Ame Damnee Trash Bin

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Taran had little birds all over the city, including the Underground, so it wasn’t a stretch that someone had overheard whispers that Minerva and others had been looking for him. A subtle knock on the door came as a voice could be heard on the other side. “Sir Taran, a word?”
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Kryamn Forest - Raakshdos group

"Ever been in these woods before?" Renee shifted uneasily as she rode on her steed, following along the grandmaster alongside the warden, Ratchel. She gave her a small smile as she shook her head, her scarlet eyes glancing around the place. The Kryamn forest held some strange energy, some magical aura that she could not quite place. It felt odd, dangerous, but as an artist she also appreciated its strange beauty, the elegance of the rock formations, the comforting sound of silence, the grace of the gnarled tree branches, almost like entering a different world. "I've never been outside New Eden." she told Ratchel as she urge her mount forward. "Although... I have always wanted to go out."


Cazimir Heskel

Kryamn Forest - Rythe group

Cazimir lowered his blade, but he still gazed at Salazaar with a suspicious expression. He murmured something under his breath, as he urged his steed away from the strange man, not bothering with his antics anymore. For all his smug and cryptic talk, Cazimir could not help but feel threatened at the faery's presence, almost like he was close to a bomb that can kill him any minute. The faery did not look that harmful, really, but Cazimir decided to distance himself a little from him anyway.. Besides, he wasn't... comfortable... by the idea that this guy can just get a random fact about him or his curse.

Suddenly he halted. The lycan changed in form, and it seemed as though he went on ahead. When he came back however, a certain tension crept up on the group. He could only hear faintly as he made his steed walk over towards them. He only needed to hear one word to understand what was happening: Minotaur. Rather than being alarmed, he grinned, excitedly. Finally, some action! He has been dying for some since yesterday. He had in fact faced one before in his younger days, but that was so long ago.
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