The worst genie ever

Granted, you receive your outfit only to learn it comes as the size of an action figure.

I wish I could turn into a superhero.

Granted. you are chased for the rest of your life by a supervillan that is better then you.

I wish for the sky to change colors every other month.
Granted! It's far more heavier than expected and you cannot move an inch.

I wish to be fabulous.
granted, you are fabulous, you are seen by a total of 10 people, all of whom already thought you fabulous.

I wish for my previous wish to be wished. (sky change colors every other month)
Granted. It keeps changing from blue/black every other month.

I wish to be president of the world.

Granted but, you will be forced to watch someone else make all the same mistakes you would have.

I wish for a short waiting line to get food.
Granted. You are no homeless with no possessions.

I wish I was God.

granted, you are a vicious dog and have to be put down.

I wish School was more fun and actually did their job.
granted, the world of lava is set alight.

I wish for a scorch (titanfall2)
Granted. It malfunctions and explodes with you inside it.

I wish to be Meliodas the Wise.

Granted, you now have Chad Danforth from the East High Basketball Team "Wildcats" from the movie Highschool Musical.

I wish every human being is happy.
Granted, you now have Chad Danforth from the East High Basketball Team "Wildcats" from the movie Highschool Musical.

I wish every human being is happy.

You wish has been granted but everyone's individual freedom of choice is abolished. Everything is decided for you by the government.

I wish I could speak every language in the world!
Granted, but the world is taken over by aliens and you don't understand them.

I wish I were a rich man.
Granted, you are considered rich in Iran, but not the country in which you live. (10,349.59 Iran rial=1 American dollar)
I wish to end world hunger