The South Quarter


Grumpy Badger
Beach front property! Yeah! Lot's of tourists in this area. A theme park on the beach! Further back is vacation homes and a few residents.
Thomas paused in his work, glancing again at first his right hand, the crest that adorned the underside of his wrist there. Then at the photo sitting on the deck, weighed down by stones. Four boys, of unusual hair color, posing before pyramids of some sort. The magus shook his head once more, wondering idly if his research was wrong, and that this crassly mundane item was not in fact the artifact his sources had suggested it was. As he etched his circle in the earth with careful yet quick strokes of his staff, he wondered if this was going to be a fool's errand. After all, if it was, in fact an artifact, what could a relic of only slightly old make possibly bring into being?

It was, he decided amidst his work, irrelevant. He'd been chosen for this most exclusive of contests. The chance to place his hands on the Grail, and seize the wish shared by many of his peers. The Root.

He paused in his task, looking over the circle, carved into stone with a rod of metal. He'd chosen this property to rent for several purposes, it's relative seclusion, and it's place near the shore. The surface was granite, carved complete from its place, a vein of quartz woven with gold still visible on the face aimed towards him. No, it didn't matter the quality of the artifact. He was an excellent magus, and possessed the knowledge and skills to use whoever answered his summons. His circle was etched on a slab taken from the tallest of mountains. His foundation lay outside, prepared over the day for this one, most important task.

Setting his staff aside, he paused to apply his craft, reinforcing spells arcing along his body. He bent at the knees, taking a firm grasp of the slab, three inches thick, and a meter and a half in diameter. With the slightest of breathes, he lifted it as effortlessly as a merely heavy load, instead of the impossible task it should have been. Carrying it the ten meters away, he carefully laid it across the prepared surface, one third of raw soil, a third of sand, and a third of a shallow pool of water. Stone, metal, earth, water, and the dust so easily carried on the wind, representations of all the elements to add harmony and balance to the ritual about to come.

After a moment to once against check over his circle's structure, a traditional styling, he went back to the deck, taking the photograph from its place. Carrying it back to the circle, he laid it at the center, then stepped back. A glance about this sheltered yard, and then he stepped back, producing a knife for the final alteration from tradition he would perform. A quick strike across the right palm, dagger cast aside as he flung out his hand, and began to chant.

"Let silver and steel and blood be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let red the color I pay tribute to.
Let my great Master William be the ancestor."

His circle ignited with power, the crimson droplets from his hand soaking into the assembled materials, turning the white light the hue of blood.

"Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.
I hereby declare."

A wind breathed to life, ruffling the leaves of the trees around the yard, sending his hair into a small storm.

"Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your spear.
Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!"

His voice remained firm, hard, his will iron, unwavering. The glow brightened.

"An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"

The power seared shut the slash across his palm, and his cadence, ever rising, rose to a roar.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!
The glow of the circle upon the ground brightened so much as to be blinding, and a torrent of wind rushed outwards from its centre. The light flashed in one final crescendo, and when it cleared, what rose at the circle's heart was not a figure, as Thomas might have been expecting, but an insubstantial golden glow, swirling on the spot. A moment later however, the glow intensified and coalesced into a humanoid shape, hovering a few inches off the ground. As the seconds passed by the figure began to take on features resembling one of the youths in the photograph, cast all in shimmering gold. From the boy's back the light spread outwards, forming into a pair of brilliant feathered wings, spread wide and proud with a span twice as broad as he was tall.

The light began to recede once the wings had formed, the golden glow leaving his body more human - though his wings remained a splendid gold even as the rest of him took on a normal shade. He was dressed not in armour, robes, or any other traditional attire - but instead in a stylish jacket worn over a shirt and a pair of form-fitting jeans; modern clothing that one would more expect to find on a magazine model than a heroic spirit. His eyes remained closed for a moment as he spread his palms, and in his hands appeared a pair of gleaming ornate golden spears - one long, the other shorter.

As he stood there, wings spread and spears at the ready, the young man exuded an enrapturing aura of awe that made it near impossible to take one's eyes off of him. His features were almost unrealistically perfect - handsome, but with a touch of boyish androgyny - as though sculpted rather than born. When he finally opened his eyes, taking a deep breath of the coastal air, they were a bright gold to match his wings. He looked down at Thomas briefly, then away again, resting his longer spear casually upon his shoulder as he took in his surroundings.

Only then did he turn his attention back to the mage that had summoned him, allowing himself to descend and touch down upon the ground. He gave the man an assessing once over, then flicked one finger of the hand on his spear's haft out in a half-salute before uttering a single word.

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Thomas appraised his Servant with a neutral gaze as it came and sembled into the form standing before him. He had the impression that his initial misgivings were inaccurate, and that the photo was more recently that should be possible for the sensations he was getting from this entity. What threw him, of course, was the unexpected reply.

The magus tilted his head a moment, unsure if he'd heard correctly. His mouth started to twitch a few times, before he shook his head to regain his composure.

"I assume you are Lancer." Thomas studied the Servant, crossing his arms. "I'd like to confirm our contract. Are there any particular requests you would like to make in exchange for your aid?"
The youth quirked an eyebrow at Thomas, then huffed a small sigh. "Right to business, huh? Yeesh. You could at least act impressed." He rolled his eyes, beating his golden wings once before dismissing them with a flash of light. They dispersed into shimmering sparkles that lingered for a few moments before fading away. Rubbing at the side of his head, he gave the magus a slightly peeved sidelong look before answering him. "Yeah, I'm Lancer. Nice to meet you too, master," he spoke the word with a smirk and a twinkle of amusement in his eye. "As for our contract..."

He hummed thoughtfully, dismissing his smaller spear with a casual flick of his wrist and swinging his other around to prop himself against. "So, we're in a free-for-all tag-team war for control of an all-powerful wish-granting artefact, and it's my job to win it for you," he mused aloud. "Okay, sure. I can work with that. Requests, though..?" Lancer chuckled, flashing Thomas a grin. "Yeah, I have a few. First one, let's not get carried away with this 'master' and 'servant' bull. I don't do servitude very well. Starting now, we're partners. I'll listen to you, and you'll listen to me - but all within reason. I'll be pissed if you start using those seals to order me around."

There was a pause for another few moments of pondering, before he held up two fingers. "Second, I don't know if you were planning on it, but we don't play with collateral damage. No eating peoples' souls to make us stronger, and just generally no evil plans, aight? Aaand..." another thoughtful hum followed for a few moments, before he held up a third finger with a grin. "Lastly, all work and no play makes Lancer a dull boy. I want a chance to explore this world a little, and have some time that's not all fights to the death. I'll still be on call and ready for action, but if I wanna go get an ice-cream and get laid when there's nothing else to do, I don't wanna hear too much complaining."

With a final smirk, Lancer straightened and spun his lance back up to rest on his shoulder. "So, we have a deal?"
At first, all to which he could answer the short tirade was gape. Whether in awe or confusion, Thomas wouldn't be able to decide in the days to come. It took a few moments before the man was able to fully process the Servant's words, much less formulate an intelligent response. He held up a hand for a moment, as the Memory Partition magecraft he possessed activated, letting him work over the unexpected encounter in his head, six separate logic paths working in tandem to allow Thomas to try to decide between laughing, crying, or responding in a collected manner.

After several seconds, which should have been several minutes, the mage's shoulder slumped, and he took a deep, centering breath. He shook his head, a faint smile on his face as he realized he was probably taking this far too seriously. Of course nothing in his research could have prepared him for the actual deal, though he'd thought he'd had a fair grasp on what to expect.

"I suppose I can agree to those terms, with one provision. I will avoid using the seals to command you, but if I have no other option, I will use them in a manner to allow you to do the impossible. If that's agreeable, we have a deal."

"Since you've been so...uhm...forthcoming, I'd also ask if you had a preference for what I call you?" Thomas inquired, halfway expecting the answer to be the Servant's true name. He was reasonably sure he didn't allow an external display of anything as crass as an eye twitching, though he offered his hand for a shake.
Lancer nodded, looking amused at Thomas' gawping. "Sure, that works for me. I generally don't need the help to do that, but I'm interested to see what I can do with that sort of extra juice. It's a deal."

As the servant spoke those words, Thomas would likely feel a shift of magic around them, an invisible bond forming between them on top of that of master and servant. It was as though the deal itself had taken form through magic, lending more weight to it than a simple agreement. Smirking, he took Thomas' hand when it was offered. "The name's Irasphoros," he answered with a cocky grin. "Demon of Pride; not to mention king, prince, conqueror, god, saviour and many, many other things, depending on who you ask. Buuut just Ira will do fine. And what should I call you, o' master, 'cause sticking to that really isn't gonna work for me."
"I'm Thomas Reinsen. Pleased to meet you, Ira." Thomas felt the touch of something in the Servant's words, resolving to figure out what exactly he was dealing with before long. His was a highly unusual Lancer, and he got the feeling it was going to be...intriguing and challenging to work with.

Turning to walk back into the house, he glanced back, gesturing towards the doors. He collected his staff along the way. "Feel free to enjoy what's inside. If you'd like, I can find the tourist map I have of the area, it came with the rental."

His gaze slid a little past, back to the summoning circle. Stepping to one side, he waved his hand across the air, rapidly motioning with a finger to draw several runes that darted out like arrows, each slamming into the stone like a cannonball. Four in rapid succession, and what had been rather unusual evidence of odd activity was so many fragments of granite littering the yard.
Ira flashed a broad grin back at Thomas. "Back atcha, Thomas," he replied. As the magus made his way back towards the house, Ira dismissed his second spear, leaving him looking for all the world like nothing more than a regular teenager (albeit a strikingly good-looking one). The only oddity to his appearance was the unusually bright gold colour to his eyes, and really, that could be dismissed as special contacts. And besides, from what he knew of this world with his grail-given knowledge, golden eyes weren't so universally a recognised tell for a demon here. Sticking his hands in his pockets, he was about to follow Thomas inside, when something caught his eye.

Before the mage could destroy it, Ira held his hand out, and a golden glow surrounded the photograph that had been used to summon him. The picture lifted into the air and flew into his grasp, just as the runes annihilated the granite surface. "Hey, watch what you're blasting," he grumbled, turning the photo around to look at it. He smiled tenderly, his eyes lingering on the boys in the photo with him for several long moments. "Sucks you guys couldn't come with me here," he murmured, sighing. Not physically, anyway, he thought to himself. It took more than the borders of a reality to separate souls as entwined as theirs. He wouldn't be who he was without them, after all.

After a short while, he shook his head, tucking the picture away inside his jacket and turning to head into the house. He cast an assessing gaze around as he entered, humming thoughtfully. "Not bad," he remarked. "Beach-front view, decent decor, no irritating neighbours. You must have a lot of cash to throw around, huh?"

Spotting one of the tourist pamphlets Thomas had mentioned, Ira held out a hand to flick it over to him and started leafing through it. "Ooh, North Quarter seems like the place to go. Bars, clubs, food, movies..." he grinned. "I love tourist hotspots." He paused for a moment, looking up from the pamphlet towards Thomas. "But before I go slack off, what's our first move gonna be? Since you're the one who's been preparing for this for however long, you must have a game-plan, yeah?"
"A loose one, yes, but it is missing some important details." The magus replied with a grimace. "I've got maps of the area, did some scouting, but then again, I didn't have you present yet."

Prior planning was useless unless he knew better how to apply it, and of course that meant knowing was Ira could do. His impression was that this Lancer was head and shoulders above what he'd expected, even above what he hoped for. So now he had to pick his brain to figure out the rest.

"I need to know more about you, and I'm amicable to your commentary on that. You know how you work better than I do, after all." A rare chuckle from the normally more serious Thomas. "Truth be told, there wasn't hardly any information I could gather on your catalyst. I knew it was a catalyst, and that it was connected to a Servant not ever seen before."

He shrugged. "After knowing what each of us brings to this war, I can better figure what our next steps will be. I'm also willing to hear your thoughts on that."
"Fair's fair, I'm a pretty hard variable to plan for," Ira replied, tucking the leaflet away and hopping up to take a perch on the edge of one of the counters in the kitchenette. "Seems like I'm not from this world at all, going by what the grail's told me about it. I'm from a place called Earth. Well, not really - but that's where I spend... er, spent, I guess? Most of my time. Weird to think that I must be dead for good back there. Or maybe I'm just between lifetimes, and this is like a fun interval?"

He shrugged, shaking his head. "Eh, well, whatever. Guess I'll make the most of being here either way. As for what I can do... you might wanna take a seat, 'cause I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeve to explain."

With that, Ira launched into an extravagant explanation of his abilities and some of his history, complete with anecdotes and lengthy stories about times they came into play, which often led to him going off on entirely unrelated tangents. About halfway through, he left his perch and started browsing through the cupboards until he found a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass to sip while he continued talking. When he was finally done, he gave Thomas a cocky grin. "So, impressed? I'm kind of a big deal, I know."
"Quite." Thomas replied, thoughts racing. Now he that knew how to apply Lancer to the war, he could start developing scenarios. Ira could do much...and with what he now knew, the magus was worlds more confident in his chances of victory. His Servant's ideals, if not his personality, rather matched his own approach, which was a relief.

Thomas glanced over the maps of the area, noting once again the locations suitable for battlegrounds. He nodded absently, then glanced at the demon Servant.

"Alright. I've got enough to start proper planning now. The one piece of the puzzle we don't have is who the other Masters are, or what Servants they've summoned, but there's little we can do about that until they start making themselves known. You can do as you please for the immediate moment, but I'd like you to avoid combat if necessary. If that's unavoidable, then try to disengage at your earliest convenience, but if your enemy is foolish enough to expose themselves to a quick finish, take it."
"I am pretty good at bringing people to a quick finish," Ira remarked with a smirk and a wink. "But I gotcha. No open warfare yet is all good, gives me more time to mess around before things get serious." Hopping off of the counter, he made his way across to the door and cast a backwards glance at Thomas. "If you need me, I can be with you in a flash. And I'll ping you if I see anything interesting. Till then, peace out!"

With a final wave over his shoulder, Ira set out into the world. He had some fun to have.
Archer strolled along, absently musing on his parting words with his still nameless Master as he navigated the landmarks towards the first of the access boxes noted one the map. Having kept to the back ways through the East Quarter for speed, he now strolled along one of the sidewalks on the main road, offering a soft, hollow smile as he looked for landmarks and street signs, looking like just another tourist.

A grudge was a dangerous thing to have when foes were plentiful, but to have a grudge against one who might not even be an enemy was inexcusable. Worse, he wanted a slow vengeance, leaving him static in location, and unaware of what might threaten that position. He shook his head with a rueful tinge on his expression. It almost invited spite on his part.

At least the man didn't know how to use the one resource he possessed that Archer couldn't refuse. A comforting thought, as he came to the first location, pausing at the alley's entrance to lean against the wall, the better to look like he was merely taking a breather. Stretching, he glanced behind him to peer down the alley, using Throne gained knowledge to identify power boxes and discard them...

There. He slipped a hand into the pocket of the jeans he'd adopted into his appearance, closing it around the USB drive. He waited for a small crowd of young adults to move by with raucous celebration, before he turned and drew on his superhuman speed to rocket down the pavement to the box. Stopping before it, one hand reached out and casually snapped the padlock off, opening it to insert the drive. While he waited the few moments as a new light blinked on the modem within, he carefully tugged at a network cable, leaving it unhooked before dropping the lock beneath the box.

The extra light winked out, and he pulled out the drive. He continued down the alley away from the street, beginning to meander towards the other network access in the quarter.

He practically wished for some excitement to let him blow off some steam.
Not too long after, Archer came to the second of the junction boxes, approaching from the alley side this time. He feigned tying his shoe next to the access panel, reaching up to rise and as he tugged on the lock it came open of its own accord. Blinking in surprise, he verified he wasn't being observed, sliding in the drive and chuckling at his fortune.

A few moments later, drive in pocket and box relocked, a thought occurred to him. There was a place that Masters could go from anywhere that this method couldn't track...but where there was a will, there was a way. Coming out onto the main street, he glanced both ways, searching for a particular kind of tourist. Being on the side of town nearest the beach, it didn't take long, and he began to make his way down the street. Ahead was an open air restaurant filled with patrons, mostly tourists. He smiled slightly at the thought of what he was about to do.

Scarcely fifteen seconds, walking away from a confusing scene involving three tables now scattered in conditions rather worse for wear than they had been a moment ago, he patted the bag he'd "acquired" when he stumbled into the first table before a few chaotic and clever bursts of high speed movement. He was reasonably sure that all the mortals involved couldn't have possibly perceived him dart three times at close to a hundred miles an hour for barely twenty feet total, and it's not like the theft of a the video camera would be noticed before it was somewhere it would never be found, after all.

A few alleys later, he checked both directions again as he brought to focus the Library in his mind. Glancing across the back street, he could see it, and with no one in sight, he brought his full Servant attire to bear, adjusting the camera bag under his jacket and out of sight. Six strides closed the gap, and then the man vanished.
Cooking breakfast after waking, Thomas glanced towards the clock on the stove, wondering what Ira might have been up to the prior night. He'd further developed his framework plotting, filling in holes and using the results to come up with hypothetical scenarios. Advance planning, as much as one could do with so many unknown variables present. Perhaps Lancer had encountered other Servants, and more pieces could fall into place.

He looked down at the food he'd made, grunting as he realized habits died hard. Covering the finished plate and sliding it into the microwave to remain warm, he started to work on a second setting, idly wondering if it was worth the effort.

He shrugged this thought off. If not eaten now, a prepared meal later. way or another.
It wasn't long after Thomas had started cooking that he was rejoined by his servant. A flash of golden light heralded Ira's arrival, his body reforming from travel in the middle of the room. Despite his late-night escapades, he arrived wholly unruffled, the only hint towards the nature of his activities being the satisfied grin upon his face. "Goood morning Tom!" he exclaimed cheerfully as he spotted his master across the room, sidling over to the kitchenette and leaning against the counter. "I hope your day was both as exciting and productive as mine was," he went on. "I return having both thoroughly enjoyed myself and acquired some interesting knowledge."
The magus had whirled with frightening swiftness for a human at the flash the cast his shadow on the wall before him, the telltale gleaming lines of Reinforcement etching across his bared forearms as he came into a readied stance, only to blink, release the tension his body held, and scowl. Glaring at Ira, Thomas let the magic fade, taking the readied plate from the microwave and placing it in front the of Servant.

"Productive yes, and with that, I guess I can include exciting." The man shook his head as he turned back to his cooking, flipping eggs and removing the now ready bacon. "I'd like to hear what kind of night you've had, if you've learned something intriguing."

There. Finished with the second setting, he took his food onto a plate, acquired a pair of silverware and took up the other side of the counter, placing the spare eating cookware on a napkin and sliding it across.
Coming from Country Side East

"Er, not necessarily," Allie craned her neck to try to see what Berserker was looking at. "The closest thing to that I guess would be like a bear or something, mundane creatures here are not terribly extravagant. Though, a long time ago massive dinosaurs roamed the earth, in general animals and stuff were like super huge. More oxygen or something back then."

The familiar coastal area inspired Green to take in a deep breath of the saltwater air, the scent reminiscent of her home oh so long ago. "So like, should we just sit around and wait for someone, or actually look?"
Ira grinned as Thomas handed him the plate of food. "And in exchange for such a welcoming breakfast, I'm more than happy to tell you!" he declared, plucking up the cutlery and tucking into the eggs with gusto. Between mouthfuls, he began to regail his master with the happenings of the previous day. "Well, I met three other servants yesterday, for one," he noted. "And learned about a ... unique master, for another. I'm not one-hundred percent sure on the classes of the servants, aside from one: ruler. Biig, and I mean biiig buff guy with the thickest Irish accent you've ever heard. Wait, what's the equivalent of Ireland here? Eh, nevermind, here..."

Clearing his throat, Ira put on a thick accent to match Broch's. "He talked like this, y' know this one? Whate'er ye'd call this," he said, before dropping the accent with a smirk. "In any case. Our ruler is named Broch, and apparently someone's already breaking the rules. And they were using your name to do it, which is just rude. I don't know if his name will mean anything, but the guy is called Max Foster. Apparently he's late teens, tall and blonde, and he's an eighth master. Kid stole command seals from Ruler himself, using your name to lure him to a meeting. Can you believe the balls on him? I'm honestly impressed."