The Wonder's Flower - A Thinker Story. (Draft)

Lil Proton

Liàng Proton
There was always something about the beauty of a flower that I found interesting, especially the flowers of the most useless of the plants. Now nature is based on the survival of the most adaptable, whoever can adjust to the environment will last the longest. This tiny yellow flower by the concrete. The there is hardly water and little nutrients, yet the flower manages to survive in the cracks of the concrete. It doesn’t belong in such as place yet it survives there.
A powerful breeze swept across the area, yet that flower remained sturdy on the ground. Gushes of flames from a metallic dragon’s fingers burnt the trees and killed the animals, yet the flower resisted the heat. Then the toxic gasses from the heavens fell unto the ground, everything shocked to death, yet that flower held its breath. Even when the gates of hell stood right beside it, the flower kept on surviving.
“Sarah, Sarah! Wake up girl!”
“Adam! Where are you!”
“Daddy! Get up, where’s mummy?
I remained motionless on the ground and focussed on the yellow flower, the surviving flower. Then, with just enough determination I managed bring my attention to the surrounding environment. Just one little gaze at the chaos. There burning never stopped, but instead of a physical fire, my legs kept reminding my brain that there were burnt.
“What can’t you survive?” I asked the flower beside me, “Yeah, flowers don’t talk though I’ve seen weirder things do.”
A grin then came across my face, at first, it was just a small smile but as the burning continued, I couldn’t help bur grin harder and harder. My eyes were wide open and focussed to the flower, a chuckle passed from my lips while I kept myself disciplined. I laughed and I laughed and I felt by sprite laughing as well. Perhaps of the flower could speak, it would laugh with me.
I turned my attention away from the flower and instead focussed on the environment for a while. The constant sirens were a bother but not as much as the constant screams distorted my senses but I managed to get a full grasp on the environment. It was still chaotic despite a whole eight hours to restore order to the area. Apparently there were still some people in the rubble. I need to get moving.
I closed by eyes and took a deep breath, the pain in my legs never really got better but I couldn’t have that stopping me. If the flower can survive through the flame, then I must be able to walk through the burning. I stood up, and took my first step, then I took my second step. I was walking, then I collapsed.

I wasn’t quite sure what happened exactly but the moment I woke up, I knew I wasn’t beside the flower. There was a cool chill in the room though I didn’t quite feel cold at all. This was my room… with the plain bed with the blue sheets and the closet on the opposite side of the room. No posters and no decorations, instead a plane white wall. I never bothered to add any decorations. But wait… if this is my room… ohh.. no…
“Silvan! Silvan!” there was a long screaming voice coupled with foot steps, getting louder and louder.
The door then swung open with a girl, no older then about thirteen rushing to my bedside.
“Silvan! Is your leg okay?”
“You sure? I heard about what happened and I saw the news, that explosion was huge.” She babbled about, repeatedly without any stop.
I sure wished I was with the flower again, at least it had more interesting things to say, without actually saying anything. Instead, this girls just utter what’s already known and expects me to be interested somehow.
“Honey Erica, can shut up for a moment?” I asked her.
She nodded and complied with my request, finally. I looked around then gazed at my mirror for a moment. My face was still covered in dirt from the explosion but my chocolatey hue was still available. No extreme facial scars and my hair remained braided, though unbraiding would be needed.
When I saw that girl through the reflection though, I was able to make a notable comparison. She was much lighter, pale even and her eyes and blond hair screamed ‘typical white girl’. But she does look cute, even adorable, I’ll admit that.
There was a satisfying moment of silence, and I was finally able to think again. With that, I stood up and reached out for an old, dusty book that was right on the floor. It was fairly large and quite heavy, probably due to the brown hardcover and hundreds of old pages. Just one of the pages have the right information I need, though there’s no table of contents so I’ll have to keep flipping through. I found it.
“What you find?” Erica then asked.
The pages described exactly what happened just a few hours ago, a flash of blue light and the burning of organic life a few seconds after. Exact details of what happened at the stadium, the place where my favorite flower still lives.
“What I need,” I replied just when I stood up… My leg still hurts….
With just a finial gaze around my room, I made sure everything was in perfect order. I had the large book in my arm then looked outside to the stars. I really couldn’t see any of them with all of the lights from the cities and suburbs. I hate not seeing the stars.
“Can I come?”
“Great, so how do we get pass your parents downstairs?” Erica then asked, “And I’m not jumping down a window.”
Of course she wouldn’t want to attempt the easiest method, she’s giving me more problems then solutions. I didn’t respond but simply opened the bedroom door and walked to the banister. There was Mr. and Ms. Williams along with some journalist and a few neighbors right by the family room, I wonder what kind of story would I see in the newspapers this time.
“Traumatized teen experiences firsthand terrorist attack after just one year of adoption,” Erica said out loud, “I bet that’s the headline…. Sorry…”
“That’s why I asked you to shut up earlier.”
I didn’t have any plans and I didn’t intend on waisting anytime trying to come up with one, so I simply headed downstairs, going right towards the door. Maybe if I just ignore them, they wouldn’t notice me.
“Silvan Odion Sultan, where are you going at this time at night?” Ms. Williams suddenly said.
“Oh, well I was invited for the very first time to a party, and I though I could go,” I replied to myself, being careful to not make contradictions.
“And you didn’t tell us?”
That was my adoptive dad, he’s usually the more skeptical one between the two, especially with matters pertaining me. At least my adoptive parents actually care about my existence, maybe too much.
“Sorry Mr. Williams, you returned home from work yesterday at 12, then left work this morning at 6am. I didn’t really get a chance to tell you.” I responded.
“But’s it’s 8pm, and your leg only just recently got bandaged.” Ms. Williams objected. She frowned a bit while she fixed her dusty brown hair.
“No.” they both said simultaneously.
“Oh, then drinking all those glasses of wine wasn’t the best idea.” I simply said, then dashed out of the house.
My parents would be very mad and they have the right to be, but at this moment it didn’t really matter. I have something really important to do and I can’t wait for approval to do it, not this time. So I ran, and I ran and I fought the pain in my legs but then the pain in my legs rose up to join the fight. I hated this feeling, the outside was shivering cold yet my body was burning in the inside, its like I couldn’t maintain any sort of balance.
I looked back to see if anyone were following me, and sure enough, they were. Though they were a little bit too drossy to actually make much progress, thank god for alcohol. The police and some friendly neighbors would join the search soon though so its best if I keep moving.
“Oh hey!” Erica finally said, she just appeared out of the bushes and had the book right in her hand, “I passed through the back door while the adults were distracted.”
Yet, can’t forget about the lovable Erica Rosary. I simply took the book and sighed, proceeding to resume my way for a moment. Hopefully she’ll catch the atmosphere and remain silent for at least a short while. But nope!
“So yeah, I’m going to be in so much trouble when I go back, so let’s make this count, okay?” Erica asked me.
The church, we finally made it to the place. Yeah, this is a typical negro church, with the cross at the front of it and the poorly sung hymns that can be heard throughout the entire neighborhood. They seem to be worshipping their God for some reason. I never really understood the logic of this to be honest, religiously speaking, isn't dying a good thing? Since you're going to paradise? It’s weird for me.
“The local church, I thought you hate churches?” Erica questioned.
“I do, but she’ll come here.”
There’s no reason to answer, all I simply need to do is show. I looked at Erica and lead her closer to the church just to listen to the noise for a bit. Pretty soon, the music stopped, just like that and they weren’t even halfway through the song. There were a few whispers and even a loud scream. Erica was the first to dash to the windows, just to see what was happening and I followed after. The windows were large enough for us to have a good view of the church, and that I’m thankful for.
“What’s going on in there?” Erica asked.
I didn’t respond, instead I just proceeded to keep watching. Everyone within the church was dead silent, not a single word spoken while the pastor slowly bled from his mouth and nose. It seemed to be a rather slow process, I could hear his gasps for breath while more blood filled his lungs. The blood gurgled within his mouth and a mixture of it and spit began to pour out very slowly.
“We got to help him, right?” Erica asked.
“Do you see the others trying to?”
The one I was looking for finally appeared, after all of this time. This figure seemed to be hooded, I couldn’t really see its face, or any feature of its body since the cloak reached right down to the legs. The slaves were long, covering the hands completely and not even the feet were seen. How it managed to move without trouble is an excellent mystery.
It waved its hand and the pastor stopped bleeding suddenly. He looked rather surprised and everyone else in the church began screaming and panicking just like that. Still, it remained silent and just watched them. Seemly observing how the people behaved under this specific situation.
“I’m going to ask you again, okay?” its feminine, I knew it, “I checked the pastor from the site church from the last town, they refused to say anything, maybe you can be more collaborative? I mean I’ll still kill you, but at least these members would be harmed as much.”
The pastor still remained silent, not that he can’t speak, I’m sure he could but he just didn’t seem to want to speak. Whatever was being hidden seemed to be more important then everyone’s else lives. I’m not surprised by that at all.
“Stop breathing.” The figure then said to a random lady from the room. Sure enough, the old elderly lady began struggling to catch hear breath, but there wasn’t any.
Everyone else began screaming again, the locals seemed be me panicking yet they couldn’t move from their spots. I’m not sure why though.
“Well, she’ll be brain dead in ten minutes, are you going to say something?” the figure then asked, “Something I want to hear or should I go about this one by one?”
Silence again.
“Wait, I know where it is.” Erica then said.
I looked to my side where she was supposed to be, but she seemed to have walked off, instead, she’s right inside the church, walking down the aisle as if she had some special power. I’m interested to see what would happen but I know this wouldn’t end well.
Erica stood around among the crowd, the only white girl within the entire area, within the entire community really. The figure didn’t seem too surprised by her sudden intrusion though.
“So where is it?” the figure asked her.
“It’s, its under the floorboard, I saw the church members placing something underneath it,” Erica responded, she didn’t seem as courageous as a few seconds before.
The figure nodded and looked right down, seemingly to attempt to detect something. It then punched a while through the floor and pulled something up from it. It’s a crystal skull, large and glowing a bit. I didn’t even know people kept those, assuming they thought it was demonic.
“Thank you.”
Then there was an ever increasing blue light coming from within the church itself. The people began screaming and attempting to move but they didn’t. Now, it’s evident that their legs literally wouldn’t allow them to move at all.
I rushed right to the front of the church, no time to think, and no time to consider everything else that might happen. There’s No time for dat. I got to Erica and grabbed her arm roughly, I then pulled her out of the church and made sure her feet stepped right outside of the church building. The light began to grow a little louder and people began to scream even louder, and even louder. I looked back for a moment, just to see what was happening, then I looked at Erica.
I assumed something like this would happen, but it seemed surprising at the very moment. The light began to grow even more and even more, until it completely engulfed the entire church. I managed to jump right out of the church just when heat began to follow after that light. Then, there was a sudden silence, no more screaming, no nothing.
Everyone from inside were burnt with just a bit of ash around the entire building. Of course the figure couldn’t teleport, it remained just where it was.
“Hey you, shadowy figure girl,” I said to it. It already saw me though.
“Silvan, no…” Erica whispered.
I began walking up to the figure, slowly while ignoring the outside environment.
“Stop breathing.” It said, but I kept moving.
Then, I stood right before her, we were the same size, yet for some reason, an instinct told me that the cloak added a bit of size.
“The puzzle is over. You’re patterns were easy to follow first, you seemed to travel through every major religious area, with each major church being destroyed wherever you passed. Then the government suddenly collapsed soon after. You were looking for something that had some religious significance, what?” I asked.
“Perhaps, if you were such a good puzzle solver, you might have found that out, how wouldn’t you?” it replied.
“The flashes of blue light, it was from your gem. Whatever was making the light, also started the explosion. You know what that is don’t you?”
It removed its hood, only to reveal that it was wearing a hijab. It’s a human, a female one, no older then me and I’m not even sixteen. Her face was covered in burn marks, much too old to be caused by anything more recent. She’s dark-skinned though, not milk chocolatey but more of the dark chocolate. I couldn’t really tell what her hair looked like by the hijab was blue.
“I’ve seen you before, we’ve been to the same place. The people I’ve seen, I trusted them, and I respected them. They told me my ideology would protect me, but it only endangered me,” she first stated. “I didn’t realize that until my mother was executed, after laying with a man she tried to fight off.”
I simply listened.
“Then, I realized that you can’t fix an ideology that has nothing to fix at all, so with my gem, I made sure to cleanse the worst places of such an ideology. But then I saw the West trying to fight it, so you know I though that they were on my side.”
“They weren’t, were they?”
“No, they’re just the same, so I listened to my gem and it brought me first to the states, then to this island off the Caribbean. I’m saving the world from them, and this crystal skull would help me.” She finally stated.
“You know I can’t let you continue, not with my own plans.”
“You intend to stop me? I can destroy whole buildings.”
I then grabbed the hand she used to grab on the gem. The gem then began to glow again, seemly charging with its usual blue light. I then managed to pull the gem away, despite her fighting back and hold it close to my mouth. I then whispered. Active gem, hear my lullaby, your work is done no need to cry. Your sorrow would now be over and you can have peace. Active gem, go back to sleep.
The gem slowly began to lose its lush, rainbow color, no more light came from it as my whispers calmed it down. And the power was lost.
“What did you do to it!” she suddenly yelled.
“I’m ending this, Aaira.” I responded.
Then, there was a sudden flash of blue light from the gem. Cracks began to appear from it while heat radiated out. I dropped the them and looked, the light began to get intense, much more intense. I then gazed at Erica one light time until the light completely engulfed me… I can’t tell what happened after that… I guess I’m not like that flower, I can’t survive everything.