provision soup?” my pa would ask while he stirred the pot.
“Yes please.”
Everyone was in the process of having large portions of soup and roast. The men would commend their wives’ cooking while the women would comment on the freshly reared meat. Things were going just fine with people chatting and filling their tummies until the atmosphere had a sudden change. Our master and his offspring decided to pay us a visit.
I still haven’t gotten used to the Vampire’s pale skin especially considering that I was used to my people’s dirty hue. Just like all of his daughters, the Master had indigo eyes that seemed to have worked well with his rectangular jawline and dirt hair. Not like my curly black hair but its fine.
“Any supper left for me and my girls?”
An awkward silence circulated through the environment until it was eventually broken by my mother who politely handed the Vampires a helpful serving. The mood’s definitely gone but we all knew something was about to happen. Of course I did my best to ignore the suspicious feeling to concentrate on my ground provisions; it could use some more salt…
“My dare sir, the women must serve this exotic dish at the party tomorrow,” the master suggested.
“Oh party, what party?” I spoke up before getting a tap from my dad.
It was rude to speak up once the adults were talking; it was especially rude to speak up once the master was talking with one thousand lashes as the punishment. The master didn’t seem too bothered by my accidental comment though in fact, he actually seemed rather pleased by it. That was a relief.
“I’m glad you asked my boy, what’s your name?”
“I’m Kaaria.”
“Well Kaaria, the Governor will be paying us a little visit and I serving him this cuisine would be much appreciated,” the master replied instantly, “What’s it called?”
“It’s just ground provision soup and swam-foul.” my pa replied casually.
“So roasted foul and staple stew, who’ll be willing to make it?”
The atmosphere grew wordless again as everyone mentally debated on the master’s offer. Even my dad and I had some consideration to it for a while although it was really a matter of trust. Then again, it could be a chance for me to learn more to devise a successful plan of escape, perhaps some books they own could be of use. This is perhaps the opportunity I’ve been waiting for and I would not miss it.
“My boy and I would be honored to make the dinner.” My pa told him
“Then it’s settled, meet me at my house and we’ll get you ready.”
My pa was always the one who worked the hardest in the fields, he did all of the extra work yet ate the least. Don’t be followed though, his brilliant cunningness makes him remarkable at manipulation, it’s a talent. I wondered what his intentions were when he agreed and I wondered if there’s any way I could benefit from it. We’ll just have to wait to find out.
The night went relatively peaceful once the Vampires left but in the morning, that was a hassle. My mom made sure to iron one of my good robes while I took one of my first baths in months. Dad did the same but he ironed his own clothes and sprinkled a few flower extracts for smell. We did our best but I was positive that we fell short on something.
Being in the master’s house wasn’t as bad as I would expect at all to be honest. The interior of the house had an elegant design. The shelves had very ancient and expensive plates on them for decoration while the wallpaper had a simple flower design. It was the people inside that really stood out to be honest.
“Excuse me but where the kitchen is?” my pa would ask one of the house slaves.
“Just go straight ahead.”
I have to be honest, working in the kitchen is much better than working in the fields. Some of the women had the easiest jobs in my opinion, while most of us would be toiling the dirt and harvesting the fruit, they would just be dusting off old plates and serving vine-berry pie to the master’s family. Yet they’ll complain about the hardships amongst themselves, pathetic.
“So shall we begin cooking pa?” I asked him as I carried a basket of ground provision.
“No, we need to have all ingredients first small man,” he replied as he observed the electric stove, “How exactly do we use this?”
I shrugged then began to collect all the necessary foods necessary to make the provision soup. One of the things that charmed me the most was the little quotes that decorated the kitchen. Most of the slaves couldn’t read nor did they need to read for that matter. My mother thought herself while she cleaned the bookshelves though then she passed down the basics to me. It’s safer to act stupid though, trust me.
“Ah boy, bring ‘de seasoning and herbs from our garden, I’m not liking these bottled ones.”
“Yes pa.”
Nightfall retuned with the blessing of starry nights faster than I expected. By this time, all of the food was finished and being devoured by the guest. I’ve honestly never seen such a large congregation of pale Vampires in my twelve years of existence to be honest. The Governor was easy to recognize amongst the crowd in all honesty, considering that every other guest went up to greet him, it’s not a farfetched conclusion.
“I realize you’ve had your very first bath, ever,” the eldest daughter teased, “How does clean water feel?”
“…Your bra is slipping.” I commented in effort to not be irritated by her, “Nice boobies.
While the juvenile Vampire proceeded to adjust her breast, I decided look around the oddly spacious house. Interesting, I never understood while people will build big houses because they can if there weren’t many people to fill them. Then things happened… THUD
With plump Governor laid on the floor, motionless while his wives screamed in terror. What did my dad do? Someone had already called for the medical authorities to pick up the politician but for now, everybody was clueless and afraid. The master’s own life lay in balance to the Governor’s.
“His’s been poisoned,” I told myself out loud.
When the people starred, I wasn’t sure if it was because I spoke or simply because I could speak in the proper language.
“What did you feed him?” the master interrogated immediately.
“Perhaps the better question should be what you allowed your slave to feed him.” An individual replied from the distance.
The crowds suddenly turned to the individual dressed in star themed clothing. The crowds then turned their attention to her, the most oddly looking person in the entire room. Instead of the Vampire’s pale skin or my people’s chocolate hue, she was purple. Her hair was pitch black and oddly fluid and a staff lay entangled within her fingers; I think I’ve seen her before.
“Goddess Proton, what are you doing here?” the master asked immediately.
“That’s irrelevant. Slave what was the seasonings put in it?”
“Fruit stems, swamp-weed, fire grass and… spice-stems,” I answered immediately, spice-stems can kill Vampires if their livers aren’t functioning efficiently.
“How dare you feed the Governor the toxic herbs when he just came back from surgery!” the maser roared.
“Do you really expect the slave to know the Governor was ill, or that spice-stems are toxic without a fully functioning liver?” one of the Governor’s guards said, “Murder!”
What followed after those were floods of accusations and defense? The master was quickly arrested while the Governor was brought to the hospital already pronounced dead. Was I supposed to be sad or is it normal for me to be satisfied? I wasn’t really sure.
The party ended early of course yet the fellow slaves were even more joyous then usual that night. I wasn’t in the mood for any groups to be honest with all of the drama in my mind from the little incident. In all honestly, I somehow felt guilty even though it wasn’t my responsibility. Sighing, I just sat right by an old blue-fruit tree with my own thoughts to keep me occupied.
“Your dad was smart to add extra spice-stems to the soup, a politician is dead and now my dad has been arrested,” the eldest daughter said from behind.
“You’re going to report us?”
“No, but you’re a little too intelligent to be wasted in the fields,” she told me quickly, “If you want to ‘escape’, head to the Werewolves, no slave master can ever find you there.”
“Thanks… who was the purple person?” I asked curiously.
“The Colonial Overseer.”