Interest Check The Scarlet Five

Is this good? Any changes?

Name/ Title / Alias:
Cira Soren
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Looks: Black hair that falls just below the shoulder, tan skin, purple eyes

Cira had a fairly normal life in a suburban town. Her parents were nice and loving to her and cared for her very well. They raised her to be nice and caring, and to not get into any trouble. Everything changed when one night, a fire started in their home, killing her parents. The firefighters did not arrive in time to save them.
She was transferred to an orphanage at the age of only six, and the conditions there were dismal. Cira found she could not rely on the orphanage to provide her with what she needed to be successful later on, so she started a life of crime, only returning to the orphanage when she needed to.
As time went on, she found she had a natural affinity with knives, but mostly throwing knives. At the age of twelve she discovered her power of making portals, and she became confident enough to do more daring and risky heists. By the age of sixteen, Cira was completely reliant on herself, and had made a decent living.

Affiliation: Scarlet Five (S Rank)
It was the day of the grand opening of the Natural History Museum. The main attraction was the supposedly priceless Emerald of the Forest. Cira and her group had already made an elaborate plan of how to break in, steal it, and get back out. Quite simple really, if not for the fact that they found an opposing group was also trying to steal the jewel for themselves. The race was on.
It was a cloudless night, and Cira quickly portalled them into the building, they were five minutes ahead of the other group. They broke through the glass, setting off the alarm, but there was a flaw in the plan. They hadn't planned for the extra set of security guards to be in the room that night. All her allies were shot, and Cira escaped outside just in time to meet some members of the Scarlet Five who looked impressed by her power. With her friends dead, she decided to join them.


Cira first discovered her ability to make portals at the age of twelve. She soon mastered the skill. What she can do:
-Move herself, others, and objects that go in one portal and fall out another
-She can only make a portal somewhere that she has seen before. The more familiar the place she makes the portal, like a street that she visits frequently, the easier and less energy consuming it is to make. She can also make a portal somewhere that she has seen in a picture. The less familiar she is with a place, the accuracy of the placement of the portal is decreased. It will also take more energy to make.
-She has not yet found the limit of how many portals she can make at a time, but the smaller the portals, the more she can make. An object going in one portal can only come out of its paired portal.
-The bigger the portal, the more energy it takes to make.
-The longer she has to hold the portal, the more energy it takes.
-She can keep up the portal while moving around and fighting if it is already made. But making the portal in the first place requires concentration, and time depending on how big it is.
-Using too much energy can result in unconsciousness, and a severe headache.
-If she loses all her energy and does not turn off her portals, they become unstable and going through them can result in injury or being teleported to the wrong place

Equipment & Non-powered abilities:

Cira is very skilled at knives, mostly throwing knives. Her aim is incredibly accurate, and she is also skilled in knife fighting. Cira is also rather good at observation, and spots things most people won't notice. Lock picking is another one of her specialties.

Cira dislikes rich people, mostly. The kind who flaunt their wealth.
The Opposition - She does not hate them, and will not go out of her way to hurt them. She just thinks they should stop messing with things all the time.
The Scarlet Five - She trusts the others in The Five with her life and if incredibly loyal. She is careful though with others in the organization though.
Firefighters and Police - She blames them for not saving her parents on time and will hurt them.
Yup! This is great! Please let me hear what you think of the other things mentioned in this thread (such as multi-thread, mythical creatures and characters that could be used (instead of just "a member of the scarlet five")
I think this should probably be multi-thread because it would be hard for so many people in different places to post in one thread.
Just an idea, but what if the artifact that they are trying to steal could be the egg of a mythical creature or something like that? The general public wouldn't know, but TO and SF would.
Members of the Scarlet Five could be sorted into divisions of what they are good at I think. Like there could be a weapons division, planning division, etc. And some of the bigger ones could have sub divisions.
I will think of more ideas some time later.
I think this should probably be multi-thread because it would be hard for so many people in different places to post in one thread.
Just an idea, but what if the artifact that they are trying to steal could be the egg of a mythical creature or something like that? The general public wouldn't know, but TO and SF would.
Members of the Scarlet Five could be sorted into divisions of what they are good at I think. Like there could be a weapons division, planning division, etc. And some of the bigger ones could have sub divisions.
I will think of more ideas some time later.
What do the rest of you think about this one?
I raised Madame Sea's ranking to A, lemme know if it's not high enough.

As for Single or Multi-Thread. I'd defo go with Multi-Thread. That way people don't get confused.

Your prompts are intriguing, but I find the third one (happening outside the city) most interesting. That's just my opinion.

Divisions was something I was thinking of too. If Aspen is (or not) to become a leader of one of their divisions, it could be their Intelligence Division (due to their ability) or they could just become a soldier underneath one of the divisions to be someone who helps with retrieving said intel. But I was thinking the same thing as @Comet, it would make things easier for the higher-up's, no?
Tier A is suitable for such a figure, don't you think? She seems to be one of the more powerful figures in the hierarchy.

As for Divisions, yes. Naturally, the Scarlet Five just have people that do whatever they want but TO should be organized somewhat differently. Maybe some 4-7 different sections while the scarlet five just operate under what the individual themselves prefer.

Also here's a list of all the characters thus far (I've been confused a couple of times myself):

The Scarlet Five:

The Five:
Ajax (Eden Roy Barrera) by Nico
Tharin Mynex by Draco
Moonstar by me
Bluebird by Chaos Sphere
Cira Solen by Comet

Big-names, Gang leaders:
Marin Von Weiss by D a n (note: this is the same person as Aspen)



The Opposition:

Hazel Lynn/ Calista Lynn by Draco

Influential Figures:
Madame Sea by D a n

Aspen V. Monluc by D a n (note: this is the same person as Marin)
Selene Delmore by Draco


Please tell me if I missed or misplaced someone!
I think that it could be interesting to have subdivisions, it would also be very smart. I am down to play a second character who operates under TSF at a low level in order to combat train (hand-to-hand, self-defense). Maybe have characters who "lead" one of these divisions (or multiple) and have other characters go to who/what they need to improve on most. I think that The Five should be the most "mixed" as far as skill capability, but most, if not all, underlings could find a division of skillset that works for them. Then lower-level criminals could assist each other when committing crimes that need more than one person to pull off. Just an idea though.
I think that it could be interesting to have subdivisions, it would also be very smart. I am down to play a second character who operates under TSF at a low level in order to combat train (hand-to-hand, self-defense). Maybe have characters who "lead" one of these divisions (or multiple) and have other characters go to who/what they need to improve on most. I think that The Five should be the most "mixed" as far as skill capability, but most, if not all, underlings could find a division of skillset that works for them. Then lower-level criminals could assist each other when committing crimes that need more than one person to pull off. Just an idea though.
Of course. There's really no need to create specific divisions. They come naturally through the roleplay, I believe.

As for your second character, yes. We need lower level characters in TSF and higher level characters (not many 1 or two) in TO.

I will be creating a secret character (I will post it) that will come out during the roleplay. An independent one.
I can put out that CS later tonight if that's not too late.

I think there's no real need to outline divisions now because as you said, they will form naturally during the roleplay. It's only realistic that those with skills that support someone else's or those who have skills another wants to learn will come into contact and bounce off each other.
Tier A is suitable for such a figure, don't you think? She seems to be one of the more powerful figures in the hierarchy.

As for Divisions, yes. Naturally, the Scarlet Five just have people that do whatever they want but TO should be organized somewhat differently. Maybe some 4-7 different sections while the scarlet five just operate under what the individual themselves prefer.

Also here's a list of all the characters thus far (I've been confused a couple of times myself):

The Scarlet Five:

The Five:
Ajax (Eden Roy Barrera) by Nico
Tharin Mynex by Draco
Moonstar by me
Bluebird by Chaos Sphere
Cira Solen by Comet

Big-names, Gang leaders:
Marin Von Weiss by D a n (note: this is the same person as Aspen)



The Opposition:

Hazel Lynn/ Calista Lynn by Draco

Influential Figures:
Madame Sea by D a n

Aspen V. Monluc by D a n (note: this is the same person as Marin)
Selene Delmore by Draco


Please tell me if I missed or misplaced someone!
This is really miniscule and you can ignore it, but my name is just spelled regularly. If you were to @ me (@Dan), it would just be 'Dan' without spaces. My name only appears large and yellow because I'm a benefactor. That way you don't strain your fingers by hitting the space bar multiple times lol
This is really miniscule and you can ignore it, but my name is just spelled regularly. If you were to @ me (@Dan), it would just be 'Dan' without spaces. My name only appears large and yellow because I'm a benefactor. That way you don't strain your fingers by hitting the space bar multiple times lol
Hahaha I didn't write D a n everytime hehe. I just copied it, really no worries though.
  • Haha
Reactions: Dan
I can put out that CS later tonight if that's not too late.

I think there's no real need to outline divisions now because as you said, they will form naturally during the roleplay. It's only realistic that those with skills that support someone else's or those who have skills another wants to learn will come into contact and bounce off each other.
Go ahead!
For the short-term event that would start the RP, I feel like the Neutral Zone plot has the most potential, seeing that there is plenty of possibilities.

Meanwhile, I'm going to agree woth the others for the division. Naturally forming these divisions sounds like a convenient idea. My character could easily fit in the Weapons Division.
Document 5H4D3

*All information about his whereabouts and related information is speculatory. We are still running an investigation on the real identity of this 'Joe Maddox' on whether he is the real deal or a phony. This information is top-secret, and we cannot let anyone know the atrocities he did.

View attachment 8061

Name/Title/Alias: "Agent Joe" (TSF and former Police Name) / "Agent Maddox" (speculated Double Agent's Name)

Biography: The Agent Joe that we knew was Jonathan Maddox, one of the two twin children of two parents whose entire bloodline is composed purely of superpowered beings, which meant that not only would the child be guaranteed to have more than one power, but also that these powers could be randomized. When his parents found out that he and his twin brother Joshua had the same interesting combination of powers, they presented him with multiple openings to develop a preference to his dream job. The result: he began to admire the police, wishing that he would be able to use his powers to become the perfect police officer. Meanwhile, his brother wanted to be a soldier who will foght for his country.

When he grew up, when he finished college on law enforcement and had fully developed one of his powers to the extent of mastery, he applied for the police department and proved himself to have plenty of potential, especially with his powers. And that is how he got accepted into the police. One day, his twin brother, Joshua, mysteriously disappeared during military combat, which motivated him further to work his way up to the higher office that he may take the case to himself one day and learn the truth.


  • The Scarlet Five (A-Rank - Jonathan)
  • Bluebird (Direct Subordinate - Jonathan)
  • The Opposition (A-Rank possible Double Agent - Joshua)
  • The Police Department (Formerly - Jonathan)

+ Jonathan's 'Recruitment' Story - Prior to being converted into one of Bluebird's moles, Agent Joe had a very high position in the police force and is assigned with a job to hunt down one of The Scarlet Five of his choice. He decided to hunt down the member solely known as 'Bluebird', who he personally believes to be an extreme threat, which he presumed to be because of being capable of possibly outmatching The Opposition with what they specialize in: weapons and tactics. He began researching about him and his whereabouts, and every crime specifically related to him and Scarlet Five in general, including the mysterious appearance of his twin brother Joshua Maddox, which shows strong connections with the entire group (there is no evidence as of yet that proves or disproves Bluebird's direct conncection to the mystery).

Eventually, he found out about one of the places where he is said to have kept archived duplicates his documents through years of research. He decided to infiltrate it at night alone (because any more would be a liability when he could simply use his powers to swiftly bypass most threats). He managed to used the poor lighting of the area in his advantage, swiftly and silently transporting himself to where the documents are with the help of his powers.and here, he managed to take all the documents relevant to the identitt of Bluebird himself, fullt aware that these are all duplicates.

When he returned to his private office with all the retrieved documents, he began to open each document one-by-one, studying each for hours and figuring out the meaning of the strange symbol used as the background of each page and on each cover. What is the symbol's significance? Little did he know that he had spent hours staring at every instance of Bluebird's trap, the accursed sigil that caused the end of a building's worth of men. When he closed the last folder, he was no longer himself.

+ Suspected Double Agent Planting - After [CLASSIFIED], followed by his disappearance, a Joe Maddox presented himself to The Opposition with intent to apply as a double agent for The Scarlet Five. He passed all qualifications required for the job and finished the test near-flawlessly. An excerpt of the dialogue states that this might be his long-lost twin brother who shares the similar handle, Joshua Maddox, who also shared these exact same innate abilities, but the degree of mastery is still unknown. This is the only key to figure out who is who.

Only one clue has been uncovered so far... A completely non-anomalous printed note from The Scarlet Five itself which says "Only one Joe remains." It is yet to know whether if this meant that Joshua Maddox was killed off or if this meant that Jonathan Maddox got wiped by someone.

Update 1: Or what if that is just a forgery?
Update 2: Now that you said it, we are now in Detective Hell. Thank you, asshole.

+ Opinion on the Opposition - According to records of his statements prior to the series of events at [CLASSIFIED], Agent Joe had once stated that the Opposition are gullible fools who would desperately trust anyone who held great promise in destroying The Scarlet Five. He also once stated that eventually, they will lose their trust to superpowered people.
+ Opinion on the Police Force - He was a serious man. He always told us, the police, to always have everything readied at all times because "we will never truly be ready when The Scarlet Five will unleash their true power". In the end, he himself was caught off-guard, forever scarring those who knew him with those very words. Agent Maddox also carries a very similar sentiment, though the context behind never known.
+ Opinion on The Scarlet Five - Agent Maddox firmly believes that The Scarlet Five are people with a distorted sense of justice, and that their hunger for power and disproportionate retribution would soon leave them vulnerable in the end.

+ Scan - He has the ability to use a weakened form of his mother's psionic abilities to learn about a target's skills and any supernatural abilities. This makes him extremely reliable in learning about the capabilities of various targets, especially in espionage and undercover operations in order to come prepared whenever the day calls for a raid. This ability only provides a detailed summary about these capabilities. A typical scan takes about 3-10 seconds depending on the awareness and willingness of the target.

The target has to be within ten feet in his vicinity and in full view for the scan to be effective. It is also to be noted that anyone with abilities related to psionics will be able to sense that they are being scanned, adding a risk to this ability.

+ Shadow/Darkness Affinity - Agent Joe is famed in his office solely for the mastery of this ability, making him the most vital asset in night operations. These are the capabilities that he has unlocked so far:
= Night Vision - He can see perfectly through the dark, regardless of how thick this darkness is. This excludes shadows being manipulated by other umbrakinetics and artificial darkness, mainly due to willfully learning to exclude these in his vision primarily for convenience.
= Shadow Sight - He can use any darkness and shadow within 10 feet as an alternate pair of eyes for espionage. This ability cannot be used while he is hiding or traveling in the shadows via Shadow Shift.
= Umbrakinesis - He has the ability to manipulate darkness, whether it be in a solidified or non-solidified state. He can also solidify darkness and warp it into shapes and formes. The most versatile and vital sub-ability that he has, since it offers a wide array of offensive, defensive, and utility opportunities. His full mastery over it allows him to near-effortlessly counter umbrakinetic attacks and instantly attack from all directions in very dark areas. This ability, too cannot be used during Shadow Shift.
= Shadow Shift - Finally, Agent Joe is capable of using shadows as a means of travel, travelling to the shadow's visible extent. When in very dark places, this ability technically becomes teleportation for the entire area is filled with darkness. Whenever he uses this ability, all objects in his possession shift along with him. This ability is only effective if the shadow is large enough for him to fit in.

Do note that the potency and reliability of his darkness-related abilities ultimately rely on the presence of shadows and darkness around him. In situations where there is little to no darkness he is forced to primarily rely on his equipment at hand and his skills as a (former) police officer.

+ Mind Virus Host - We learned about how the sigil gave Agent Joe psychic immunity the hard way. There is no way to free him from Bluebird's control other than the gun and blade; and don't get us started with trying tap into his mind. We all know that it is stupid and downright suicidal, like attempting to weaponize the sigil. Don't be like them. We don't even know who the hell he actually is, so don't even say that the risk will be worth it.

A recovered document has confirmed that Joshua Maddox attempted to take down Scarlet Five and prioritized Bluebird. This raises too many doubts and questions that we are now beginning to loose grasp on the concept of identity. Our intelligence is utterly fucked when they know about this. Who exactly is who? Even if that guy is Joshua, chances are that whoever will tap his mind would get the risk of seeing the goddamn symbol and slowly getting infected.

Update 1: Infectees do not feel pain.
Update 2: Possibility that Bluebird might have instructed him to fake the ability to feel pain is considered.
Update 3: The intelligence knew about it this evening and immediately decided to call it a day.
Update 4: Infectees have enhanced combat abilities.
Update 5: Update 4 is irrelevant. Joshua is a soldier.

Equipment and Non-Powered Abilities:
+ As a former policeman, Agent Joe is extremely skilled in many things including combat, stealth, and intelligence gathering. Ultimately, he specializes in police actions that focus on tracking down and neutralizing criminals. Regardless on which brother is it, the Joe that is walking around will definitely be stronger than the Agent Joe that used to be on our side.
+ He always carries a pistol loaded with either Black Talon rounds or R.I.P Bullets. He also carries other various equipment including but not limited to a flashlight, a stun baton, grenades, and a modified combat knife.
+ He can and will try to create a convincing cover-up story for his actions. Whether you trust him or not is up for you to decide. Due to the fact that it could be either of the two means that dealing with him will be an extremely delicate matter and any reckless actions will call for instant demotion. We don't want to either kill innocent Joshua or let that monster Jonathan destroy everything, which will utterly destroy our reputation either way. This is his most dangerous property.

Note: Remember that Joshua is also a soldier. Chances are that he was also involved in an undercover military operation. I hate investigating those unaverage twin Joes.
- Agent Hatter

Relations: Regardless of what you ask about his allegiance on both parties, he will only say something in the lines of "I am a double agent who acts as a double agent." No one knows his true intentions. The only minor clue towards his true alignment is that he is more likely to obey Bluebird's orders.

Q: What if Joshua knew about Jonathan, killed him, and took his place and is playing along the whole time?
A: Never have we ever been frustrated. This thing is too open-ended, and we can't even postpone this thing when that shady guy is getting involved in the conflict between TSF and TO

We have added several details about Joe's Scan ability. This update will be underlined.
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Go ahead!
Absolute apology, I don't think I will be able to play a second character. I just won't have the time, and I don't want to throw someone in only to do a lack-luster job with both characters because of it. I would rather play Ajax to the fullest of my ability. If there's room for NPC or APC (all-player-characters) I will create him to just be used when needed.
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Sorry I haven't been on all day but I had to work a double today. I agree on having multiple threads though. I agree on having the divisions. The egg sound like it could be an interesting idea. I could see multiple ways that that could play out. Never rp'd in a game with APCs but that could be an interesting idea. I'd be cool with that if that goes through

PS I like both of the insignias
Absolute apology, I don't think I will be able to play a second character. I just won't have the time, and I don't want to throw someone in only to do a lack-luster job with both characters because of it. I would rather play Ajax to the fullest of my ability. If there's room for NPC or APC (all-player-characters) I will create him to just be used when needed.
No need to apologize! Play whoever you think you can handle!
Are scarlet five positions still open?
If so, I have a character that would fit well - he just doesn't like working in a team.