The Soul Of Vegas

Lore Weaver

Active Member
So I'm new here but I have had this idea burning in my head and need to get it out there. It's still very much in the early devlopment stages and I am looking, in addition to Rpers, for people interested in helping to development and refine the idea.

The basic idea is an alternate Earth (or timline in our own perhaps) where a consortium of mid to low-level criminals in Las Vegas discovers that there are portals underneath some of the city's casinos, night-clubs, brothels and other dens of inequity are portals that lead to a realm of magic populated by all manner of super-natural creatures as well as human , demi-human and humanoid races of warriors, spell-casters, rogues, priests and other fantasy character professions.

Gradually, either through theft, bargains, possessions and other means the creatures and magic from that realm filter into Las Vega, As either puppets or puppet-masters, the low-ranking henchmen and other subordinates begin seeking to not only overthrow the mob bosses that run the city's crime syndicate but to eliminate, enslave or ally with law -enforcement offfcials and who might otherwise oppose them.

The discovery of the fantasy realm and the battle for control of las Vegas will comprise the main plot. I see the story beginning i 1983.. The scenario would also welcome many sub-plots and if there is enough interest people could participate in sub-plots that may or may not be directly related to the resolution of the main conflict. Also, I would like to omit any su[er-powered characters that could throw off the balance of the game so think of limitations.weaknesses /circumstances that could limit the powers and abilities of your character. Humans from either realm and virtually any fantasy race are allowed. And there are no restrictions on alignment. . The story will be told in installments that may be brolen down into sub=chapters depending on how many participate consistently.

I prefer the overall tone of the role-play to be dark and gritty, although within the confines of the STC rules for public posting. Exploration of themes such as addiction, gambling, exploitation and other mature as[ects of siciety is encouraged. Further details on the way and again, brainstorning is welcome.


The action so far: The Western Quadrant

The Southern Quadrant:

Summare Of Syndor: The Fantasy Realm.
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Ok, so more details as promised..

In the context of this sceario, there are three major syndicates controlling the underworld of 1983 Las Vegas. and operating the various establishments where the dimensional portals are located. Each of these syndicates controls a different section of the city: North, South and West. The eastern quadrant of the city is the only one where the law-enforcement agencies have any significant jurisdiction over, although all three of the syndicates conduct business in the area.

The family that controls the western district is run by Caleb Patterson, who used his wealth and connections from his family's weapon's research and development company to establish a foothold in the city's underworld. With politicians, high-ranking police officials, media figures and member of local and federal agents under his thumb, he is able to use his legitimate business operations as cover for black-market weapons deals. human trafficking and the shipment/sale of illegal drugs. He is refined and calculating, nuanced in his strategy and has a long-term vision for controlling all of Las Vegas and transforming it into a stronghold of power and influence that can compete with New York, LA and other prominent U.S. cities.

I am playing a character who lives within Patterson's district so this is the district I would like to start the RP with. The idea is to have three Soul Of Vega RP Threads going (hopefully keeping close nough pace with each other that there can be events of note to all three stub-plots that can be reported in a thread for the main plot.

I'm going to wait abit and see if anyone wants to come up for scenarios for the other three quadrants in terms of the figure/figures in charge and an overall view of each quadrant. In the meantime, I will post a summary of my character so that other people can think about characters they want to play and how they fit in the story.

I would like at least the first chapte rof each thread to focus on the quadrants in Las Vega. In the near future I will post an overfiew of the realm the porters link to,
So, we play more free form with our stories?Sounds difficult to manage, but quite a bit of fun if it can be pulled off. How about a half-genius, half-insane, half-baked conspiracy theorist stockpiling weapons sound for a character? Sound alright to you?
So, we play more free form with our stories?Sounds difficult to manage, but quite a bit of fun if it can be pulled off. How about a half-genius, half-insane, half-baked conspiracy theorist stockpiling weapons sound for a character? Sound alright to you?

Well the idea is to give other people a chance to develop the other regions of the city. That can be as we;ll-detailed and planned out as preferred. If you're looking to play in the western quadrant wihere I am statring, we can toss ideas back and forth or jump right in. The character I am playing is very low on the totem polefor two reasons

I wanted to give othe rpeople a chance to play the main protagonists/antagonists and because the stories I enjoy writing/playing the most usually involve a character's journey of discovering their self-wortth and rising as far as they can go, (Certainly open to my character dying if it is what is best for the story.)

Basically my character starts as a pawn willing to do anything to stay alive,for another day. Si if that means running weapons for your character, putting themselves in harm's way, going to prison, whatever.

Long way of saying your character sounds great :)
This sounds really cool. If you want, I could whip up a Godfather for the southern quadrant. This is my first time reading stuff like this so it would be pretty nice if I could try it out :D
Awesome, go right ahead !! You do not have to play the Godfather if you would rather play a different character, but you certainly can if you desire. The syndicate bosses just help set the tones for the different quadrants.
Oh and I'll create a thread in the Character Depository Forum bow that we have a couple of others interested besides me.
Woah, thanks :D. I'll get right on developing the Godfather. Are we allowed to use multiple characters? It would make things more interesting if we did.
At the moment I think that using multiple characters is fine. If for some reason it becomes an issue than it can be dealt with then. But I don't think it will be.
Humans from either realm and virtually any fantasy race are allowed.

I’m thinking about all the possibilities XD. Over powered characters are out so is an average, run-of-the-mill adventurer good enough for my second character?
So I have decided to go ahead and stard a thread in the Play By Post Forum and start things off with a post that will both introduce the first character I am playing and give an idea for the tone and setting of the Western quadrant. Iwill still be working on the fantasy realm aspect and might start thinking about a syndicate boss for the Northern Quadrant.
Alright, it's posted, mostly it establishes the character, their mindset, a bit of their background. There is not a such about the city as I hoped but that can be elaborated in future posts. Suffice to say, wher ethe character is not in the nice section, i fthere is one.

Not all of my posts will be in 1st person but I just felt that vibe so that is how I wrote it.
feel free to jump in, whenever wou are ready if you want. No pressure though.
Woah, I saw your post. Your monologue creeped me out (in a good way XD) and it painted a dark picture on how your character lived through their life. Do you think that I should reply on your thread? Or should I create a seperate thread for the Southern Quadrant?
If you want to reply go ahead,. If you want to work on the Southern Quadrant, go ahead, if you want to do both, I won't stop you.

And thank you for the kind words, sometimes first person is just easier to get the perspective of the character with. The part at the end where she says he name lwas a little bit off to me but I wanted to work he rname in their somehow.
I'll try to reply tomorrow inside the southern quadrant AND the western quadrant. Can I write about a fantasy character accidentally stumbling upon a portal and getting transported underneath the western quadrant? XD By the way, some of your writing have spaces between words and it makes it kinda hard to read.
Sure you can do that but just don't have it be anything too blatant that will draw so much attention to the idea hat there is another realm
Thank for the tip about the spaces, Ill go and see where I need to some editing.
Posted my character, I'll get to posting tomorrow, probably. Thinking of having him chase after a shape shifting dragon who robbed a bank and took all the gold? I don't know exactly what the fantasy level is, though, so I'll go with whatever you want if you have a direction you want to take it.