The Evrensel Conflict TL;DR (layman post summary)


Active Member
I'll start summarizing the posts as small as I can and still have them make sense. It may sound very Rorschach at times. You'll live. I don't want to hear any bitching that I'm leaving out details. It's a summary, that's what it does.

one,two, skip a few
Sky is burn colored because land is burning. Nobody around. Dark. No people around unless wanting demon ganking. Whoever's left is hiding well. Main group now sticking together. Two sods off scouting find nearly every building broken.

While the scouts are out they're camped in the middle of the street with scavved flashlights they try not to use to avoid notice.

Soap returns. Side street is good there's a bookstore not too busted to sleep in.

xaio and alec heading north orienteering. Know where they are on the map now and near a market street. food likely abounds.

nobody here but us walls
False wall in a building reveals a robot in a room full of books. The stacks either dampen sound or paper windows. False wall made out of money. Curtains made from dead people clothing. robot hid in boiler room and took sign down. Searching for resources to accumulate into cubes on room shelving. Lost the spartan it saw earlier. Without master; can't improvise. Master pleased if gaining later. Stuff to build with. Limited copper and lead.

Robot heard someone nearby - worried about it. Sensors didn't detect anyone anymore. Backed into hidden room while covering dust tracks with nanite fabber. Dextrous arse-flip to skip flexible false wall overtop.

False wall re-set. Moves to its bullet toolchain. Repaired/modified HVAC and gunpowder materials operation. Small condenser taking air from underground to make water using HVAC. Entirely too much cellulose not enough tools. If it found the spartan they'd need lots of bullets.

Swearing at god and getting silence
Bob said creation can fit spiderman in it. Probably right but still incredulous. Don't recognize everyone here.

Same arrival for everyone. Green lit into war zone. Time span is odd. People go from pew pew to schwing plus even weirder ones.

Have my magic and basic tools but nobody's listening. No help when I called the right name. No bolt came when screaming obscenities at the sky. The concept caught me unprepared.

After just one day.

Could be a better choice of wizard. While an investigator I'm more well-armed. Only mage in town and they need a mage up to bat. Badly. Need to be on my game. Failure meant bad things.

While they're busy I'm off looking for a power supply. World had to have currents of power for keen eyes. Might carry us home.
Any mark in a storm
Servicing his suit and finding damaged sections. Helmet off while casually handling forearm protector.

Surprised he stayed with them. Everything told him to leave scorched earth behind him. Experience lately told him things would scorch back plus besides other things he'd heard about. If tall tales proved true going alone was too dangerous.

Finished servicing the suit put helmet on asking his compatriot to lead.