Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Tianshi City: Golden Phoenix Hall

as written by Sokka

"If it gets me out and doing something I'll gladly go along I don't have much going on in the meantime anyways so you can count me in. " He said "Does this mean we aren't going to the spirit festival though?" He said pouting jokingly.
as written by Script

"We'll leave tomorrow," Nao said, smiling. "So you can go and enjoy the festival. I need to see if I can get hold of a Singer, so I'll catch you up. Blink went ahead with the person we're helping to Senasi Gardens - if you find them, introduce yourselves, but don't ask him too much about the mission. He's slow to trust, for good reason."
as written by CelticCat

"Good luck in your search, Nao," Hye Ja responded before turning herself to Shirou. With a jingling tilt of her head, she grinned. "So, shall you and I attend the festival, then, Shirou? Perhaps stumble across our mysterious client?"
as written by Sokka

"Sure, sounds like a good plan, plus I want to see some fireworks too." He said simulating an explosion with his hands.
as written by Script

Just over an hour had passed since the events in Senasi Gardens, and the Golden Phoenix Guild Hall was the scene of a brewing confrontation. The hall's doors were open to the street, and the chill night air drifted in on the wind. In the street outside, on the edge of the docks, a sizable contingent of police were gathered with their weapons ready. They shifted nervously as they watched the threshold of the building, where negotiations seemed to be underway between a smaller cluster of police officers and the guild.

Devona Yukimoto, the well reputed and respected leader of the guild, stood straight-backed and uncowed before the police captain and his lieutenants. Behind her, within the guild's lobby and the mess hall beyond, the guild was gathered in force. Though many were sat at tables or leaned casually against the walls of the building, there was no joviality or languor to their body language. Each and every one of them was prepared for this to turn ugly, and for those that remained, the choice of bowing to the law or staying loyal to their guild had been a simple one.

Amongst them, the dragon-eyed Kazuya was stood in the lobby behind Devona, leaning against the wall. He watched the conversation between Devona and the captain with a cold impassiveness, but despite the neutrality of his gaze, never once did it waver from the police officers and their weapons.

Off to the side, in the shadows, the barely visible form of Kurai lurked in perfect stillness. His body seemed to meld with the darkness of the corner, and he was crouched as though poised to pounce.

And at Devona's side, Shiori stood - clutching her clipboard, as ever.

The 'negotiations' had been ongoing for over half an hour, after the police had quickly ascertained that the escaped beastman and the horned Realmtreader he'd been carrying were fellow members of Naotora's guild. Largely, they had consisted of the police demanding that they be allowed in to search, whilst Devona calmly but firmly denied them.

More police backup had been slowly filtering in over the course of the discussions, but Captain Wei Min had no desire to engage the warriors of Golden Phoenix in combat. Not only would the body count be horrifically high - the guild was filled with some of the most capable warriors Losenji had to offer - but it would be tantamount to snapping Katsuhiro's spear over her knee. Oh, the Ministry would no doubt be quietly pleased that the troublesome guild was gone, but the public backlash...

There would be rioting. People were already angry, as rumours spread of the guild's icon being behind an attempt on the Empress' life. The last thing the city needed was a bloodbath involving the rest of its heroes.

"Are we going to stand here all night, captain?" Yukimoto inquired, her voice deep and conveying her displeasure at the continued standoff despite the casual phrasing of the question. Min grimaced.

"I've got my orders, Miss Yukimoto," she replied, "You're suspected of harboring traitors to the Imperium. If as you say, they aren't here, then simply allowing myself and a few of my men to do a sweep of the building will allow us to move on. Until then, I'm duty bound to persist."

"If I do that," Yukimoto replied with a shake of her head, "I would be implying that I subscribe to that version of events. Which I do not."

Min scowled, "How can you not? We saw them attempt to go to Kato's aid whilst he was attempting to kill Prince Kenji."

"You saw them move towards the battle. You inferred that they intended to aid him. You don't know Blink. That boy would want nothing to do with some mad plot to take down royalty. Nor, for that matter, would Nao. I will not believe that they were involved in such a thing until I see hard evidence." She folded her arms across her breastplate, "I would be doing a disservice to my duties as guild master if I did otherwise."

Min let out a frustrated growl. "We saw Kato attack the Empress, how much harder-"

"I assume you are familiar with the existence of disguise charms, Captain? Shapeshifters? Illusions?" Yukimoto interjected. "All of these things are more likely explanations than Naotora deciding to try and take the Empress' life. Neither of those boys have any interest in politics, nor royalty."

This was impossible. Min groaned for a second time, into her palm. She was going to be demoted for this, she was sure of it. "I'm sorry, Miss Yukimoto, but I have a warrant to enter your guild and search for the fugitives, so I must ask again-"

"I will not let you pass, captain." Something had changed in the woman's voice, and Min looked up sharply to meet her eyes. She barely suppressed a gulp. The guild master's gaze was a thing of harder steel than the plated armour she wore, or the oversized greatsword strapped to her back. "Even were Blink in the building, I would not let you pass. Golden Phoenix stands behind its members. Every man and woman here will stand in your way if you attempt to force the issue."

"Are you threatening m-"

"Yes. I absolutely am." Min flinched a second time as she was interrupted yet again.

She was definitely going to be demoted over this. If she wasn't fired, that was.


Meanwhile, in a side-room of the building, Kyo and the other villagers from Yosai were clustered around the door into the mess hall, peering out at the confrontation.

"Good grief..." Kyo groaned. "How can we be in the city for one day - one - and end up stuck in a police stand off? This is too much excitement! I'm ready for boring village life again already!"

It was then that a flash of light in the room caused her to spin about with a startled cry, fumbling for a knife at her belt that wasn't there.

She stared, wide-eyed, as a figure in a hooded cloak straightened in the centre of the room, having apparently appeared out of nowhere. Her eyes grew wider still when he lowered his hood, revealing a head of unruly blonde hair and a pair of curled, ram-like horns.

"Spirits, it's you! Blink. The one the police are after!"

Blink grimaced. "Yeah..." he replied, awkwardly rubbing at the back of his head. "That's me. Could ... could you try and grab Shiori's attention for me?"

Kyo stared. "You want me to go out there? I'm just a-"

"Please!" Blink's eyes turned plaintive and his voice was urgent. "I need to talk to her. And Devona, but... I figure she's busy with the police."

Glancing from the boy to the doorway, and exchanging a glance with Zhiya and Masa, Kyo sighed. "Fine. I'll do it. But you owe me! I don't want to think about how many guns are trained on that doorway right now!"

Gulping, the girl turned around and stepped towards the door.
as written by Sokka

Shirou leaned against a wall a couple yards in from the entrance. He was still trying to piece together what had happened. He was glad he had gotten out when he did, he just hoped the police knew enough to keep their distance.

There was no way that could have been Blink it just didn't make sense. It had to be some sort of trick or illusion. If they managed to make it out of here Shirou was determined to help get to the bottom of this.