
Theo was born on the streets of a major city, and from a young age was left with little option but to thieve for a living. His mother, Jenna, a barmaid at a less-than-reputable tavern in the city’s slums suffered from a steadily worsening drinking habit, constantly rambling on about the ‘handsome knight’ who had promised to one day return to take her hand. This knight was, supposedly, his father - a brilliant paladin in shining armor who had gone away back to adventure after a whirlwind romance with her during his time in the city.

He had never returned, but Jenna had pined for him since. Most of her acquaintances believed him either long-dead, or not quite so noble as he’d appeared to be, or in some cases to never have existed at all. Whatever the truth, there was no father in his life to speak of.

Jenna’s work at the tavern paid a pittance, and so Theo turned to the pockets of strangers to supplement his income. He never saw it as a particularly bad thing to do - it was just what people did, and he didn’t take from people who needed it more than him (not that there were many of those).

The stories he heard his mother tell of his father - whose name was purportedly Thaldric - enamored him as a boy. He was a hero out of storybooks, who would one day return and change their lives. His opinion of him, however, dwindled as he got older and the man never returned, eventually shifting to resentment.

Even the advent of his divine magic, the one thing his father had left him, did little to improve his opinion of the man, although it did worlds to improve the ease with which he was able to thieve.

In his teens, Theo fell in with a gang of smugglers, needing more coin to support himself and his ailing mother, as well as companions to back him up in the cutthroat underbelly of the city. His mother’s stories and lingering idealism had left him determined not to turn to darker work than theft, and he kept his hands as free of blood as possible in the business.

In recent months, however, Theo encountered a moral dilemma that led to him betraying his gang and earning the ire of a particularly dangerous client, causing him to flee the city and take to the road. Since then, he's been taking things one day at a time, having found he quite enjoys life outside of the city. The air stinks less of piss and shit, for one, and there are less people trying to stab him on any given day for another. So far, at least.
First Impressions
While travelling with the caravan, Theo has been relatively quiet - content to observe and listen most of the time. When he has spoken, though, he's proven to have quite a playful demeanor and a sharp wit, apt to make light of serious situations and tease his travel companions when the mood takes him.

He carries a relatively large backpack with him that he never lets out of his sight, and sleeps curled around it protectively.