We're All Mad Here TMITM's study


Megalomaniacal Arbiter
A place, at the very top of the House, where the King rules from, keeping everything, and everyone, on check. It's his universe, after all.
TMITM yawned as he watched a small scuffle go down over some object he couldn't care less about.
Putting down the papers that described it to him, he got up from his desk, fixing his trench coat and pulling up the sleeves.
He would never understand why he was not allowed to rule this world in it's entirety. These... beings, though they barely credited the name, were far too weak. In temperament and power.
His cane spinning slowly as it floated up to meet his hand, he thought of what he could do about this.
These young upstarts needed to be put down. The few strings that were left would not constrain him from doing this, surely.
But Blindfold....
No. He would wait. He was not yet at full power.
And he had been feeling... strange. Like a part of him was missing.
No matter, he thought, walking out of his Study.
He had things to do.
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@Lila Renn

The shadows seemed to bend as a creature moved along the walls, it had teeth jutting out of its mouth at various different angles. This creature was sent to 'negotiate' with the Man in the Mirror. Well, Not negotiate. It was carrying a hologram on its back, something it would use to talk to the man. It arrived at the top of the house, due to its ability to manipulate shadows, and as the house was mostly drenched in darkness, it wouldn't be too hard. A large, 10ft creature appeared out of the shadows in 'his' office, in a kneeling position and taking a hologram out of its ribcage, it being drenched in a black substance. The creature pointed to it, before rather, it left the office, or TMITM just killed it on the spot.

The Man was in his study, minding his own business, for once, when a creature landed in his office. He immediately clawed his hand, manipulating the world to shove it's gravity on the being. The Man leaned forward, looking the hunched-over creature dead in the eyes before it pulled out the hologram. At first, the Man thought it was a bomb, easy enough to deal with, but it turned out to just be a hologram - someone trying to 'negotiate'. Fine. He would hear them, and let none say he was a bad ruler.
Hirata would appear as a hologram, looking at the dead body of the creature. "Trash." He said, he was in his mortal form as he was currently on earth, and did not have the energy to travel up there. "Its been a while." And it had, Hirata had been in a slumber for hundreds of years, While all the others went and mingled with the trash. Hirata was alot more like TMITM than he was everyone else. The hologram looked in the direction of earth. "So the pathetic pieces of meat have evolved?" It was less of a question and more like a statement, however.
@Lila Renn
"C̶u̷t̵ ̷t̷h̴i̶s̴ ̶w̵o̸r̸t̸h̴l̵e̷s̷s̴ ̷d̷r̸a̸b̷b̵l̴e̸,̷ ̵" The Man said, not at all surprised that it had ended up being Hirata. This child thought he was better than The Man, of course, and the Man hated that fact. However, the simple fact that Hirata had come to him revealed that Hirata was afraid of him, and that made a small smile of satisfaction play across the Man's face as he waved his hand and the creature that came to him disintegrated into dust, which then swirled up and imploded. The Man walked over to his desk, walking around it with his hand gliding upon the top, before sitting down in his elegant chair, pulling some papers from the stack on his desk and beginning to sort them telekinetically as he rested his elbows and put his hands together. "Y̷o̶u̵ ̶k̶n̵o̶w̷ ̵h̵o̵w̷ ̴m̶u̸c̷h̴ ̵I̷ ̶h̷a̶t̷e̵ ̴i̶t̶.̸ ̵L̶e̸t̵'̷s̴ ̶g̷e̷t̷ ̶s̷t̶r̴a̶i̸g̴h̴t̷ ̴t̵o̶ ̷t̵h̵e̴ ̷p̷o̸i̴n̸t̶.̸"
"W̵h̸y̴ ̸a̸r̵e̵ ̶y̷o̷u̶ ̷h̵e̷r̵e̶?̸"
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Hirata scowled, the man always thought he was better than everyone, which he was but still.
"I want to know.. I thought you would've destroyed the universe by now? Why not?" He looked at the Man in The Mirror expectantly, tilted to the side as if he was resting on a wall, which he was. He knew of TMITM's army. What they could do, he had witnessed it before. While he could wipe them out in the literal blink of an eye, TMITM was certainly a whole other 999 Notches above them, probably more.
"A̷h̴,̶ ̵s̸a̴d̸l̷y̴,̴ ̵e̷v̶e̴n̴ ̸I̸ ̷a̷m̴ ̸n̷o̵t̸ ̴w̴i̸t̵h̷o̷u̸t̵ ̷m̶y̴ ̶s̸t̶r̵i̷n̸g̴s̵," The Man lamented, standing up and straightening out his coat, the papers still sorting themselves. "P̴l̵u̶s̴.̵.̷.̷" The Man continued on, reality glitching and moving him to sit on the table, his legs off to the side, "I̵t̷'̶s̴ ̴f̵u̸n̴ ̵t̷o̶ ̵w̶a̸t̸c̴h̶ ̸y̴o̵u̵ ̶p̶e̷o̷p̶l̸e̵ ̷r̵u̶n̷ ̶a̸r̷o̷u̴n̶d̶.̵ ̸ T̵o̷t̶a̵l̵ ̶d̸e̵s̵t̸r̸u̸c̸t̵i̴o̵n̴ ̵i̵s̷n̶'̵t̵ ̷c̵h̸a̸o̶s̷,̷ ̵a̶n̸d̷ ̷a̶n̸y̸w̷a̷y̸s̸,̶ ̶" The Man continued, looking around the room, "t̵h̵a̷t̷'̴s̴ ̴n̶o̵t̵ ̸t̸h̶e̶ ̷r̸o̴l̶e̶ ̶m̸y̷ ̷c̵h̸a̷o̴s̵ ̴i̷s̸ ̶s̶u̴p̸p̸o̶s̶e̸d̴ ̸t̷o̸ ̷b̷r̷i̸n̸g̵.̵ N̴o̷t̴ ̷h̶e̴r̸e̴,̷ ̶a̶n̵y̶w̶a̵y̸.̴" The Man's cane floated over to his hand and he spun it around nonchalantly. "I̶'̷m̴ ̸t̵h̷e̷ ̵g̷r̵e̵a̴t̷ ̷e̸q̷u̵a̶l̴i̶z̵e̷r̵.̷ ̴T̵h̸e̵ ̴W̵i̸l̶d̴ ̴C̵a̵r̶d̶.̷ ̶H̵e̴r̶e̴ ̶t̴o̴ ̶m̴a̴k̶e̴ ̵t̵h̶i̸n̸g̸s̴.̶.̸.̴" The Man said, his voice becoming steadily more sinister - ".̸.̷.̷i̶n̶t̴e̶r̵e̷s̷t̴i̸n̵g̵.̸"
Hirata nodded, "Well, Im going to fuck with some trash, see you soon." The Hologram floated into the air, before delivering sparks of electricity and Imploding on itself as scraps of wire and metal fell to the floor. Hirata's hologram turned into flecks of ice as it disappeared, raining down in his office like some indoor snow.
The Man growled and waved his hand, the snow immediately transmuting into ash and falling to the floor. That was better.
And so the Man returned to watching with renewed interest.